Wait, is she standing on Omega in that second one?
Continue reading First 4 Figures Shows Concept Art of Rouge Statue to Gauge InterestSEGA Does Not Consider Team Dark to be “Teammates or Friends,” According to Flynn
Team Dark may have been a consistent team for years in both the games and Archie comics, but they no longer exist as anything but an out-of-unverse brand, according to IDW Sonic and Sonic Frontiers writer Ian Flynn. When a fan asked Flynn on his podcast what kind of base Team Dark would have, Flynn answered they wouldn’t have a base, because SEGA does not consider them a team.
“Team Dark isn’t a thing. It’s an out-of-universe brand, apparently. They are not a unit, they are not even friends,” Flynn said, “They don’t do mission things together unless the story has them doing it.” He want on to state his belief that Team Dark makes the most sense out of all of the teams (aside from the Chaotix), and that he doesn’t like this.
You can find the answer on his latest podcast, embedded below. The answer starts at 10:20.
The Next Special Sonic Dash Character is Elite Agent Rouge
Did you manage to get the OVA-tastic Treasure Hunting Knuckles in Sonic Dash, hat and all? Well, if you just missed out, maybe this will help take the sting out. HARDlight has announced that starting today you can work to unlock the next special character, Elite Agent Rouge. Continue reading The Next Special Sonic Dash Character is Elite Agent Rouge
GE Entertainment Are Making a 21″ Rouge The Bat Plush!
For the last few years, Tomy has been ‘the master toy partner’ for Sonic. Which has produced some really nice items as well as some products based on lesser used characters.
However as a consequence, a number of other companies have cut back on what they produce. One such company was GE Entertainment who used to produce a lot of really great plushies on a lot of the secondary and even retired cast.
Well it looks like GE are back in the plush game.
Confirming on twitter, the company will produce 3 new plushies for 2019. The first two are a standard Sonic and Super Sonic plush, shaped like a ball.
The third… is a 21″ Rouge the Bat plush!
21 inches is just over 53cm making it a very big plush indeed!
No other details were confirmed, but given how extensive GE were when they used to make Sonic plushies, we’ll be keeping a close eye on this one!
Source: Twitter
Team Dark Joins The Race! Rouge & Omega Confirmed for TSR!
Famitsu have revealed new details regarding Sumo Digital’s upcoming Sonic racing title. Posted to their website, a very low quality teaser image of an upcoming article about the game clearly shows both Rouge and Omega as playable characters.
Also confirmed are three wisp types, Cube, Bomb and Eagle. The image also appears to show a few new ingame screenshots, but good luck getting any detail from this quality of the preview.
The issue is due for release later this month, we’ll bring you more details as they come in.
Source: Famitsu.
Sonic List: The Top Official/Semi-Official Sonic Pairings (Valentine’s Special)
I hate you Google Image. I put two Sonic characters in your search bar and you provide me with these horrifying images of Sonic couples. The safe search, it does nothing! Why are they inflated?! Why are they centaurs?! Why are those things a fetish?! GAAAAAH!
Anyway, it’s Valentine’s day, love (or some other foul stench) is in the air and it’s the perfect time to talk about everyone’s favorite Sonic relationships. While I’m sure there are many of you who like to ship their own fictional Sonic couples be it straight, gay or “call the police”, I wanted to focus on the ones that have been made official or even semi-official through the games, comics or cartoons be they full blown couples or just one-sided love interests. I’m not much of a shipper myself, but I wanted to look at them from a writer’s perspective to see what works about them. So in no particular order, here’s my list of what I personally think are the best couples in the Sonic Universe.
Continue reading Sonic List: The Top Official/Semi-Official Sonic Pairings (Valentine’s Special)
A Blast From The Past In Time For Halloween
Remember these?

If you’re planning on breaking out the pumpkins on Sunday, check out Rally the Cheetah and The-Lioness’ Sonic designs from last year if you’re stuck on a cool look.
Rally’s also come up with a fresh new design this year, Rouge the Bat.
Cutting out a pumpkin and roaming the streets this year, or locking yourself in and switching the lights off so it looks like no-one’s home, like I am? >_> Either way, let us know in the comments.
This Month on the Sonic Channel
Every month, as most of us now know, Sonic Channel updates with a new character art, wallpaper and other goodies.
This month, we have a Big the Cat profile, along with his art and wallpaper. There is a Rouge puzzle with last month’s Rouge art added and some fan art. Lots of fun there.
Along with the site update, they have also said that the 2 in 1 packs with Sonic Advance and Sonic Battle, Sonic Pinball Party and Sonic Battle, and Sonic Advance and Chu-Chu Rocket, have been released as of the 26th of January, in Japan. However, don’t fret. There have been a few 2 in 1 packs already released for English customers. Continue reading This Month on the Sonic Channel
Secrets of Shadow the Hedgehog’s Past Revealed in Newly-Translated SA2 Document
Shadow the Hedgehog. Is he really the ‘ultimate life form’ that he claims he is in Sonic Adventure 2? According to a newly-translated, reportedly official Japanese game document, it’s possible that he is not. And, for those of you who have completed the game, there’s some unique insight into the Space Colony ARK and Shadow’s origins. Continue reading Secrets of Shadow the Hedgehog’s Past Revealed in Newly-Translated SA2 Document
SA2: Sonic’s Shadow Has a Name
New images of Sonic Adventure 2 have been revealed, giving a name to Sonic’s mysterious black doppelgänger. His name is Shadow, and he certainly looks similar enough to Sonic to be named as such. The images also introduce a new character called Rouge. These characters look amazing and I can’t wait ’til the game comes out! Who knew that black hedgehog had a name… Screenshots below! Continue reading SA2: Sonic’s Shadow Has a Name