So the US version of Sonic Unleashed is already out, apparently (for the Wii and PS2 it seems). Those lucky gits who decided to take it slow and start with the manual noticed an advertisement for the Werehog figure we spoke about a while ago. But wait, what’s this other circle about? Yes, looks like Super Sonic is also available as a collectible figure, thus increasing my British envy.
The toys will supposedly be available this month, it’s worth checking out Sega America’s official website for more details on where you can grab ’em.
Image: MarioandWeege’s DeviantArt (thanks, Clayton!)
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UPDATE: The spoilsports at Sega seem to have caught wind of the Youtube escapade, as the videos that were featured in this story were taken off shortly after. If you’re looking for a way to view the videos but can handle waiting a million years, Ruliweb have downloadable versions on their website. The last two links in either the HD or SD segment of the page lead to the Sonic Unleashed videos, the other links are other games, we imagine.
It appears someone’s got their hands on review code of Sonic Unleashed early, because there’s a few gameplay videos popping up over Youtube courtesy of “Ruliweb”. The first video, above, shows a cutscene between Sonic and Chip in the Apotos stage, whilst showcasing what the ‘hub’ worlds will look like and even a little bit of main stage action. Chip does sound rather irritating with his sundae fetish, but maybe that’s the point. It’s altogether a pretty charming cutscene, and overall a pretty cool display of Sonic’s character. In the hub world you can talk to various non-playable characters about this and that. You get the option for multiple-choice responses, but as the video quality is pretty poor we can’t tell whether you’ll get any sidequests or anything for doing this.
The Sonic levels still look awesomely impressive. Calls of ‘on-rails’ gameplay may be justified, but if it’s fun and entertaining (and above all, satisfying to play) then does it really matter? It’s no throwback to what made the classics great, but it at least taps the relative success and win that the Sonic Rush series is made of. Basically, it looks like a bowl full of funchips. Also, no loading! We just hope that the ‘EXP’ system doesn’t make the game a chore to play until you level up like in Sonic and the Secret Rings.
There’s more though – Ruliweb kindly captured the introduction cutscene for the game too, which you can download using the link provided above. Trust us though – this opening cutscene is made of a trophy built from the rarest awesome, dug from the farmost mines of win.
Thanks to PeTePoPsS on the SSMB for finding the videos and sharing them!
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Hey you. Excited about Halloween? Good. Got a pumpkin? Good. Want to make a Sonic pumpkin? You’re in luck my friend, as The Sonic Stadium has a set of pumpkin stensils that you can use to make your favourite character glow viciously in the twilight. These designs were submitted by Rally the Cheetah, who created all but the Amy pumpkin (which was created by ‘The Lioness’), but feel free to print any of these onto an A4 sheet of paper and go nuts.
You’ve got a choice of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Silver and Blaze. Click here for the stencils, along with a special tutorial made by Rally in case you’re unsure as to how to create your own Sonic Pumpkin.
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No sooner did those Sonic and the Black Knight videos hit the Internet, that people just had to rip the theme songs and offer them for download. Who are we to say no? TMS has done a good job of ripping both the instrumental theme heard in the video we posted earlier, and the full theme in the Japanese trailer featuring vocals.
We’re quite sure that’s Johnny and Jun back in the saddle for this theme, making it a Crush 40, super-cheesy rock extravaganza. Is it just us, or are C40 really trying to be more “80’s children’s cartoon rock” with each passing Sonic title? Although, that never hurt the Transformers.
Give Sonic fans ten minutes to learn it and we’ll be seeing everyone sing it like they did ‘Endless Possibility’ at Summer of Sonic. Thanks for the rip, TMS!
Crush 40: SatBK Main Theme (TSS Media Portal) – 1.3MB
Crush 40: SatBK Main Theme (Instrumental) (TSS Media Portal) – 1.3MB
Right click and select ‘Save As…’
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I remember back to October 2006, chilling out at Lee Rosey’s Tea Room in Nottingham after watching Richard Jacques and TJ Davis perform for the first time. I was conversing with my two new friends Kevin and Svend about the event; “We could do something like this” I remember one of them saying. The thought didn’t cross my mind that two years later I’d be setting up a mixer desk and sound system at 8:30am for the Summer of Sonic 2008 event in London, while having a quick chat with Richard Jacques about life in general, as he sifted through the selection of CDs I’d brought along to play.
To say the event was a success would be a massive understatement; it was a roaring torrent of win. Walking around the event after finishing up on my slot on the decks, my ears were treated to what I can only describe as a choral rendition of Live and Learn – everyone was singing along to the song as they explored the event, and it was beautiful!!! I couldn’t walk five steps without spotting a familiar face, or having someone stop me to introduce themselves, to put a face to a (screen) name. Nigel Kitching was trapped in his corner, surrounded by fans asking questions having cherished copies of Sonic the Comic signed. The room was filled with people of different colours, creeds and ages, some having travelled hundreds, even thousands of miles to be here, and all to celebrate their one mutual love…Sonic the Hedgehog.
Continue reading Bird’s Eye View: Summer of Sonic 2008
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During the Summer of Sonic’s live performance featuring Richard Jacques and TJ Davis, Lee Brotherton pulled a rabbit out of the hat and surprised everyone with a brand new version of HIS WORLD. Nice, slow and chilled out, LB’s awesome re-interpretation of the Zebrahead classic features brand new lyrics, and is the official theme song to the Summer of Sonic convention. How cool is that!?
Because myself and Rory did our dare and sung the DK Rap on stage, we get to share a high quality MP3 with you of the theme song. Download it off of our media server now, and bask.
HIS WORLD – Blue World Prelude ~THEME OF SUMMER OF SONIC 2008~ (TSS Media Portal) – 6.1MB
Right click and select ‘Save As…’
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When SEGA revealed the new, werewolfy Sonic Unleashed trailer earlier today, they probably didn’t expect so many people would take a vested interest in it. So much so that many fans are having trouble downloading it from their US FTP server. If you’re clamouring to get your hands on a copy of the trailer for yourself, we braced ourselves for the stormy bandwidth weather and… downloaded the trailer from the European Press network instead, saving us all the bother.
We’ve taken the ~300MB trailer and cut it down to size, but kept it in a good enough quality for you guys to still get wet over it. Right click, save to your computer and Print Screen all those frames of Super Sonic at your leisure!
Endless Possibility Trailer (TSS Media Portal) – 58.1MB
Right-click and select “Save As…”
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Update: Just in case you’ve been redirected here from another website or something, we thought we’d be nice and let you know that since this post the full version been posted online for download – click here to read more.
Who’s a fan of Bowling For Soup then? Must be pretty psyched that the main guy, Jaret Reddick, has had a hand in creating the new theme song to a Sonic the Hedgehog game, right? Or is it like that time when Zebrahead and Akon did Sonic 06 – big names, nobody cared?
Don’t let a lack of awareness from your peers discourage you though – if you reckon Jun ‘parfact’ Senoue deserves a longer break in his tropical paradise surrounded by exquisite Lolita women and think ‘Endless Possibility’ is a worthy track to bounce to while racing through Sonic Unleashed, then you probably want the song to take home with you. Well, you’re in luck.
SSMB members Sheza (followed by some fine-tuning by Goku…. lots of numbers) have ripped the title track and we have it on here for you to download. Slap it on your music player, support good ol’ Jaret by listening to his stuff and go rock with your cock out. Or something. Just don’t do it in front of the children.
Endless Possibility (TSS Media Portal) – 2.2MB
Right click and select ‘Save As…’
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You might have noticed that Super Smash Bros. Brawl is finally out in the UK and Europe. Good for us, eh? It’s about time. Of course, this is the latest in the series where Sonic the Hedgehog is a playable character. Ever since that announcement several months ago of the blue blur’s inclusion, you could hear a mile off all the wonderings of the community. Whether, for instance, their shitty little recolour would inadvertedly be ‘included’ in the game if more than one person selected Sonic in a brawl.
Well fret no more, normal Sonic fan, because Nintendo appears to have been aware of the clusterfuck surrounding ‘creativity’ in the Sonic fanbase and decided not to touch that with a 60 foot pole. When more than one player selects Sonic the Hedgehog, different colours are assigned to the cufflinks on his hands and feet. He gets a slight tonal change too in his spines, but nothing that “~~~Dr_TailsFox2000~~~” can lay copyright claims to.
As for the rest of Sonic in Brawl, he is awesome. Awesomely handled in Subspace Emissary, awesomely handled in combat… for the first time in so many games, the hedgehog has been treated with respect.
Well played Sakurai, well played.
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Hey you! Yeah, you, there. That new Sonic Unleashed trailer was pretty nifty, no? Well, nifty isn’t the word, we all browned ourselves at the prospect of a Sonic game being good this year. SEGA have released the trailer to download, which we now have for you to grab. So when all of us start praising this as the second coming (give it a month) you can ignore all that shit and remember this lovely footage for eternity, no matter how good or bad the game actually ends up. Enjoy!
Download High Europe Trailer (TSS Media Portal) – 67.9MB
Right-click and select “Save As…”
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EDIT: Some sizes and colours are already sold out! If you want one, I suggest you get one soon!
EDIT 2 (3rd May, 16:30pm): The Sonic designs are now COMPLETELY SOLD OUT. Hope you got yours in time!
Japanese SEGA fans were recently treated to a selection of SEGA shirts produced by the highly fashionable designer clothing chain Uniqlo. Many fans (including myself) have tried to get their hands on these shirts, but to little avail; the Japanese stocks are now almost depleted (the Sonic designs are now sold out on the Tokyo site). Continue reading SEGA UT Uniqlo T-Shirts hit the UK!
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Get a load of- Get a load of- Get a load of this!
Tiscali Games uploaded some new screenshots of the upcoming SEGA Tennis title earlier this week. The new screens show off Eggman and AiAi caught up in the action along with what appears to be the Space Channel 5 court.
Check out the new screenshots here or you can view them from their origional foreign source at Tiscali games here. Continue reading New SEGA Superstars Tennis Screens
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