Getting ready for Halloween? No? Yeah, neither have we – there’s just not been a reason to, you know? Until now, that is. SEGA Shop UK/Europe has launched a new range of merchandise that features Sonic, Tails and Eggman in appropriately spooky wear! Continue reading SEGA Shop Launches Awesomely Spooky Halloween Merchandise Range
Tokyo Joypolis Celebrates Sonic Colours’ 10th Anniversary With Crossover Halloween Event
This Autumn, the Colours will feel so right spooky and creepy at SEGA’s Tokyo Joypolis amusement park. With Wii classic ‘Sonic Colours’ originally releasing on 11 November 2010 (in PAL territories), Joypolis is throwing a special event to both celebrate both the game’s 10-year anniversary and Halloween. Continue reading Tokyo Joypolis Celebrates Sonic Colours’ 10th Anniversary With Crossover Halloween Event
True Horror Abounds as Sonic Movie Themed Costumes Appear in Stores
You can’t run, you can’t hide, you can’t reach the other side of the rainbow, because this is Movie Sonic’s neighborhood! He’s taken over! Costumes based off of Sonic’s scrapped design for the upcoming feature film are appearing in stores across the United States, just in time for Halloween! Continue reading True Horror Abounds as Sonic Movie Themed Costumes Appear in Stores
Rouge the Bat Gets A Halloween Makeover in Sonic Forces: Speed Battle
It’s almost Halloween, and SEGA Hardlight has redecorated the Sonic Forces: Speed Battle mobile app to suit the spooky mood. As part of the festivities, a new character can be unlocked between now and 30 October – Witch Rouge! Continue reading Rouge the Bat Gets A Halloween Makeover in Sonic Forces: Speed Battle
Happy Hallowe’en! Check Out Our Ghoulish Seasonal Roundup!
Hallowe’en comes but once a year, and is all too quickly pushed to one side on November 1st in favour of the more festive Holiday season. But we at TSS like to celebrate the event – as evidenced by our funky new look. You like it? Continue reading Happy Hallowe’en! Check Out Our Ghoulish Seasonal Roundup!
Dr Eggman Pumpkin Carving – Time Lapse
It’s that spooky time of year again, which can mean only one thing. Pumpkin carving! Continue reading Dr Eggman Pumpkin Carving – Time Lapse
Get into the Halloween Spirit with a Spooky New Sonic T-Shirt
Reader beware, you’re in for a scare – a scary t-shirt, that is!
Last month, SEGA got into the 25th anniversary spirit with a limited edition pair of official Sonic Mania tees, and with Halloween around the corner, a spooky new t-shirt is now up for grabs on Amazon US. The new piece of apparel features Sonic as he faces off against a thematically dapper Eggman on his Eggmobile with surrounding Bat-Brains.
The new tee has yet to surface on Amazon UK, but those in the States can nab a navy or asphalt-coloured shirt for $19.99 today.
Sonic Halloween Spirit Tee – Amazon US
Continue reading Get into the Halloween Spirit with a Spooky New Sonic T-Shirt
Gotta Grrr Fast! Sonic Dog Costume
Sup Dawg’s? I got some Sonic news for you.
A Sonic the Hedgehog costume…. For dogs! A Sonic the Hedgehog costume… FOR DOGS! Erm… Can I fit it on a cat?
This costume has popped up for order on, current asking price is $20 + Postage. I can’t imagine it being official but. If you fancy turning Fido into the worlds fasted hedgehog. Well hot dog, nows your chance!
Pay no attention to the fact that they have just photoshopped the costume onto the dog and not managed to get one to sit still enough to put him in one. It’s a Sonic costume! For dogs! It comes in small, medium, large and extra large, though you might want to get on the dog n’ bone to get more accurate measurements.
Anyone here going to order one? Regardless as to if you own a dog? You’d be barking mad not to take avantage of this find.
Source: HalloweenCostumes
Edit: According to the website, this is indeed an official product.
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween blue believers! Ah Halloween, I still have fond memories of wearing a homemade Dracula cape (which was amazing) walking through the cold October streets knocking on peoples doors, filling my goody bag with all manner of amazing things.
Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year (along with Christmas Day and Pancake Day) and it feels like every year more people get into it. So with that in mind, I’ve decided to take a look at my top 5 scary/Halloween related Sonic moments. Whilst some may not be strictly Halloween related, they scared me and others then, and may still scare some people now. So without further ado, hit the read more link to see my Top 5 scary/Halloween related Sonic moments.
#95 A warning for Sonic fans before they sleep this halloween night
#94 Eggman has a Monster Mash
A Blast From The Past In Time For Halloween
Remember these?

If you’re planning on breaking out the pumpkins on Sunday, check out Rally the Cheetah and The-Lioness’ Sonic designs from last year if you’re stuck on a cool look.
Rally’s also come up with a fresh new design this year, Rouge the Bat.
Cutting out a pumpkin and roaming the streets this year, or locking yourself in and switching the lights off so it looks like no-one’s home, like I am? >_> Either way, let us know in the comments.
Hallowe’en Pumpkin Stencils Return!
It’s back, with a vengeance… and this time, it wants your blood! Or something. Yes, the awesome Hallowe’en pumpkin stencils we offered last year are back, and now they’re permanently archived in a new section in the Media section over on the sidebar. Click on ‘Other Downloads’ and you’ll be taken to a page where our miscellaneous content will go, as and when we get it.
Rally the Cheetah lovingly made these so you can create your own Sonic pumpkins at home! And there’s still a day left to go to prepare, so what perfect timing!
New additions have arrived if you don’t fancy doing the same carvings as last year though, with Silver and an incredible Sonic the Werehog stencil for those looking for a challenge. You’ll need a hell of a pumpkin for the Werehog one, but doesn’t it look badass? Most appropriate for the season, don’t you think?
You can find a direct link to the Hallowe’en Pumpkin stencils here, if you don’t fancy going through that extra click, you lazy git, you. Be sure to write about your own Sonic-themed pumpkin/Hallowe’en stories in the comments box, and from me and everyone at TSS, have a ghoulish weekend!
Who’s Won Our Hallowe’en Contest?
Sorry for taking so long to reveal the results of our latest competition, but I’ve been away for a week and hadn’t had time to run through all of our entries. Thanks so much for everyone that took part – I got a whopping 57 submissions for this contest, and if anything it’s proven that the whole lot of you are proper little thieves in the making. Almost all of the entries involved a Sonic character assaulting or otherwise managing to outright steal candy off of the poor residents of this world.
I’ve had a whole range of characters sent in from Sonic to Big to Metal Sonic and Charmy. Even Marine had an entry. As a fun fact, it will be settling for all of you to know that nine entries featured Shadow holding the homeowner at gunpoint. That’s not slightly worrying at all.
But I have five sets of prizes to give away – a Sonic Chronicles tin and stylus set, plus an additional goodie bag for the entry I found the greatest. So hit the jump to see the winners, and a list of people that took the time to enter… Continue reading Who’s Won Our Hallowe’en Contest?
This Is Not How You Win Our Hallowe’en Competition
It’s generally understood that you only submit one entry into competitions. The case is no different with our currently ongoing Hallowe’en Competition for some Sonic Chronicles goodies. We can understand that one or two people may send two entries – be it accidentally (dupe-entries) or on purpose just to see if they can push their luck. But this is a bit excessive.
‘datkross412‘ decided that one of the best ways to get our attention is send in a whopping eighteen entries, featuring almost every Sonic character under the sun. The guy even did Sonic twice. I guess the plan was to see whether one of them was our favourite character or something. There was an entry for, in order: Sonic, Chip, Werehog, Tails, Rouge, Blaze, Shadow, Knuckles, Silver, Super Sonic, Eggman, Vector, Espio, Big, Amy, Metal Sonic, Elise, and Sonic again.
So yeah. Obviously, that’s taking the piss. We’re not going to pick the best one for his entry, much less look at them, so ‘datkross412’ here’s your challenge – pick one. Pick the entry you want to enter for this contest. If you don’t, we’ll bin them all and disqualify you. Usual contest email address, just give us the name of the character you want to keep.
And that ends today’s lesson in “Don’t give Svend a headache”. Thanks for playing.
Trick or Treat us and Win Sonic Chronicles Stuff
Thanks to Sega Europe, we have a few Sonic Chronicles goodies to give away on The Sonic Stadium. Just in time for Hallowe’en too! See that photo up there? The Chronicles tin and stylus pack? There are five of those to give away. You could win a set of them, you could. There’s also a super-secret squirrel Grand Prize goody bag, which will be sent your way should you impress us the most.
Impress us, you say? Well yes. I don’t expect you to just come along and take this stuff. I want you to work for your meal. And what better way to prove your worth than on Hallowe’en? Here’s what you have to do to be in a chance of winning:
Pick any Sonic the Hedgehog character, and describe to us how they would Trick or Treat someone.
It’s as simple as that. Imagine a Sonic character of your choice, knocking on a house door. What does that character do when that door opens to get as much candy as possible? Funny, scary, or downright weird entries are all acceptable, so do your worst (on all accounts)!
Send your entires to with your name, email address and what your chosen character does. Closing date for entries is the 7th November 2008. Good luck!
Unleashed: Night of the Living Werehog
To get you into the spirit of things, SEGA have made this awesome Hallowe’en trailer for Sonic Unleashed. But it’s not a trailer for the game. Nope, it’s a trailer for a special animated film that SEGA are producing, to tie in with the game. So it’s Sonic the Hedgehog’s “Thriller” then.
It’s done in a classic horror movie style, and features Sonic and new character Chip heading into a haunted house, with the blue blur unable to contain his dark secret when the full moon comes out… Almost reminded me of the intro to Luigi’s Mansion until Were-Sonic started beating the snot out of some Looney Tunes-esque bull.
Give it a watch, it’s ghoulishly good. Ahem. The full animated short will be available in November.
Create Your Own Sonic Halloween Pumpkins
Hey you. Excited about Halloween? Good. Got a pumpkin? Good. Want to make a Sonic pumpkin? You’re in luck my friend, as The Sonic Stadium has a set of pumpkin stensils that you can use to make your favourite character glow viciously in the twilight. These designs were submitted by Rally the Cheetah, who created all but the Amy pumpkin (which was created by ‘The Lioness’), but feel free to print any of these onto an A4 sheet of paper and go nuts.
You’ve got a choice of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Silver and Blaze. Click here for the stencils, along with a special tutorial made by Rally in case you’re unsure as to how to create your own Sonic Pumpkin.
Halloween Costumes Unveiled for Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Team has released another download for Sonic Adventure 2 on Dreamcast! This time, to celebrate Hallowe’en, the studio is offering players the chance to give each character in 2P mode a spooky makeover. Sonic will don a pumpkin suit, while Rouge will be wearing a witches’ outfit. See some images after the jump, and check out the download page on the Sonic Adventure 2 Dreamcast webpage to get it. Continue reading Halloween Costumes Unveiled for Sonic Adventure 2