The 2019 Sonic Hacking Contest’s Results are Here!

The Sonic Hacking Contest of 2019 has been adjourned, and it’s time to see which hacks and mods got the most votes for their respective categories!

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Winners Announced for Sonic Hacking Contest 2017

After a week of high quality Sonic hacks being put up against the keen eye of the community and the judging panel, the winners have been announced for this year’s Sonic Hacking Contest! Here’s a full list of all the winners announced on Sunday night.

Continue reading Winners Announced for Sonic Hacking Contest 2017

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Who’s Won Our Hallowe’en Contest?

Sorry for taking so long to reveal the results of our latest competition, but I’ve been away for a week and hadn’t had time to run through all of our entries. Thanks so much for everyone that took part – I got a whopping 57 submissions for this contest, and if anything it’s proven that the whole lot of you are proper little thieves in the making. Almost all of the entries involved a Sonic character assaulting or otherwise managing to outright steal candy off of the poor residents of this world.

I’ve had a whole range of characters sent in from Sonic to Big to Metal Sonic and Charmy. Even Marine had an entry. As a fun fact, it will be settling for all of you to know that nine entries featured Shadow holding the homeowner at gunpoint. That’s not slightly worrying at all.

But I have five sets of prizes to give away – a Sonic Chronicles tin and stylus set, plus an additional goodie bag for the entry I found the greatest. So hit the jump to see the winners, and a list of people that took the time to enter… Continue reading Who’s Won Our Hallowe’en Contest?

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Sonic Site Awards ’06 Results

The Sonic Site Awards results were announced Sunday in its annual radio broadcast.

For the first time in its history, the radio show, broadcasted simultaneously on Sega Sonic Radio and Sega Games Radio, went smoothly without any problems, and the reduced number of awards meant a show which ballooned in length in recent years was comfortably under three hours this year.

After a disappointing voting turnout in 2005, SSA’s decision to require user registration is starting to bear fruit. Despite having nine less awards and half the time to vote, voting was higher than last year, at over 4,000 votes from over 600 people, many of whom used their accounts registered for last year’s SSA. Continue reading Sonic Site Awards ’06 Results

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Sonic Wrecks Awards Results

The second Sonic Wrecks Awards has now ended, and the results have been revealed.

Websites who retained awards won last year include Sonic Vegemite, who held onto the ‘Best Humour Related Site’ and SEGA for ‘Most Original Concept’ in Sonic Wild Fire – the reason of its win being the majority of the fanbase’s feelings that the Wii title will truly be the next step in the Sonic franchise, in the face of the ‘same old’ from Sonic Next-Gen.

The Sonic Stadium featured heavily in the awards again this year, with Sonic News obtaining the ‘Most Essential Service’ gong a second year running and taking the baton of ‘Best Resource’ from it’s parent website. TSS maintained its award for ‘Best Overall Website’, and also won the humourous ‘Big Boot Award’, due to a lack of updates. The reason for the lack of updates has been reported to be a focus on a new website system for the website, including many new features. The new system is reported to be launched in August.

SEGA’s antics with Next-Gen have done no favours for themselves, with Silver the Hedgehog winning the ‘Biggest Disappointment’ Award, and the new hedgehog also obtaining the ‘Biggest OMFG Moment’ alongside the newly designed, slimmer Dr. Eggman.

For the full list of awards, head to Sonic Wrecks. You can listen to the audio ceremony HERE.

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Sonic Site Awards Final Results

Three vote ties, including the main award itself, highlighted an enjoyable Sonic Site Awards ceremony, kicking off the Sonic Stadium’s 5th birthday celebrations.

However, the broadcast looked in danger of not even starting, when the expected influx of listeners was even more than anyone expected. Despite Zone Radio Network admin Andy Nolan increasing SEGASonic Radio‘s listener limit to 50, and setting up a relay for around 35 listeners, both servers were filled long before the cast even started.

Additionally, hosts Dreadknux and Roareye had major problems getting their broadcasting software to work, and then had even worse problems starting the show. Eventually, after kicking all 50 listeners from the ZRN server, they were able to start broadcasting over two hours late, at 8:20 PM GMT. Additional relay servers from tSS staff B’man and Fastfeet helped to let everyone hear the show, meaning that the problems that plagued past shows were no longer an issue. Continue reading Sonic Site Awards Final Results

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Sonic Wrecks Releases Award Results

Sprite comic and Shadow fansite Sonic Wrecks released the final results of its Sonic Wrecks Awards on Tuesday. Twelve awards were contested, ten for Sonic-related Websites, accompanied by fictional Sonic Wrecks comics about the awards.

Among the awards, Sonic News won the “Most Essential Service or Feature” award, and parent site The Sonic Stadium received the “Best Sonic Resource” and “Best Overall Sonic Website” awards.

The “Most Underrated Website” award was tied in votes between ShadowGrounds and Sonic Vegemite, so both sites received this award.

A full list of awards and their results is available on the Sonic Wrecks Awards page.

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