Voice actor (and possible serial killer going by the profile picture I chose – after the jump) Mike Pollock will be at Sonic Revolution. The first of the trifecta of Sonic conventions hitting this summer. The others being the Sonic 25th Anniversary party in July and Summer of Sonic in August.

Mr. Pollock is most famous for being the voice of Sonic’s nemesis Dr. Eggman in various media, but he’s also known for Fastidious Beaver and Mayor Fink on Sonic Boom, Coach Meat on Ultimate M.U.S.C.L.E., both Eggman and Ella the maid on Sonic X and many various anime and commercials.

Also coming to the convention is Balena Productions. You may know them from the “Christmas with Sonic” series along with the Sonic Zombie comedy series (and basically any Sonic Source Engine cartoon that isn’t porn).
Other guests for Sonic Revolution include:
Bill Freiberger (Co-Executive Producer of the Sonic Boom TV series; voice of Comedy Chimp and Lady Walrus; writer on the Sonic Boom comic series)
Alan Denton (Writer for the Sonic Boom TV series)
Greg Hahn (Also a writer for the Sonic Boom TV series)
Tyson Hesse (Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comic artist, artist on Boxer Hockey and Diesel for IDW)
Scott Shaw! (Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comic artist; the very first Archie Sonic artist. Also worked on Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon)
Evan Stanley (Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comic artist)
Sonic Revolution will be held June 12th at the Holiday Inn LAX from 10 AM to 6 PM.
WOAH that picture! When and how did Mike become homeless?
i know right but his early picture looks like he got a shave maybe because he doesn’t shave that much even he still voices Eggman.
You can’t voice the Eggman without a mustache of some kind.
But of course! How could I be so stupid? :p
So, we’ve got not one but two Sonic conventions in Southern California within a month and a half. Great.
Whoa, Scott Shaw’s gonna be there??
I mean, Mike is awesome and all, but Scott Friggin’ Shaw? Never thought I’d hear his name again.
I was excited until I read Balena Productions, So why is a guy who takes the piss out of other Sonic fans going to a SONIC fan convention again?
Welp at least the other guests makes up for it, Can’t wait to see Mike, Alan, Bill and Evan Stanley. (Personally love her work)
well i think mike pollock is gonna be there too at the summer of sonic in august. also they should have move the 25th anniversary event in june instead of july that would be much better that way.
Sweet, all the awesome people are heading to this convention!
…oh yeah, and Balena too. Yaaaaaaaaay…… -__-“””
it wouldn’t surprise me if Balena is going to do something special since Mike Pollock is going to be there.
I’m sure they will….I just have mixed feelings about them. XP
oh come on it would be cool if Mike would do Eggman in a Balena Christmas special.
I’m sure it would be awesome. But then I would also have to put up with the annual Silver bashing and the overall snarky and cynical attitude of the specials in general. I can’t just love them like everyone else does or outright hate it like others do, I can only prefer some creative parts and loathe others, so it’s always mixed basket whenever I see their stuff. But it would be nice to hear Mike Pollock in something fan-generated.
I am agree with you
Man is there ever going to be a sonic convention near me I guess not
Dang Mike Pollock is too old for us.
That picture makes him look like an awesome villain.
Shave his head, and he kinda looks like Father Grigori.
And dang, all these guests are awesome! I’m just nowhere near the location to actually go…