Sonic Adventure Coming To Xbox Live Arcade?

SEGA fan site SEGAOnline has got a photo of a Sonic Adventure listing on the Xbox 360’s Xbox Live Arcade, most likely from the developers/testers network.

In the listing we can see the original Dreamcast version’s logo which suggests that version will be the one available rather than the PC/Gamecube Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s Cut.

The options available are the free Trial, the full game and a Game Add-on pack for an Extended Package which means we could be getting the Dreamcast downloadable content for the game, the extra’s the DX: Directors Cut version had or maybe even some brand new content.

We’ll keep you up to date when more information becomes available.

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  1. PS3 please =)
    But it’s cool to see the Dreamcast version is going around rather than DX, since… I already have DX and would rather play the Dreamcast version X3

  2. I have both versions anyway, but its cool to see things like this being released. Fingers crossed for some more DC titles coming, hopefully on the ps3 to.

  3. A wise move from SEGA; I’ve been looking to play through this game again and I think this would be a perfect excuse! A lot of people never bought the DC itself either, so it’d be a great opportunity to bring a classic to the younger fanbase…show them how good Sonic games were back in the day *waves stick*

  4. NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!!


    *Heart Attack*

  5. Good thing it’s the Dreamcast version instead of the DX version which was edited by a guy with a rusty blade. Well, if this holds true I still won’t get it coz I still have my Dreamcast and Sonic Adventure.

  6. AWWWSOME That was exactly what I wanted !!! and wished for !! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSS! thanks you SEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

  7. I already have SA on GC, so unless the graphics have had a huge makeover, I think I’m gonna pass on this.

  8. @ Tigataga
    Xbox Live Marketplace items are free on the developers/testers network’s on Xbox Live.

  9. What a fantastic game, they chose the superior version too 🙂
    Makes me wish my Dreamcast still worked.
    Who would’ve guessed 10 years ago you could play Dreamcast games on a rival companies console..
    I already have most of the games worth playing on Dreamcast, so we’ll see if they’ll release anything in the future that’ll tickle my fancy

    Steve Lycett just de-confirmed my post.

  10. …This just makes me laugh more at the retrofags who act like there was an actual difference between the DC and GC version other than the graphics. XD

  11. I only have this for my Dreamcast and it’d be a pain to set up. It’s been a fair few years since I’ve played it so I’ll jump at the chance to get it for XBLA, warts and all.

  12. Well I have already bought it full price for Dreamcast on both Japanese import and PAL, as well as DX for the Gamecube… but hell I’ll buy it’s again if it comes to live. The last great Sonic game!

    Would be a shame to go back to playing with the DC graphics after owning DX though.

  13. Finally! I never had a chance to play this game, and now I am glad I own an Xbox! I hope Adventure 2 comes on it too, I really want to play that game.
    Shouldn’t Sega make it available on the PS3 Network too though?

  14. Kusanagi, there is a huge difference between the DC and GC versions of the game. The DC versions runs at a smooth 30fps, while the GC version was “upgraded” to run at 60fps, but has a very unstable frame rate, often dipping below 20fps. The GC version had improved character models, though they also had a somewhat glossy look, like Sonic & co. adopted later in Sonic Heroes. The Chao Gardens were significantly altered, the Chao mini games were completely different, and the Chao raising was vastly different as well. To top it all off, the DC version offered a solid amount of DLC that was not included in the GC version.

    The GC version has Metal Sonic, Mission Mode and the Game Gear games, but everything off the top of my head that replaced content present in the DC version is worse. That’s not to say I dislike the GC version. I just like the DC content better. I don’t think calling someone a “fag” for noticing the clear differences from console to console is particularly intelligent. Perhaps you should consider things longer before you run your mouth in such a mean-spirited way.

    Anyway, I’m very excited by this news. I’ve been hoping to see Sonic Adventure (the DC version, particularly) hit the XBLA for a while now. If they add the DC’s DLC, and possibly some of the GC’s exclusive content, this could be the definitive version of one of my favorite games! I hope there are online leaderboards! 🙂

  15. I don’t think we’ll see it on Wii. I mean, I already got SA1 and SA2 on the Gamecube. If they could’ve improved on it, they would’ve changed the roles for Big and Cream. Make Cheese mysteriously get Chaos’s Tail, and Cream would have to explore stages to FIND Cheese, only there won’t be any fishing involved. And since she and her mother live near the Chao Kindergarten, she would know all about the Past, having studied the History of Chao.

  16. lol course it won’t be on the wii.
    Sonic Adventure is close to a gig in file size, the wii shop channel doesn’t support files that large unless they’re realising it on disc, but seeing as we’ve got a display of the xbox live marketplace it will probably be dlc only ruling out that idea.

    I personally hope this one will be coming to the ps3 as well.
    Played the DX version to death and wouldn’t mind playing the old one, especially if trophies are involved lol

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