Rumour: Sonic 4: Episode 2 Due Late 2012?

Sonic fans have been waiting a long time for the second episode of Sonic’s downloadable adventure Sonic the Hedgehog 4, and according to the new issue of GamesMaster magazine released in the UK this week, the wait isn’t anywhere near over. The magazine reports that Episode 2 will be released “Late 2012”, which could see it released over two years after Episode 1. As SEGA themselves haven’t stated anything clearer than “2012” yet, we advise you take this with a grain of salt for now.

Source: GamesMaster Issue 248 March 2012

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[UPDATE, Scores Are In]First ASR Review In Todays GamesMaster Magazine

UPDATE: We’ve picked up a copy of the magazine and we can reveal all 4 console versions are reviewed. The Xbox 360 & PS3 versions earned an awesome review score of 83% with the summary “The best kart racer on 360 and PS3, but not quite the Mario Kart-beater we’d hoped for.”, Wii version got 83% and DS version 70%. GamesMaster gave Mario Kart Wii a 91% so there’s not much difference, they are still great scores.

Anyone looking to pick up the magazine with their favourite character’s cover be warned, you don’t get a choice due to the stupid outer plastic bag which teases the 12 covers on the back saying “Which SEGA All-Star have you got?” /UPDATE END

To kick off Hedgehog Day ArchangelUK has exclusively revealed over at Sonic Wrecks that UK gaming magazine GamesMaster are going to have the first review for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing in their new issue out today. As you can tell from the picture the magazine is celebrating the release of the game by giving readers the choice of 12 different covers with a different one of the games playable characters on each.

We’ll be picking up a copy first thing in the morning and report back on the review score but as always for the full review you’ll of course have to pick up a copy of the magazine or else we’ll have a call from GamesMaster’s lawyers.

Which cover will you be picking up? Let us know in the comments.

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Roundup: What We Missed

We’ve been away for a while, but now we’re back to kick some butt at Wild Canyon and as much as we’d like to not-believe, there’s been a fair bit of news that has slipped by the Sonic News radar (or Newsdar, or… something) during our reconstruction. FRET NOT, we’ve got it covered. Even though you probably already know all this anyway.

Sonic Blogicles

First off SEGA Europe’s community blog, the Sonic City Blognik, has started posting regular diaries from the desks responsible for Sonic Chronicles. The first entry was written by Bioware Brand Manager Randall Bishop, who discussed at length why the game will rock, in typical Brand Manager fashion. He interestingly pointed out Bioware’s new approach to Chronicles for the fact that this is indeed a kid’s game – I hope Bioware remembers that half the success of a kid’s multimedia product is the viability of it to adults too. Just ask Pixar. Continue reading Roundup: What We Missed

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New Sonic and the Secret Rings Info

British gaming magazine Games Master have revealed a plethora of new information about the soon to be released Sonic and the Secret Rings for Nintendo Wii.

The following information is taken from The Wiire’s report.
According to Games Master, Sonic and the Secret Rings will feature 10 different levels, five of which being Sand Oasis, Dinosaur Jungle, Evil Foundry, Levitated Ruin and Pirate Storm. Each level has 10 missions such as stealth attack, rampage, chain challenge, beat the clock, and more.

In addition, Sonic’s skills will be customizable, with upwards of 100 available to learn. These skills affect everything from Sonic’s handling, to moveset, to special abilities – such as slowing down time or speed boosting. Experience points are earned through the game that grant players access to these abilities, but only four can be maintained at any given time (through rings Sonic wears). Continue reading New Sonic and the Secret Rings Info

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Magazine Mania

The August edition of British games publication issue 6 of the new format Nintendo Official Magazine and issue 175 of Games Master both contain large features dedicated to SEGA’s spiky blue messiah. These publications come in the wake and aftermath of little boy blues 15th birthday bash, which portrayed a rather sombre affair, but scratch the surface and you’ll find that the boys and girls at Sonic Team were busy beavering away at interviews for Sonic Channel and both of these magazines. Continue reading Magazine Mania

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