Sonic Generations 3DS Reaffirmed For November Release in Europe & Australia

SEGA has updated the Sonic Generations product page on their website and reaffirmed a November release month for the Nintendo 3DS edition of the game in Europe and Australia. This version of the game was scheduled for November in a press release when it was officially announced at the beginning of last month, but their website has only listed a “Late 2011” timetable until now. The 3DS version was also missing from a release schedule SEGA sent out to press early this month, suggesting it may have been delayed. Now it appears we can rest assured that Sonic Generations will hit Nintendo’s handheld the same month it hits consoles.

Sources: SEGA Europe’s Sonic Generations product page and SEGA Australia’s Sonic Generations product page

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Interview: Aaron Webber

Sega had a very strong presence at the San Diego Comic Con this year. Not only did they have a Sega Arcade down in the Gaslamp Quarter, but on the floor they had Captain America at the Marvel booth and two demo stations of Sonic Generations at the Archie Comics booth. Surprisingly (or maybe not), there was no 3DS Generations demo anywhere to be found.

At one of the demo stations, I found Sonic brand manager Aaron Webber. Trust me when I say there’s no more likable fella working at Sega. Look at him. He’s just so gosh darn huggable ya wanna stuff him in your Warner Bros Comic Con bag and take him home with “AHEM!” Anyway, as he manned the station, many people were checking out the demo. Mostly the modern version. In fact, one fan kept coming back every day and managed to beat Aaron’s record on modern by one second! When he had some time, we went to the back of the Archie booth and set up an interview. (I wanted to snuggle, but he refused. XD Kidding, kidding.)

Have you been having fun at the Con this weekend?

Aaron – Definitely.  It’s been very, very busy. We’ve had tons of people playing Sonic Generations. There’s a lot of standing so your legs get a little tired, but beyond that, it’s good.

Classic Tails has recently been shown alongside of a modern model. Since we now have classic Sonic and classic Tails, will we bee seeing classic representations of other characters? 

Aaron – For the most part, classic Sonic and classic Tails are the only one’s you’re gonna see. There’s not much I can go into after that but stay tuned. Classic Sonic and Classic Tails fans should be pleased.

Along with Classic Tails, the Chemical Plant was shown. Along with Metal Sonic chasing Classic in what looks like Stardust Speedway from Sonic CD.  Will we see other surprises like this? Will boss fights be on separate stages?

Aaron – You mean will the boss fights be taking place in their original settings? That’s a very good question. In the majority of cases, you should probably expect that. The other question would be “What are those other bosses?” and you’re just gonna have to wait on that.

Now, the classic demo was recently released and…..I’m sure you’re aware was then hacked into and some assets were leaked. I’m not gonna go into that much as I’m sure you don’t wanna go into that yourself. However, one of the things shown was that there are several missions in each act. One of them appears to be a “Co-op” mission. We know that as you finish levels, you free your friends and the world opens up more. Are Sonic’s friends playable in the game once they’re unlocked or after the game’s finished?

Aaron – Ah the leak. I really wish that hadn’t been published. Several of those assets are from an older build and will not be in the final game. It’s a misrepresentation. As we stated in the beginning, only classic and modern Sonic are playable. You will see many of Sonic’s friends in the game but you will not play as them.

I noticed the demo released to the public felt a tiny bit different to the one at E3. Is this an older build of the game?

Aaron – Actually, the download is a more current build. 

There have been some criticisms of the demo from different forums. Mainly in his short rolling and his need for spindashing to gain enough speed for some loops. Is there a reason for classic Sonic’s heaver pull on gravity? (I mean, he is chubbier.)

Aaron – Well, there’s always a reason. I’m sure the question on everyone’s mind is A.) Will it change? and B.) Why was it done? The team in Japan was working to emulate the physics of the original as close as possible. It’s not 1 to 1 or 100% ratio, but more like 90-95% in looking at the original and looking at Generations. 

Well, they are trying to emulate classic Sonic physics on an engine built originally for Sonic Unleashed or Modern Sonic if you will. 

Aaron – Yes, but improved upon as well. That’s kind of the key in that it’s not 100% but very close. In this case I know that the rolling for example, I think is good feedback. I’ve already sent that back to Sonic Team. But a key element like rolling for example, to change that drastically now would mean that they would have to redesign and test every single level, every single move to make sure this change in the roll doesn’t break something. Like maybe he’s supposed to go off this ramp in a certain way and he ends up overshooting it greatly. In this late of the stage in development, a change that small could break the whole game. Like taking one brick from the bottom of a wall you’re building, it could make the whole foundation crumble. 

That’s like when someone on Neogaf, they posted a video in which they changed the value by 1 and it changed the roll dramatically, but even he said it would probably break the game on other levels.

Aaron – Exactly. When you see something like that, it looks so simple to fix, but it’s not so easy. The long and the short of it is, it’s still good feedback. Just like with Sonic 4. People said “Sega didn’t listen! They didn’t care!” But we did listen and we do care and now look at Generations. We’re improving step by step by step. It’s very difficult to go from 0-100 and get everything perfect on the first go, but we are doing our absolute best to do right by the fans and make everything the best we can, and I hope the demo – which I think is really, really solid even with the rolling – is something they’re enjoying.

I think so. I know this has gotten a much more positive response on forums than Sonic 4 had and Sonic 4 still got pretty good review scores. One thing I’ve noticed since E3, is that there are certain spots in the demo that have what I would call “scripted physics”. For instance, in the first corkscrew tunnel, Sonic instantly goes into a high-speed spindash when getting near it whereas the other tunnels have a rock in front that Sonic has to bust with a spindash to get through it. Also, there’s the wooden bridge with a loop. Get close enough and Sonic takes over himself and runs through it with no input from the player. Are there reasons why these particular areas are programmed like this or will this be fixed in the final version?

Aaron – Well, even in Sonic 1 when you would go through those tunnels, it would give you an automatic speed boost even if you went through them backwards. So even if you went uphill, it would give you that speed boost. What’s interesting here is from what I’ve played around with in the demo is that if you go in as a spin, it will push you though the tunnel, but if you run full speed it won’t force you though or force you into a spindash which is interesting, so I’d say these spots are kinda half-scripted. It’s going to check to see if you are in ball form before shooting you through which is kind of cool. You’ll see some of that stuff in the game, but not a lot. I wouldn’t use the term “scripted” which is kind of a derogative term used like “scripted vs. non-scripted” in some Sonic games in the sense that some scripted events are cool and dynamic, but mostly you have control over.

I won’t say much about the hack, but one of the cool things from it, was that someone put modern Sonic in the classic level and vice versa and it was actually pretty cool and looked playable. Especially modern Sonic. Is that something that Sonic Team would look into adding?

Aaron – (Laughs) That’s definitely something I couldn’t answer. That would be up to the dev team in Japan. There’s no intention to my knowledge of flip-flopping them into each other’s stages. Admittedly, the “what-if” scenarios are pretty neat.

In the classic Sonic games, you would have to press down and rapidly tap jump to make Sonic spindash. In Generations, it can be done the old fashioned way, or the simpler “hold X” style. But that style can be done even when running full speed or on sharp inclines. Is there a reasoning behind that? 

Aaron – I couldn’t give you the exact reasoning as that would be up to the dev team. I can tell you it makes it a lot simpler and in many ways that’s a good thing. That said I’m sure a lot of the purists might think that it makes it too easy. I think this is something where the dev team is trying to please both groups which is why the other way is optional. In fact, many of the kids playing Generations here at Comic Con were unfamiliar with the spindash and were getting stuck. I told them to hold X for a second and that’s simple and they got that quickly. But at the same time, you want to appease the retro fans. Which is why down and A is also in there. Personally, I get both sides. I kind of like what they’ve done here to make it easier to play for kids who’ve never played a classic Sonic game before. Although I did have one eight year old kid who told me Sonic CD was his favorite game. I was flabbergasted and told him: “Kid, you’re awesome!”

(Laughs) Awesome. I’ve noticed, not so much in modern, but in classic mode the environments are so lush and so detailed that Sonic can get lost in them. There’s one time where I’m hitting a spring and collecting gold rings and I see a platform to right of me that makes it look like I can land on it, but I fall right through because it’s just background detail. Is there a way for them to make it so Sonic pops out a little, or possibly fade the background a bit?

Aaron – If you turn the 3D option on and you have a 3D TV, Sonic will definitely pop out. Alternatively, I know exactly the spot you’re talking about as I’ve made that same mistake myself. Beyond that, there’s not too many spots where that happens. Most backgrounds are either easy to recognize as background or deep in the back. It’s a very minor thing and I wouldn’t worry too much about it

Now in the case of the 3DS, is there much you can tell us of the streetpass feature?

Aaron – There’s not too much I can say about the 3DS version in that regard. 3DS has some very cool stuff and is very unique. We went the idea that we can either do a lazy port or build something from the ground up that’s very cool and very unique and we went with the latter. I can’t tell you much right now, but stay tuned in the near future as we will have a lot of info going out about the 3DS version as we go forward.

What excites you most about Sonic Generations?

Aaron – What excites me most? At first it was just classic Sonic being there. Now, it’s that we get to introduce Sonic to two very distinct generations of people at the same time. We get the younger fans who love modern Sonic and we get to introduce them to classic Sonic and show them why so many of us older fans adore the Genesis games. But likewise, we get to pull in the older fans who might not have played a Sonic game in a long time. I’ve had some people come up to me who’ve said “I’ve not played a Sonic game in 15 years, but this looks amazing!” Every time I hear that (and it’s happened like, 150 times) it’s such a nice feeling that this is finally the game we can show that Sonic is really back. While Colors and Sonic 4 did a good job of bringing us back, but Generations is the one to unite both fans. While we may not always make 100% of both Sonic fans happy all of the time, but I’m betting the majority will be very pleased with this game.

One final question, I know Takashi Iizuka has stated that he feels Sonic Adventure on is the main cannon and that the current Chaotix are not the same ones from 32X Chaotix and he doesn’t seem to want to use any of the real old characters. While we do have poster in City Escape of some of the forgotten characters, one of those being Nack/Fang. There’s a poll on First Four Figures to see is there is enough interest to do a Fang statue. If this does come to fruition, do you see a possibility of Sonic Team bring him back in the future?

Aaron – That’s a good question, but one I couldn’t decide myself. We could make the case for that if enough fans ask for him. (But PLEASE don’t spam our Facebook. PLEASE! My bosses will not be happy.) There are much better ways to get people to recognize a fan following. I mean look at NiGHTS in SASASR. The entire campaign that Trippi and Digi (Sorry if I’m not getting the names right) did which was wonderful. So, if you really want to see Nack there’s always hope. It’s not my decision of course so I can’t answer the question completely. Make the case for it. Try to rally support. That helps. But, Sonic is so out there anyway, with so many cannons and universes. I mean, we are standing in the Archie booth right now. But, if you really want it, I say don’t give up, rally support around it and who knows?

Thank you so much Aaron. It’s been a great interview.

Aaron – Thank you.

NEW COMMENT:  On the last day, I was pretty much done with Comic Con and just hung out with Aaron for a bit at the Archie booth. I played the modern demo some more and watched as some really skilled players went back and fourth on the game. They were kind enough to let others play. I was amazed at one player’s skill. Ends up he’d been hanging out for quite awhile. Aaron has decided to leave one final comment relating to this.

Aaron – One of the things we’ve had a lot of fun with here at SDCC is speed running – for the few unfamiliar with the term, it just means getting to the end of the stage as fast as you can.

Trying to get as fast a time as possible is surprisingly addicting – so much so that at least 20 people have returned to our booth every single day to try and beat their previous times. One guy named Sergio literally spent three days here at the Generations console perfecting his time, teaching others how to complete it faster, and waiting to jump on again when the lines died down. As a result, he even managed to match my best time for the level!

So to anyone reading, here’s a little challenge when the game finally comes out: Can you beat 1 Minute, 49 seconds as Modern Sonic in Green Hill Zone? As it stands – and the level may still change slightly – that’s the fastest legitimate time the world has seen thus far. I’m most excited to see what tricks and strategies fans will use to complete even faster runs!

(Edited for typos.)

NOTE: Since some of these questions came from Segabits, this interview will be published both on Sonic Stadium and Segabits simultaneously.

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Sonic Generations 3DS Special Stage Screenshots

SEGA released 13 new screenshots on Monday of the previously seen Special Stage in the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations. For those who have not seen it before, the Special Stage is similar to the one found in Sonic Heroes, and like that one, the goal is for Modern Sonic to race to the Chaos Emerald before it reaches the end of the track. While doing this, the blue blur must gather coloured balls to keep his boost gauge filled for his speed boosting ability and avoid obstacles that could slow him down.

Check out the screenshots below:

Source: Sonic Retro

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Sonic Generations: Chemical Plant Zone Officially Revealed For Xbox 360/PS3, Tails Art, 3DS Boxart

SEGA’s officially unveiled the Chemical Plant Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Classic Metal Sonic Rival Battle at Stardust Speedway from Sonic CD for the PS3 and Xbox 360 version of Sonic Generations. This level and battle were revealed with a batch of new screenshots SEGA dished out today, as well as artwork for Classic Tails and Modern Tails and the boxart for the Nintendo 3DS version of the game. You can check all of that out below.

Classic Tails and Modern Tails artwork

UK Nintendo 3DS boxart

Chemical Plant Zone screenshots

Classic Sonic vs. Classic Metal Sonic Rival Battle at Stardust Speedway

Sources: SEGA Twitter and SEGA Flickr

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SEGA Setting Up SEGA Arcade For San Diego Comic-con 2011

SEGA has announced that they will be attending this year’s San Diego Comic-con. The publisher won’t have a booth at the convention center though, but instead a ‘pop-up arcade’ space nearby. The public will be able to go into the arcade and try out playable demos of many of SEGA’s upcoming games before they’re released, including Sonic Generations, the first public demo of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games and more.

SEGA will also be unveiling a new unannounced game, which will likely be Aliens Infestation for the Nintendo DS. The game recently turned up on the ESRB’s website, meaning an official announcement could be on the way soon, and what better place could you lift the lid on an Aliens game than at San Diego Comic-con?

Thanks to R@qH1eL at the SSMB, we have some pics from the outside of the SEGA Arcade in its current state.

For more details, check out the ad at the top of this article and the press release below.


Check out and Play SEGA’s Upcoming Blockbusters Before Anyone Else!

SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that fans will get a chance to play SEGA’s upcoming fall and spring releases in SEGA’s limited-time-only pop-up arcade at the Comic-Con International 2011 in San Diego. The company is setting up its own SEGA Arcade space near the convention center and will have a number of its highly anticipated titles playable for all, including Sonic Generations™, Rise of Nightmares™, Captain America: Super Soldier™ and an all new unannounced game. Comic-Con marks the first time the public can get their hands on many of these games before their releases later this year.

The list of games playable at SEGA Arcade in San Diego includes:

Captain America™: Super Soldier
House of the Dead: OVERKILL™ – Extended Cut
Guardian Heroes™
Rise of Nightmares™
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games™
Renegade Ops™
Sonic Generations™
and more!


345 6th Avenue (between K Street and J Street) in San Diego, California


Wednesday, July 20th from 7-pm-11pm
Thursday, July 21st through Saturday, July 23rd from 1pm – 9pm
Sunday, July 24th from 11am-7pm

Sources: SEGA of America’s Flickr and SEGA Addicts

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SEGA E-mail Reveals Sonic Generations For PC For The Umpteenth Time

The amount of evidence for a PC version of Sonic Generations is getting beyond ridiculous now. This latest entry comes from fansite Sonic The Hedgehog Next News, who last week sent an e-mail to SEGA Spain to ask if Sonic Generations will be coming to PC, to which they responded with a list of platforms, and yes, that list included PC among the already confirmed PS3, Xbox 360 and 3DS platforms. It appears the PC version is all but officially confirmed.

For pics of the e-mails exchanged between Sonic The Hedgehog Next News and SEGA Spain, as well as a rough Google translation of SEGA Spain’s response, head over to Sonic The Hedgehog Next News (Google Translate).

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Classic Metal Sonic Revealed



Today on Facebook and Twitter, Sega revealed an HD rendering of classic Metal Sonic as he will look in the upcoming game “Sonic Generations”. Metal Sonic returns as a classic boss that Sonic will face in the game. Ah, but which Sonic will face him? That is still unknown. Outside of the image, no other details have been posted.

Here’s classic Metal Sonic in full HD glory. “Strange, isn’t it?” Errr…..not really.



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UK & Spanish Retailers Listing Sonic Generations Special Edition For PS3 & Xbox 360

UK retailer GAME is now taking pre-orders on their website for a Sonic Generations Special Edition for PS3 and Xbox 360. This edition of the game is priced at £37.99 for Xbox 360 and an higher price of £39.99 for PS3, which is £5 and £7 higher respectively than the game alone. What’s weird is that the Special Edition is said to contain the content GAME has recently been advertising as a pre-order bonus for the game in-store. The same content is also advertised as a pre-order bonus at US retailer GameStop. Hopefully SEGA will clear this up and announce official details about the Sonic Generations Special Edition soon.

Sonic Paradise last week reported that Spanish retailer Xtralife is taking pre-orders for the Sonic Generations Special Edition in that territory. The website also heard from SEGA Spain that the company hasn’t yet decided who will be doing the voice dubbing for the Spanish version of the game.

Source: GAME UK

Thanks to Major Ziggy at the SSMB for the heads up on the GAME UK listing!

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Japanese Sonic Generations Trailer Unveils City Escape’s Modern Remix


SEGA’s released a Japanese version of the E3 City Escape trailer for Sonic Generations. Visually it’s the exact same trailer, but you’ll get to hear something new. Yes, the video gives us our first taste of the Modern remix for City Escape.

If you missed it before, here’s the Classic remix played at Summer of Sonic 2011:

Source: Famitsu (via The Daily DL)

Which version of City Escape’s music do you prefer? Speak out in the comments.

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3 Sonic Generations Themes Hitting EU PSN Today, E3 Trailer Now on PSN & XBL

In today’s ‘‘Heads-Up’ Game Store Update’, the EU PS Blog has revealed that three new Sonic Generations themes will be made available free of charge today on the EU PS Store for you to decorate your PS3’s XMB with. The themes are listed under the Dynamic Themes section, so they should be more than just background wallpapers.

Sonic Generations
* Sonic 20Th Anniversary (free)
* Sonic 20Th Anniversary Modern Theme (free)
* Sonic 20Th Anniversary Poster Theme (free)

The Sonic Generations E3 City Escape trailer is also now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace and US PS Store. EU PS3 users will be able to download it later today when the EU PS Store updates.

Sources: EU PS Blog, US PS Blog and the Xbox Live Marketplace

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More Details on GAME UK’s Sonic Generations DLC Pre-Order Bonus

We have more details about GAME UK’s Sonic Generations DLC pre-order bonus in the above photo I snapped today of the reverse-side of their instore advertisement that we reported about on Friday, courtesy of Emerald Coast. We can confirm that it is definitely the same DLC pack GameStop is offering in the US and that the Super Sonic avatar costume is Xbox 360 exclusive (sorry, PS3 Home users).

For those who haven’t been following, the pack contains:

* Casino Night’ Pinball Stage: Play through this all-new mini-game inspired by Casino Night’ from Sonic The Hedgehog 2′, and relive some of your favorite gaming memories in stunning HD.
* Super Sonic Costume: Give your avatar the ultimate make-over with the iconic super transformation’ character.
* Theme: Give your console the ultimate Sonic experience with a theme created exclusively for this pack.

GAME is still yet to offer the bonus on their website, but we expect they will sooner or later.

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SEGA Officially Reveals More Sonic Generations Details

SEGA has updated their Sonic Generations product page and added some more details, most notably in the ‘Key Features’ sections for both the PS3 & Xbox 360 versions and the Nintendo 3DS version. Those who have been tracking all of the information leaked from the PS3 and Xbox 360 demo in various forums will find the details for that version very familiar, but for those who haven’t, the page reveals that throughout the story players will free Sonic’s friends, fight some of his rivals and revisit big boss battles. After saving each of Sonic’s friends, you’ll then be able to have them join you in some of the game’s other missions.

For the Nintendo 3DS version, SEGA’s website reveals both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic will each have a track in the game’s unlockable special stages and 2 player versus mode is said to feature ‘status points’ you earn through playing with your friends. The game’s Street Pass feature gives you the ability to collect new content and unlock bonus material, which SEGA says increases “variety, interaction and replayability”.

Sonic Generations™

The ultimate celebration of 20 Years of Sonic gaming, Sonic Generations delivers the definitive gaming experience for Sonic fans new and old.

Sonic’s universe is thrown into chaos when a mysterious new power comes into force, creating ‘time holes’ which take Sonic and his friends back in time. Whilst there, Sonic runs into some very familiar characters from his past including a younger version of himself! Now they must team up to defeat their enemies, save their friends, and find out who is behind this diabolical deed.

Key Features

Twice the Fun
Play as both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic in the ultimate Sonic experience. Master the moves of each character as they race through each environment on their own specially designed track.

The Best Bits Just Got Better
Iconic environments from gaming history come to life in beautiful HD for the ultimate Sonic adventure, each revisited, recreated and re-imagined with stunning results.

All New Experience
Play some of your gaming’s most iconic environments in a whole new way with famous Sonic stages presented in stunning new stereoscopic 3D.

Unlock New Adventures
Once you complete each level and ‘free’ Sonic’s captured friends, you’ll get to go back and take on more challenges with them at your side.

Infamous Bosses and Rivals
Take on some of the most notorious characters from Sonic’s past as you fight for ultimate supremacy.

Master Your Moves
Master Classic Sonics famous spin-dash attack and utilise Modern Sonic ‘s ‘Sonic Boost’ as you complete the all new tracks.

Additional Key Features for 3DS

All New Content
With new and exclusive environments for the Nintendo 3DS, including an un-lockable ‘special stage’. Each includes two tracks – one for Classic Sonic and one for Modern Sonic – designed to showcase each Sonics’ unique features.

2 Player Versus mode
Take on your friends and earn valuable status points.

Street Pass
Collect new content and unlock bonus material, increasing variety, interaction and replayability.

Source: SEGA’s Sonic Generations product page

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Latest SEGA Europe Release Schedule Lists Sonic Generations For PC, 3DS Version Delayed?

The evidence for a PC version of Sonic Generations is really mounting up. SEGA Europe has issued a schedule for their upcoming game releases through 2011 and into 2012. Sonic Generations is down for the already known release month of November for PS3, Xbox 360 and…PC? It appears SEGA may have let the cat out of the bag again for the PC version of the game, surprising no one. What IS surprising though is the absence of the Nintendo 3DS version. SEGA Europe’s website also has no month scheduled for the portable version and instead lists it for a Late 2011 release, even though it was previously given a November release month. Could the 3DS version of Sonic Generations be getting released slightly later than the home console (and possible PC) versions?

Here’s SEGA Europe’s full release schedule:

* Virtua Tennis 4 – 8th July 2011 (PC)
* Captain America: Super Soldier – 15th July 2011 (Multi)
* CRUSH3D – 9th September 2011 (3DS)
* Rise of Nightmares (Kinect) – September 2011 (X360)
* Shinobi – September 2011 (3DS)
* House of the Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut – 28th October 2011 (PS3)
* Sonic Generations – November 2011 (PS3, X360, PC)
* Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games – November 2011 (Wii)
* Anarchy Reigns – January 2012 (PS3, X360)
* Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games – February 2012 (3DS)
* Binary Domain Shooter – Early 2012 (PS3)
* Aliens: Colonial Marines – Spring 2012 (PS3, X360, PC)
* London 2012 – The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games – 2012 (PS3, X360, PC)
* Thor Action Adventure – TBC (3DS)
* Virtua Tennis 4 – TBC (PSVita)

We’ll pass along any further details regarding both stories when they’re made available.

Sources: CVG and Eurogamer Portugal

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GAME Offering Sonic Generations Pre-Order DLC Pack in the UK

GAME will be the exclusive carrier of the Sonic Generations Casino Night pre-order bonus DLC previously revealed by U.S. retailer GameStop. Emerald Coast founder Vger spotted the above display in his local GAME store today, which reads “Sonic Generations Exclusive Stage Pack when you pre-order and purchase”. The Casino Night Zone pinball mini-game image shown on GameStop’s website is also on display, so this will likely be the exact same package.

The full contents of the pack offered by GameStop includes:

* Casino Night’ Pinball Stage: Play through this all-new mini-game inspired by Casino Night’ from Sonic The Hedgehog 2′, and relive some of your favorite gaming memories in stunning HD.
* Super Sonic Costume: Give your avatar the ultimate make-over with the iconic super transformation’ character.
* Theme: Give your console the ultimate Sonic experience with a theme created exclusively for this pack.

Source: Emerald Coast

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UK Online Retailers Already Offering Big Discounts on Sonic Generations

UPDATE: HMV has now raised the price of the PS3 & Xbox 360 versions back up from £29.99 to £39.99. All orders places at the £29.99 price should remain at the cheaper price. The Game Collection is now the cheapest price for the PS3 & Xbox 360 versions at £31.99./UPDATE END

Live in the UK and fancy yourself a copy of Sonic Generations at a low price? Well, you’ll be pleased to know that some online retailers out there are already offering big discounts on pre-orders. The Game Collection has the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions available for pre-order at just £31.99; an £8 saving. An even bigger discount on the portable edition can be found at Send It, where the Nintendo 3DS version is available to pre-order now for just £27.89; a saving of £12.10.

Here are the current offers available in order of the cheapest:
PS3 & Xbox 360:
The Game Collection: £31.99 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Game Seek: £32.97 (PS3/Xbox 360)
GAME: £32.99 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Gamestation: £32.99 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Amazon: £32.99 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Play: £32.99 (PS3/Xbox 360)
DVD: £34.99 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Base: £34.99 (PS3/Xbox 360)
ShopTo: £36.85 (PS3/Xbox 360)
365 Games: £37.49 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Send It: £37.89 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Gameplay: £37.99 (PS3/Xbox 360)
The Hut: £39.85 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Zavvi: £39.85 (PS3/Xbox 360)
ASDA: £39.91 (PS3/Xbox 360)
WH Smith: £39.93 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Woolworths: £39.97 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Best Buy: £39.97 (PS3/Xbox 360)
HMV: £39.99 (PS3/Xbox 360)
Tesco: £43.97 (PS3/Xbox 360)

Nintendo 3DS:
Send It: £27.89
The Hut: £29.85
Zavvi: £29.85
ASDA: £29.91
WH Smith: £29.93
Woolworths: £29.97
Best Buy: £29.97
GAME: £39.99
Amazon: £39.99
Gameplay: £39.99
HMV: £39.99

Have you pre-ordered a copy of the game yet? Found any cheaper offers? Let us know in the comments.

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SPOILERS: Sonic Generations Level List, Items, Badniks, Music and More Leaked

This news post contains spoilers, so if you don’t want to be spoiled, then click your back button now.

The Sonic Generations demo released June 23rd on Sonic’s 20th Birthday was hacked on that very day by various community members, including those at Sonic Retro. Found within the unusually very large file was the game’s entire level list, boss list, mission list, characters, badniks, items, some music files (though nothing past Green Hill Zone) and the presence of the Chaos Emeralds and super forms for both Sonic’s.


Green Hill (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Chemical Plant (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
Sky Sanctuary (Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles)
Speed Highway (Sonic Adventure)
City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2)
Seaside Hill (Sonic Heroes)
Crisis City (SONIC The Hedgehog/Sonic 06)
Rooftop Run (Sonic Unleashed)
Planet Wisp (Sonic Colours)

Casino Night – DLC Only


Metal Sonic
Shadow The Hedgehog
Silver The Hedgehog
Death Egg
Perfect Chaos
Egg Dragoon
“Time Eater” – Said to be the final boss.

Amy Rose

The items revealed include the return of elemental shields from Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles. The lightning shield, fire shield and bubble shield item boxes were both found in the demo assets, along with images of how they look in-game. The Spike Wisp and Rocket Wisp powers from Sonic Colours also make a comeback. As for the Chaos Emeralds, they too appear to be an item, which suggests Classic and Modern Sonic’s Super forms will be playable in the game’s various stages.

Update: Images removed at SEGA’s request.

Sources: Sonic Retro, Sonic Wrecks and various Sonic forums, including our very own SSMB.

What do you think of the level list? Did your favourite stage make it in? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Pre-Order Sonic Generations PS3/Xbox 360 at GameStop and Get an Exclusive DLC Pack

Planning on picking up the PS3 or Xbox 360 versions of Sonic Generations? Well, if you’re in the U.S. you can bag yourself an exclusive DLC pack by pre-ordering a copy of the game at GameStop.

Here’s what you can get:

* Casino Night’ Pinball Stage: Play through this all-new mini-game inspired by Casino Night’ from Sonic The Hedgehog 2′, and relive some of your favorite gaming memories in stunning HD.
* Super Sonic Costume: Give your avatar the ultimate make-over with the iconic super transformation’ character.
* Theme: Give your console the ultimate Sonic experience with a theme created exclusively for this pack.

Source: GameStop

Thanks to SSMB member Eternal Awesomeness for the heads up!

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Sonic Generations Demo Now Available on Xbox Live & PlayStation Network

The Sonic Generations demo has been made available for Xbox 360 and PS3 users today on Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Store. As reported yesterday, just Classic Sonic is playable and only in one Act of Green Hill Zone, but with plenty of routes to explore, it will keep you busy for a few replays. Don’t forget, the demo will only be available for 20 days and all downloaded copies will expire after 20 days too. As with all retail game demos, Xbox 360 users will need an Xbox Live Gold Membership to download the demo for the first week. Free Members will get the demo next week.

The Sonic 20th Anniversary bundle has also been made available for purchase on the PlayStation Store today. An Xbox 360 equivalent is nowhere to be seen, so it appears this is a PS3 exclusive. The bundle includes Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, Sonic Adventure (and DX add-on), and the Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 dynamic theme. The bundle will be available for 20 days at the reduced price of (£13.99/€17.99/$19.99).

Have you tried out the demo? Share your thoughts on it in the comments.

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[UPDATE] Sonic Generations Demo and 20th Anniversary Bundle Available For Download Tomorrow

UPDATE: Andriasang reports that the Sonic Generations demo will be released both on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live tomorrow. The demo will include Classic Sonic’s Green Hill Zone stage and will only be available to download until July 12th, then after that date any downloads of the demo will expire, so make sure you take it for a spin before then. The demo, like the full game, is also said to support 3D TV’s.

Source: Andriasang (via CVG)
Thanks to Matriculated at the SSMB for the heads up! /UPDATE END

SEGA will be celebrating Sonic’s 20th Anniversary tomorrow in style in the digital download space. The official Sonic 20th Anniversary Twitter this afternoon revealed that the previously announced demo of Sonic Generations will be coming tomorrow. Sony then revealed details of this week’s EU PlayStation Store update, and yes, you guessed it, the demo is listed for tomorrow for all locales. There’s no word of the demo hitting the U.S. PS Store or in any region for the Xbox Live Marketplace yet, but we fully expect it to be made available on those services.

The EU and U.S. PS Blogs have also revealed a 20th Anniversary Bundle, which consists of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, Sonic Adventure (and DX add-on), and the Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 dynamic theme. The bundle will be available to purchase from tomorrow for 20 days at the reduced price of (£13.99/€17.99/$19.99). No word on if this bundle will be released on the Xbox Live Marketplace, but we expect it will.

We’ll update when we know more about all of this content’s availability.

Sources: Sonic 20th Anniversary Twitter, U.S. PS Blog

Thanks to frokenok3 at the SSMB for the heads up on the Sonic 20th Anniversary Twitter update!

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Sonic Generations Beta Pops Up On Steams Registry

Add one more big piece of evidence to the “all but confirmed” pile. NeoGAF member DrKirby found this bit of evidence of a Sonic Generations Beta registered to Steam earlier today. This helps prove that there’s a PC version of Sonic Generations being tested currently. Of course, until Sega confirms it themselves it still remains rumor for now.

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Aaron Webber Shows New Paths in Sonic Generations

Canadian game site Console Creatures got associate brand manager Aaron Webber at E3 to sit down and play through the Sonic Generations demo. He went through both classic and modern and showed some never before seen paths and details. Modern almost seemed like a totally different level through Aaron’s run. Check it out.



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E3 2011 Q&A: Takashi Iizuka on Sonic Generations

(NOTE: Because this is a Q&A with questions taken from staff from both Sonic Stadium and Segabits, this article will be posted on both sites simultaneously.)

On the Tuesday afternoon of E3, Alex and I got the privilege of seeing the first new footage of City Escape from Sonic Generations played by Takashi Iizuka himself. Seeing little classic Sonic going through the famous SA2 level was a thrill. We saw as the large GUN truck made every attempt possible to run down the roly-poly hedgehog as two new remixes of “Escape from the city” played through both levels. As he played through he told some interesting tidbits including the fact that outside of Green Hill zone, all stages on the 3DS will be different from the HD versions and will have levels based on the portable versions of Sonic’s games. Also voice overs will be done for all nationalities. Not just Japanese and English. He quit the last level as the GUN truck with it’s giant sawblades ran over modern Sonic as he ran out of boost. Here, our Q&A commenced.

There have been some who were wondering why the Wii was not given a port when the 3DS, which has comparable graphics has one. Why not port the 3DS version to the Wii?

The 3DS version is a celebration of Sonic’s portable history. As such it only makes sense that we keep that history on a portable system.

There have been rumors of hub worlds between levels similar to Unleashed. Is this something you can confirm?

Ha, ha. Well, as we’ve said. Classic and Modern Sonic meet through time anomalies as a mysterious force is erasing time. Areas are a wash of pure white. As classic and modern beat these classic levels more color comes into the world. You could say the white space starts as a hub that opens up more as the color comes back in.

Will there be any online features or DLC?
We cannot discuss anything for DLC at this time, but we are planning for online leaderboards.

Will there be more than two acts per zone?

Yes. I cannot give more detail than that at this time, but there will be several acts in each world.

Can you discuss what systems will be represented on the 3DS version such as Game Gear?

Game Gear? (Laughter) No. For the 3DS we wanted to go with systems of more recent memory. So we are more focused on levels from the GBA and DS.

We have seen boss fights with classic Eggman. Will modern Eggman be joining him?

We cannot discuss that due to story elements not yet revealed. I can say there will be remixes of classic boss fights through Sonic’s history.

Since Sonic Colors got it’s soundtrack published onto iTunes, will there be a Sonic Generations soundtrack as well?

(Laughter) Well, we know that Nintendo just announced a 25th Anniversary soundtrack for the Legend of Zelda. We are currently releasing 20th Anniversary soundtracks for many of our older Sonic games. As far as Sonic Generations goes, I cannot confirm anything at this time, but I’m glad your interested.

How early on did you go on the idea for a split between classic and modern Sonic gameplay?

Shortly after Unleashed, we were discussing what kind of game to make to celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary. It was around that time that we decided that classic/modern split would be the best.

How many zones are being planned for the game?

That is something we cannot discuss at this time. (The next day, The E3 Insider  magazine said 9 worlds were planned with a release date of October. It was later debunked by Aaron Webber.)

With that, our time was up and we gave our thank you’s and goodbyes.As we I told Mr. Iizuka how much I loved last year’s Sonic Colors. He seemed genuinely happy and pleased by that.I was surprised at how many of our questions we were able to get in as most of the other press was fairly quiet. I will say that neither me or Alex are pleased by the omission of Game Gear levels for the 3DS.



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E3 2011: Sonic Generations 3DS Full Demo Video


YouTube user cobanermani456 is at E3 and has recorded a full run through of the Sonic Generations 3DS demo, which includes both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic Acts of Green Hill Zone and the Launch Base Zone boss that were previously only seen in screenshot form. It appears Classic Sonic’s Green Hill Zone stage is designed exactly the same as Act 1 of the original Sonic the Hedgehog on Mega Drive/Genesis, while Modern Sonic’s stage is completely new. The Launch Base Zone boss fight also appears to play out very different to the original.

Those who hated the physics and uncurling found in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 will not be pleased to see that the same things are present in Classic Sonic’s stage. Without a homing attack, this leaves Classic Sonic very vulnerable to enemies in the air or on the ground upon landing.

What do you think of the 3DS version of Sonic Generations now you’ve seen it in action? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks to Woun for the heads up and to SiLeNtDo0m for the original source link!

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Sonic Generations PSN/XBLA Demo Announced

In an update to their Twitter feed, SEGA reports that Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka has announced a demo for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Sonic Generations at the SEGA of America’s Sonic Boom event. No details have been revealed as to when we can expect the demo to arrive on the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace or what stage is included, but when that information is made available we’ll pass it along.

Source: SEGA’s Twitter Feed
Tweet 1 link
Tweet 2 link

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E3 2011: GameSpot’s Video Tour of SEGA’s E3 Booth


GameSpot took a tour of SEGA’s E3 booth earlier and thanks to SSMB member Woun we have a YouTube recording of that for you to check out above. The Sonic Generations area is up first with pods for the game and merchandise galore. We even see someone testing out the 3D console version with the aid of a group of Motobugs in the options. Other game areas shown include Aliens: Colonial Marines, Renegade Ops, Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing for iPad and Guardian Heroes.

Thanks again to Woun at the SSMB for the YouTube upload!

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E3 2011: Sonic Generations City Escape Gameplay


[youtube][/youtube] showcased a live demo of the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Sonic Generations this evening with SEGA’s Patrick Riley and the game’s director Hiroshi Miyamoto. In the demonstration is more of Green Hill Zone as well as an unexpected showing of the newly revealed stage City Escape, which was only shown behind closed doors up until now. Like with Green Hill Zone, the stage has been revamped for both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, and as we told you in our eyes on preview, the GUN truck returns and is now more dangerous than before.

Anyway, what are you still reading this article for? Check out the gameplay videos of both Acts above courtesy of SSMB member Dusk Golem.

If you want to watch the whole demo, including more footage from Green Hill Zone and the full Q&A, SSMB member Woun has uploaded the whole thing to YouTube. We have that for you below.


Thanks to Dusk Golem and Woun at the SSMB for the YouTube uploads!

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E3 2011 Preview: City Escape in Sonic Generations


Nuckles87, the cooler than cool T-Bird and I have just finished a behind closed doors look at the City Escape level from Sonic Generations. Playing the game for everyone was producer Takashi Iizuka. There were a few surprises in store.

He first played through as classic Sonic who avoids the street almost entirely. Running and jumping around constructions areas and over rooftops. There’s a more classic version of “Escape from the City” playing with lyrics. (NOTE: Both versions have a brand new remix. Modern version has extra new lyrics.) Throughout the classic level, the GUN truck was chasing little classic Sonic both in and around backgrounds, giving the 2-D levels more of a 3-D look. This truck has a vendetta. He hates Sonic with a passion and want to run him down no matter what. Classic Sonic did ride on a board similar to the ice level from Sonic 3. Unfortunately, he quit the level before getting to the end.

The truck was very persistent, as he then was following Modern Sonic. His level plays very similar to the Dreamcast version as he rides the blade and follows a similar but different path than the original. Much like classic does in Green Hill Zone. The big difference is Unleashed-style gameplay coming into effect. Guess who makes a return to tell you what to do? That’s right. Just like in the original version, Omachao is back.  The badniks in both levels are the same mechs from the original SA2 and you homing attack though them in the same way. Along the way, you can see missing posters. I noticed one had a picture of Ray and Mighty, while the other had Bean and Bark. At the end, the GUN truck is chasing you down, similarly to SA2, only this bad boy has friggin’ sawblades sticking out all over! Iizuka died when he ran too slow on the side of a wall and the truck hit him. A good producer, just not so good a player.


Sonic Generations is looking better and better. I don’t think there can be a better 20th anniversary homage to this little blue blur. Now I wonder when we are getting video of Spagonia?

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E3 2011: Sonic Generations Preview

Last year, Takashi Iizuka separated the Sonic fandom into classic fans and modern fans, claiming you couldn’t please both. A year later, one of Iizuka’s own creations looks like it will prove this statement false.

This is it. If Sonic Colors could qualify as a dessert, Sonic Generations is definitely looking to be the main course. The HD graphics are beautiful, better then Unleashed. The physics in the classic game play are nearly dead-on, with all the momentum of the classics intact. Modern Sonic’s levels are as fast as they were in Unleashed, without any pesky QTE sequences getting in the way. As awesome as Sonic Colors was, I can’t help but believe that any disillusioned Sonic fan who still believes Sonic is still down in the trash of the gaming industry will finally see this game as his redemption.

Graphically, Generations is a veritable tour de force of color and style. The art style of Green Hill shines through vividly here. The flowers and rocks and green checkerboard grass are all how you remember them, except this time rendered in stunning fully 3D HD polygons. It’s great to see the classic style of the old games rendered so well here. On top of these beautiful graphics, Sonic Generations is also the first game to be rendered in eye popping 3D across all platforms! That’s right, the 3DS version isn’t the only one getting the 3D treatment. Both the PS3 and the Xbox versions will be capable of displaying in 3D. The 3D effects aren’t terribly noticeable during classic Sonic’s game play, but during the speedy sections of modern Sonic’s level the 3D really pops. Things aren’t all rosey with the visuals though. Much like the Sonic Colors E3 demo last year, this demo does have a rocky frame rate. The game can become really choppy at times. Hopefully this issue will be resolved by the time the game arrives in stores this holiday.

Despite the funky frame rate, the game is still incredibly fun to play. Classic Sonic’s game play is likely to be the biggest crowd pleaser. I’m happy to say I tried all the tricks Brad told me about for Sonic 4 last year, and the results were good. Unlike Sonic 4, Sonic Generations’ Sonic does not stop dead in his tracks or in mid air when the player stops pushing forward on the controller. Sonic cannot stroll up inclines, nor can he stand on walls or in loops. Gravity will push you down hard if you don’t gather enough momentum.

That being said, classic Sonic still moves way faster than he did in the Genesis games, and the level design itself is a bit different. There are still a lot of bumpers that bounce you around in some places, but there is not one booster pad in site. There were many diverse paths to try as well. It’s not an exact replica of the classic Genesis games, but it still acts as a nice, effective homage.

Modern Sonic game play is as you’d expect: really fast, very boost centric, and incredibly hectic. Modern Sonic’s version of Green Hill is a fun level, and it’s certainly well designed. Those disappointed with Sonic Colors being a mostly 2D game will be happy to know that at the very least the Green Hill stage is more 3D then it is 2D.

All in all, Sonic Generations is shaping up to be even better then Colors, and something that should finally please retro fans and modern fans alike. This game does indeed outdo Sonic 4, Sonic Unleashed, and Sonic Colors in on fell swoop, if this stage is any indication. Hopefully, this game won’t hit any pot holes along the way, such as the sudden revelation that classic Sonic is murdered and replaced by a jealous Bubsy the Bobcat half way through. Fingers crossed, people!

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#70 City Escape trailer revealed for Sonic Generations!


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E3 2011: New Trailer Reveals 2 New Levels For Sonic Generations

SEGA has opened their E3 booth and kicked things off with a new trailer for Sonic Generations. The video reveals Sonic Adventure 2’s City Escape as a level in the game and teases another at the end, but we’ll leave you guys to discover and guess what that one is for yourselves. Lots of gameplay footage can be seen of both Classic and Modern Sonic dashing through City Escape, along with more beautiful CGI goodness. SEGA’s also unveiled the box art for the game, and it looks like the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions will be playable in 3D.

Check out the trailer below:

Thanks to ArtFenix for the heads up and to BlazingTales for the YouTube upload!

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SEGA Reveals E3 Lineup, M&S at the London 2012 Olympic Games Dated

SEGA has just revealed their lineup of software they will be showcasing at E3 2011, which includes Sonic Generations and Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games among their various other franchises. Along with this news, SEGA’s also set rough release dates for both versions of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. The Nintendo Wii version will launch in November this year and the Nintendo 3DS version will be released in February 2012.

Check out SEGA’s press release with their full E3 2011 lineup below:

SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON (June 2, 2011) – SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced its roster of titles to be presented at the 2011 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3 2011). The company will present more than 13 new games across all major platforms, including several games in stunning stereoscopic 3D, support for PlayStation®Move for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, Kinect™ for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Nintendo 3DS™. The lineup spans multiple genres and includes adaptations of blockbuster film franchises, an original squad-based shooter from the creative mind of some of SEGA’s most popular franchises, the first “M-rated” game on Kinect™ for Xbox360®, AAA digital titles, an all-new title from critically acclaimed developer PlatinumGames and many more!

To celebrate this year’s 20th birthday of Sonic the Hedgehog, one of gaming’s most iconic characters, SEGA will be hosting a celebratory community event featuring Sonic Generations™ on Wednesday, June 8th, 6PM PST at the Club NOKIA in Downtown Los Angeles.

The list of titles in display at SEGA’s E3 booth (South Exhibit Hall, Booth 2023) includes among others:

Aliens: Colonial Marines™ (Xbox 360®, PlayStation®3 system, PC) – Launch Date: Spring 2012
From the award-winning first-person shooter powerhouse Gearbox Software comes Aliens: Colonial Marines, the highly anticipated horror-based action FPS set in the Aliens™ universe with cooperative multiplayer at its core. Bringing new levels of bone-chilling suspense and adrenaline-filled action to the renowned franchise, the game pits players against the universe’s ultimate alien killing machines, the Xenomorphs, in claustrophobic environments guaranteed to produce horrifying shocks and surprises.

ANARCHY REIGNS™ (Xbox 360®, PlayStation®3 system) – Launch Date: January 2012
ANARCHY REIGNS is the much anticipated next title from critically acclaimed developer PlatinumGames. With ANARCHY REIGNS, PlatinumGames will be using their hallmark creativity and technical excellence to challenge the boundaries of the conventional brawler genre by allowing multiple players to get involved in heavy-hitting action simultaneously. ANARCHY REIGNS incorporates a diverse range of multiplayer modes to provide players with different challenges, including a co-op survival mode and an all-out Battle Royal mode, where players can challenge others in a full-on fight for victory. Additionally, all modes will be available as offline single-player experiences as well. In the single player campaign mode, players can choose between Jack and Leo for different story experiences.

Binary Domain™ (Xbox 360®, PlayStation®3 system) – Launch Date: Early 2012
Binary Domain is an original IP by Toshihiro Nagoshi, the creator behind some of SEGA’s most well-known video game franchises, including the critically acclaimed Yakuza series. The atmospheric squad-based shooter puts players in the middle of a fast-paced and intense battle against hordes of deadly robots, and a secret that could threaten all mankind. Fighting upward through the derelict lower levels of 2080 Tokyo into the beautiful upper city, players control an international Special Forces squad, specializing in covert ops, which sets out to battle to the heart of the crisis.

Captain America™: Super Soldier (Xbox 360®, PlayStation®3 system, Wii™, Nintendo DS™, Nintendo 3DS™) – Launch Date: (US) July 19; (EU) July, 15, 2011; 3DS in Fall 2011
Become Captain America™, the ultimate Super-Soldier, in the darkest days of World War II as you face the Red Skull and his army in this epic third-person action adventure. Wield Captain America’s legendary shield to take out multiple enemies at once, deflect incoming fire back at your enemies, solve puzzles, and scale walls. Above all, hurl yourself shield-first into the fray, with the superior force of the world’s first Super-Soldier at your fingertips. Engage in devastating open combat and acrobatic platforming to infiltrate Hydra’s massive and mysterious castle complex and battle the infamous Iron Cross, the forces of Hydra, and a host of nefarious enemies serving the Red Skull in an all-new Captain America story and adventure.

CRUSH3D™ (Nintendo 3DS™) – Launch Date: (US) September 6, (EU) September 9, 2011
Redesigned for Nintendo 3DS, CRUSH3D is the unique platform game that gives you the ability to change perspective from 2D to 3D as you try to solve brain-teasing puzzles. Built on the foundation of the award winning CRUSH™, CRUSH3D features a host of exciting new features specifically designed for the Nintendo 3DS system, including new locations, characters and an intuitive hint system. Navigate across the surreal platforms of Danny’s mind by ‘crushing’ your way from a 2-dimensional to a 3-dimensional world and back again whenever you need to.

Guardian Heroes™ (Xbox LIVE® Arcade, PlayStation®Network & Steam) – Launch Date: Late Summer 2011
Coming exclusively to Xbox LIVE® Arcade, get ready for more swords and sorcery than you can shake your magical staff at. An ancient evil threatens the world after years of peace. Step into the shoes of one of five mighty heroes; each with their own unique attacks and customizable stats. As you fight through forests, graveyards, castles and volcanoes, your every decision will decide the ultimate fate of the world. Do you have what it takes to be a Guardian Hero? Due out this summer, Guardian Heroes features Co-Op and Online play for you and your friends, multiple game modes, optimized graphics, and brand new achievements for Xbox LIVE®.

House of the Dead: OVERKILLExtended Cut (PlayStation® Move for PlayStation®3 system) – Launch Date: (US) October 25, (EU) October 28, 2011
The pulp-style reinvention of the classic light-gun shooter comes to the PlayStation®3 in this exclusive Extended Cut with an avalanche of new content including brand new levels, weapons, mutants and more. Experience the over-the-top, mutant blasting madness with your PlayStation®Move motion controller for PS3 all in stunning 3D and re-mastered HD graphics.

Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games™ (Wii™, Nintendo 3DS™) – Launch Date: November 2011 (Wii™), February 2012 (Nintendo 3DS™)
Mario™ and Sonic™ will once again join forces on the Wii™ home video game system and, for the first time ever, on Nintendo 3DS™ as the much loved duo head to London to participate in the officially licensed Olympic-themed video game, Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games™. A host of exciting new headline events, including Football and Equestrian will debut on the Wii version appearing alongside classic Olympic disciplines, such as Athletics, Aquatics and Table Tennis. The new handheld system from Nintendo will bring a whole new dimension to the Mario & Sonic universe with glasses-free 3D visuals and around 50 original Olympic themed events playable using the unique control systems of the Nintendo 3DS.

Renegade Ops™ (Xbox LIVE® Arcade, PlayStation®Network, PC digital download) – Launch Date: 2011
Created by Swedish developer Avalanche Studios, Renegade Ops will unleash unprecedented mayhem and exhilarating destruction. Players are sent behind enemy lines in a mobile commando unit to defeat Inferno, a madman intent on global domination. Defeat enemies across a range of stunning environments using a wide variety of vehicles and weapons, from dispersing electromagnetic shock waves to the deployment of a huge Gatling gun armed to the teeth. Players have the choice to fight alone in single-player mode, team up offline with two-player split screen or join the dynamic 4-player online co-op experience.

Rise of Nightmares™ (Kinect™ for Xbox 360®) – Launch Date: TBA
Rise of Nightmares offers a spine-tingling horror experience unique to the massively successful Kinect. Using their whole body the player will experience fear and tension as never before in this first-person horror adventure. Fight off hordes of undead creatures and mad scientists in this uniquely horror themed adventure that sees players desperately searching for their kidnapped wife.

SEGA Rally Online Arcade™ (Xbox 360®, PlayStation®3 system) – Launch Date: Out Now on Xbox LIVE® Arcade, Coming Soon on PlayStation®Network)
When was the last time you enjoyed getting dragged through the mud? Race through five different types of terrain in more rally-bred vehicles than a baker can shake his dozen at – including the Ford Focus RS, the classic Lancia Delta Integrale and the ferocious Bowler Nemesis. Play through a slew of modes including Time Trials, Single Races, and Championship Events. Cut to the chase and face off online in a variety of 6 Player multiplayer racing events – isn’t it about time you showed your friends who’s numero uno?

Shinobi™ (Nintendo 3DS™) – Launch Date: September 2011
Shinobi for the Nintendo 3DS sees the eagerly anticipated return of the legendary Shinobi. We follow our hero, Jiro Musashi, through a wide variety of exotic locations as he battles his way past hordes of enemies using magical Ninja powers in this intense action-filled title. Shinobi will include some classic gameplay elements found in previous Shinobi titles, while introducing several exciting new features and experiences specifically designed to take advantage of the technology offered by the Nintendo 3DS system.

Sonic Generations™ (Xbox 360®, PlayStation®3 system, Nintendo 3DS™) – Launch Date: Holiday 2011
Delivering the definitive gaming experience for Sonic fans old and new and part of the celebrations for Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary, Sonic Generations sees Sonic the Hedgehog playable as both the much loved classic 1991 character, and the modern day video game hero he has become. In this exciting new fast paced adventure set across three defining eras from 20 years of Sonic the Hedgehog, you can now speed through some of the most iconic environments, playing as Classic Sonic in re-imagined 2D side scrolling levels, and as Modern Sonic in all new, stunning 3D levels.

SEGA will be located at BOOTH 2023 in the South Exhibit Hall of the Los Angeles Convention Center. To schedule an appointment with SEGA at E3 2011, please contact

Source: SEGA Europe Blog

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Sonic Generations Officially Announced for 3DS, Coming November 2011

SEGA has just officially announced the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations, which was previously unveiled by Nintendo Power. Along with the announcement of this portable edition of the game, SEGA also announced a rough November release date for the 3DS version and the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.

Check out the press release below:

LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (June 1st, 2011) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. & SEGA® America, Inc., today confirmed Sonic Generations™ will be released on Nintendo’s new handheld system, Nintendo 3DS™ in November 2011. Set across three defining eras from Sonic the Hedgehog’s twenty year history, Sonic Generations™ for Nintendo 3DS will see SEGA’s mascot speeding through new stereoscopic 3D levels designed exclusively for the handheld console.

“Sonic Generations for Nintendo 3DS will combine brand new technology and twenty years of Sonic the Hedgehog videogame heritage” commented David Corless, Global Brand Director for Sonic. “Couple this with the ability to play as both Classic and Modern Sonic and you have the perfect gaming celebration for the landmark anniversary of our much loved mascot”

The specifically designed Nintendo 3DS environments, based on iconic levels from popular Sonic the Hedgehog titles, will include an exclusive unlockable ‘Special Stage’ allowing players to become even more immersed in Sonic’s world. Sonic Generations for Nintendo 3DS will also take advantage of the StreetPass™ feature by enabling players to collect new content and unlock bonus material each time they pass another player. In addition to this, the new two-player versus mode means fans can battle it out across some of the most recognisable Sonic environments in a completely new way.

Sonic Generations for Nintendo 3DS follows the same storyline as the previously announced platforms, with Sonic and his friends pulled back through time due to a mysterious new power which is causing chaos throughout the universe by creating strange “time holes”. Sonic Generations will be available for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Nintendo 3DS system in November 2011.

For more information please visit

Source: SEGA’s website

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Sonic Generations Playable at Summer of Sonic ’11

Summer of Sonic is once again shaping up to be yet another top notch event, with the announcement yesterday that Sonic Generations, the highly anticipated multi-format title will be available for event-goers to play hands-on during the day.

You honestly thought we would host the world’s greatest Sonic the Hedgehog party and not give you the opportunity to play the game that everyone is talking about? Of course not! This year, at the Summer of Sonic 2011, you will be able to play Sonic Generations – months before it hits the store shelves!

Sonic Generations is the 20th Anniversary game that sees our beloved blue hero join forces… with himself! That’s right, you’ll get the chance to play as two distinctive styles of hedgehog. Get reacquainted with modern Sonic, and blitz through colourful 3D landscapes at mach speed while the world warps around you! Or take it back to the old school with classic Sonic – 2D platforming action just like you remember it!

Whichever Sonic you pick, the adventure will be filled with classic badniks, colourful set pieces and recreations of traditional stages such as Green Hill Zone. As far as Greatest Hits compilations go, it doesn’t get any better looking – or come with more attitude – than this!

There will be several gaming pods on the Summer of Sonic show floor with demonstration copies of Sonic Generations installed. Make sure you take the time to come down and enjoy the first few levels of the game in public before anyone else in Europe! You’ll be the envy of all your friends – all while you’re making brand new friends at Summer of Sonic!

As stated on the blog, we aren’t anywhere near finished with our announcements for Summer of Sonic – keep your eyes peeled for more exciting news!

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RUMOUR: Sonic Generations Coming to Sony’s NGP?

PlayStation news website PSPgweber has published what is apparently the launch line-up for Sony’s Next Generation Portable (final name now rumoured to be PS Vita) and Sonic Generations is among the titles featured. The website also claims the title is coming to PC, a platform SEGA themselves listed in a recent financial report before being later removed and unheard of since. No other info is given, but PSPgweber says to expect details to be revealed during E3.

The full list of titles includes:

Uncharted NGP
Little Deviants
Call of Duty
Lumines NGP
Sonic Generations
Mortal Kombat
Lego Harry Potter (5-7 years)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
F1 2011
Hot Shot Golf Next

Nintendo Power recently unveiled a Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations, so could the NGP and PC be two more mystery platforms for Sonic’s big 20th Anniversary game? E3 is just around the corner, so if the game is coming to those platforms, we should definitely find out there.

Source: PSPgweber

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Nintendo Power Sonic Generations 3DS Details

As revealed yesterday, copies of the new issue of Nintendo Power have been delivered to subscribers, which unveil a Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic’s big 20th Anniversary game Sonic Generations. Details from the issue have been shared by Sonic Retro forum member Effexor, and it appears this version of the game will be very unique and not just a port.

Here’s all of the main details:
* The Nintendo 3DS version is being co-developed by Sonic Team and Dimps.
* The director of the 3DS version is Tetsu Katano, who directed Sonic and the Black Knight.
* 2D side-scrolling gameplay for both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic.
* Momentum based gameplay and platforming are fully featured in the Classic Sonic gameplay.
* Modern Sonic plays a lot like the Sonic Rush games and Nintendo DS version of Sonic Colours.
* Nintendo 3DS version will have exclusive stages and boss stages.
* Green Hill Zone will be the only shared stage in both the HD console version and Nintendo 3DS version.
* Casino Night Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is confirmed for the Nintendo 3DS version.
* Story has some differences between the console and Nintendo 3DS versions, but will be fundamentally the same.
* Console version will have many characters, but the Nintendo 3DS version will only feature the ones who are integral to the story.
* There is no Wii version. Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka says this is because “The primary goal for the console versions of Generations was reimagining the series’s classic zones in vivid, high-definition graphics.”
* Sonic the Hedgehog 3‘s Launch Base Zone ‘Big Arm’ boss fight is in the game, which suggests that stage is also in the game.
* Classic Eggman appears in the above mentioned boss.
* Exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS version are challenges that you can unlock via StreetPass or Play Coins.
* The game also features an exclusive two-player race mode via local wireless connection.
* Modern Sonic stages take advantage of the 3D feature more than the Classic Sonic stages. An example shown and detailed is a part in the Green Hill Zone where Modern Sonic smashes through the bottom of a giant totem pole. The camera then moves to the front of Sonic and lets you see the rest of the pole collapse behind Sonic as he escapes.
* The 3D depth is also highlighted when Modern Sonic occasionally moves between the foreground and the background.
* Jun Senoue and his music team are working on the music for the game.
* Nintendo Power thinks the handful of tracks they’ve heard so far are “fantastic”.
* Special Stages are confirmed and are designed in Sonic Heroes style. As expected, you earn Chaos Emeralds from these stages. Whether or not Super Sonic will be your reward for earning all Chaos Emeralds is unclear right now.

For more information, screenshots and interviews with Takashi Iizuka and Jun Senoue, pick up a copy of Nintendo Power when it hits retailers later this week.

Thanks to Blue Blood for the heads up!

Note: Links to scans are not permitted, so please keep them out of the comments section. Any comments with links to scans will be edited/deleted.

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Nintendo Power Confirms Sonic Generations For Nintendo 3DS

The above alleged front cover of Nintendo Power’s upcoming issue has hit the net, which if real confirms past retailer and SEGA earnings report listings for Sonic Generations on Nintendo 3DS. At the moment though there are no scans of the article, just the magazine cover, and while we can’t post article scans here, if we see anything more we’ll update with all of the details.

Source: Neuro at Ninstation forums

Thanks to Hero of Legend at the SSMB and damnhedge in the TSS comments for the heads up!

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