The wait is finally over! The highly anticipated mini console is now available for purchase in the North American region. Here’s some information on where you can get your hands on it, and what games are inside!
Continue reading “The Genesis is Back!” SEGA Genesis Mini Launches with a Sizzlin’ Trailer
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Gone live a few minutes ago, Sonic 4: Episode II is now available for purchase off the Xbox Live Marketplace. The game is priced at 1200 points and should be available worldwide.
Those who are away from their consoles at the moment can reserve a downloadable copy of the Sonic 4 saga’s second entry right off the game’s Xbox Live Marketplace product page and start the download immediately when they get home.
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[youtube width=”560″ height=”340″][/youtube]
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If you remember the sad news about fellow Sonic fansite Sonic Yoda closing down, then this will certainly brighten up your day. Lewis, aka Hairyman/Sonic Yoda, has decided to do away with the Sonic side of things and focus on the whole of SEGA, with new website SEGADriven.
The emphasis with the new site, as is the same with The Sonic Stadium, is to look at the great things SEGA has accomplished and positively report on upcoming news on the latest titles. There will also be features on classic consoles, merchandise and company history, with plenty of writers already on board – including yours truly.
I’ll be writing a few pieces for the SEGA site, as I’ve always dreamed of running a SEGA fansite alongside TSS. SEGA have provided us with a truckload of entertainment, from the 1990s to the present day with Yakuza and Valkyria Chronicles. I’ll make my mark on the site itself tomorrow, when I discuss the PlayStation 3 tactical RPG in more detail. Because it sure does deserve more love.
Visit SEGADriven by clicking here.
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ArchangelUK has presented the European website to the much aniticipated game Sega Superstars Tennis. There’s not much on there now but AAUK promises more features like full character profiles will be implemented soon.
The most interesting feature listed on the site is the ‘Story’ section which isn’t active at the moment and the most pleasing news on the site is its revelation that the game will now be released in Europe on the 20th March instead of the originally sheduled date of the 28th March.
ArchangelUK also announced that he will be putting up half of an overview of the Xbox 360 Achievements list soon.
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Nintendo Japan have opened a website for Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games DS version.
Aswell as new screenshots and character pages the site show’s how some of the control schemes work with the touch screen. There’s also a page for the events where some aren’t selectable right now and have a shaded screenshot.
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Following suit of the previous Sonic News post, the English version of the new Sonic Riders 2 game site is now open for your viewing pleasure!
Packed well with Zero Gravity goodies, the English site has new CG artwork for the characters (including NiGHTS), 3D maps of the courses, lists of the different Gears available to race with in the game and much more!
You can check out the new site right here.
A huge thanks to Tailzmas for finding the new site and posting about it in the forum topic. Thanks dude!
Keep checking back at Sonic News for all the latest Riders 2 information!
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The Japanese site for Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity is open as of Friday.
Not much there yet… Just the Story, Gallery, six Character pages (for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and the Babylon Rogues), and a whole bunch of “Coming Soon” stuff. We’ll keep you guys posted when new content becomes available.
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Sega Europe have today released the long awaited official Sonic site Sonic City. ArchangelUK who recently joined Sega Europe has been teasing fans since yesterday on the Sonic City blognik with a Mystery blog entry, countdown and tiny hints. Fans at the SSMB had fun with detective work and guesses while they waited.
The end result is a site filled with Sonic goodness such as-
- Character profiles
- Games list including games of old with descriptions, fun facts and media.
- The Blognik
- An Arcade
- Sonic FM
- News articles
- An official Sonic forum is also coming soon.
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For those living in and around London, and who have an afternoon to spare on Friday, you can head down to London’s West End to celebrate the launch of Mario and Sonic at the Olympics for the Nintendo Wii at the Oxford Street HMV.
The official British launch of the game will take place at 12:00pm noon, with festivities going on until around 3:00pm.
There is also an opportunity to see Radio 1 DJs Dick and Dom battle it out on the big screen, and no doubt get a snap of yourself with Sonic and Mario themselves. Try not to clothesline Mario though.
For anyone in Newcastle on Friday, the Northern M&S launch party is going down in my living room from 7:00pm onwards. Bring beer.
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Finally, no more teaser site! The REAL website for Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games is now online!
Included on the site are profiles of the characters (16 in all, including Blaze! WOOO!), event descriptions, and the standard crop of screenshots, trailers, and the like. Also on display at the bottom of the screen is the game’s box art.
Link: Mario and Sonic Official Site
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Last night, Sega opened the official NiGHTS: JoD website. It’s the usual stuff that’s there at the moment: A story synopsis, game features, screenshots, and videos.
One particularly interesting item, though, is a section called “History”, giving information about the original NiGHTS on the Saturn. It mentions the game’s huge fanbase and appearances on “best of” lists, and the “Christmas NiGHTS” expansion pack. There’s even a nod to the diehard fans who kept requesting a sequel all these years!
More information is forthcoming. Stay tuned…
EDIT: Yes, it is “Journey OF Dreams”. Crap. Please don’t flog me, Dreadknux! Anyway, fixed.
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So for those of you who have been paying attention to the SEGA website recently, you’ll notice that the official minisite for Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity has launched! You can access it here.
Interesting tidbits to note:
- Release date: Winter 2008 (for both PS2 and Wii)
- Manipulation of gravity used to both attack enemies and find track shortcuts.
- A new “Black Hole” move used to gain advantage over your opponents.
- 16 different courses to race through.
- Over 40 upgrades, and the ability to switch vehicles mid-race.
- 18 characters. (Oh god)
- “Gravity Points” will be used to pull off special moves in game.
- Wii version will have downloadable ghost data in which to compete against.
- Multiplayer mode with 4 players at a time.
That’s a good bit of info to chew on, eh?
Stay tuned to Sonic News for further developments! And of course, watch your gravity and all that.
Thanks to Hogfather for the tip!
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SEGA of America have released the official Sonic Rush Adventure game site today! You can access it though the link in the ‘LINKS’ part of this report. Please be aware that the website is in flash. A lot of information is availiable for viewing, including new zone screenshots, music and general information about the game.Just follow the link road and all shall be revealed. Blaze is confirmed as being ‘playable’ in gameplay.
For those unable to view the site, the stry revealed there is as follows;
One day, a mysterious energy signal appears on Tails’ radar and he quickly grabs Sonic to go and investigate. As they fly further and further, a sudden storm comes and bowls them way off course. Soon after, Tails loses control of the plane and they go into a tail-spin over one of the islands. Continue reading Sonic Rush Adventure US Site Open
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Being that this news is mostly about media, I’ll stow the words and cut to the chase:
Sonic Rivals footage, courtesy of GameSpot:
The link to the Mario and Sonic at the Olympics site: Mario and Sonic Website.
Nothing new here, but be sure to keep an eye on it for future updates.
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SEGA of Europe have launched their official site for the Playstation portable game Sonic Rivals this week. A fair warning however, the site is in Flash.
The site features many screenshots, 3 interesting movies of gameplay features in this amazing looking game and much information, including the names of each of the race courses and profiles for each of the 4 main characters; Sonic the hedgehog, Shadow the hedgehog, Silver the hedgehog and Knuckles the echidna.
According to the site, the names of the 6 race courses or “Zones” as the site refers to them as (Perhaps a nod to the earlier 2D games in the series and Sonic heroes) are Zone 1 – Forest falls, Zone 2 – Colosseum highway, Zone 3 – Sky park, Zone 4 – Crystal mountain, Zone 5 – Death yard and Zone 6 – Meteor base. 4 bosses of 4 of the zones have also been revealed.
The Egg turtle will be the boss of Forest falls zone, Egg falcon shall be the boss of colosseum highway zone, the Egg lynx will be the boss of crystal mountain zone and the Egg kong is presumed to be the boss of death yard zone. Each have been created by the evil villain Dr Eggman and not only does the player have to land the finishing blow on the contraption to win, he also has to stave off his rivals in order to accomplish this! For all of your characters rivals shall be present and trying to defeat Dr Eggman himself.
Many thanks to Sonic1985 of the SSMB forums for the tip off!
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The Sonic Stadium launched its award ceremony, the Sonic Site Awards, on Thursday, with the nominations phase.
Delayed by the Summer of Sonic event which took place during SSA’s usual dates, the time frame for the Site Awards has been shortened to allow it to end before New Year. Nominations will last two weeks instead of the normal month, for a series of awards cut-down because of the amount of redundant categories in 2005.
Anyone can nominate a site at the SSA official site, so feel free to nominate any site you think deserves an award. To vote for a shortlisted site during Phase 2 later this month, you will require a Sonic Stadium account. To register free you need a valid email address. This requirement was introduced last year to combat mass repeat-voting after voting started using an automated system.
Nominations close on 17th November 2006.
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The Nintendo Wii title, Sonic and the secret of the rings has had it”s japanese site opened today! You can visit the new site (Be warned, it is in flash) through the link in the “MORE INFORMATION” Box at the bottom of this page. Also of note is that the game’s japanese title is to be “”SONIC to Himitsu no RING”
A newly revealed official render show that Sonic himself is wearing an odd glowing ring on the middle finger of his right hand. It is unknown exactly what this plain yet mysterious looking piece of jewelry is or what it does but one can safely assume that it has a big link to the storyline of the game that is due out some time in 2007.
In other somewhat related news, the gaming site IGN have updated their Sonic and the secret of the rings site with new screenshots of the game in action (Follow the link road in the “DOWNLOADABLE MEDIA” box at the bottom of this page). Adorning the bottom left hand corner of the recent screenshots is a small image depicting the control scheme of the game. Whether or not it is showing the player what to press on the Wii”s controller is anyone’s guess but it seems feasible….
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While plans for Sonic’s 15th Anniversary all seems to be on the quiet side officially, on the Internet blue blur fans from all over the world are preparing to celebrate in their own special way.
The Sonic Stadium revealed some weeks ago to a surprised public that it will be leading one of the biggest fan collaborations in the history of the community, by launching a mini-site that will feature contributions from as many different Sonic fansites and fan creators as possible. Titled ‘The Summer of Sonic’, it aims to be a neutral ground for all fan creators and webmasters to get equal recognition for their hard work, while simultaneously promoting the exciting June 23rd birthday.
The website, once officially launched, will feature written articles on various aspects of Sonic history, a large gallery for all types of fan creation, a guestbook-style birthday card for visitors to sign, along with competitions for sending in photos and video footage celebrating Sonic’s 15th in unique ways. Continue reading The Summer of Sonic
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Hurrah I hear you scream, the Sonic X-Treme compendium’s first instalment has been released.
Eversince Chris Senn began spilling the beans on the Sonic X-Treme project on his forums (in mid November) he’s been promising the world in the form of the SXC, and for a while it seemed like that might never have happed. Searching through disks and paperwork, on the now extinct project, was a lengthy task. It’s amazing that Senn has got this far without giving up, despite numerous jabs an insults from the very people he is trying to help. Continue reading Chris Senn launches X-Treme website
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Sonic Channel updates
Sonic Channel has updated in a big way this month. Instead of the usual character related update Sonic Channel has seen a complete overhaul, not longer is the site coded in flash, instead the whole thing is in HTML. This comes as good news to those who have wanted to save artwork and photos from the site, but that’s not all, the layout of the site has been changed too.
The Channel has been crammed with more than you can imagine, one could assume the recent change is in preparation for Sonic’s upcoming 15th anniversary, but either way this is a welcomed surprise. Continue reading Sonic Channel Overhaul
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Remember the limited edition Shadow The Hedgehog PS2 controller we reported on a few weeks ago? Well after being missing in action during the games launch just a few weeks ago, Nubytech will now be holding a special launch party in Los Angeles open to the public to commemorate their latest officially licensed controller.
The event will take place Thursday the 8th of December from 5:30 – 8:30PM at the Arena Lounge in Los Angeles (11512 Santa Monica Blvd.) Throughout the night there will be 50 stations setup featuring the Shadow The Hedgehog title and presumably, the new controller. Giveaways will include actual copies of the games from SEGA and goodies from other sponsors, including Great Eastern Entertainment, Prima Games, Swicherz, Ripple Junction, and Archie Comic Publications. There will also be a special major prize at 8:30. Continue reading Shadow The Hedgehog Controller Launch Party
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Those who cannot wait for a bit of Shadow the Hedgehog in their lives need not wait for the 18th November release date for European PAL territories. SEGA Europe has just launched the new “Hero or Villain” WAP website, which you can log onto using you mobile phone.
Released on 4th November, you can access the WAP site and download a whole bunch of exclusive material, such as Shadow the Hedgehog ringtones, wallpapers and accessories to totally drown your phone in angst. A fantastic “money-can’t-buy” limited edition prize is up for grabs in a WAP site competition too. Continue reading Shadow the Hedgehog WAP Site Launches
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With the advent of DoCoMo i-mode phones in Japan offering a huge catalogue of SEGA developed mobile titles, and the increasing popularity of the SEGA Mobile division in the US, you’d be forgiven for wondering what’s happened to the mobile situation in Europe. An irony, given that the UK is one of the most mobile crazy countries, coming second only next to Japan itself.
Fret no longer for your mobile gaming delights, as no sooner do we finally get the joys of Pacman on our Nokias and Siemens, than SEGA Europe announces an “assault on the mobile gaming market” on their website. Eight SEGA titles are to be launched for a range of mobile phones, provided by partners iFone. You can expect the original Sonic the Hedgehog to finally grace EU mobiles, with Super Monkey Ball Mini-Golf also announced alongside Virtua Tennis and SEGA Rally. Continue reading Sonic goes Mobile in Europe
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When Sonic Riders appeared from nowhere just days ago many were rightfully suspicious of the authenticity of these claims coming in think and fast from around the web. It wasn’t to long before scans of the original Famitsu article hit the web, and much to the delight or shock of many fans, Sonic Riders was indeed real and not too far away.
The latest tidbit in the developing Sonic Riders story comes today with Sonic Team’s launch of their official home page for this title, presumably to coincide with the upcoming Tokyo Game Show. At the moment content is a little thin, only a short synopsis of the game (In Japanese) and 14 screenshots, many of which were published in the original Famitsu article.
Also, while you are visiting Sonic Team’s page, be sure to take a look at the Puyo Pop Fever page, which was updated earlier this week with some more details of the soon to be released Puyo Pop Fever 2.
Be sure to stay with SONIC NEWS for more Sonic Riders updates as they occur.
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Earlier this week we saw the announcement of the Feel The Magic/Project Rub sequel, Where do Babies Come From?. Naturally, just days after the announcement SEGA have added a page to their Japanese site for the game containing some teaser images, the new logo and more of those wacky Japanese vocals featured in the first game.
We have ninjas currently working on translating the little information available, bear with us until more is available. Stay with SONIC NEWS to find out first.
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The Sonic Amateur Games Expo ( has kicked off once again, but is currently recovering from a server problem that occured during the first day.
SAGE had a big awareness level attached to it, through support from sites such as The Sonic Stadium and Sonic HQ. Fans United for SatAM and organiser “PerfectChaos0” organised a chatroom event featuring Ben Hurst, writer for the SatAM cartoon series. Continue reading SAGE 2005 Opens!
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Sonic fans in America and Japan have been getting the dedicated Sonic micro-site treatment from SEGA as of late, and Europe has just seen the launch of their own official “Sonic City” source.
Unfortunately, the micro-site isn’t very respective of monitor resolutions – 1024×768 is required, but 1152×864 is apparently the size for optimum surfing. Design-wise, it doesn’t lend much to Sonic the Hedgehog at all, aside from the somewhat iconic corkscrew feature around the city heights. In fact, you wouldn’t even believe it was a SEGA or Sonic site if the corporate logos weren’t present (depending on your resolution of course). Continue reading Europe: Sonic City Goes Live
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Fox Box has stated the specific dates, on August 23rd the Sneak Peek will be shown and on September 6 the Season Premiere will be shown on Fox Box. Below is from the site.
“The video game superstar is now the star of his own cartoon on the Fox Box! Sneak Peek – August 23rd! Season Premiere – September 6!”
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Hi there – expecting The Sonic Stadium or Sonic News here, were you? Wondering where Andrew’s and Dreadknux’s sites have gone? Well, you’re looking at them! Dread and Andrew have become such massive buddies over the past year, that we decided to ‘merge’ both Sonic News and The Sonic Stadium – together! All the greatness you’d expect from a double team combo such as us two. Continue reading TSS and Sonic News Update: Sonic Stadium News Group Is Open!
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We have finally landed on your screens! The Sonic Stadium News Group takes off, and promises a lot of coolness! To all of you that have just visited, welcome. Launched on the date of 23rd June, which is Sonic’s birthday no less, this Sonic site is something special indeed. It is the result of months of hard work from webmasters Dreadknux and Sonic_Hedgehogs, after they decided that two of the most popular up-and-rising websites, The Sonic Stadium and Sonic News, should be merged together. Continue reading OFFICIAL SSNG ANNOUNCEMENT: A New Site Emerges
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Well, it’s about bloomin’ time! After launching in Japan in September and in North America in November, Nintendo has finally launched its latest console, Gamecube, in UK and rest of Europe today. Only took them seven months!
Continue reading Nintendo Gamecube – And Sonic Adventure 2 Battle – Launch in Europe
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My Birthday has passed, and I am extremely happy. Not only does the Linkin Park album rock to hell (well, I kinda knew that anyway) but I also bagged myself a Game Boy Advance. I’ve yet to play any GBA games for it though – I could only afford a trade in, but I still got some of my GBC games. Just gotta get a GBA game next week then. Sigh. Continue reading TSS Update: Birthday Bonanza, Sonic Site Awards Launched
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Yes, the greatest Fan Fair to hit the internet has opened right here in the Sonic Stadium, and as the Sonic site itself re-opens after a refreshing e-makeover. Continue reading Sonic Fan Club Opens
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Hey dudes, and welcome to the Sonic Stadium! This website is about everything Sonic! As you probably have guessed, this website has just been born, but it will soon expand. There’s plenty of Super Sonic stuff on show here. Click on a link and you’ll be taken there at Sonic speed! Most of these links have not been completed yet, and because of this there is not much point in putting the non-completed pages up at this time. But rest assured, once I am on my feet I will get everything online and ready! Little to discover at the moment, but hey, enjoy what’s there (Yeah, like you will). Update soon. Continue reading Welcome To The Sonic Stadium!
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