Ian Flynn Teases Non-Game Sonic Superstars Project

IDW Sonic comic author and Sonic Frontiers story writer Ian Flynn has teased his involvement around the recently-announced Sonic Superstars. But, he’s not working on the game itself.

Writing on his personal social media channel, Flynn hinted that an associated project related to Sonic Superstars is in the works.

“For those asking: no I’m not involved with the game [Sonic Superstars],” the writer explained. “Nope. Not the game.” He added his trademark “Knowing Smile” phrase that suggests that something is going down.

What do you think it could be? Flynn has been involved in some game tie-in comics and other media in the past, most recently for Sonic Frontiers’ prologue comics. Maybe we will see a similar one-shot arrive ahead of Superstars’ launch?

Time will tell – but for now let’s have fun speculating!

via Twitter

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Tomoya Ohtani Teases Work on “The Next Chapter”

It seems like the back-breaking hard work Tomoya Ohtani has put into the amazing Sonic Frontiers soundtrack hasn’t put him off from making music for a while, as he appears to be already working on some “cool new thing”! We wonder what it is…

The Sonic series sound director posted the above photo of himself in the workplace earlier today, with the phrase: “Working hard on some cool new thing. We are moving on to the next chapter.” What a tease!

Thinking about what this all could mean, we have a few thoughts. He could be hinting at some new audio work for Sonic Frontiers (we are due some significant story DLC in the second half of this year, after all). Aside from that, the musician has been involved with the Sonic Symphony live show, which is debuting a World Tour in London and LA in September.

Or, and we’re just speculating here, he could of course be talking about a new Sonic project entirely..?

No doubt we’ll find out soon enough! What do you think Ohtani-san is working on?

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Summer of Sonic 2016 Hinted?

With both America and Japan having 25th anniversary themed parties, many people in the UK were asking ‘what about us?’ Well… Something might be happening. Continue reading Summer of Sonic 2016 Hinted?

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[UPDATE] SEGA: Something Coming up in February & Other Hints!


Here at The Number 1 Sonic Stadium Detective Agency, the finest minds have been combing through some of the most recent clues to try and decipher some of the recent clues and hints left by the Sonic social media outlets in order to try and figure out what Sega is upto.


Using state of the art computers and decryption techniques we’ve spent sheer minuets trying to crack and decipher Sega’s hints. Well Detective TSS & Detective SSMB have spent all night trying to break, when suddenly over coffee and doughnuts we finally cracked it, here are our results.

[Update 20/01] – Laying the Breadcrumbs

He’s at it again. Sonic’s Tumblr has posted even more cryptic hints! Attached to a seemingly innocent breakfast post, we at The Number 1 Sonic Stadium Detective Agency have uncovered startling new evidence toward an upcoming reveal. You can examine the new clue below:

Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 21.34.42

  • Compares the anticipation of an upcoming reveal to a delicious seven layer bean dip.
  • He’s laying out all the hints like a trail of breadcrumbs so all the “flavours” can come together one day.
  • If you follow the breadcrumbs, who knows what you’ll discover in the coming weeks…?

And now, back to our original findings.

February Announcement?

Yesterday, Sega posted to their Sonic Tumblr account, and it had some interesting tags.


  • We have something coming up in February that some of you will be interested in.
  • But we can’t talk about it yet.
  • Don’t tell anyone you saw this hint in the Tumblr tags – okay?

Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone. So it seems that Sega will be announcing something in February, when could this be? I’d bet the farm around February 2nd, Groundhog Day, or Hedgehog Day as Sega calls it. Just under two weeks away.

Cracking the secret code

Just under a week ago, the Sonic Tumblr account posted an image of a comic book which contained the following sequence of numbers in a single tag.


  • 12356789023456789016

We ran this code through our super detective computer, and we made a discovery, the code is in fact 3 different sequences, all missing a number, all broken up the number 0. When we extract those sequences we see the following.

  • 12356789
  • 23456789
  • 16

Let’s take a look at the first sequences, you’ll notice that in the first code, the number 4 is missing. Then in the second the number 1 is missing. Finally… we end with 16.

Put it together we get this.


Which is the US date for April 1st 2016. What does this mean? It means that on April 1st 2016, things will happen! What kind of things!?

The Pumpkin Clue

dracula sonic pumpkin

About two months ago the Sonic Tumblr account posted this image along with the following tags. We have highlighted the important bits using our special ‘detective highlighters.’


Let’s extract those statements.

  • There’s something very special about this art.
  • We hid details on the next Sonic game on the inside of the pumpkin
  • It’s not about what you see… it’s about who created it.
  • Someday we’re going to come back to it.

What could this mean? Well we have a theory, the details are hidden on the inside of the pumpkin, and what is on the side of a pumpkin… let’s take a look…


Seeds and… PULP! Pumpkin pulp! The next Sonic game will be…. A Pumpkin Juice sales simulator game!



In February there will be an announcement, almost certainly on ‘Hedgehog day’ which has become a traditional place for Sonic related announcements. And there will probably be something on April 1st, perhaps a Pumpkin juice simulator game, with Big the Cat. Because Big the Cat.

With Batman DLC! And an eye patch!

Until next time, Detective TSS & SSMB will keep investigating.


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E3 SEGA Embargo Lifts Later Today

Just a quick announcement; I’ve got a heads up from SEGA that their main E3 announcements are coming real soon. Later today as it happens. The embargo for journalists will be lifted at about 4/5pm today, so we’ll try and get all the latest Sonic news to you whilst trying to keep up with the Nintendo press conference. Multi-tasking, eh? Ain’t it great.

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First Sonic Unleashed playtest to be in ONM (UPDATE)

Now that Sega Europe have officially announced Sonic Unleashed, Official Nintendo Magazine have announced their first playtest of Sonic Unleashed will be in their upcoming issue 29. You can pick up a copy of the magazine Friday April 11.

UPDATE: Official Nintendo Magazine have unveiled on their website the Sonic Unleashed front cover of their magazine which reveals that new screens and information will be in Fridays issue. They also say – “Yes, by day Sonic is the blue hedgehog we all know and love but, when the sun sets, he turns into a werehog with claws and fangs.

This does make a difference to the gameplay as the werehog is slower but stronger, meaning he can swing around levels, move obstacles and hurl enemies around.”

ONM Website

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New Sonic Unleashed Teaser Trailer

AAUK has just given me a link to a new teaser trailer for Sonic Unleashed, which really does give us a heavy impression that the Sonic “Werehog” transformation will happen, and gives us the tag line “A New Adventure Awakens”.

We also find out that Werehog Sonic doesn’t like rings…
Thanks to AAUK for the heads up.

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Sonic Chronicles European teaser site open

Sega Europe have launched a game page and teaser website for upcoming Nintendo DS RPG game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood.

Not much content is on either pages at the moment but the site reveals there is a full site coming soon. Both the game page and teaser site have the European release down as Autumn 2008. Also worth noting is the option to receive updates on the game via Sega Pass.

If you haven’t already voted in the poll to name the newly revealed alien race from the game(where have you been?) don’t forget to go vote at Sonic City now.

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Smash Bros Brawl: “Sonic’s Already In The Game”

A Spanish interview with Smash Bros. Brawl director Masahiro Sakurai reveals that Sonic the Hedgehog is already present in the Nintendo fighting game, and awaits SEGA’s approval before implementing him into the final product.

The interview, initially posted by Shakidna on Sonic CulT forums and then translated by ICEknight of The GHZ, is the first real confirmation of Sonic’s existence in the game, and is no doubt news to get many fans excited.

Responding to a direct question of “Are you going to include SEGA’s mascot, Sonic The Hedgehog?”, Sakurai gives the following:

“Well… That’s a tough question, I’ll tell you that Sonic’s already in the game, but we’re still waiting for a last confirmation from SEGA. Due to the proximity of the game’s release, SEGA’s deadline to submit their confirmation is the 26th this month, and in that date the official site will be updated about the inclusion or not of SEGA’s mascot in the game. I’m personally crossing my fingers.”
Continue reading Smash Bros Brawl: “Sonic’s Already In The Game”

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5th mystery character in Sonic Rivals

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Backbone entertainment, the developer of the PSP title Sonic Rivals were present at the Penny arcade Expo today. Of course, the company had brought along PSP’s complete with presumably prototype versions of Sonic Rivals. A photo taken at the famous expo of a PSP playing the game and showing the character select screen reveals that there is a slot taken by an as-of-yet unknown secret character;

As metioned, it is currently unknown who the secret character is. And Backbone entertainment has not elaborated on who the secret character is at the expo. But when we know, you shall know. Also, thanks to Super Mecha Sonic and King Ubu of the SSMB for the tip off.

Stay tuned to the Sonic stadium and Sonic news for more information as it is revealed.

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Remix of ‘Open Your Heart’ Imminent

Remix Factory, the producers of the E.G.G.M.A.N. and Boss remixes in Shadow the Hedgehog, are to release an exclusive remix of Crush 40’s ‘Open Your Heart’ for Sonic’s 15th Anniversary.

Jun Senoue and LB have been working together for the last month or two on some collaborations, and ‘K-Klub vs Crush 40’ appears to be only one of these projects surfacing. The remix will be promoted during the Summer, as Sonic turns 15.

The decision to use the legendary ‘Open Your Heart’ perhaps has more to do with the fact that this track is the defining theme of not only Sonic Adventure, but the turning point in Sonic the Hedgehog and a firm announcement of the blue blur’s console return in 1999. If anything, it has become part of the soundtrack to a generation of Sonic fans, old and new. Continue reading Remix of ‘Open Your Heart’ Imminent

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Senn and Yasuhara to explore Sonic 1

A development has come to light over the recent charity of Chris Senn on Sonic X-treme. Chris, with the aid of Yasuhara Hirokazu, will be unearthing production information on the original ‘SONIC TEAM’ and Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis/Megadrive) game.

Chris posted this message on his message board on January 06, 2006 04:00 PM PT (US):

The Sonic Xtreme fan community will be delighted to know that I met with Yasuhara Hirokazu for lunch today, and he agreed to let me share his paper designs he contributed towards the end of the Sonic Xtreme project. They are VERY cool! These will be shared in the Sonic Xtreme Compendium (SXC) I keep mentioning. Continue reading Senn and Yasuhara to explore Sonic 1

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Pre-E3: SEGA’s Lineup

In a press release sent to us by SEGA, the house of Sonic is fast preparing its offering for the E3 2005 event. Most interesting of note is that two BRAND NEW Sonic the Hedgehog games are set to be announced.

SEGA is also fully supporting PC, handheld, and current-generation users with AAA titles like Spartan: Total Warrior (PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube), Shadow The Hedgehog, Virtua Tennis: World Tour (PSP portable gaming system), and Phantasy Star Universe (PlayStation 2, PC). And on the first day of E3, SEGA will announce two new additions to the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise.

Shadow the Hedgehog has already been mentioned on the SEGA Press Release list, so this opens up some doors. We already know that the Nintendo DS Sonic the Hedgehog game is to be revealed in a near final form, so this will no doubt be one of the two ‘new’ games announced.

Continue reading Pre-E3: SEGA’s Lineup

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Nintendo Power Brags New Sonic Game Details

Nintendo Power have promised on their website (see “Source” link to the left) that the next issue will:

“… reveal emerging details about under-wraps thriller Geist, and preview Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, Donkey Konga 2, Need for Speed Underground 2, Advance Wars DS, an all-new Sonic game for GCN and a bevy of blockbuster superhero games.”

Nintendo Power magazine is the American magazine based on the famous video game company. Subscribers should get the June edition well in advance of June, so if anyone can aquire and submit a scan it would be greatly appreciated.

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TSS’ 4th Birthday!

This is how the celebrations will work out. Sunday 24th October 2004, at 5:00pm GMT (UK Time), the celebrations will all kick off at the SONIC SITE AWARDS 2004, for the final announcement of the winners! Who has won the Sonic Site of ’04? And who is the best Elite Sonic Site? Roareye and myself will host the show, which will also kick off a new series and season of programming for SEGASonic Radio, our radio station. SSR will merge stations so that Live and Streamed will combine. All you can want, in one station.

The new series of popular show “The Sonic Hour” will debut when the SSA Ceremony begins. Fastfeet Media will return, which includes the return of the TSS FTP Service (after some considerable downtime), and a new BitTorrent system will be placed in the FFM halls. The SSMB Forums will get a makeover, plus a new skin to celebrate. Continue reading TSS’ 4th Birthday!

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Sonic Team, and proof that we listen to you…

Yo. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find the time to update an awful lot, and today’s update consists of the rest of the submitted ‘presents’ handed to me on my 19th Birthday. You can find the link to the page below, or within the Site History page. Sonic Team Inc has ‘folded’ and re-integrated back into SEGA as an internal studio rather than it’s own independent studio, and frankly this could do more good than harm, if any harm was apparent. Sonic Team will keep their identity within SEGA too, and SEGA as a whole will return to it’s former glory during the Mega Drive days.

Excited? Oh you better bloody well be. Speaking of former glories, the reason why hardly any updates has occured is because what you suggested to improve The Sonic Stadium over the last few months will finally come into fruition. Remember some time ago I personally invited TSS visitors to come to me and detail their thoughts on the site, and ideas for major improvement, be it content, information or even regular updating (Ooooh, irony strikes! ^_^;)? Continue reading Sonic Team, and proof that we listen to you…

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Extended Info on Sonic X Preview

Below is from Animation Insider.

Fans of the FOX BOX do not have to wait until September 1 to see the television block’s new programming offerings. Instead, the network will air special “sneak previews” of their three new series throughout August. Sonic X, Funky Cops and Shaman King will all having special airings during the month before their official debut on September 1. 

Sonic X
Episode #101 “Supersonic Hero Appears” 
(Saturday, August 23–10:00 a.m. ET/PT)

In this premiere episode, Sonic and Eggman fight over the possession of the seventh Chaos Emerald, the legendary stone that is said to give its possessor the power to rule over the entire world. With the support of his friends, Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese, Sonic storms into Dr. Eggman’s base. Meanwhile, all seven Chaos Emeralds are brought together, causing a large-scale Chaos Control warp in space, blowing away Sonic and his friends, who land in a world of humanoids setting the stage for a series of exhilarating and elaborate adventures.

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Sonic X Sneak Preview

Fox Box has stated the specific dates, on August 23rd the Sneak Peek will be shown and on September 6 the Season Premiere will be shown on Fox Box. Below is from the site.

“The video game superstar is now the star of his own cartoon on the Fox Box! Sneak Peek – August 23rd! Season Premiere – September 6!”

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New Sonic Game and Anime Series Announced

Earlier today, Sega held an annual shareholder meeting, in which Tetsua Kayama, Sega Corp’s COO, shed some light on some exciting new bits of information and announcements. Besides other announcements, Kayama announced that a brand new Sonic game was in development and would be released next year! Continue reading New Sonic Game and Anime Series Announced

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