Welcome to the Archive site of The Sonic Stadium (2008-2023)

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Comics Info

We all like to read, right? Sonic the Hedgehog has given many kids a good reason to read, with regular comic books that explore other facets of the franchise that the computer games dare not touch. Publishers like Archie and Fleetway allowed fans to take in an optional, deeper storyline that complemented the fast-paced action that took place on the TV screen, and some comic canons were introduced to great effect.

Here, you can learn more about Sonic the Hedgehog comic books from around the world, both in and out of print. There are scans of many issues too, but true collectors and fans will want to seek out the physical copies themselves!


Sonic the Hedgehog was the very first time Sonic had been immortalised into paper in the West, and sold as both a national and international comic. Created by Archie comics in the good ol’ US of A, unfortunately their track record beforehand consisted of some pathetic ginger dude called ‘Archie’ and his “hilarious” adventures. Or something. That didn’t stop Sonic though, as the stories were actually well written and excellently penned during Issues 20’s onwards. Over 200 issues and still going strong, ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ and the Archie spinoff comics stands as one of the last remaining collectable memorabilia from the good old days of 1993.

Active Series

Retired / Mini-Series / Specials


May 1993 was the debut of Sonic the Comic, which was published by Egmont Fleetway productions. Affectionately dubbed ‘Fleetway’ by fans of STC, the comic didn’t veer too far from the SEGASonic verse like the Archie comics did. Instead, Sonic the Comic expanded on the verse of the computer games and added new characters that seemed to fit perfectly. The comic arrived on a fortnightly basis, and die-hard fans still have not seen a better combination than Nigel Kitching (scripter for almost all the major Sonic storylines) and Richard Elson (one of the greatest Sonic artists) in Sonic comics, even to this day. As Sonic fizzled out in the UK, so did the comic as it finished it’s circulation in 2000/2001.

Japanese Manga

Coming Soon – check out our manga coverage here.

Miscellaneous Comics

Coming Soon.

  • Disney Comic
  • Sonic Adventures (French)
  • Sonic & Knuckles: The Ultimate Guide (French)
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