327 New Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games 3DS Screenshots

SEGA has released a whopping 327 screenshots of the Nintendo 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games ahead of its release in just over two weeks time. The screenshots show a large variety of the game’s Olympic events, as well as an in-depth look at the early parts of the Story Mode. Check out all of the screenshots in our gallery after the jump.

Source: SEGA Press

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  1. Dang it, I should’ve known. XD The game’s not even out yet, so of course there’d be press on it.

  2. Christ, does anyone care THAT much about this game? I got the Wii version, I’m fine. Let’s see something new, Sega.

  3. Too many screenshots! XD Looking foward to this game. ๐Ÿ™‚

    It must have taken you a long time to put up this post, right Shadzter?

    1. Well, the screenshots took about 15 minutes to upload to our media library, but other than that, not really. You just group them together in a gallery, insert the gallery, add the article text and you’re done. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Oh, I see. In the past, you use to tell us how uploading pictures took a while. I still remember how one time when everyone was like “Hey Shadz, when are you going to post the pictures??” and you were like “Hold on guys, uploading pictures can take some time.” ๐Ÿ˜› Something like that.

        1. Oh yeah, that was when I used to upload them individually. Some months back I got myself more educated with Word Press and found out about the gallery feature, so now I can get stuff like this done much quicker. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Wow! It looks pretty awesome! I do hope you guys will let us know when there are reviews made… because I REALLY wanna know more about this game…

  5. Awesome Pics, i love the Mario and sonic in the fog pic and the part where they both smile! (:
    Just for the awesome graphics and tons of minigames..i can’t pass this up. Day 1 for sure at least for me.

  6. Wow water polo is nice!! and handball is too… h…h-h-andball?!?! OMG YES! Insta win! I was hoping they added this! still…kinda sucks its just about blocking, I wouldve prefered if it was about scoring goals, making incredible goals via stylus. Oh well Im still happy *w* getting this day 1.

    1. That is tomorrow. Th eshop doesn’t update for another 15 hours. I’m in CA and its 9:00pm here. Whatever time it is for you, just wait about 15 hours.

  7. I wonder WHY do they have to color code each “important” word, like their names, the “Olympic Games”,… and… the fog? THE FOG?

  8. I can’t wait to grab this the load of pictures ๐Ÿ˜€ I can’t wait try out all the events I just need to get a 3DS though BUT hey this will be sweet ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. OOHHHHHH! First Bowser and Eggman Stole The Snow Sprits… And Now They Making Fog To Ruin The 2012 London Games?! This Is Madness!

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