Tikal Plush Now On Sale from GE Animation

UPDATE: Just hours after this article went live, the character went on sale over at GE Animation.

You can find buy her here for $29.99.

Original article and image of Tikal below.

We reported in February that GE Animation, amongst their fantastic line up of plushes of supporting Sonic characters, were planning on producing a stuffed toy of Sonic Adventure fan favourite Tikal.

Today we have seen the first images of the plush via a listing on Amazon, spotted by our friends at Sonic Merch News on Twitter.

The plush joins recent releases that have included other characters that have seldom seen stuffed toy incarnations (either recently or never), such as Emerl, Mephiles, and E-102 Gamma.

Stay tuned for more merchandise news!

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Tikal to Join the Race in Sonic Forces Mobile

Tikal, the ancient echidna spirit from Sonic Adventure, will be joining the Sonic Forces mobile roster soon. SEGA Hardlight announced her on their Twitter account, with the image posted below.

This will be only the third time Tikal has ever been playable. There is currently no word on when she will be available, or how difficult she will be to unlock. Be sure to check Sonic Stadium for more details in the future!

via Twitter

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Perfect Chaos Appears Over England

So while the re-release of Sonic Adventure on the Xbox Live Arcade has been generally slated by just about every online magazine going, it appears that one God of Chaos hasn’t been too impressed with these reviews, and has thus manifested to smite them.

Young Callum S was out at sports practice today when he took this snap:

Which is obviously…

Sweet Tikal’s ghost!

I think it’s too much of a coincidence for this to be anything else than Perfect Chaos himself. It’s time for mass hysteria, street riots, looting, pillaging and everything that generally comes with impending armageddon!

Hopefully you’ll once again open your heart to a classic hedgehog title, and it’ll be be alright.

Thanks to Callum for theis awesome photo!

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