SEGA Does Not Consider Team Dark to be “Teammates or Friends,” According to Flynn

Team Dark may have been a consistent team for years in both the games and Archie comics, but they no longer exist as anything but an out-of-unverse brand, according to IDW Sonic and Sonic Frontiers writer Ian Flynn. When a fan asked Flynn on his podcast what kind of base Team Dark would have, Flynn answered they wouldn’t have a base, because SEGA does not consider them a team.

“Team Dark isn’t a thing. It’s an out-of-universe brand, apparently. They are not a unit, they are not even friends,” Flynn said, “They don’t do mission things together unless the story has them doing it.” He want on to state his belief that Team Dark makes the most sense out of all of the teams (aside from the Chaotix), and that he doesn’t like this.

You can find the answer on his latest podcast, embedded below. The answer starts at 10:20.

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JAKKS Pacific To Produce First Ever E-123 Omega Action Figure

Amongst a host of new figures from the toy retailer JAKKS Pacific comes what all automata-aficionados have been waiting for – an action of the ultimate E-series robot, E-123 Omega!

The figure has been listed on UK retailer Smyths Toys website this week, amongst other figures in this and the next wave (wave 7 and 8) of the line, including Silver the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat.

Other than a figurine contained in the Sonic Battle Racers board game, this is the first action figure fans have seen of this much-loved merciless mecha; images of the (sizable) figure can be seen below:

According to the website, the figures are expected to be available in the UK around March 2022, however this might be earlier for those in the US.

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