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The definition of insanity is “repeating the same actions over and over again while expecting different results,” so says some famous scientist of the previous century. However, such unyielding determination is to be commended, especially when one manages to succeed despite the odds after several attempts, but at what cost?
Such is the case for this week’s Freak-Out Friday, as we take a look at Let’s Player Cobanermani456’s 40 minute-long compilation of his Sonic Unleashed fails. No, we’re not talking about the base game here, my good readers – we’re talking about the incredibly unforgiving and unfairly difficult stages available via the DLC Adventure Packs, with death after death after death compiled into one glorious video with copious amounts of schadenfreude to delight yourself in. To our younger readers though, be warned, for there be lots of swearing!
That said, pull up a chair, grab some snacks and join in on Cobi’s suffering after the cut!
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Music mashups of Sonic the Hedgehog and Michael Jackson songs are nothing particularly new, but that doesn’t stop them from sounding incredibly amazing – and with Michael Jackson’s involvement with Sonic the Hedgehog 3confirmed at last (and later confirmed again), the fact that several of these exist across the web isn’t surprising given how well they mix, like thinly sliced fresh cucumbers, a tablespoon of mayonnaise, a pinch of black pepper, and bread no less than 3/4 of an inch thick.
That’s the case once again with today’s Mash-Up Monday, as we take a look at DarkHyperSonic7’s mashup of the King of Pop’s hit “Man in the Mirror” with Tomoya Ohtani’s “Sea Bottom Segue” from Sonic Lost World. Maybe it’s just my personal bias with any song that includes a piano given how gorgeous Michael’s vocals are when in contrast with Ohtani’s beautiful melody on the keyboard, but listen to it for yourself after the jump and let us know what you think of it in the comments!
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“Are you going to do the Summer of Sonic retrospective?”
“Sure” I say! How hard can it be?
Well… it’s surprisingly hard. I’ve tried reading other peoples thoughts on the day for some inspiration, when I realised my problem. Because I’m on the SOS staff team, I don’t get to experience Summer of Sonic in the same way as someone who isn’t on the staff team, which is most other people.
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At this years Summer Of Sonic, we gave you, the fans, a chance to express what this event means to you. We played a video showing the fans and staff’s memories and reflections live in the venue on August 6th. We are now happy to bring to you a super cut of this tribute!
Created and edited by: Pete Nethercote.
Featuring: Phil Sims, Lewis Clark, Kevin Eva, Pete Nethorcote, John Finlay, Dave Luty, Gavin Storey, Shadowkelsey, Peter Robinson, Dr Spudhead, Shadowmariogaming, Faz D, Tanner (Ewww), Mark Hugues, Kieran Gates, Monty Peter Sally, Svend
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Summer of Sonic 2016 is almost upon us, the biggest party for Sonic fans is back again for one more run and it feels that almost daily that a new announcement is made, so let’s go through all of the recent ones.
Cosplay Contest!
There has truly been some amazing costumes over the years, so of course this is making a return. For those interested in going to Summer of Sonic in costume this year, here are some important bits of information for you to know.
There will be a signup booth close to the entrance of the venue, you’ll need to register here if you want in the contest.
There will likely be a preliminary judging panel for finalists, this is due to the shere volume of people who come to the vent in costume. However if only a few people turn up (unlikely) this might change.
There will be a changing room and cloakrooms! So if you don’t want to wear your costume on the tube or walk through the streets as Eggman (as awesome as that sounds) you can get changed at the venue.
More details on how to enter the contest as well as details about the event can be found on the Summer of Sonic website.
Richard Burton & Deborah Tate Confirmed!
Sonic the Comic editors Richard Burton and Deborah Tate are coming to the event, Richard Burton has the honour of being essentially the creator of the comic and Deborah is responsible for making Amy a much more proactive and positive role model for female readers of the comic.
Both will be present to meet and greet fans of the comic and new fans alike.
Those who backed for a Summer of Sonic T-Shirt might be interested to see the finished design.
The merch collector in me is drooling, sporting the Summer of Sonic logo on the front, the reverse has the official 25th Anniversary Logo, yes that’s right, it has been approved by Sega, it’s an official piece of 25th Anniversary merchandise exclusively for SOS Kickstarter backers.
LiveStream Link!
As with previous Summer of Sonic events, this years fun and games will be live streamed for those of you who can’t make it.
Or if you’d rather have just audio, Radio Sega has also got you covered: https://www.radiosega.net/listen/
Tyson Hesse Confirmed!
Archie comic artists Tyson Hesse is coming over for some fun too! Tyson has recently worked on the Mega Drive Sonic comic as well as the main Archie Sonic comic series, Boom and Universe. But one of his most notorious works is the infamous Boxer Hockey Sonic!
Another contest is returning, for all you budding artists out there there will be pens and paper on hand for your best scribbles and doodles, but feel free to bring your own stationary if you like!
There will be two competition brackets 15 & Under and 16 & over.
To enter your artwork must be drawn from scratch at the event and not prepared in advance, more information will be available on the day as well as the deadline to submit your artwork.
Think you know the history of Summer of Sonic? Think again, a special one off panel will be held at the event in which Kevin “AAUK” Eva, Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne & Adam “T-Bird” Tuff will be talking about how Summer of Sonic went from an idea in a tearoom to a major convention.
“A Sonic convention!? The only people who will turn up to that will be the drunks over the road!”
There will be limited space to this panel and it will operate on a strictly first come first serve basis.
You knew it was coming didn’t you? Crush 40 will be back at Summer of Sonic and will be performing to close the days events, what better way to end than to rock out with Jun and Johnny?
Join Pete “TitansCreed” Nethercote as he speaks to Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne and Adam “T-Bird” Tuff, Jamie Egge Mann & Tanner Bachnick of The Sonic Show, Matt Mannheimer of Tails Channel and Tyson Hesse about how the Sonic community has changed over the years, as well as taking questions from the crowd.
Someone ask Svend what Tails’ Superstar move from Sega Superstars Tennis is.
Another staple event of Summer of Sonic, Nevermind the Buzzbombers returns for it’s 6th instalment, two teams will play some games and answer some questions to prove who knows the most about Sonic.
As before, there will be surprise guests on each team and audience members will be invited to take part in order to win some prizes!
If you want to be in with a chance to get picked, be sure you’re at the main stage for the start of the event, and make sure the Captains know you are the one to pick! Feel free to hold up signs, hire a sky writer, or invade the venue with a badnik army – the most stand out guests in the audience are the most likely to get picked!
And as before the event will be hosted by… *looks around* me!
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Join Jason, Alex and GX as they discuss Mighty No. 9 and Mario and Sonic Wii U. Then, Jason and Alex discuss their experiences at Sonic Revolution and this years E3 along with their opinions of Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice We end the show with Sonic Producer, Chibilola answering your Twitter questions! Lots of good stuff in this episode so give it a good listening! Continue reading Sonic Talk 38: A Song of Fire and Ice
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It’s incredible how time flies, isn’t it? One moment, you’re seven years old, sitting on your living room floor with eyes glued to the screen as a speedy blue ball bounces around to the tune of Green Hill Zone. The next, you’re replaying those golden oldies as an adult, celebrating 25 years of epic platforming fun.
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The Summer of Sonic guest roster continues to expand!
The most recent announcement includes Sonic calendar and box art illustrator Duncan Gutteridge, synonymous with some of the most recognisable artwork in circulation during the early 90s.
Additionally, the special guest list will also include James Wallis, known for his writing work on the Sonic the Hedgehog adventure game books Metal City Mayhem and The Zone Rangers.
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In 2007, after years of barbs and jabs at one another from either side of the 90s Console Wars, celebrated company mascots Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog finally starred in their first crossover game in the aptly titled Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games. 2008 marked a brand new start for the Blue Blur in his own games as well, with the release of Sonic Unleashed later that year on several platforms – a game that brought new life to the series with transitional 2D and 3D gameplay and the Boost ability, a mechanic that went on to become a staple in later titles until recently. Continue reading Mash-Up Monday: Endless Possibilities X 400m Dash
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Websites for games are a common thing, some last the test of time, others are deleted or fade out of existence when the domains expire. Sonic Adventure suffered this fate, it had a pretty good website for it’s day, but sadly as time moved on and the Adventure series ended, so did the site.
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Why hello there! The site’s looking a bit different today, isn’t it? Allow me to welcome you to this new version of The Sonic Stadium, modernised for today’s discerning blur blur fan! Incidentally, it’s the first design change for this website since 2013, making this the longest time time it’s taken for a layout refresh. I think you’ll agree that it was totally needed though. Continue reading TSS UPDATE: Welcome to the New Look 2016 Sonic Stadium!
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The Summer of Sonic 2016 roster of guests continues to grow, with the announcement today of Sonic the Comic artists Nigel Dobbyn and RichardElson to be in attendance at the event. Dobbyn has been a frequent guest at previous Summer of Sonic events, contributing to the special edition of Sonic the Comic given away in 2013. This year sees the first appearance of Richard Elson at the event, having also attended Sonic the Comic Con in 2014.
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Cindy Robinson, the voice of Amy Rose, has joined Sonic Revolution’s ever-growing list of guest stars. She’ll be joining the likes of Dr. Eggman VA Mike Pollock and Archie Sonic artist Evan Stanley when the convention is held on June 12. You can learn more about the convention and buy tickets at their website.
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Voice actress Colleen O’Shaughnessey is the latest guest to be added to the Sonic Revolution Convention being held at the Holiday Inn LAX Ballroom on June 12. Colleen is well known as the voice of Tails, Charmy Bee and Zooey from Sonic Boom. Colleen is the latest in a large guest line up that keeps growing and growing! Continue reading Colleen O’Shaughnessey to Appear at Sonic Revolution
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
With both America and Japan having 25th anniversary themed parties, many people in the UK were asking ‘what about us?’ Well… Something might be happening. Continue reading Summer of Sonic 2016 Hinted?
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Last month, Jerod The8BitDrummer performed a spectacular drum cover of the entire Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles soundtrack — in a single take! — during one of his live Twitch streams. His drum cover of Michael Jackson’s legendary Sonic OST made for an intense and physically demanding feat that took nearly 90 minutes to accomplish. Now he’s at it again. Continue reading The8BitDrummer Returns With a Fantastic Drum Cover of the Sonic 2 OST in One Take
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
No man alive should be allowed to wield such dangerous power.
Madness descends on April 15th to the 17th, as this year’s Midwest Media Expo will be in full swing in Dearborn, Michigan! Founded a couple of years ago by the good folks who also founded Youmacon in Detroit, this coming MWME will be filled to the brim with live panels, fun events, cosplayers, artists and vendors, and of course, special guests, with more information likely to be announced towards the date of the con itself.
If you’re in the area and looking for a really, really good reason to register for the convention, perhaps this fun little event will tickle your fancy.
Among the guests attending the Midwest Media Expo are voice actors Jon St. John and Kyle Hebert. Some of you might remember St. John for his vocal talents as Duke Nukem in his titular gaming series, Execk from Chris Niosi’s animated webseries TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise, and our personal favourite Big the Cat from Sonic Adventure until Sonic Heroes. As for Hebert, he lent his voice to familiar faces such as Son Gohan from Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball, Ryu from Capcom’s Street Fighter games, and, since Sonic Colours for the Nintendo DS, Big the Cat!
So what happens when you book both voice artists for the same convention? Only the stuff of legend.
The “Battle of the Bigs” event will pit both big men with their stupid Big voices against each other in a battle of wits. If it’s truly as incredible as it sounds, this once-in-a-lifetime event between Big the Cats is not something to be missed!
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Sonic Revolution 2016 has announced the attendance of two more special guests to their event roster.
Co-executive producer on the Sonic Boom TV series, Bill Freiberger, will be in attendance. In addition to his production role, Bill also provides the voices of Comedy Chimp and Lady Walrus, and was one of the writers on the Sonic Boom comics during their run.
Accompanying Bill is Alan Denton, Creative consultant and writer for the Sonic Boom TV series, accredited with penning such classic episodes as “Battle of the Boybands” and “Cowbot”.
An additional ticket option “Classic Sonic Pass” is now available for $4.99 via EventBrite, which grant entry into the event. All tickets are available at http://sonicrevolution2016.eventbrite.com/
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Sonic 3 & Knuckles, compared to the original Sonic the Hedgehog and its sequel, had an entire team of artists behind the game’s musical score, compared to the talents of Masato Nakamura working on the first two games in the series solo. Spearheaded by the late Michael Jackson, the King of Pop himself, and Brad Buxer, the result was that nine different composers had worked on the soundtrack for the 1994 SEGA Genesis classic, leading to an incredibly cinematic and highly varied OST that still resonates with fans to this day. Continue reading The8BitDrummer Played an Amazing Cover of the Entire Sonic 3 & Knuckles OST in One Take!
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Chakra-X has revealed a teaser for the intro sequence for his sequel to the popular fan creation Sonic: Nazo Unleashed on his YouTube channel, where he’s announced you can support him during the creation of the independently animated project via Patreon – aiming for a release in 2019.
In the clip, we see Sonic, Tails and Knuckles flying to face Dr. Eggman in his newest battleship to regain the Master Emerald, once again lost by Knuckles through a not-so-smart trick. You can garner a sample of the quality of animation here – I think we can all agree, it’s very impressive!
A sequel to the original three part hit series released originally on Newgrounds, The Wrath of Nazo will be a 30 minute special providing closure on the final scene teased in the final part of the trilogy. The original series is still extremely popular, with a recent re-release titled “Nazo Unleashed DX” in 2014 amassing over 8 million views. His first ever YouTube edition of the show in 2008 gathered over 12 million views on Part 1.
You can support Sonic: The Wrath of Nazo on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. You can also support Chakra-X on Patreon.
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Alternatively: Sonic Paradox got its old channel back, and uploaded a fun little Eggman animation to celebrate! Watch it below!
Around a year and a half ago, longtime Sonic fan animation community Sonic Paradox had its collective YouTube channel hacked into and stolen. Hopes of reclaiming their old network would fade with Google technical support not being of any help, and a backup channel was made from that point on.
Thanks to their YouTube partner over the course of the past few months, however everything is now right as rain again: Sonic Paradox has its old channel back!
Well, almost. Rotund evil genius Doctor Eggman just took control of the recently reclaimed Sonic Paradox channel while the staff busied themselves with undoing the damage caused by the original hacker; with their attention focused elsewhere, Robotnik announced his plans to overthrow the Sonic Paradox “dictatorship” and start a new series of Robotnik Shorts. His plan goes about as well as you’d expect, but don’t take my word for it: give it a watch below and see for yourself!
As for what will happen to the videos on Sonic Paradox’s backup YouTube channel, widescreen HD remasters of the original Sonic Shorts Volumes (plus the Knuckles Briefs!), they will be reuploaded onto their reclaimed channel in due time. The backup account, in the future, will instead cater more to livestreaming.
Be sure to subscribe to the returned Sonic Paradox YouTube channel for hilarious Sonic shorts and more in the future!
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Did you know that The Sonic Stadium houses its very own collaborative music remix project? Well, now you do! Starting life on the SSMB Forums as The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure and evolving (thanks to the co-ordination of DJ EAR) into a sub-brand called Sound of The Sonic Stadium, ‘SoTSS’ is a twice-yearly album series of Sonic (and SEGA) remixes, all crafted by our enthusiastic community. Continue reading #BLACKOUT is the Name of the New Sound of TSS Album
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic fanbase can be a creative lot. There’s a wealth of content to be discovered from talented fans who create wonderful things. You’ll find pieces of stunning fan art, creative original animated series and ambitious fangames which rival the quality of even some of Sonic Team’s best. Games like Sonic: After The Sequel come to mind, with a wealth of unique well designed zones, an incredible original soundtrack and tons of creative new gimmicks. It’s hard to think of many other fanbases which match the unrivalled passion of Sonic’s. Continue reading 11 Sonics Drawn Badly, by SSMB
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International Superstar and Crush 40 vocalist Johnny Gioeli has announced the launch of a Pledge music campaign to fund what will be the first solo album of his career. Among many Crush 40 releases, Gioeli’s career spans 4 decades and includes more than 30 albums (most notably as the lead singer of the anthemic rock bands Hardline and Axel Rudi Pell) and no doubt hardcore fans will be excited at the prospect of this debut album and an EP of the long awaited Colorblind.
The driving force behind the funding drive is to raise support for a family friend:
A tragic story of our friend’s son who had a horrific accident, leaving him paralyzed. He’s a high school student fighting for movement as simple as moving his finger, and I want to find a way to “pay it forward” and use the good things happening to me, to help someone else. The average cost of rehabilitation in the first year, far exceeds anything they can raise on their own. Let’s all help keep the music alive and help my friends too.
Backers of the campaign can not only look forward to receiving a copy of the new album (with the option of a signature from Gioeli), but will have options to access to a boatload of exclusives such as a streamed live acoustic performance, original (and rare) Hardline and Axel Rudi Pell memorabilia and handwritten lyrics to some of the songs in his extensive back catalogue.
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This Saturday see’s the return of ‘Weston Super Sonic’, the South West’s first Sonic fan Convention here in the UK.
Brought to life by the creative minds of community members Claire ‘Rurifuu’ Cameron and Jono ‘JonoD’ Dixon, the event once again aims to bring the awesome community together in one place this Saturday (16th January 2016), and will see many descending on the quiet seaside town of Weston-Super-Mare once again for another fun filled gathering of friends and fans alike, not only to celebrate the Blue Blur, but to also celebrate to creativeness of the vastly diverse fanbase.
Following a successful Kickstarter campaign that raised over £1600 in donations, the event will be taking place on Weston-Super-Mare’s Grand Pier, home not only to the large event space, but also one of the largest and newest purpose built arcades in the country, which attendees will have full access to, which proved to be popular with last year’s attendees.
What’s on?
The event this year is packed out with activities and contests for fans to enjoy. Art fans can enjoy special panels and demonstrations from special industry veterans (such as a live airbrush demonstration from Duncan Gutteridge), or get involved with stage events such as ‘Ask Uncle Poxxy: Live!’
As you may have gathered from the above, a number of special guests will be joining the show. These range from great community names to respected industry artists. For example, iTunes’ number 1 downloaded Sonic the Hedgehog podcast ‘The Sonic Show’ will be in attendance, as well as popular Source Filmmaker animator SonicpoX. From the industry, there’s Sonic the Comic artist Ferran Rodríguez, as well as Duncan Gutteridge: Another classic Sonic the Hedgehog artist whose works have been seen on everything from calendars to neckties.
The whole day, as well as its events are also being broadcast live online, courtesy of The Sonic Show. This stream will allow those who may not have been lucky enough to secure a ticket a chance to watch and stay up to date with what’s going on.
Tickets: This is a ticketed event, currently it says that tickets are sold out, please check their Facebook page to see if there’s any still available.
Can I Get an Announcement Tease?: First4Figures might be revealing something not seen before.
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