[UPDATE]Retailer eStarland.com Lists Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2 For PS3, Xbox 360 & Wii

UPDATE 08/03/12 23:59 GMT: Well, that didn’t take long. The product pages on eStarland have now been wiped clean and all versions of the game no longer show up in searches.

Original article:
Listings for the Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing sequel we first brought you word about in January have appeared at US retailer eStarland.com. The site lists Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2 for the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii platforms and says the game will be released November 30th 2012, which is likely a placeholder date, because games usually release in the US on a Tuesday, not a Friday. There are no signs of Wii U, 3DS and PS Vita versions, but at this early stage anything could change.

A placeholder box art is also on display on the site featuring the first game’s logo with a number 2 underneath it. The product description simply reads “Sonic and friends go back to the track in the sequel to their 2010 kart racing outing.”

Could these listings mean an official announcement is soon on the way? We’ll keep you posted.

Source: eStarland.com – PS3, Xbox 360 & Wii

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        1. if i had the money and had nothing else that piqued my interest more i might get. not keepin my hopes up. esp if it doesn’t actually come out for ds or wii. it says wii but you never know. adn there isn’t a ds ver on there because if it is for a handheld it’d be for psp, vita, or surprise surprise, 3DS. ๐Ÿ˜› it does look interesting but it’d hafta be past a cash-in game for me to get it.

    1. @Barry the Nomad: A Wii version would probably sell a lot of copies, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they made a Wii U version AND a Wii one.

  1. Sweet! This sounds really cool! (Though that placeholder logo looks pretty lazy.) I have the first one on the Wii but that was before I got a PS3… however, I think the Wii version is better than the PS3 version in terms of a character roster… now I’m pondering over which version of the sequel I should get… and that release date seems perfect for me. :3

      1. XD I got my PS3 on my birthday that year, and man, did I feel stupid for not getting Sonic Unleashed and Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing for it.

  2. The “2” looks a little too sketchy to be part of the logo. It looks like someone just took it from the STH2 logo and copied & pasted it onto the ASR logo.
    But right on, if it is for PS3, I’ll probably get it when it does come out. I enjoyed the first one on the wii. lol

    1. The logo looks that way most likely because its just a placeholder, Im pretty sure the final product will have something more stylized

      1. Do you guys think they might draw an entirely new logo or just add the number 2? Or maybe they might scrap the 2 and use a subtitle, me personally, I would kinda like a new logo, and I have a good idea for it’s art style because we’re pertaining to the “SEGA” feel of the game.

  3. How interesting…I do hope more characters make it in (and Shadow keeps that smokin’ bike of his which I wish was real…Although I’m sure someone out there has attempted or is currently trying to duplicate it. It is a NICE motorcycle, man) and tracks. I didn’t play the original, but it looked interesting and fun :3

    Wii or 360? Hmm…Since my Wii is breaking after five years of faithful service, it’ll probably be for my 360, which lacks any racing games anyway.

  4. Wii U, Vita, 3DS, PS3 & 360 all in the worx. take my word 4 it. 1st game was amazeballs, this one will be better. Mario Kart 7 is sooooooo dull.

  5. Hope people will stick around in the lobby for more than a week this time ๐Ÿ™

    1. LOL I know right? So annoying when people just leave the game. Although it probably had something to do with connection issues.

      1. Yeah, whenever I go back to play online in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, there’s usually NOBODY in the lobbies, I go back to play Mario Kart Wii and it’s still flooding with racers…

        What the hell?

  6. It’s still so hard to believe the first game came out 2 years ago. This game was the reason I met most of my PSN friends online. Too many good times in online lobbies xD

  7. I’m wondering if this is even legit. I mean, some random website that I’ve never seen before lists this game to be pre-order using a place holder artwork that uses the ASR logo with Sonic 2’s number “2” font photoshopped in? I’m not falling for it.

  8. Whether the logo is fake or not doesn’t matter guys. In the early days of a game’s listing, retailers have often just used something they’ve found on the net or made themselves for the placeholder cover art. It doesn’t mean the listing itself is fake, it just means SEGA doesn’t have a cover or even a logo to share yet.

  9. I hope it really is true that It will be released on Xbox 360 too! I don’t usually like racing games but I LOVED SASASR!
    An official announcement and I’ll be very happy!

    1. And wouldn’t you know it, it’s more platforms. XD Yay?

      … According to the Sonic Wikia, now there are 6 zones…

      Sylvania Castle Zone
      White Park Zone
      Sky Fortress Zone
      Unknown Fourth Zone
      Unknown Fifth Zone
      Last Zone

      … Hmmmm, this sounds promising…

  10. I’ll be getting this game as soon as yes out! I hope Silver the Hedgehog will be playable just like Sonic and Shadow thou.

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