The Long-Awaited Fan Game “Sonic Time Twisted” is Finally Released

The spring season will likely pass as another dry spell for Sonic fans looking for a new classic gameplay fix, as SEGA delayed Sonic Mania to the summer. To their relief, however, one long-anticipated fan game finally saw a timely launch for Windows earlier today after many years of work and several SAGE demos.

Developed by Overbound, Sonic Time Twisted boasts a number of Genesis-era features and callbacks, including CD-inspired time travel, a dizzying number of Zones to explore, and a variety of old and new elemental shields. The unique Dueling Ages soundtrack has also largely been composed and performed by Hinchy—along with collaborators Andy Tunstall, Joshua “EXshad” Kruszyna, Jogurt, Christopher Wright and Michael Davis—which you can download separately here.

As for the story, the game’s events take place in a separate timeline after Sonic CD and the destruction of the Death Egg, this time leading to the demise of Dr. Robotnik. Metal Sonic aspires to resurrect his fallen master using ancient alien tech, and it is up to Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles to gather both the Time Stones and Chaos Emeralds to put a stop to the mechanical maniac’s fiendish plot!

Be sure to check out the Overbound Studio website for more information and the actual download for the free fan game. A Mac-supported release for Sonic Time Twisted is also pending.

Have you been keeping track of this game’s development, or will you be going in with a fresh pair of eyes? What have you enjoyed most from Time Twisted so far? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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The Spin: “Yo! Ho! Ho! Green Hill Giant”

Disclaimer: The views in this piece may not reflect the views of TSS or other writers on the staff team. The intention of The Spin is to promote debate and discussion of an issue or something that’s happening in the fandom or the world of Sonic.


So I’ve seen the footage from SXSW, and the Nintendo Direct, I have a few things to say, mainly on what bugs me about Sonic Generations 2 Sonic Forces so far.

But… I’m not going to do that right now, because, reasons.

Anyway, the one thing which came out of last night’s footage and reveal which probably even took Sega by surprise just a little was the level of negative feedback that The Green Hill Zone got, one which has people now turning away from the game and to be honest, really hasn’t done much for people’s perceptions of Sonic Forces, with some writing it off as glorified DLC for Sonic Generations or simply Generations 2 in all but name.

Oh and I’m not going to talk about how bland it looks because this footage is almost certainly Alpha and given how good modern Sonic’s stage looked, I suspect it’s running nowhere near final quality… now if we get to E3 through to October and it still looks like that… Then ho ho!

Regardless as to what you may think of the game as it stands right now, one thing is absolutely clear. Green Hill Zone apathy is a real thing which Sega needs to address right now or else a lot of fans are going to backlash against the franchise, badly.

Is Green Hill Really Used That Much?

This depends on what we’re talking about, when I saw Green Hill Zone last night I groaned and said ‘not again’ then I thought about it and tried to come up with a list of Games which have had the Green Hill Zone going back to Generations and… I have to admit I struggled with this.

Here is the list I could come up with.

  • Sonic Mania (Though Act 2 is pretty much a completely different stage just using GHZ assets.
  • Sonic Lego Dimensions (if you really want to be vain).
  • Sonic Runners (If you REALLY want to be vain).
  • Sonic Generations.

There’s probably one or two others which are likely mobile games which I only played for a few seconds before becoming bored, however, aside from other minor appearances such as stages for fighting games like Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax. In terms of you playing a character, going through a level, that’s the best I could come up with.

So following on from Generations which was the first game to bring back the Green Hill Zone in name and to standard for many years, we’ve had… a mobile game which barely represented the stage. A DLC/Level Pack for Lego… and Sonic Mania which isn’t out yet… whose Act 2 is barely recognisable to GHZ.

That’s… not a lot… so why does it feel like the Green Hill Zone has been in every game since forever?

Well the fact is it hasn’t… Green Hill has been barely used, it’s been used more than other stages, but it’s still a very minor stage, one could argue that Seaside Hill has had appearances or references in more games, yet nobody begs for that zone not to appear whenever something new gets announced. so what’s going on?

So if you’re Sonic Team right now, you might be a bit confused as to why Green Hill Zone has generated such a negative reaction, you’ve not had it as a real full stage in one of your games since 2011, last time it was an actual stage was the Lego game… so… why do fans suddenly hate it so much?

Well, I think it’s down to two possible explanations.

Sonic Forces/GHZ Just Looks Too Much Like Sonic Generations

I’ll keep this brief since I’ll probably be writing a lot more on this in another article.

Since Forces was announced, right from the teaser trailer… many people have compared it to Generations, since then, Sega have done very little to suggest otherwise, other than say ‘No it’s not a sequel’. Yesterdays footage has also done little to stop those comparisons, the short GHZ section just looks so much like the Generations stage… oh wait, now there’s sand… that’s different I guess?

Like I said, I’d keep this point brief, but if you pull a level out and it looks so much like a level from your last good/great Sonic game, you can’t help but feel like it’s the same old game. In fact, pretend Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 did this, had the Green Hill Zone in it, everybody would probably be saying ‘not again’.

Had it been any other zone, I suspect fans would have been much warmer to it’s reveal.

Anyway, we’ll come back to this game being too much like Generations and why it’s a bit of a problem another day.

 Green Hill Zone Is Used A Hell Of A Lot… Outside of The Games.

Just think about this for a moment… When was the last time you saw an official Sonic T-Shirt depicting the Chemical Plant Zone? Death Egg? Angel Island? Ice Cap? Hydrocity? Sky Chase?

No? How about Green Hill?

That’s just the tip of the iceberg… Oh go on have these too.

Green Hill Leggings!

How about mugs?


Amazingly, those three mugs came out at the same time… from the same company. Different mugs… all made to use the same level, Green Hill Zone.


How about art prints?

What about more general merch?


What about Sega’s booth at trade shows!?

Oh come on!

That is a very small sample, there is a lot more I could bring in. You know what is really crazy, all of this stuff is barely 5 years old, most of it is under 2 years old. Even promotional material and the social media guys tend to use the Green Hill Zone quite a lot, it all adds up.

For at least the last 5 years, without a doubt longer, the franchise has been over-saturated with Green Hill Zone imagery and products, it’s used on nearly everything, the only thing which is used more are those generic Sonic poses which are often used for merchandisers wanting to make a very cheap quick buck.

It’s no wonder fans are fed up and reacting negatively, outside of the games, everything is Green Hill, it’s rare that we get any other zone featured. With the exception of the bases on some of the recent First4Figure statues, the only Zone which I can think of that got featured on a piece of merch outside of Sonic Boom was Meccano’s Chemical Plant Zone toy.

As a fanbase, we’ve been exposed to so much Green Hill outside of the games in the last few years, that we’re bored of it, crying out for something new. This finally boiled over last night when after all that saturation of this particular Zone, finally, a new Sonic game and the second zone shown, is Green Hill… is it any wonder people reacted so negatively?

This is an entertainment product, if you keep producing the same old entertainment time and time again, people will get bored of it and reject it. So why on earth has Green Hill Zone been pretty much the only thing that has been used?

So Why is There So Much Green Hill?

Basically, there’s two reasons. One is obvious, the other annoying.

1: If you ask people who are not Sonic fans, but know what it is, to name a level from Sonic, they’ll probably name Green Hill… and honestly? That’s probably about it. It’s the most recognisable zone in Sonic, so you wanna sell your T-Shirt? Better make it Green Hill.

2: The second reason… I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think Sega wants people to use any other zones? This might be changing with the coming of Sonic Mania, but, certainly prior to it’s announcement, this felt the case.

We bring these up a lot, but frankly more people really need to pay attention to them, the style guides that we know of mention Green Hill, have assets for it, but do not mention assets or any other zones.

So if the style guides prevent people from using other zones, what chance do we have of originality?

What Needs to Be Done?

Green Hill apathy is a real thing which is having an impact, Sega absolutely needs to start taking this problem seriously or else fans are only going to become a lot more vocal in their displeasure of both games and the surrounding Sonic universe.

Last nights reaction was clear enough this has reached a boiling point. Sega needs to start promoting other zones as well as allowing licensees to use other levels and assets.

Or… do the amazing thing and let designers and artists have more freedom.

Take a look at the Drop Dead clothing line, it’s quite amazing, doesn’t use the traditional artwork or style guide designs, yet sold amazingly well because the designs were really great as well as being highly quality items. Otherwise, if you keep using Green Hill for everything, you’re going to get more people turning away.


And not once did I have to mention the placement of that dash pad.

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Sonic Talk 43: Switching Forces

In this month’s Sonic Talk, it’s all about the Nintendo Switch. We go into our obsession with Zelda and our overall thoughts on the system. We then discuss the upcoming Sonic Forces along with the fact that Sonic Boom seems to only be on Boomerang now. This and a whole lot more. Just strap it to your veins! Continue reading Sonic Talk 43: Switching Forces

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The Sonic Community April Fools Day Roundup 2017

We love April Fools Day, we do. At The Sonic Stadium, it’s an annual tradition – we’re the original pranksters in the community after all. It’s nice to kick back and have a little fun from time to time. And it looks like a whole bunch of Sonic sources have joined in on the act this year too, so let us bring you a selection of April Fools jokes that happened in 2017. Starting with the king, of course…
Continue reading The Sonic Community April Fools Day Roundup 2017

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OverClocked Remix Releases April Fools Day ‘& Knuckles’ Album

Have you been pining for some new Sonic-themed remixes lately? Well, OverClocked Remix’s latest album release could be either a blessing or a curse – the legendary music group pushed out a new LP titled ‘& Knuckles’ on April 1. It’s a real album, too. Continue reading OverClocked Remix Releases April Fools Day ‘& Knuckles’ Album

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Sonic Mania Trailer Music Artist Headlining EGX Party in London

If you thought one of the best things about the Sonic Mania reveal trailer was the 8-bit music, then you’ll love this (assuming you live in the UK) – Nitro Fun, the artist behind those chiptune beats, will be headlining a special gaming-themed party in a couple weeks’ time during London-based show EGX Rezzed. Continue reading Sonic Mania Trailer Music Artist Headlining EGX Party in London

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Check Out Tee Lopes’ Amazing Cover of Sonic Forces’ Main Theme

With SEGA’s panel at SXSW this past week, eager attendees got their first extensive look at the finally unveiled Sonic Forces. Sonic Team looks poised to deliver a game that builds upon the foundations of Colours and Generations, and things certainly seem to shape up that way if an early preview of modern Sonic’s gameplay is of any indication.

The panel then shared the instrumental version of the main theme to Sonic Forces, also revealing that the game’s sound direction will be led by Tomoya Ohtani. It didn’t take too long until fans began remixing the energetic (and dare I say, kinda anime opening-esque?) theme song, and while it will still be a while until we hear the official vocalized version, one awesome cover in particular might just help with the long wait.

Have a listen to Sonic Mania composer Tee Lopes’ rendition below, and share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Sonic Forces is scheduled for launch this holiday season for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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Sonic Talk 42: The End of Archie Sonic?

Our first all video episode! Stare in despair at Jason’s fat mug and incredibly messy room! Delight at GX’s poor haircut and massive Wii/WiiU collection! Watch as……Alex is too shy to show his face, so he just appears as an icon of Vyse from Skies of Arcadia. Continue reading Sonic Talk 42: The End of Archie Sonic?

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Sonic Revolution 2017 Announced & Dated

The Sonic Revolution fan convention is set to return for 2017, this year the event will be held Sunday, June 11th from 10 AM to 6 PM at the Fiesta Hall in Whittier, California.

Along with the confirmation of the venue and the date a number of special guests were also confirmed.

Bill Freiberger, co-executive producer and voice actor on Sonic Boom, as well as Alan Denton, one of the writers for Sonic Boom will be in attendance, fan content creator Balena Productions will also be in attendance.

Tickets will be distributed through GoGetFunding, every ticket comes with a goody bag but for those who want to spend more money, you will be rewarded with a collectable mug or T-Shirt.

More guests and incentives to attend have also been hinted at.

Full details of the event can be found on Sonic Revolution 2017 funding page.


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The Top 15 TSS Articles of 2016

So last year we decided to look at the sites top articles of 2015, and this year is no different!

Throughout the year our site monitors and keeps tracks of various statistics and we’re able to run various reports based on that data. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at what were the top 15 news/articles of 2015 on TSS according to total views, I have discounted individual images or hub pages like the Home page.

The date period is 31/12/15 – 31/12/16.

Lets go!

Number 15

I’m honestly surprised that this is so low on the list, however it’s probably because it came during the night of a thousand announcements and when you have to compete with Dancing Sonic and #Totino’s it was always going to be a tough battle for clicks.

Number 14

Well here is our first big surprise! Sonic Boom Season 2 was an article written in October 2015, yet between December 31st 2015 and today it had more hits than Sonic Mania did! What say you now BooMoaners?

Fun fact, this was number 15 on last years list.

Number 13

First bit of Archie news makes the list, and a well deserved one, Sonic: Mega Drive is one of the best Sonic comics in years, surprising fans of the series and bringing back fans who had left the comic book, beautifully drawn and brilliantly funny.

Number 12

You know in Toy Story, when they’re around the baby monitor and Rex yells ‘It’s a what!? What is it!?’ that best summarises the reaction to this news. Coming from Japan with dodgy fan translations all over the internet, nobody really knew what had happened until several hours later.

But our first clue at a big new Sonic game, of course we got excited.

Number 11

There was a time when 25th Anniversary news was popping up on a near daily level, many places reported that Sega had big plans for large scale events and parties, oddly, despite some of this news coming direct from Sega themselves, some of these events never materialised.

Number 10

We were one of the first places to break this rumour, and not only did it turn out to be true, but it ended up being one of the best Sonic games in years. Sonic in Lego Dimensions ended up being a fantastic game and has already had fans chanting for an official Sonic Lego kit to be made. One for 2017’s Christmas List I think.

Number 9

The end of 2016 saw a bunch of surprise fan projects, but the one which makes our list is Sonic Utopia, a fun little ‘what if’ kind of fan game, not perfect, but a great effort and kept a large number of you entertained for several hours.

Not tried it yet? Go give it a bash.

Number 8

One of the biggest surprises of 2016 was the discovery of an unknown arcade game SegaSonic Bros. a puzzle based game in which you line up coloured blocks. Starring Sonic, Ketchup and Mustard the Hedgehog, hey if we get official names, I’ll gladly stop calling them that.

Number 7

It’s really not surprising this one got as high as it did, I’d be quite surprised if it didn’t make it on next years list? Why? Well for one thing people usually search for ‘Sonic *insert year here*’ when trying to find news on stuff, so the fact this has Sonic 2017 in it means it’s going to be high on the list.

So anyway, the odd announcement from the end of the big party in America was Sonic Project 2017, which has a lot of fans going ‘erm… I’m not sure how to feel’. Well we’ll soon know how to feel as there is expected to be an information blowout of the game following Mania’s release next year.

Number 6

One of the first articles of the year, and what an article it was, another one of those weird interviews which promised a lot of stuff but didn’t quite deliver what was said, news of several new Sonic games which ended up being announcements if you don’t count Lego Dimensions.

Number 5

Sonic Runners should go down as a case study for mobile game developers as an incredible example of how a game died barely a year after it’s global release.

Sonic Runners soft launch was met with near universal acclaim, however following it’s worldwide launch players suddenly found their ability to progress restricted, banned for getting legitimate high scores, micro-transactions forced on them as well as more seriously sending hundreds of contact requests to advert providers and filling up device memory when players of the game discovered that the game was not deleting old data.

Sonic Runners, Not OK.

Number 4:

Is anyone really surprised this article is up here? News of a new character and the keyword ‘Sonic 2017’ will get people coming. Expect a lot articles from all over the Sonic community next year as sources claim things and news gradually leaks out.

Number 3

Sega’s fan event in Japan earlier this year saw not only the announcement of Sonic Project 2017, but also the reveal of a ton of concept art for Sonic and friends. Some of the designs different greatly to the final version, such as Shadow being blind in one eye and Cream being a completely different species.

Number 2

This news beat out Sonic Mania, it beat Sonic 2017 and Lego Dimensions news, think about that for just a moment.

It’s really… not that much of a surprise. The fact that GlamGlow is mentioned in the article is the reason why this article did as well as it did, see a lot of fans of beauty products search for limited products so it’s really no surprise that this article did as well as it this year, add onto that Sonic Merch Collectors, not that hard to see why it scored as high as it did.

The only really sad part about this is that Sega didn’t really announce this, it was discovered accidentally by fans and instantly put into the hands of ‘Instagram celebs’ who barely talked about it, if only they had made the product obtainable to the general public.

Number 1:

11 days into the year, that’s all it took for the first major 25th Anniversary news to break, the fact that this is our most viewed article of 2016 is proof enough that the thirst was real.

Hinting at new style guides, huge branded events and a major celebration, it was the first hint that Sega would be taking the 25th anniversary seriously and had big plans for it.

Honourable Mention: BIG NEWS

April 1st 2016 saw the return of Big News! Big the Cat took over the TSS main page as well as the Twitter and Facebook accounts, posting informative articles such as the best games which feature fish and a review of Bigs Big Fishing Adventure 3 Well… Big News’ central hub was actually number 16 on the list. But because it got taken down shortly after April 1st, it hasn’t had the pleasure of a whole years worth of exposure, odds are if it had remained accessible it would have been in the top 15.

The lesson here, never underestimate Big the Cat.

See you in 2017.

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Sonic Talk 41: How Are The Puppies Having Puppies?!!

What kind of crazy world does Sonic Boom belong to where less than a week old puppies can be impregnated and give birth?!! A sick, #$@%ed-up world, that’s what!! Join GX, Jason and Alex (who’s too dang far from his mic so I apologize for his audio in advance) as they discuss the new 2nd season of Sonic Boom, the other animated series based on a video game Skylanders Academy, new Sonic merchandise, Jason’s trip to the Playstation Experience, Titanfall 2, Pokemon Sun and Moon and much, much more! Continue reading Sonic Talk 41: How Are The Puppies Having Puppies?!!

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Check Out the Schedule for This Year’s WinterFest at RadioSEGA

From Friday, December 16th to Sunday, December 18th, our friends at RadioSEGA will be hosting their third annual WinterFest, bringing together fans from all over the SEGA community for three days of quality entertainment and live giveaways! Be you a Sonic fan, NiGHTS fan, Yakuza fan, or Atlus fan, there will be a little something for every fan under the SEGA banner to enjoy come this weekend.

The event is hosted by many of the station’s own programs such as Rexy’s SEGA Mixer Drive and KC’s own The SEGA Lounge, as well as special guests from The Sonic Show, SEGA Nerds, and many more.

Check out this year’s schedule in full below:

Continue reading Check Out the Schedule for This Year’s WinterFest at RadioSEGA

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The Spin: Happy Birthday Sonic the Hedgehog Oh Six

Today marks the tenth anniversary of a videogame. So myself and a few other staff members have stolen an idea from Sonic Retro to give you our mini retrospectives on said electronic digital media product. A game which had such an impact on the games industry that it’s still talked about to this day, except on the Sonic Stadium forums because all discussion on it is banned apart from one topic for reasons we don’t understand. That game, is Sonic the Hedgehog, in Sonic the Hedgehog Episode 2006, you play as Sonic, Shadow and Cannabis Plant Head Guy, who is a magician. Continue reading The Spin: Happy Birthday Sonic the Hedgehog Oh Six

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Sonic Talk Episode 40

For our 40th episode, we decided to treat you to an extra special episode by having NO Alex Peal! Yaaaay! (Alex is gonna kill me.) Instead, we have GX Echidna and Jason discussing Shin Godzilla, Skylanders Imaginators, Jason’s hands-on of  the Mario and Sonic Rio Olympics arcade machine, our opinions on Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice and much more! Continue reading Sonic Talk Episode 40

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Sonic Hacking Contest 2016 Begins on November 7th

Last month, the Sonic Amateur Games Expo hosted a wide variety of fan games developed by talented members of the community. Now, this month celebrates the tireless efforts of hackers for your favourite Sonic games with the 2016 edition of the Sonic Hacking Contest, kicking off this coming Monday, November 7th to Sunday, November 13th.

The annual ROM-hacking contest is brought to you by members of Sonic Stuff Research Group and Sonic Retro, with livestreams from SomecallmeJohnny, MegaGWolf, Redhotsonic, and more going on throughout the contest week. SSRG and Retro members can also download these and vote for their favourite for Community Trophies!

Check out the trailer for SHC2016 below, as well as the list for this year’s entries!

Continue reading Sonic Hacking Contest 2016 Begins on November 7th

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Mash-Up Monday: The Jesters of Pumpkin Hill

Sure, Mystic Mansion got its day in the limelight, but you didn’t really think I forgot about “A Ghost’s Pumpkin Soup,” did you? The definitive Sonic Halloween track quickly gained renown among fans and within the gaming community at large for hammy lyrics and dancing pumpkin men. Today, we’ll be taking a look at a little known mashup for Mash-Up Monday: Halloween 2016 Edition!

Mashup artist How2BEpic brought the infamous Pumpkin Hill to the world of Gaia, with the renowned theme combining with that of the sycophantic servants to Queen Brahne: “Jesters of the Moon” Zorn and Thorn of Final Fantasy IX. Have a listen below!

Continue reading Mash-Up Monday: The Jesters of Pumpkin Hill

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Happy Hallowe’en! Check Out Our Ghoulish Seasonal Roundup!

Hallowe’en comes but once a year, and is all too quickly pushed to one side on November 1st in favour of the more festive Holiday season. But we at TSS like to celebrate the event – as evidenced by our funky new look. You like it? Continue reading Happy Hallowe’en! Check Out Our Ghoulish Seasonal Roundup!

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Sound Test Saturday: Spooky Scary Mystic Mansion

Isn’t this that time of year where you put on a costume and threaten to prank strangers if they don’t give you candy? You know, New Year’s!

Boom jokes aside, the season of Halloween is indeed upon us, and for tonight’s Sound Test Saturday, we’re putting the remix spotlight on one of the more haunted locales of the entire Sonic series: Mystic Mansion from Sonic Heroes. Naofumi Hataya and Jun Senoue masterfully set the tone for the teams’ respective treks through the eerie manor, crawling with evil spirits and spooky scary skeletons around every corner. Continue reading Sound Test Saturday: Spooky Scary Mystic Mansion

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Try Out the Classic-Inspired “Sonic Utopia,” One of SAGE 2016’s Biggest Surprises

After a week-long run, the 2016 edition of the Sonic Amateur Games Expo finally unveiled its biggest surprise from the online fan game festival. An early demo has gone live for a project called Sonic Utopia, which seeks to recapture “the best of Sonic’s style and tie it together in a cohesive [and intuitive] experience” in 3D. Continue reading Try Out the Classic-Inspired “Sonic Utopia,” One of SAGE 2016’s Biggest Surprises

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Sound Test Saturday: See the Sights! Experience the Sounds! Visit Amazing Studiopolis!

Ladies and gentlemen, it is good to be back.

Long time readers might remember an old weekly feature called “Sound Test Saturday,” where I highlight Sonic music remixes from across the vastness of the Internet—either found by me or submitted to the site by you—bringing you double the audio goodness alongside Mash-Up Monday. I’m happy to announce that this feature is a-go once again!

Tcommemorate this occasion, we’re kicking things off with two unique takes on the theme for Studiopolis Zone, composed by Tee Lopes from the upcoming Sonic Mania. First up below is a freestyle rap by Smooth4lyfe over the original song, with catchy lyrics that I can guarantee you won’t be able to listen to the song again without!

Continue reading Sound Test Saturday: See the Sights! Experience the Sounds! Visit Amazing Studiopolis!

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Freak-Out Friday: Sonic Mania Gets the Highest Quality Rip Treatment There Is

The Internet changed forever in November 2014 when Vinesauce made the great discovery that was GRAND DAD, and thus, SiIvaGunner and their bed-rocking high quality rips were born. In July, SEGA celebrated Sonic’s 25 year-legacy by revealing the throwback 2D title Sonic Mania to the world with a hype-inducing debut trailer, accompanying music “Checkpoint” courtesy of Hyper Potions and Nitro Fun.

Now, put them together and what do you get?

Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Sonic Mania Gets the Highest Quality Rip Treatment There Is

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The Sonic Theorist Explores How Eggman Earns the Money to Support his Evil Empire

The man with the master plan has conquered several lands, created and programmed innumerable robots of all shapes and sizes, and built war machines ranging from a fleet of battleships to bases as big as moons. When you put your mind to it, you’ve gotta ask yourself: how does Dr. Eggman pay for it all? IQ of 300 or not, a reputable villain such as he must have earned the money to finance his plots for global conquest from somewhere.

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ScrewAttack Pits Amy Rose vs Ramona Flowers in the Latest Death Battle

What do Goku and Superman, Mario and Sonic, and Link and Cloud all have in common? They’re all subjects of similar calibre and prestige with comparable histories and skill sets, prompting never-ending debates online arguing over who would win over the other in a fight. That is where ScrewAttack comes in with their Death Battle series to put these debates to rest, analyzing two contenders’ weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win in these titular fights.

This isn’t the first time Death Battle hosts Wiz and Boomstick brought in a Sonic character, as Sonic, Tails, and Shadow among others have appeared in previous episodes. Today’s instalment, however, pits Amy Rose and her Piko Piko Hammer against the hammer-wielding valkyrie of Scott Pilgrim’s dreams, Ramona Flowers. Place your bets, because IT’S TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLEEEEEEE… below!

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Mash-Up Monday: Aquarium Park Dragon Dance

Sonic set aside his hydrophobia when countless Wisps were in danger as he ventured through Aquarium Park in Sonic Colours, with Eggman’s Interstellar Amusement Park laying claim to this planet for its feudal era-inspired architecture and expansive ocean. The evil Doctor’s lust for conquest later drove him to the Lost Hex, and became master of the Deadly Six, only for the Zeti to usurp him at the first opportunity; Sonic’s travels across the planetoid in Sonic Lost World soon led him to Sky Road where he confronted Zavok alone.

Select themes from both Zones, all composed by Tomoya Ohtani, have proven to be similar enough to be mashed up for this week’s Mash-Up Monday, as DarkHyperSonic7 has demonstrated with Aquarium Park Act 1 and “Dragon Dance.” Give it a listen below!

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Freak-Out Friday: If Mario & Sonic Switched Personalities, Plus Photoshop Contest

What has been said about Mario and Sonic that hasn’t already been said, aside from their bitter history, them being brawl buddies and Olympic sportsmen, and their tentative crossover potential? How about if their personalities were switched, if everything that Mario “Mario” and Sonic “Sonic” were traded?

For today’s Freak-Out Friday, voice actor SungWon “ProZD” Cho and artist Angus McLeod prove to us once and for all that nothing is sacred. Check out the result after the jump, as well as details on our brand new Photoshop Contest!

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Mash-Up Monday: Crisis City Remastered

Crisis City was once a shining and prosperous metropolis before Iblis was unleashed upon the world, and the immortal Flames of Disaster turned the city to ruin and brought all life in the world to its knees. The apocalyptic city appropriately set the tone for the rest of the plot in Sonic ’06, and not even it being wiped from canonical existence prevented its return in Sonic Generations five years later.

For today’s Mash-Up Monday, we take another look at the music of Crisis City across its ’06 and Generations incarnations, all composed and arranged by Tomoya Ohtani. YouTuber Aeon Eric already mashed the original, Classic, and Modern themes up together in the past, but a remastered edition was produced not long after. As a bonus, keener listeners might pick up on a Kingdom Hearts-related surprise towards the end of this mashup.

Check it out below!

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The Sonic Amateur Games Expo Returns Next Saturday

The Sonic Amateur Games Expo—or SAGE—is finally returning for another round this year, as novice and aspiring developers from all over the web come together and share their efforts with the Sonic community at large. It is at SAGE where people enjoyed a wide variety of fan-made games and ROM hacks, such as Sonic: Before the Sequel, Sonic Time Twisted, and Sonic 2: Dimps Edition, or some intentionally awful and crudely put-together monstrosities at RAGE (Really Amateur Games Expo), which is also hinted to return.

Among this year’s lineup is the open-world 3D fan-game Green Hill Paradise which took the Internet by storm over the past summer, a 2.5D sidescroller with Sonic Incursion, and a Smash Bros. clone with a Sonic Boom coat of paint called Sonic Boom and the Smash Crew. There are too many promising gems to namedrop all at once, but you can check out the SAGE 2016 trailer below to see more fan-games in action!

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The Completionist Explores the Troubled Gameplay of Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric

Over two years have passed since the hundredth episode of The Completionist, where Jirard Khalil did the inadvisable and went on to complete Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 at a great personal cost. Since then, the game has been dethroned by another, one which has drawn more ire and infamy than its predecessor ever did: Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. Naturally, Jirard went and did the unfathomable… or he almost did.

The troubled development process behind Big Red Button’s project—stemming from both SEGA’s exclusivity deal with Nintendo, and incompatibility between CryEngine 3 and the Wii U—led to an incomplete and bug-ridden November 2014 launch that even a one-plus gigabyte patch couldn’t fix. Jirard dIves into depths never explored of just how broken Rise of Lyric is, as a game that likely cannot ever be 100% completed. Check out the latest episode of The Completionist below, presented in a brand new format!

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Freak-Out Friday: “I thought this was Sonic 2” by Hat-Loving Gamer

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was a perfect game back when it launched in 1992, pushing the known boundaries of blast processing even further with faster gameplay and more expansive Zones. The Genesis classic also introduced series mainstays Tails and Super Sonic, it marked the beginning of the Death Egg saga, and most importantly, it slices, dices, and makes thousands of julienne fries!

And to top it all off, who could possibly forget the climactic showdown between the fastest thing alive and the Death Egg Robot? Innumerable tributes to this fateful battle have been made already, but that of animator Hat-Loving Gamer—who previously worked on Sonic in the Mushroom Kingdom (1, 2) last year—puts a whole other unique spin on it! Eh? Ehhh?

…check it out below.

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Mash-Up Monday: Reala’s Stardust Speedway

While Sonic celebrates his 25th anniversary, there is another SEGA superstar whose milestone we should honour: Naoto Oshima’s own NiGHTS, who debuted in NiGHTS into Dreams… on the SEGA Saturn over twenty years ago. The androgynous Nightmaren keeps watch over the dream world of Nightopia and protects it from the evil Wizeman.

Since their premiere on the Saturn, only one other game exists to their name on Wii with Journey into Dreams, and barring their appearances on several spinoffs, it is unknown if we’ll ever see NiGHTS again in the future, but hope yet remains. We pay tribute to NiGHTS for today’s Mash-Up Monday with a pair of mash-ups by Chiruliru and James Fisher, featuring the Japanese themes of Stardust Speedway from Sonic CD and “NiGHTS and Reala” from NiGHTS into Dreams… Check them out below!

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Freak-Out Friday: Knuckles Glitches Again in Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice

There is an inkling of truth to the age-old saying, said by a wise and dangerously attractive young man:

You can take the glitch out of the echidna, but you can’t take the echidna out of the glitch.” –VizardJeffhog


You can’t teach an old echidna new tricks.–VizardJeffhog


Old echidna habits die hard.–VizardJeffhog

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Mash-Up Monday: Team Chaotix X Sweet Mountain Area

The Chaotix Detective Agency: the team that never turns down work that pays, a force where one and one makes three, and experts at taking a look at… more clues. Now, the subject of this week’s Mash-Up Monday!

When Team Chaotix was brought back and redesigned from Knuckles Chaotix into their more modern iterations established in Sonic Heroes, their re-debut came with an awesome and really catchy self-titled theme song with vocals by Gunnar Nelson. It also turns out it mashes together quite well with the Mariko Nanba’s Area theme for Sweet Mountain from Sonic Colours, as YouTuber Newbiespud found out by bringing both tunes together.

Check out their tribute to Vector, Espio, and Charmy below!

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Photoshop Contest, September 2016: Sonic Storybook Series

Sorry for the delay, good readers! As you likely noticed, the site went down for a brief spell today because goblins, so this couldn’t go up during a Freak-Out Friday on-time as planned. But hey, at least now we’re back on track!

During last week’s Mash-Up Monday, I proposed the idea of hosting a fun little photoshop contest here at The Sonic Stadium, and the response I received was absolutely bonkers. The theme was “Sonic Storybook,” based on the pair of Wii games that threw Sonic into the worlds of the Arabian Nights and King Arthur respectively, where you all had to throw together a box art with the idea of adding Sonic into a storybook of some kind. The best part of it? Just about anything goes. And you all answered in kind!

A lot of these entries went above and beyond my expectations, so it’s high time we show them off properly. Check them out below!

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The SSMB is Hosting a Community Celebration Event with a “Sonic Musical Spectacular”

It’s been one year since the SSMB community stream channel “Motobug” was founded, hosting everything from movie nights to streams of Nintendo Directs and PlayStation Live, as well as marathons of old Sonic Saturday morning cartoons. To commemorate this occasion and to celebrate everything Sonic, SSMB, and Motobug, forum user and channel co-founder Ryannumberonegamer will be hosting a “Sonic Musical Spectacular” (unrelated to the TSS Blackout remix project by DJ EAR) this Saturday at 5pm GMT (1pm EDT)!

Check out his statement below, pulled from the SSMB thread:

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Freak-Out Friday: Sonic the Hedgehog in Smash Bros. Melee

Who remembers those old hoaxes swirling around some of our favourite video games? Those days where prolific liars on the playground took advantage of our gullibility, saying you can only catch Mew in Pokémon Red and Blue from under a truck, or Aerith can live in Final Fantasy VII, or you can find the Triforce in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, all after a complicated set of conditions are met?


There was one hoax Sonic fans would remember from an old issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, where you could unlock Sonic and Tails in Super Smash Bros. Melee by scoring 20 KOs in Cruel Melee mode. Impossible, right? Not so, for YouTuber MagicScrumpy did unlock the one and only video game character who is blue, collects rings, and goes fast by clearing those conditions – check out his video below!

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Mash-Up Monday: “Shadow and the Snow Queen”, Plus Sonic Storybook Photoshop Contest

Ah, the Sonic Storybook series – a spinoff that never lived past Sonic and the Secret Rings, which brought the Blue Blur to the many tales of the Arabian Nights, and Sonic and the Black Knight, based on the old legends of King Arthur. The concept of mashing together Sonic with age-old folklore was a fun one that could’ve led to other game ideas: say, Sonic finding the lost city of Atlantis, or facing the Greek hero Hercules, or maybe even going through the pages of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen.

What’s with that specific last example, you may ask? This week’s Mash-Up Monday, being “Shadow and the Snow Queen”—a combination of “Let it Go” from Disney’s Frozen, “Snow Halation” from the Love Live! anime, snippets of Crush 40’s “I Am All of Me” from Shadow the Hedgehog, and bits of “Rooftop Run” from Sonic Unleashed—based on a very real crossover idea that spawned between the Sonic and Frozen fandoms.

Check it out below, and read on for the Sonic Storybook Series photoshop contest!

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