“Sonic Official” Episode Confirms Return of Current Cast in Frontiers

New game, same voices.

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Cindy Robinson “Loading Out” From The Amy Rose Voice Acting Role

There has been another confirmed departure from the Sonic voice actor cast, the second in just the past week. Cindy Robinson, the voice of Amy Rose, has announced that she is no longer going to be voicing the character.

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Watch Sonic Revolution 2020 on Twitch today! (6/20)

Sonic Revolution, the yearly Sonic convention normally hosted on the west coast of the United States will have it’s first digital convention and everyone can attend! The event will start at 10 am US pacific time on Twitch at this link. You can also chat with other Sonic fans and do “Meet and Greets” with some of the Sonic talents at the discord server. Continue reading Watch Sonic Revolution 2020 on Twitch today! (6/20)

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Sonic Boom Editors and Voice Actors Club Together for ‘Animation Under Lockdown’ Project

We miss Sonic Boom (the TV show, obviously). We’re sure you all do too. No doubt story editors on the cartoon, Greg Hahn and Alan Denton, miss the animation grind more than most though – and to pep themselves (and the world) up a little bit they’ve collaborated with ‘Sonic’ voice actor talent to perform a readthrough of one of their favourite unpublished pilot scripts. Continue reading Sonic Boom Editors and Voice Actors Club Together for ‘Animation Under Lockdown’ Project

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Amy VA Cindy Robinson Coming to Sonic Revolution

Cindy Robinson, the voice of Amy Rose, has joined Sonic Revolution’s ever-growing list of guest stars. She’ll be joining the likes of Dr. Eggman VA Mike Pollock and Archie Sonic artist Evan Stanley when the convention is held on June 12. You can learn more about the convention and buy tickets at their website.

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