SEGA’s twitter account gave us a sneak peak inside of their brand spanking new refurbished offices in the Tokyo office, which now have a distinctly Sonical theme!
Sonic Team veteran artist Kazuyuki Hoshino was part of the team working on the project, which includes 6 themed conference rooms along with a space for seasonal artwork to be displayed.
Check out each of the spaces and their unique artwork in the video above!
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SEGA Japan has announced that they will be demoing some of their upcoming games via a livestream event over at NicoVideo Monday June 30th at 9pm JST (1pm BST). Among the games present will be Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric for Wii U for its first public demonstration in Japan. Sonic Team’s Takashi Iizuka will also be on hand for a Q&A with viewers, so we may see some new details come to light. We’ll pass along any new media and information that comes out of the presentation.
Source: NicoVideo
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SEGA Japan has today opened their official website for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, which features character profiles, a Zones section, a co-op play section and more. In the Zones section there are twenty four new screenshots covering all three Acts of Sylvania Castle Zone and White Park Zone showcasing platforming and puzzle elements as well as the return of snowboarding.
You can view all twenty four screenshots after the jump.
Continue reading Sonic 4: Episode 2 Japanese Website Now Open, New Screenshots
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SEGA Japan has given a major update to their Sonic Generations website, and while there’s no new media for the console version outside of a single Rooftop Run screenshot, there are plenty of new screenshots for the portable Nintendo 3DS version.
PS3/Xbox 360

Nintendo 3DS

*Possible final boss spoiler below*
SSMB member Solofiveo also found a small image hidden in the website’s coding of what could be Sonic Generations’ final boss ‘Time Eater’, which SEGA has now removed. If you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t click the below image link.
Source: SEGA Japan’s Sonic Generations Website
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up on the website update and to Solofiveo, also at the SSMB, for finding the boss pic.
Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.
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3 new images of Sonic Generations have been released by SEGA Japan today. One gives us our first look at the previously revealed picnic scene from the opening of the game, and the other 2 give us our first look at Sonic Generations 3DS’ Casino Night Zone, as well as a previously unknown stage, which looks to be Emerald Coast from Sonic Adventure. Apart from some Mega Drive/Genesis stages, the Nintendo 3DS version has been said to celebrate the Sonic the Hedgehog series’ handheld history, so for a Dreamcast era stage to be in there is quite odd.
Check out the screenshots below and let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Source: Sonic Scene – Link 1, Link 2
Thanks to Woun for the heads up!
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SSMB forumer Woun has kept their finger to the pulse with SEGA Japan’s 20th Anniversary twitter feed, who treated followers to a sneaky peak of a piece of official 20th anniversary merchandise we will be hopefully able to get our merch mittens on soon! There’s no indication of sizes, costs or availability yet, so I all of you fans hungry for some anniversary goodies will have to wait for more details to come to light. Still, gotta love that nice shiny base!
Stay tuned for more details!
UPDATE 1: Looks like this item will be a Japan UFO catcher figurine, roughly 18cm tall, and will be released i late June.
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A new Japanese commercial has hit the net showcasing SEGA Japan’s plans to celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary. As well as Sonic Generations launching this year, it appears SEGA might be holding an event at Tokyo Joypolis. The publisher also doesn’t want fans to forget that Wii and DS game Sonic Colours is on store shelves, if you don’t own it already.
Source: Sonic Scene
Thanks to Woun for the heads up!
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Brazillian Sonic fansites Power Sonic and Sonic Zone are reporting that SEGA Japan has revealed news to press that the company will be bringing lots of Sonic content on our favourite blue hedgehog’s big 20th Birthday. SEGA is said to be adding lots of items to its official Sonic Channel website, some news to its official Sonic Generations website and unveiling a surprise. Could this surprise have something to do with the Sonic Generations demo that was recently approved at the Australian Classification Board’s website or the possible Nintendo 3DS version of the game in the works? I guess we’ll find out June 23rd.
Sources: Power Sonic and Sonic Zone
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SEGA Japan has opened an official website for Sonic Generations. There’s not much there right now apart from the game’s trailer and six screenshots, but there’s bound to be more added in the coming months. Two of the screenshots are new and show us more of Classic Sonic speeding through the Green Hill Zone. Check them out and share your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Sonic Generations official Japanese website
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up and for grabbing the screenshots!
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Following yesterdays news of Game Gear games coming to the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console, SEGA Japan has announced the first games they will be bringing to the service, including two Sonic titles.
– Sonic Triple Trouble
– Sonic Drift 2
– The GG Shinobi
– Dragon Crystal
– Columns
No release dates or price points are given, but it wouldn’t be surprising to see them available at the eShop’s launch in late May. There’s also no word on whether these games will come to the U.S. and European Virtual Consoles. We’ll pass along more information when it’s made available.

Source: SEGA Japan (via
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way. has posted up scans of various New Year’s postcards that they’ve received from various companies in the gaming industry and one such company is SEGA Japan, who sent out the above post card featuring new artwork of Sonic in a snazzy white tuxedo alongside the 20th Anniversary emblem.
What do you think of the postcard? Do you like Sonic’s posh threads? Should Sonic wear trousers? Speak out in the comments.
Source: (via GoNintendo)
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It’s already 2011 in Japan and so SEGA Japan has seen fit to kick-start Sonic the Hedgehog and the Puyo Puyo series’ 20th Anniversary year off with the tease that they have a variety of projects in the works to celebrate this milestone for the blue blur and its popular puzzler. What these “projects” are is anyone’s guess for the time being, but we’ll keep an eye out for new info and media in the year ahead. For now, you can check out a teaser website for Sonic’s 20th that is now live, though there’s not much to see at the moment.
What would you like to see for Sonic’s big 20th Anniversary? Speak out in the comments.
Source: Andriasang
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Gamespot has posted up an interview they held at the Tokyo Game Show with Sonic Free Riders Producer, Kenjiro Morimoto. Gamespot’s Laura Parker kicks things off by asking “What is it about the Sonic Riders series that lends itself to Kinect?” Morimoto-San explains that they felt the running in a traditional Sonic game would be too difficult to make user friendly and that the hoverboard riding gameplay style was a better fit for Kinect. Morimoto-San then speaks about the level-up system, another staple for the series, where you can upgrade your Extreme Gear’s abilities in a race by collect a certain amount of rings. Finally, Morimoto-San says you will be able to customize your Extreme Gear with parts that will give you various abilities to use on the track.
Source: Gamespot
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up and YouTube conversion.
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SEGA Japan has updated their Sonic Free Riders official site with a MUCH higher quality version of the games Tokyo Game Show trailer, which was originally revealed on their USTREAM account. Now you can view it without the blurry mess and get a better look at the game in motion. View it in widescreen at YouTube or the games website at the below link.
Source: Japanese official Sonic Free Riders website
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the YouTube conversion.
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

After yesterdays official reveal of Kinect for Xbox 360 title Sonic Free Riders SEGA of Japan have now launched their official website for the game which gives us our first look at the game via 3 screenshots and a background image on the site showing one of the tracks. The screens show how the game is played via a silhouette displaying body actions for steering, balancing and collecting rings. Nothing else is shown on the site apart from already seen artwork of Sonic and Jet but no doubt the site will expand as time goes by.
Thanks to Sweet Mountain Zone at the SSMB for the heads up and thanks to Woun also at the SSMB for grabbing the screens and background!
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You may remember last week when we informed you that Gamespot were after user questions for their visit to SEGA’s Tokyo HQ, well they have returned and shared some photo’s from SEGA’s foyer.
Continue reading Gamespot Check Out SEGA Tokyo HQ
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Just in time for Christmas Sega of Japan has seen fit to spruce up the Sonic Channel website. While no significantly new content has been added some English has crept onto the site for everyone not fluent in Japanese and everything is looking quite a lot better than it did before.
New content you can check out now include some festive fan art and if you haven’t seen it already Silver The Hedgehog has gotten the Sonic Channel Wallpaper treatment for the month of December. A new Sonic pose has been posted as line art for your colouring pleasure and Sega have also included some great little Sonic scribbles in the form of a letter set and book cover for you to print off.
If you’ve not checked the site for a while of if you’ve never heard of it now’s your chance. I’ll give you a tip though; all the fun stuff is in the ‘Enjoy’ section of the site. Happy hunting!
Credit: Yong of the SSMB (for posting about it first)
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