The Sonic Community April Fools Day Roundup 2017

We love April Fools Day, we do. At The Sonic Stadium, it’s an annual tradition – we’re the original pranksters in the community after all. It’s nice to kick back and have a little fun from time to time. And it looks like a whole bunch of Sonic sources have joined in on the act this year too, so let us bring you a selection of April Fools jokes that happened in 2017. Starting with the king, of course…
Continue reading The Sonic Community April Fools Day Roundup 2017

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AFD 2017: SEGA Reveals Big the Cat as Sonic Mania’s Fourth Playable Character

The cat is out of the bag! SEGA has announced that the happy-go-lucky purple feline, Big the Cat, will be a playable character in retro 2D platformer Sonic Mania as part of a cross-promotion with officially-sanctioned fan game Big’s Big Fishing Adventure 3. Continue reading AFD 2017: SEGA Reveals Big the Cat as Sonic Mania’s Fourth Playable Character

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