Sonic 2 Debuts at #1 at French Box Office With $1.2 Million

It’s finally here! This week saw the beginning of Sonic 2’s release around the world, and we’re starting to hear how sales are doing. The first good news comes from France, where the film made $1,200,000 on the day of its release.

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RUMOUR: Chemical Plant Zone to Feature in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2?

Keen-eyed SSMB member Hogfather has spotted new listings at Amazon France for the upcoming Meccano Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing construction sets. The listings include the previously mentioned Green Hill and Casino Night sets, (though Casino Night is listed as Casino Street from Sonic 4: Episode 1 here), but most interesting is the listing for a Chemical Plant Zone set. If the toys are being tied-in with a Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing sequel, then it appears the Sonic franchise will be represented with a focus on the classic games this time around.

Links to the listing and screen-caps of them (in case they’re pulled) can be found after the jump.
Continue reading RUMOUR: Chemical Plant Zone to Feature in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2?

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SEGA Partners With Flunch to Promote Sonic Generations

SEGA has partnered with French restaurant Flunch to promote their upcoming game Sonic Generations. From October 22nd to November 27th, you can grab one of five Sonic figurines with the purchase of a kids meal: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy or Shadow. If you’re a teen or older, you can buy the figurines separately for €3.00 each.

Flunch is also holding a contest in each of their restaurants to win a kit consisting of a copy of the PS3 or Xbox 360 version of Sonic Generations (winner’s choice) and a Sonic hat. 40 of these kits are also being given away online. The contest is open to children aged 3-10 years old residing in France, as stated in the terms and conditions.

Source: Flunch Blog (via Eversonic)

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Sonic Generations: Modern Rooftop Run and Hub Videos


As we reported October 19th, SEGA France and Sonic team head Takashi Iizuka held their Sonic Generations presentation at the Paris Games Week yesterday morning, and thanks to attendee funkyjeremi83 we have video footage of it. The “new” stage shown was Rooftop Run, which had previously only been shown in screenshot form.

As you can see in the video, Rooftop Run has changed greatly compared to its Sonic Unleashed counterpart. The stage has been given a big facelift in presentation and because it’s one of the last stages in Sonic Generations, the difficulty has been increased.


The full 9 stage hub world was also shown at the presentation, and again thanks to funkyjeremi83, you can see footage of that, too.

Thanks to Guito, dbgtsonicx and SSMB member Ryan91 for the heads up!

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Game One to Air Sonic the Hedgehog TV Retrospective Documentary in France

SEGA Mag reports that French TV channel Game One will soon be airing an exclusive TV retrospective documentary looking back at the 20 year history of SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. No other details have been shared, but it should give us an insight into how SEGA’s mascot has grown into such a success since 1991.

The documentary will air Wednesday, November 2 at 2:35 pm CET, which will be 1:35pm on the same day here in the UK.

Source: SEGA Mag

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SEGA France to Demonstrate ‘New’ Sonic Generations Stage at Paris Games Week

SEGA France has unveiled all of their Paris Games Week offerings via The Blue Room (their blog). Attendees will be able to go hands-on with the PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo 3DS versions of Sonic Generations, both Wii and Nintendo 3DS versions of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games, the upcoming digital download port of Sonic CD and Virtua Tennis 4 for PlayStation Vita.

The creator of the Yakuza and Super Monkey Ball franchises Toshihiro Nagoshi will also be there to give the first public presentation outside of Japan for his latest game Binary Domain and Sonic fans will get their first public demonstration of a new stage from Sonic Generations by Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka. As we’ve seen all of the game’s stages in trailers, this stage won’t be completely “new”, but there are still four stages we’ve not seen very much of, like Speed Highway, Crisis City, Rooftop Run and Planet Wisp, so it will likely be one of those stages.

Here’s the full schedule for the presentations and autograph sessions below:

Saturday 10:15: Presentation of a new level of Sonic Generations
Saturday 10:45: Autograph session of Iizuka san to Space Dedications

Saturday 16h30: Presentation of Binary Domain Conference Room
5:00 p.m. Saturday: Autograph session of Nagoshi san to Space Dedications

Sunday 13h15: Presentation of Binary Domain indoor demo
1:45 p.m. Sunday: Autograph session in the Space Nagoshi san Dedications

Sunday 14h00: Presentation of a new level of Sonic Generations
Sunday 14:30: Autograph session in the Space Iizuka san Dedications

Will you be attending the event? Which Sonic Generations stage are you hoping to see? Let us know in the comments section below.

Sources: The Blue Room (aka SEGA France’s blog) and SEGA Mag

If you are attending and are able to to film the Sonic Generations demonstration, we’d greatly appreciate if you could send us your footage/photos to or tweet us at @dreadknux or @Shadzter. We’ll give you full credit on the site in our report.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way. and Now Taking Sonic Generations CE Pre-orders

UK and French Sonic fans now each have another opportunity to nab a pre-order for the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition before it’s released November 4th. In the UK, Propel Gamer is now listing it for both Xbox 360 and PS3 at £149.99, and in France, popular video game retailer GAME is now listing it for both Xbox 360 and PS3 for €106.99. Unfortunately for those outside of the UK and France, these two retailers only ship within their respective countries, but don’t fret, our list of worldwide retailers stocking the Collector’s Edition might be able to help you.

You can get your pre-orders in at the links below.
Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition (Xbox 360): £149.99
Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition (PS3): £149.99
Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition (Xbox 360): €106.99
Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition (PS3): €106.99

Thanks to Propel Gamer for getting in touch with us via Twitter!

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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French ASR Double Wii Wheel Bundle Pic Revealed

You may recall ArchangelUK revealing in a past Blognik entry a France exclusive ASR Double Wii Wheel Bundle, well recently I oddly asked the good man if there was any info/pics of that yet and after looking into it he’s managed to get a picture together which he’s unveiled to the masses on the SEGA Europe Blogs.

Now I wonder if the collector in me will be tempted to import one?

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Black Knight’s “Casual Direction:” Parte Deux

Set “sarcasm” and “smart-ass” levels to 11.  OK, ready…

I had an experiment last week.  One that I said to take with as many grains of salt as you would like:

You can take as many grains of salt from this experiment as you would like to (it is just three kids after all), but, personally, Sonic Team’s failure to hit their target audience speaks volumes on the state of the series.

No foolin’.  If you were level-headed enough to read the entire article, you got to read the above statement and made a level-headed assessment, either in agreement with the article or not.  I assume that the unnecessarily disgruntled, drama-loving lunkheads who frequent the Sega of America boards and TSSZ comment boxes were too flustered to keep reading by the second or third paragraph of the article and went right to peeing their footy pajamas and raging about “experimenting on more kids.”  Well, an “experiment” consists of testing a small group to draw a conclusion on the whole.  Looking in a second grade science textbook can tell you that much.  I guess the crowd that can’t deal with an opinion radically different from theirs was too busy looking at Cream & Marine hentai that they slid into their books while the teacher was going over that chapter.

It’s okay, lunkheads, because my new buddy, Core, has hooked me up with a similar experiment conducted by a French-language magazine.  I have no idea which magazine, but Core and I can assure you that it’s real.  In the article, they ask three kids about Black Knight.  They even give the game a score out of twenty, so you can justify your purchase with a number!  Wow!  A number and an opinion that agrees with the lunkheads?  Hot damn!


So, the three kids that I tested all disliked the game and these French children liked the game.  Combine the two experiments and the game gets a 3/6, or a 50%.  Fifty percent, hmm… that number looks familiar.  Or, at least, is rather close to a certain Metacritic rating.

This new article leads me to draw a new conclusion when it comes to the the game’s reception to not just its target audience, but even the gaming public as a whole:

Sonic & the Black Knight: Mixed reaction.  Mediocre.  End of story.  If you like it, great.  If you don’t like it, great.

Nobody is stopping you from doing either.

A big thank you to Core for providing TSS with this article and for being cool about presenting an opposing opinion.  Be more like Core.
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Sonic Magazine to Launch

SEGA of France has recently announced plans to publish a Sonic the Hedgehog magazine. Announced on SEGA France’s Weblog, The Blue Room, and titled ‘SONIC Magazine’, the contents will cover the latest SEGA mascot’s game releases. It will also feature articles about other aspects of Sonic, including a History of Sonic piece featuring on the front cover of issue 1.

The magazine will be published by Future Publishing, which interestingly is based in the United Kingdom. This increases the chances of a translated edition being sold in Britain. The scope and timing of the magazine also shows that perhaps SEGA are ready to start pushing Sonic the Hedgehog out much more than we’ve seen in recent years.

There has been no word from Future Publishing as to whether the magazine could hit British shores, but fingers crossed (and editors irritated) that we get one ourselves.

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