TSS and Sonic News Update: Sonic Stadium News Group Is Open!

Hi there – expecting The Sonic Stadium or Sonic News here, were you? Wondering where Andrew’s and Dreadknux’s sites have gone? Well, you’re looking at them! Dread and Andrew have become such massive buddies over the past year, that we decided to ‘merge’ both Sonic News and The Sonic Stadium – together! All the greatness you’d expect from a double team combo such as us two.

The best thing is, none of the original site’s content has gone to waste during the making of this precious collaboration. That means, you’ll still see Sonic Stadium favourites such as Ask Dr. Dre(ad), The Sonic Fan Club and Sega Sonic Radio, and you’ll still get to view the latest News, Information and Artwork – just a few of the things that made Sonic News what it is today. Because of this team up, you’re much better off – you don’t have to go to two of the best sites online – they’re already here, together!

The design of SSNG on launch day, 23 June 2002.

Also, not only does this site dedicate itself to Sonic anymore – oh hell no! We also specialise in the greatest development team ever, Sonic Team, and all of their games such as NiGHTS, Chu Chu Rocket, even Minna De Puyo Puyo! An introduction to this page now – here you will find the Announcements, from Andrew and/or me, whenever something important has to be announced. Below is the Updates list, where each section (from the menu to the left) is commented on what has been updated or added in that relevant section.

For now, you’ll find an introduction to each section instead, as we are just starting up the site. Finally, I hope you enjoy what Andrew and I hope to accomplish in the future, as we head forwards. To the future – The Sonic Stadium News Group (SSNG)! Enjoy!

Dread ^_^

SSNG Sections

SSNG Main: Updates concerning the main site…
This section is where the main, important stuff of the site is kept – it can be found at the top of the menu. You’ll find the latest News, Fan News and Interviews. Also, you can listen to streaming audio there, and submit your sites for an award in the Monthly, or Annual Sonic Site Awards. Extra additions, like the fantastic EXCLUSIVE Sega Magazine (courtesy of those cool guys SonicVerse Team) and a comic based on this site’s Message Board. 

SSNG Specials: Updates concerning the many Specials SSNG will report for you…
SSNG regularly reports on special events in Sonic online history, whether it be Sonic’s 10th Anniversary, or the latest Sonic Amateur Games Expo, you can guarantee that SSNG will be there with a blinding special just for you.

Latest Games: Updates concerning Info on the latest Sonic games – FIRST!
Here is where you can look up information on the latest Sonic games that are getting everyone worked up about at the moment. Linked closely with Sonic Gaming.

Sonic Gaming: Updates concerning Sonic & Sonic Team games – the best info around!
A lot of sections belong here – you won’t be disappointed. A Games Index of all the Sonic, and Sonic Team games are available (and you can even submit your own Fan Reviews!), along with Cheats and Codes, Guides & FAQS should you become stuck, and if they don’t answer your problem, Ask the leading Sonic Psychiatrist, Dr. Dre(ad). Information on Secret Sonic Games, including Canned games and betas, Chao Raising info, a Sonic Team section of its own, and you can even take time out and play, or send your own, Online Sonic Games (Needs Flash).

The Sonic Fan Club: Updates concerning the BIGGEST Sonic Fan Fair on the net!
The Sonic Fan Club is an extra site in its own right – this place is especially for YOU, the Fans. Look at submitted Hoaxes, Fan Games, Fan Fics, Fan Art – you name it, we got it in the SFC. You can even create new sections in the Club – should you want a new Fan Fair section, just go to ‘YOUR VOTE’ and tell us what YOU want. Don’t forget to send your own Fan Stuff too! We host it all on our servers, just email us or catch us on AIM and lob your stuff to us. We also host Fan Projects of yours, so get them sent in too!

Image Archives: Updates concerning the largest selection of Sonic images around…
The Image Archives is absolutely massive – Check out the Official Sonic Artwork hosted here, or a mass of Sonic World Locations to view and gasp at… possibly ^_^. We also have a section dedicated to all the Sonic Merchandise you can dream of – now you’ll know what’s missing in your collection! Sonic Magazine Adverts and a Daily Sonic picture EVERY DAY means that there’s no better place for picc’ers!

Comics Archive: Updates concerning all aspects of comic Sonic-dom…
Whether it’s info you need, character descriptions, sample art, or even cover art or WHOLE ISSUES of comics you wanna see, find it here, and look up the greatest info on the Archie, Fleetway and even the Manga Sonic comics.

Sonic Animation: Updates concerning Sonic TV Cartoons…
All of the info you can discover can be found in this section – Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic SatAM, Anime, Underground, and even a mystery Sonic cartoon that no-one has a clue about it’s purpose… spooky…

Downloads: Updates concerning the largest selection of Downloads on the net!
Looks small, sure, but dig deeper – in the Downloads Zone there’s tons of subsections, of all manner of Sonic downloadables such as Movies, Winamp skins, complete cartoon episodes, even Downloads that are Sonic Stadium themed! Also, another section not to be missed is the Music Zone, where you’ll find hundreds upon hundreds of Sonic midis, and soon to come, even Sonic MP3s! Keep an eye out, and happy downloading!

SSNG Extra: Updates concerning the miscellaneous sections of SSNG…
In this Miscellaneous section there’s a whole wealth of things to discover! A High Scores league, where YOU can reign champion Sonic gamesplayer against the world, a Sonic Encyclopedia of ALL the Sonic terms imaginable, information on Sonic Books, a Sonic Shop that helps you get the best bargains for Sonic merchandise, a massive links section with thousands of different Sonic and gaming related websites, and you can even get your very own Sonic E-Mail right here – yourname@sonicfanatic.zzn.com! Grab yours today!

Interactive: Updates concerning special SSNG Interactive features…
Communicate with the world – show the world you’re aaaaalllliiiiivvvveeee… here, you’ll find the Official Sonic Stadium News Group Guestbook, so you can sign your presence here. There’s also an Official AIM Chat Room, and soon to arrive, a regular chat room for those that do not have AIM, the mailing list to keep up with the masses of Updates we have here, and last but not least, The Sega Sonic Message Board! The MB that’s getting more popular and infamous all the time! Visit it!!!

Site Heritage: Updates concerning the history of The Sonic Stadium, Sonic News and SSNG…
Well, wondering how this site came about? Perhaps you want an insight to how life was when The Sonic Stadium was a site, not a network, and when Sonic News was seperate as well. Find Site History on all three sites including this new one, Past Updates of ours, Old Site Layouts of The Sonic Stadium and Sonic News, and what awards that the three sites combined have won.

The Sonic Stadium: Concerning the Network that SSNG is a part of…
Yes, The Sonic Stadium is now the name of the Network used to host SSNG, Sega Sonic Radio, the Message Board etc – basically all of Dreadknux’s creations and collaborations. Here also, you’ll find a link on how to contact the guys that made this happen – or you can click the links in the top of the page, below the banner…

Vote 4 SSNG: Concerning ways to vote SSNG as Top Hedgehog in the Sonic Site’s listings…
No, this isn’t a way to force you, but the ‘Vote 4 SSNG’ is still a section, and therefore a description is what this thing is here for. Down the section list you can see buttons, linking to certain ‘Top Sonic Sites’ list pages. Everytime you click on these buttons, you are helping The Sonic Stadium News Group into becoming a bigger, much more respected website, which means we can do more for you lot! Help SSNG get to the top – whenever you want to, simply click on either or as many of the Top Sites buttons as you like. Thanks a lot for supporting SSNG!

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Published by


Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.