[UPDATE] RUMOUR: Sonic Adventure 2 Coming to Xbox Live Arcade?

UPDATE: Harmonix has just announced Rock Band Blitz for XBLA and PSN. The list is now looking more credible. Thanks, Cola and Aptiva!

Original article:
What is believed to be a leaked list of upcoming Xbox Live Arcade games has appeared in a post at popular forum NeoGAF. Many already announced games are featured in the list, like Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, but there are some unannounced games, including Sonic Adventure 2 and Rock Band Blitz. The first Sonic Adventure game is already available on XBLA, so it would only make sense to re-release the sequel, too. As for Rock Band Blitz, Harmonix has recently stated that they are planning to announce their next game at PAX East this week, so could this be the new game?

The credibility of this list will rest on Harmonix’s announcement. We’ll let you know of any further developments.

You can view the full list of games after the jump.
Continue reading [UPDATE] RUMOUR: Sonic Adventure 2 Coming to Xbox Live Arcade?

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Amazon Releases New Details on Sonic Meccano Sets, Coming July

Meccano has announced that their upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog branded construction sets will be available this July and will be priced between £14.99 and £69.99. Amazon France has also added product descriptions to their listings for the items, which we have shared Google translations of after the jump.

Continue reading Amazon Releases New Details on Sonic Meccano Sets, Coming July

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Game Gear Games Hit EU 3DS eShop This Week

European gamers will finally be able to relive SEGA’s portable history with the launch of the Game Gear Virtual Console on Nintendo 3DS eShop this Thursday. Continue reading Game Gear Games Hit EU 3DS eShop This Week

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RUMOUR: Chemical Plant Zone to Feature in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2?

Keen-eyed SSMB member Hogfather has spotted new listings at Amazon France for the upcoming Meccano Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing construction sets. The listings include the previously mentioned Green Hill and Casino Night sets, (though Casino Night is listed as Casino Street from Sonic 4: Episode 1 here), but most interesting is the listing for a Chemical Plant Zone set. If the toys are being tied-in with a Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing sequel, then it appears the Sonic franchise will be represented with a focus on the classic games this time around.

Links to the listing and screen-caps of them (in case they’re pulled) can be found after the jump.
Continue reading RUMOUR: Chemical Plant Zone to Feature in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2?

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New Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screenshots Show Boss Fights

SEGA has today released fifteen more screenshots of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2. In this latest batch we get a good look at Sylvania Castle Zone and White Park Zone’s boss fights with Dr.Eggman and Metal Sonic respectively. You can check out all of the screenshots in our gallery after the jump.
Continue reading New Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screenshots Show Boss Fights

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Sonic 4 Episode 2 Mobile to Feature Two Exclusive Levels


A new preview of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 from GDC 2012 has appeared over at Droid Gamers, and in it we learn that the mobile version of Episode 2 will contain two exclusive bonus levels.

The Android version will also come with two exclusive bonus levels that you will have to hunt down.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 contained two Acts that were different in the console version, but whether the situation is the same here or not remains to be seen. Droid Gamers also shared a full demonstration of White Park Act 1, which you can view in the above video. You can read Droid Gamers’ full hands-on preview at the below link.

Source: Droid Gamers

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[UPDATE]Retailer eStarland.com Lists Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2 For PS3, Xbox 360 & Wii

UPDATE 08/03/12 23:59 GMT: Well, that didn’t take long. The product pages on eStarland have now been wiped clean and all versions of the game no longer show up in searches.

Original article:
Listings for the Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing sequel we first brought you word about in January have appeared at US retailer eStarland.com. The site lists Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2 for the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii platforms and says the game will be released November 30th 2012, which is likely a placeholder date, because games usually release in the US on a Tuesday, not a Friday. There are no signs of Wii U, 3DS and PS Vita versions, but at this early stage anything could change.

A placeholder box art is also on display on the site featuring the first game’s logo with a number 2 underneath it. The product description simply reads “Sonic and friends go back to the track in the sequel to their 2010 kart racing outing.”

Could these listings mean an official announcement is soon on the way? We’ll keep you posted.

Source: eStarland.com – PS3, Xbox 360 & Wii

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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Japanese Website Now Open, New Screenshots

SEGA Japan has today opened their official website for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, which features character profiles, a Zones section, a co-op play section and more. In the Zones section there are twenty four new screenshots covering all three Acts of Sylvania Castle Zone and White Park Zone showcasing platforming and puzzle elements as well as the return of snowboarding.

You can view all twenty four screenshots after the jump.
Continue reading Sonic 4: Episode 2 Japanese Website Now Open, New Screenshots

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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Xbox Live Avatar Awards Revealed

Fans of cosplay and Xbox Live Avatars will be happy to hear that Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will include unlockable Avatar Awards. While Episode 1 allowed you to unlock parts of a Sonic the Hedgehog costume, Episode 2 will challenge fans to unlock a costume based on his nemesis Dr.Eggman.

Check out the rest of the costume in both male and female variants and the requirements to unlock them after the jump.
Continue reading Sonic 4: Episode 2 Xbox Live Avatar Awards Revealed

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SEGA Europe Releases More Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screenshots

SEGA Europe has released seven more screenshots from Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 on their website. Not much is shown that we haven’t already seen, apart from the revelation that the red rings from Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations are returning. For those who haven’t played those two games, the red rings are collectibles that unlock bonus content, giving the game some replay value.

Check out the rest of the screenshots after the jump.
Continue reading SEGA Europe Releases More Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screenshots

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Tails Limited to 2 Player Mode in Sonic 4: Episode 2

Follwing today’s Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 gameplay trailer, SEGA community staff member Kellie has been answering some questions from fans over at the SEGA Forums. Most interesting is Kellie’s response to a query about playable characters.

As Ranger posted, I’ve answered some of these questions for you. Tails is playable, but not in single player. When playing single player, you play as Sonic and interact with Tails to progress through the levels. When you’re playing two player, one of you will play as Sonic and the other as Tails, and work together.

Release date is Spring 2012, as noted on the trailer.

Hope that helps!

EDIT: I’m not Ken… hope that’s ok. 😉

Unfortunately, Tails can only be played in two player mode and not in single player. It appears Sonic is stuck with tails too, and can’t be played alone like in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It’s beginning to look like co-op play is essential to progress through the game, though why there still can’t be an option to play as Tails and the CPU play as Sonic and still progress is unclear.

Source: SEGA Forums

How do you feel about this? Speak out in the comments section below.

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Sonic Heroes Now Available on EU PS Store

PS2 Classic Sonic Heroes has randomly been released on the European PlayStation Store today. PS3 owners can download it for £7.99/€9.99, and if you do purchase it, you’ll need to make sure you have 4.5GB of storage space free. There is no word from SEGA or Sony about whether this game will also be made available on the US PS Store.

If you want to refresh your memory or have never seen/played Sonic Heroes before, here’s an old trailer for the game.


Source: EU PS Blog

Thanks to SSMB member Hogfather for the heads up!

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RUMOUR: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2 to Feature Green Hill & Casino Night Tracks?

In January we brought you word of a possible Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing sequel, then earlier this month Kotaku also heard about it at a Toy Fair in New York where toys based on the game were on show. Well, it appears those toys were also on private show at the London Toy Fair in January and are from the same toy range Meccano announced that month.

Toyworld Magazine reports that Meccano’s Sonic toy collection features Sonic and Knuckles alongside their respective vehicles from Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with Green Hill Zone and Casino Night Zone added value play-sets also revealed to be on the way. Could this mean that these two levels will be included as tracks in the game’s sequel? SEGA often tie-in merchandise with their games to maximise sales, so it would be odd for them to not continue that trend.

Meccano’s Sonic the Hedgehog collection includes Sonic and Speedstar and Knuckles and Landbreaker, plus a range of added value play-sets; Sonic and Ramp Green Hill Play-set and Sonic and Casino Night Environment Play-set.

Source: Toyworld Magazine

Thanks to Hogfather at the SSMB for the heads up!

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SEGA Officially Releases Nine More Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screenshots

SEGA has today officially released nine more screenshots of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, giving us a further look at the various stages of the game that were first accidentally revealed by Microsoft on Tuesday. In the screenshots we see a new hummingbird badnik, re-using of the giant gold rings, Sonic and Tails running on water, and oddly no homing attack reticule when Sonic jumps in front of a badnik.

The SEGA Blog also informs that the first gameplay trailer will be released exclusively on Gamespot next Thursday February 23rd at 9am US Pacific Time. We’ll be sure to keep an eye out and share it here.

Check out the screenshots after the jump.
Continue reading SEGA Officially Releases Nine More Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screenshots

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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Japanese Website Coming Soon

SEGA Japan has updated their official Sonic the Hedgehog 4 home page with a ‘coming soon’ teaser for Episode 2’s website. Woun from fellow Sonic fansite Sonic Scene has managed to grab the game’s full ‘box art’ and what appears to be two pieces of concept art from the Aquatic Ruins Zone styled stage and says we can expect more information about the game from the next issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu tomorrow. We’ll relay any new information here.

Check out the images after the jump.
Continue reading Sonic 4: Episode 2 Japanese Website Coming Soon

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Xbox.com Releases First Screenshots of Sonic 4: Episode 2, Co-op Play Also Revealed

The Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 product page over at Xbox.com has received a significant update today. In the update, ten screenshots have been released, the game’s final ‘box art’ and new details about the game. The screenshots give us a look at the four various levels, including an ice type stage, a carnival type stage, a desert/oil field type stage, an Aquatic Ruins type stage and a special stage. A chase with Metal Sonic on Tails’ rocket is also shown. New details revealed include offline and online co-op play and combo attacks Sonic and Tails can pull off together.

You can check out the new info and screenshots after the jump.
Continue reading Xbox.com Releases First Screenshots of Sonic 4: Episode 2, Co-op Play Also Revealed

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Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Sequel Confirmed at New York Toy Fair?

Following our exclusive report last month, Kotaku has heard from a representative at the New York Toy Fair 2012 today that a sequel to Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is in development. The sequel is to be released this Christmas holiday season and will include new characters and vehicles that will be revealed later this year. Kotaku says toys based on the franchise are on display at the Toy Fair, but no photographs have been provided.

We’ll keep an eye out for more information.

Source: Kotaku

Thanks to Jonathan for the heads up!

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Rumour: Sonic 4: Episode 2 Due Late 2012?

Sonic fans have been waiting a long time for the second episode of Sonic’s downloadable adventure Sonic the Hedgehog 4, and according to the new issue of GamesMaster magazine released in the UK this week, the wait isn’t anywhere near over. The magazine reports that Episode 2 will be released “Late 2012”, which could see it released over two years after Episode 1. As SEGA themselves haven’t stated anything clearer than “2012” yet, we advise you take this with a grain of salt for now.

Source: GamesMaster Issue 248 March 2012

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ESRB Rates Sonic Triple Trouble & Shinobi For Nintendo 3DS

Game Gear titles Sonic Triple Trouble and Shinobi have been rated by US ratings board the ESRB for the Nintendo 3DS system. Nintendo announced March 2nd last year that Game Gear games are coming to the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console library, with SEGA Japan following up the next day with a list of five games they planned to release, which included Sonic Triple Trouble and The GG Shinobi.

Could this rating indicate that we may be seeing Game Gear titles on the Nintendo 3DS in the US sooner rather than later?

Source: ESRB (via GoNintendo)

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327 New Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games 3DS Screenshots

SEGA has released a whopping 327 screenshots of the Nintendo 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games ahead of its release in just over two weeks time. The screenshots show a large variety of the game’s Olympic events, as well as an in-depth look at the early parts of the Story Mode. Check out all of the screenshots in our gallery after the jump.

Continue reading 327 New Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games 3DS Screenshots

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RUMOUR: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Sequel/Remix in the Works?

We have received word from a tipster, who wishes to remain anonymous, that a new Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing game could be on the way. Our tipster recently spoke to a high ranking staff member at development studio Sumo Digital, and when queried about new projects, the developer gave the below reply.

“Now working on another title for Sega on 3DS, VITA and WiiU. [The] title we are working on is top secret but the last game we did for them was Sonic And Sega All-Star Racing, so the logical conclusion would be… :)”

While the game could be a sequel to 2010’s Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, there is also a possibility, given the platforms, that it could be a remixed version of the first game with new characters & courses specifically tailored to Wii U, 3DS & Vita. But having said that, the tipster informs us that the developer told them months ago that they will be doing no more additional work on the first game. Continue reading RUMOUR: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Sequel/Remix in the Works?

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SEGA Releases Sonic 4: Episode 2 Concept Art, More Every Friday

SEGA has started a very familiar campaign called ‘Concept Art Friday’ which will see SEGA release concept art for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 every Friday on their blog and on Sonic’s Facebook page. To kick things off, SEGA has today released two images on their blog of what appears to be a wheel switch from Sonic the Hedgehog 3′s Marble Garden Zone and an image on Sonic’s Facebook page of a new badnik.

Check back next week for more. In the meantime, let us know what you think of SEGA reusing this marketing strategy in the comments section.

Sources: SEGA Blog & Sonic’s Facebook page

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Blow, Point, Shoot, Shout, Tilt, Flick & Sweep in the M&S 2012 3DS Gameplay Trailer


SEGA Europe has today released a gameplay trailer for the Nintendo 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games showing how players can use the many features of the Nintendo 3DS to interact with the game’s over 55 events. You can check out the trailer above and share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games will be available for Nintendo 3DS February 10th 2012 in Europe, February 14th 2012 in the US and February 9th 2012 in Australia.

Source: SEGA

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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Confirmed For PC Download

Among all of the Sonic the Hedgehog love dished out to PC gamers today, SEGA has also confirmed in their press release that Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II will be available for PC digital download later this year. Unfortunately, no other information regarding Episode II was given, but we’ll let you know when SEGA releases more details. In the meantime, PC fans can finally experience the first episode of Sonic the Hedgehog 4. You can purchase and download it from Steam now.

Check out the press release after the jump.
Continue reading Sonic 4: Episode 2 Confirmed For PC Download

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15% Off January Sale on at SonicMerchandise.com, US Store Coming at a Later Date

SEGA has issued a press release today regarding the launch of their official Sonic store SonicMerchandise.com, which went live last month. To celebrate the launch, all customers can get 15% off all items until the end of the month by using the JANSALE15 promotional code. Our readers over the pond will be happy to hear that SEGA has announced plans to release a similar store in the USA and other American markets at a later date. We’ll bring you details on the US store as and when they are made available. For now, check out the press release after the jump.
Continue reading 15% Off January Sale on at SonicMerchandise.com, US Store Coming at a Later Date

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New M&S 2012 3DS Screenshots Reveal Rouge the Bat Presence in Story Mode

Some new screenshots have surfaced online for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games, and as well as showing more of the game’s various events, we get our second screenshot of the game’s Story Mode. The screenshot reveals Rouge the Bat will make an appearance and that the dialogue may just be in text form rather than voice.

You can check out all of the new screenshots after the jump.

Continue reading New M&S 2012 3DS Screenshots Reveal Rouge the Bat Presence in Story Mode

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Is Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 Coming to PC?

According to US ratings board the ESRB, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will see a release on Windows PC. A rating for the game has appeared on the ESRB’s website recently which lists the game for the platform. Early last month, Episode 1 appeared on the Steam registry, suggesting SEGA is bringing Sonic the Hedgehog 4 to PC users, and with such strong evidence like this, it seems a PC release for both Episodes is all but officially confirmed.

Source: ESRB

Thanks to TenkoTAiLS in our comments section for the heads up!

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Free Stationery Kit With M&S 2012 3DS Pre-orders at GAME Group Retailers

The GAME Group of retailers are now listing a pre-order bonus for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Pre-order the game in store (£5 deposit required) or online at either GAME, Gamestation or Gameplay (online only) and you will receive a free stationery kit themed on the game.

Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games will be available in Europe February 10th 2012. You can pre-order at the links below.

GAME: £34.99
Gamestation: £34.99
Gameplay: £27.99

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Sonic 4: Ep 2 to Feature New Character Animations, Android Version Powered by NVIDIA® Tegra®


SEGA has relayed the Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 announcement on their official blog, and with it we learn that this episode will feature all-new new character animations. SEGA’s also revealed that the Android version will be powered by NVIDIA® Tegra®, with plans to develop an enchanced version for NVIDIA’s Tegra 3.

You can read the full blog announcement below:

We’ve got a new year’s resolution that’s sure to please gamers worldwide: the iconic blue hedgehog will be making his 2D return in Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II in 2012. Following the award-winning success of Episode I, which took the world by storm in 2010, Sonic will continue his journey through the epic Sonic 4 saga on XBLA, PSN, and mobile platforms including the App Store, Android Market and Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone 7.

Fans have been eagerly anticipating the next episode in Sonic’s new side-scrolling adventure, and SEGA has been listening closely to their feedback. Armed with all-new character animations and a completely reworked physics engine, Episode II will expand the Sonic 4 storyline with new areas to speed through and new challenges to face. For a sneak peek at what’s in store, including the arrival of a certain high-flying, twin-tailed pal who’s sure to be of assistance, check out the all-new teaser trailer!

“After twenty years in action, it’s clear that Sonic hasn’t slowed down one bit,” said Haruki Satomi, Senior Vice President of Digital Business at SEGA of America. “The first entry in the Sonic 4 saga was a major success. We’ve listened to the fans and been hard at work making sure we recapture that same spirit of fun in Episode II. We hope the fans will enjoy it.”

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 will support Android mobile devices powered by the NVIDIA® Tegra® mobile processor. It will be available on the Android Market and featured on the Tegra Zone app. In addition, SEGA and NVIDIA are working closely together to develop an even more enhanced version for Tegra 3, the world’s first quad-core mobile processor.

Source: SEGA Blog

Thanks to Blue Blood at the SSMB for the heads up!

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No Multiplayer or Co-op in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2?

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 now has a product page on Xbox.com and in it there is yesterday’s trailer up for download to your Xbox 360 console as well as a few more details about the game. It seems the game won’t feature multiplayer or co-op, despite Tails’ inclusion. Online leaderboards are returning and the game will also support full 1080p resolution and in-game Dolby Digital.

The product description reads:

The Sonic 4 Saga continues in Episode II, with the return of Tails and Metal Sonic! In the follow up to Episode I there are surprises in store with the arrival of Sonic’s legendary sidekick Tails! Race across all new zones and defeat the evil forces of Dr. Eggman and fearsome rival Metal Sonic. The wait is finally over when the game releases in 2012

Source: Xbox.com

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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Teaser Trailer Unveiled at GameSpot

As stated yesterday, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 has been officially announced today over at GameSpot with a teaser trailer that reveals a new playable character. Unexpected though, an interview with Ken Balough came with it revealing more details about this episode. Balough says SEGA has listened to fan feedback from Episode 1 and in response they have added a new graphics engine, a new physics engine and fixed the uncurling.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will be released in 2012 on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Nework, iOS, Windows Phone 7 and Android devices. Yes, it doesn’t appear to be coming to any Nintendo platforms, unfortunately.

Source: GameSpot

Continue reading Sonic 4: Episode 2 Teaser Trailer Unveiled at GameSpot

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Sonic Titles on 60% Off Sale Today Only on Xbox Live Marketplace

As part of the Xbox 12 Days of Deals, you can grab a range of Sonic the Hedgehog titles at a whopping 60% off on the Xbox 360 Xbox Live Marketplace for today only. Almost all of Sonic’s Xbox Live Arcade releases are included in the offer, with the exceptions being Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic CD.

Here’s the list of games and discounts:
Sonic 4, Episode 1 Was: 800 Now: 320
Sonic Adventure Was: 800 Now: 320
Sonic Adventure Upgrade Was: 400 Now: 160
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Was: 400 Now: 160
Sonic the Hedgehog Was: 400 Now: 160
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Was: 400 Now: 160

Source: Xbox Live’s Major Nelson Blog

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Sonic 4: Episode 2 to be Announced With Trailer at Gamespot Tomorrow

Sonic fans over at the SEGA Forums have cracked SEGA Digital Brand Manager Ken Balough’s riddle, and the man himself has taken to the forums to make the answer official. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will be announced at Gamespot tomorrow (December 29th 2011) with a trailer. Xbox 360 and PS3 owners will be able to download the trailer the next day and a few days later respectively.

Continue reading Sonic 4: Episode 2 to be Announced With Trailer at Gamespot Tomorrow

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3 New Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games 3DS Images

UK video game retailer GAME has some new promotional display cases in their stores for various upcoming Nintendo 3DS titles, and one of them is the Nintendo 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. On the back of the case are three new screenshots showing the Cycling event, the Football/Soccer event and what appears to be a cutscene from the game’s Story Mode featuring Sonic, Tails, Charmy, Mario and Luigi. You can view some photos of the images in our gallery below.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 “Hint” Coming Tomorrow

SEGA Digital Brand Manager Ken Balough has tonight teased that his previously mentioned Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 “hint” will be revealed tomorrow at the official SEGA Forums in this topic.

And now that Sonic CD is out of “most” systems ….. I will drop the hint, on this thread…. MAÑANA! 🙂


HI Guys!

As mentioned inthe other threads – I will be dropping “The Hint” tomorrow 🙂


We’ll keep our eyes peeled for the “hint” and pass it along here.

Source: SEGA Forums

Thanks to SSMB member Dreamcast for the heads up!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Unused “Desert Dazzle” Stage Image Found in New Sonic CD Port

After an earlier hint with the numbers ’32’ and ‘8’ from Christian Whitehead aka The Taxman, fans have discovered an hidden image in the newly released Sonic CD port that reveals an unused stage called Desert Dazzle. In response to the find, Whitehead has explained at the Sonic Retro forums that this re-release was originally going to feature two new levels: Desert Dazzle and a boss fight called Final Fever. The levels were cut because Sonic Team “felt the game should not deviate too far from it’s original form”.

Oh boy…

So what is this image doing in Sonic CD?

Basically, earlier on in the remake’s development there were 2 new levels: Desert Dazzle & Final Fever (another boss)

Neither level was fully complete, and we had to make the call whether or not to go ahead and finalize them. Sonic Team felt the game should not deviate too far from it’s original form, and in retrospect it was for the best since we had a lot of other work to do anyway.

I left this image in since it’s quite a groovy looking Zone, and it also serves as a way for you to get to the stage select as Tails.

Source: Sonic Retro

Thanks to Christmas Doggy at the SSMB for the heads up!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.