GameStop giving away free $5 XBLA codes, (MIGHT only work on US accounts, your mileage may vary) (Edit: Over)


Edit @ 6:49PM EST: The promo is over, BUT, it’s actually going on for the next few weeks on Thursdays, so stay tuned for next week for another shot!… if they still have codes to give away! 😛

Original: So GameStop is giving away said codes. What do you have to do? Click on this link (just copy and paste the link on that page to your address bar) and then put in your email address, then it’ll prompt you to sign into your facebook account, do that and then confirm, and then you will right away get the code.

Someone over at NeoGAF posted this as a work around for those outside the US (or just don’t have said account period):

For everyone outside of the US, head to My Account on, go to Payment & Billing, and hit Change My Region.

Worked for me.

So as I said, your mileage may vary, but hey, IT’S FREE!

What’s that? What does that have to do with Sonic? Easy! You can buy some games on XBLA with that code alone!

Have a look (based on the NA marketplace site):

Sonic Adventure $4.99

Sonic 1 $4.99

Sonic 2 $4.99

Sonic 3 $4.99

Sonic & Knuckles $2.99

Sonic CD $4.99

Sonic the Fighters $4.99

And a bunch of other stuff like DLC for like a buck or so.

Granted I’m uncertain if they add tax on top of those prices. Nintendo’s eShop does, Sony’s PSN does not.

Happy spending! 😀

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Sonic the Fighters HD One Week Away

Looks like we won’t have to be waiting for much longer.

Coinciding with the Japanese release, Sonic the Fighters HD (along with Fighting Vipers and Virtua Fighters 2) will become available digitally to Western audiences as early as next week!

The official SEGA Blog has confirmed that the upgraded brawler, which boasts online play and extra playable characters previously unavailable in the original, will roll out worldwide beginning from the 27th of November for North American PSN users at the cheap price of $4,99. This translates to 400MP on XBLA, with the arcade title releasing around the world the following day.

PSN users in Europe will have to wait until December 5th, where the game will be priced at €4.49/£3.69.

So, who’s excited to throw down in fisticuffs on the online ring?

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Sonic the Fighters Rumoured for Xbox Live Arcade

Amidst the flurry of classic SEGA titles hitting Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network last week, it may come as no surprise to many that whispers of potential releases of other classic games are circulating. Continue reading Sonic the Fighters Rumoured for Xbox Live Arcade

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Sonic Adventure 2 Available in Europe October 3rd, PC Version Officially Confirmed

SEGA Europe has officially dated the upcoming Sonic Adventure 2 HD port for October 3rd on PSN and XBLA in Europe, one day after the game is released on the US PS Store. The XBLA date is a little odd given that SEGA of America announced an October 5th date for the XBLA version in the US and how Xbox Live updates worldwide, and usually on a Wednesday. Could SOA have made a mistake?

In other news, a PC version has been officially confirmed, but the release date for that platform is unfortunately ‘TBC’. Once a release date is divulged we’ll let you know. With today’s news, SEGA has also released some artwork, which you can view below in our gallery.

Source: SEGA Press

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[UPDATE] SA2, NiGHTS into dreams… HD Spiralling to Consoles in October

UPDATE: HD screenshots are available for your viewing pleasure after the jump! Original article below!

Crusaders of dreams and adventurers of the world, mark your calendars and ready your wallets!

SEGA has just announced the exact dates and prices for the upcoming HD rereleases of both Sonic Adventure 2 and NiGHTS into dreams…! And by ready your wallets, I mean ready your wallets. Both games are set to come out at the same time.

Playstation Network users will find both Sonic and NiGHTS’s returning journeys on their market on October 2nd for 9.99$ (US), while the XBLA versions of the two classics will be available on October 5th for 800 MSP each! No word on the PC version’s release, but gamers on that field might want to prepare themselves in advance.

The Battle Mode DLC, which will compliment Sonic Adventure 2 just as the DX Mode DLC did for Sonic Adventure, is priced for 240 MSP/3.49$ (US). It is here where the multiplayer mode will be fully expanded on, with more maps and playable characters, as well as the unlocking of Chao Karate.

NiGHTS fans will be pleased to know that Christmas NiGHTS will be a packaged bonus for NiGHTS into dreams…!

So, which one of these two highly anticipated titles will you be picking up first? Or will you end up getting both at once? What are you looking forward to the most in both games? Let us know in the comments!

Continue reading [UPDATE] SA2, NiGHTS into dreams… HD Spiralling to Consoles in October

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Sonic Adventure & DLC Now Half Price… FOREVER!

Greetings Blue Believers, Sega have just announced that the PSN & XBLA versions of Sonic Adventure and the directors cut DLC will be permanently reduced by 50%!

See the details after the break.

Continue reading Sonic Adventure & DLC Now Half Price… FOREVER!

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Sonic Adventure 2 To Contain ‘Bonus Developer Interviews’

What you see above is a newly released trailer for the Sega Heritage collection and with it comes some new information which some of you might find interesting. That being, each game comes with some ‘bonus developer interviews.’

At 0:40 the trailer cuts to Mr Iizuka along with the tag line ‘bonus developer interviews.’ along with what appears to be concept artwork for Jet Set Radio. No specifics have been made yet as to how long each interview will be or if there are any other surprises to be found in the re-release of SA 2.

A release date of October 2012 was also included, but no specific date provided.

Source: (Via Jango On the SSMB)

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Sonic Adventure 2: DLC & Big the Cat

Pax Prime, it’s one of the largest public video game events of the year, most studios have a booth there and theres usually some big announcements. So it’s a little strange how things have been a tad quiet when it comes to news regarding anything Sega related eh?

That said however, reports from several sources at Pax have slowly started to come in, specifically regarding Sonic Adventure 2 and a number of interesting tid bits of information have come to light. Hit that read more button to find out what.

Continue reading Sonic Adventure 2: DLC & Big the Cat

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Sega Finally Announces Sonic Adventure 2

At yesterdays Sonic Boom event. Ken Balough took to the stage and asked the crowd to gather as he had an announcement. Teasingly, Ken told the crowd that they were about to announce a game and asked the crowd to guess what game it would be… the lights dimmed, the trailer rolled and the crowd goes wild! Continue reading Sega Finally Announces Sonic Adventure 2

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Sonic Adventure 2 Confirmed For XBox Live Marketplace and PSN

A few weeks back we reported on several Sonic Adventure 2 items scheduled for release on the XBox Live Marketplace and a Harmonix list of future releases, both hinting at the release of the second Sonic Adventure title for download. We can now confirm that Sonic Adventure 2 will be hitting XBLA in the near future, with the game having now been listed on the Marketplace website [EDIT: Link is now dead – T].

From the details given, it looks likely that this HD version of the game will be the Sonic Adventure 2: Battle release with the listing of a “1-2 players” feature (with Chao Karate featured and the XBLA Sonic Adventure being the DX release), along with downloadable content likely to be composed of the avatar items reported earlier this month.

The current scheduled release date is the 3rd of October 2012.

At the moment there are no details as to the cost of this download – we will keep you updated as further infor becomes available.

EDIT: Thanks to Damnhedge’s eagle eyes, he’s spotted a tell-tale hint this will also be making it’s way to the PSN!

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Sonic 4: Episode II Out Now on Xbox Live!

Gone live a few minutes ago, Sonic 4: Episode II is now available for purchase off the Xbox Live Marketplace. The game is priced at 1200 points and should be available worldwide.

Those who are away from their consoles at the moment can reserve a downloadable copy of the Sonic 4 saga’s second entry right off the game’s Xbox Live Marketplace product page and start the download immediately when they get home.

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Sonic CD Set For Release on Wednesday

UPDATE: SEGA’s adjusted the schedule on their blog. The game will be released on iOS December 15th and on Android December 14th. A date will be announced for the PC version soon.

Original story:
Sega today announced the release dates for Sonic CD on multiple formats. The rerelease is set to see its worldwide Xbox Live Arcade and iOS release on Wednesday, along with a PlayStation Network release in Europe.

It will be available for 400 Points (XBLA), £3.59 (PSN) and £2.99 (iOS), a real bargain for a game rebuilt with widescreen HD support, both soundtracks, Tails as a playable character, and achievements.

To mark the release, Sega of Europe have published a launch trailer on their YouTube account:


As seen with the second Sonic Generations demo earlier this year, the PlayStation Network outside of Europe will see its release later. The American PSN release is scheduled for Tuesday 20th December. Android and Windows Phone versions are set for the new year, likely for extra development time.

Source: SEGA Blog

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Vocals Dropped for Sonic CD Port’s Soundtrack


Sonic Retro forum member RGamer2009 has revealed that SEGA’s digital download Sonic CD port does not feature the vocals in its soundtrack that were present in its original Mega CD release. RGamer2009 recorded the above footage from the GameStop Android tablet version, and at the 40 seconds mark you can see the game’s animated intro with just an instrumental version of Sonic – You Can Do Anything.

Christian Whitehead aka “The Taxman” followed the discovery up with the below message at the Sonic Retro forums suspecting legal rights issues.

I know it’s a bit of a bummer that the vocals had to be left out. It’s definitely not something due to laziness or something silly. I couldn’t tell you the circumstances, but at least from my understanding there are some rights associated with the lyrics themselves.

My guess is that since Casey Rankin is no longer alive, there might be problems negotiating the use of the lyrics outside of Japan. Please, don’t take this as gospel though since I don’t work in legal

Sources: RGamer2009 and The Taxman at Sonic Retro

Thanks to Sean at the SSMB for the heads up!

What are your thoughts on this development? Let us know in the comments.

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Perfect Chaos Appears Over England

So while the re-release of Sonic Adventure on the Xbox Live Arcade has been generally slated by just about every online magazine going, it appears that one God of Chaos hasn’t been too impressed with these reviews, and has thus manifested to smite them.

Young Callum S was out at sports practice today when he took this snap:

Which is obviously…

Sweet Tikal’s ghost!

I think it’s too much of a coincidence for this to be anything else than Perfect Chaos himself. It’s time for mass hysteria, street riots, looting, pillaging and everything that generally comes with impending armageddon!

Hopefully you’ll once again open your heart to a classic hedgehog title, and it’ll be be alright.

Thanks to Callum for theis awesome photo!

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Aaron Webber: “Sonic 4’s Physics Not to Have Too Many Massive Changes”

Aaron Webber just wrote a post over at the Sonic Retro forums regarding the amount of changes that will be made to Sonic the Hedgehog 4’s physics for the final game.

There are some minor changes to music, most notably being one act that has actually had its music revamped completely. We’ll reveal which act this is as part of our S4 Update Blogs.

Physics in general are not going to see too many massive changes, though know that I did push months ago to see how much would be possible. The biggest hurdle here was the level design, and the many ways that even small physics changes require updating almost every stage. It is never as easy as many might think, but I did ask and made sure it was brought to certain people’s attention.

Our biggest focus with the updates has been to make a game that people can have fun playing. When you play Sonic 4, whether you’re an old fan or a new fan, that you can enjoy the levels and not have any moments that are too frustrating or difficult, or that make you want to stop playing. No moments where a random gimmick forces you to lose the fun factor that the game had. This is why Lost Lab Act II saw major updates from the original design, and why other parts of the game are also being polished, including another big level update I think you guys will be glad to hear of.

In addition to the big stuff, and though physics won’t be changed to the extent I know some people here would like, we have thrown in a number of small but important updates to other minor parts of the game. They are things that I doubt most reviewers will ever take note of, but that you guys as fans will hopefully appreciate. Some of these will also be revealed in our next S4 Update blog coming this month.

Though it’s impossible to fulfill every request,I hope that the changes we have made will prove that our claims to have been listening are founded solidly, and that while we can’t make every single person happy, we are doing what we can to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

Aaron Webber is a member of SEGA’s Community Team and has been their main liaison between Sonic 4 and the fans for awhile.

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Sonic Adventure Officially Announced for XBLA and PSN With Enhancements

Well, if the leaked Sony documents, various ratings from the different ratings boards, and leaked photos from Xbox Live’s BETA service weren’t proof enough, SEGA has finally announced that Sonic Adventure, along with Crazy Taxi, will be coming to Xbox Live and PSN. These games will be the first in a slew of Dreamcast games that will be hitting the service in the future. Continue reading Sonic Adventure Officially Announced for XBLA and PSN With Enhancements

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Sonic Adventure Coming To Xbox Live Arcade?

SEGA fan site SEGAOnline has got a photo of a Sonic Adventure listing on the Xbox 360’s Xbox Live Arcade, most likely from the developers/testers network. Continue reading Sonic Adventure Coming To Xbox Live Arcade?

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Sonic 2 Is XBLA Deal of the Week: Now Only 240 Points!


I for one am certainly not an advocate of SEGA squeezing every last penny out of their old games by re-releasing them over and over again…hell I must own about five copies of this game on different formats now. However this week we cant really complain as the Megadrive / Genesis version of Sonic 2 is XBox Live Arcade’s deal of the week. Rather than having to fork out the full whack of 400 points, the offer is now open for a limited time to download the game at 60% of it’s initial price.

For those who have played this game to death and are looking for something new, this will be of no importance. For those of you “achievement whores” out there, this is a golden opportunity to beef up your Gamerscore at little cost; the achievements are really no challenge.

Having said that, you might want to call your friends for that last special stage as the AI really won’t help you. Stupid Tails.

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Sonic 2 40% Off on XBLA Starting November 30th

4117203937_ed6311e08aSEGA of America’s blog has announced that during the week of November 30th (the week after Thanksgiving), Sonic 2 will be Xbox Live Arcade’s “Deal of the Week.”  The classic title will be 240 points, 40% off from its normal pricing of 400 points.  Keep in mind that the “Deal of the Week” is available to Xbox Live Gold Members only.

In addition, SEGA of America will be having free giveaways during this week on their blog.  We will tell you what SoA will be giving away when the time comes.

Sonic 2 has had quite a week, eh?  First, it was released on Blackberry, then it was announced for DS, and now it’s 40% off?  Killer.

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SEGA Releases Mazuri Download Pack on 360

Those rumblings of more downloadable content has appeared to pan out. SEGA has today released three new levels and three new missions for Mazuri on Xbox Live. Like past DLC packs, this pack costs 250 points. You can get a look at what the content looks like below, in video provided by the Youtube user 1stkirbyever. Why don’t you tell us what you think of this content below?


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Sonic & Knuckles for XBLA To Feature Lock-On Ability

Old technology becomes new as ‘lock-on technology’ has been reported to feature on the Xbox Live Arcade version of Sonic & Knuckles, according to Netherlands Sega Online Website which holds pictures of the feature in action. This would allow you to couple Sonic & Knuckles with any of the previous Sonic XBLA titles to unlock their ‘& Knuckles’ feature. The lock-on feature was missing from the recently released Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection.

Sega developed lock-on technology for the original Mega Drive/Genesis cartridge as a way to basically split the game in half to release two Sonic games in 1994. Combining Sonic & Knuckles with Sonic 3 created ‘Sonic 3 & Knuckles’, basically the complete version of Sonic 3.

Sega were also able to make Sonic & Knuckles work retroactively with Sonic 2 placing Knuckles as the sole playable character, something that was never though of on Sonic 2’s release in 1992. Finally coupling Sonic & Knuckles with the original Sonic game gave you access to a vast number of ‘Collect The Blue Spheres’ special zone

No news is available regarding a release date for either Sonic 3 or Sonic & Knuckles on XBLA at this time

Thanks to TSSZ

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Sonic 3 for XBLA Confirmed, Achievements Revealed

Details of Achievements for the Xbox Live Arcade version for Sonic The Hedgehog 3 have been released today along with a number of other classic Sega games. All of the games have been found most recently found on the Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection but will be available individually should you not want to pick up a collection with 50+ mostly great other games.

The Achievements for Sonic 3 are as follows:


There’s no news on a price or release date yet or even if some technical trickery will allow for an assumed release of Sonic & Knuckles to connect with this game and create Sonic 3 & Knuckles, a feature lacking in the Ultimate Collection.

Other games coming soon to XBLA are Altered Beast, Comix Zone, Phantasy Star II and Shinobi, the achievements for which you can find on the links provided.

Sources: TSSZ & Joystick

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