SEGA Japan’s New VTuber Sings Sonic Adventure 2 And You Cannot Escape

If you haven’t been paying attention to YouTube in the last couple of years, you might be interested to know that there’s been a bit of a trend – particularly in Japan – towards creating content using virtual hosts instead of real people. Even the Sonic social team has got on board recently with its TailsTube series.

Now, SEGA Japan has launched its own VTuber called Usaki Rin, and one of the first things the company got ‘her’ to do was to sing Sonic Adventure 2’s “Escape From The City”. Because, of course it did.

This cover of the iconic City Escape theme, which features a cool new arrangement by Jun Senoue, was actually posted a couple weeks ago on Usaki Rin’s standalone YouTube channel – and is itself a full version of a song originally performed back in February during a ‘SEGA New’ livestream.

But the Official Japanese SEGA Twitter account has only just got round to posting it, so we’ve heard it, and now we’re obliged to share it with you, ensuring that there is truly no escape from hearing the vocalised tones of our new Kawaii Overlord.

If watching animated big-chested ladies bopping to SEGA music is your thing, you can subscribe to the Usaki Rin channel by heading here.

Via Twitter (S/O Tracker_TD)

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Sonic Returns to Samba in Samba de Amigo: Party Central

Sonic will be appearing in the upcoming Samba de Amigo: Party Central, along with a couple songs and a location from the franchise.

Party Central’s base game will feature the songs Fist Bump and Escape From the City. It will also feature City Escape as a location, where Samba can dance alongside Sonic himself.

Check out a screenshot from the Sonic stage below:

This isn’t the first time the two franchises have crossed over: being a Sonic Team-made IP, Sonic’s got a long history with the series. Sonic music appeared in the original game and it’s expanded Japanese-only expansion, and the Wii version did one better by actually bringing in Sonic and featuring Green Hill as a location.

Given that Party Central will feature DLC, it seems likely that the game will get more Sonic content in the future.

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Sonic Forces: Speed Battle Teases Golden Bay Zone

Sonic Forces’ mobile counterpart by SEGA’s Hardlight Studios is very much alive and well, and we’re about to see a new level added to the roster: Golden Bay Zone… but hang on, is this based off of Sonic Adventure 2, or the Sonic Movie?

Continue reading Sonic Forces: Speed Battle Teases Golden Bay Zone

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Ex-Sonic Team Sonic Adventure Artist Hiroshi Nishiyama Rejoins SEGA

The Official Sonic Twitch channel had a surprise guest appearance last week, as Sonic Community Manager Aaron Webber introduced Ex-Sonic Team artist Hiroshi Nishiyama to the stream, announcing his return to SEGA. Continue reading Ex-Sonic Team Sonic Adventure Artist Hiroshi Nishiyama Rejoins SEGA

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First 4 Figures’ Sonic Generations Diorama production pics released


I don’t think I’ve seen so many Sonics together in a single photo before…

In the last few minutes, First 4 Figures released 5 images of their upcoming Sonic Generations Diorama piece originally revealed back in November on their Facebook page, and it looks to be nearing completion.

First 4 Figures has confirmed that the statues are now complete and ready to be boxed up in preparation for shipping, and has been given a rough delivery schedule of mid-late August for delivery to collectors.

Is yours in amongst all of this lot..?

We’ll be sure to provide an in-depth look once we get ours!

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Pre-Order Now: First 4 Figures Sonic Generations “City Escape” Diorama


Chances are if you wanted one of these you’ve already pre-ordered by now, but here you go anyway. First 4 Figures have opened pre-orders for their Sonic statue, however unlike previous editions, this is part of their new ‘diorama’ range.

The scene depicts modern and classic Sonic skateboarding through the iconic City Escape stage as depicted in Sonic Generations. Whilst the statue may get a lot of you excited, some may end up being priced out of these as they’re VERY expensive!

The standard edition is limited to 1000 units and costs $299.99 (£185)

The ‘exclusive’ edition is limited to 450 units and costs $329.99 (£204)

However, don’t forget those prices do not include shipping, for people living in the UK you’re looking at an extra $30 on top of that.

Now for a limited time F4F have issued discount codes for each statue which takes $25 off the regular and $30 off the exclusive.

Also if you are interested in pre-ordering, please be aware of what the statue will actually look like when you get it, the image at the top is very eye catching but it also has a lot of photoshopped effects that will not be on the final statue, this is a more true to life image of what it will look like.


So, anyone here got a pre-order down?

Source: First 4 Figures

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First 4 Figures Announce “Sonic Generations City Escape” Statue

First 4 Figures have just announced the first in a new line of Sonic statues… and it’s incredible.


Part of a new Dioramas series of statues (yes that does imply there are more to come), the first in the series is ‘Sonic Generations City Escape’ and shows classic and Modern Sonic skateboarding through City Escape.

No details on price just yet, however pre-orders open up on November 19th (next tuesday) for those who are interested.

I hope your wallets are ready!

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Mash-Up Monday: A Generation of Escape

Courtesy of KatamariParadox, this week’s Mash-Up Monday will feature a four-way mash of all known versions of City Escape’s “Escape from the City”: the original, the instrumental, the Classic, and the Modern!

Thankfully, it isn’t just all four sprawled across one another. Bits and pieces of each iteration of the track contribute to a complete piece!


See if you can spot the original Endless Mine in there.

Those seeking a download can head over to the Soundcloud page!

Found an interesting mash-up somewhere on the web? Want to have one of your own combinations featured? If so, then send it over to!

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It’s Friday, Friday, Gotta Freak Out on Friday!

Spin-jumping on enemies,
Boosting right through baddies,
Gotta make my mind;
Whose path should I take?

It’s Friday, Friday, Gotta Freak Out on Friday!
Everybody’s escapin’ to the weekend, weekend!
It’s Friday, Friday, Gotta Freak Out on Friday!
Everybody’s escapin’ to the weekend!


Take my lead, take my lead, yeah!
I’ll set you free, set you free, yeah!
Run, run, run, run,
We’re escapin’ from the city!

Oh god, I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry!!!

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My Little Mash-Up Monday: Music is Magic

Sorry readers, but with me around and this particular subject’s ever-growing popularity on the internet, this was bound to happen at some point! Whether you hate it, love it, or tolerate it, things have just gotten 20% cooler around here, because it is PONY TIME today on The Sonic Stadium!

This week’s Mash-Up Monday brings you a grand total of four mash-ups, all of which combining music under both Sonic the Hedgehog and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic franchises.

The first two mash-up the actual music from the show. Planet WinterWisp sees a lovely combination of Planet Wisp and Winter Wrap Up, while Escape from the Cutie sports the memorable City Escape theme alongside the delectable lyrics from Cupcakes.


Continue reading My Little Mash-Up Monday: Music is Magic

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Sonic Generations City Escape with Modern Sonic – All the Way Through!


If you just can’t wait to see the Modern City Escape from Sonic Generations all of the way through, then checkout this video from the GamingClerks filmed at this week’s Gamescom event, where the demonstrator plays through the modern Sonic level in its entirity, complete with the Uber-Truck chase.

For those of you disappointed this was not available for play at SoS and Sonic Boom, don’t be – according to TSSZ News this stage is still only available for demonstration and was not playable at the Cologne based game show.

Source: TSSZ News

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Japanese Sonic Generations Trailer Unveils City Escape’s Modern Remix


SEGA’s released a Japanese version of the E3 City Escape trailer for Sonic Generations. Visually it’s the exact same trailer, but you’ll get to hear something new. Yes, the video gives us our first taste of the Modern remix for City Escape.

If you missed it before, here’s the Classic remix played at Summer of Sonic 2011:

Source: Famitsu (via The Daily DL)

Which version of City Escape’s music do you prefer? Speak out in the comments.

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E3 2011: Sonic Generations City Escape Gameplay


[youtube][/youtube] showcased a live demo of the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Sonic Generations this evening with SEGA’s Patrick Riley and the game’s director Hiroshi Miyamoto. In the demonstration is more of Green Hill Zone as well as an unexpected showing of the newly revealed stage City Escape, which was only shown behind closed doors up until now. Like with Green Hill Zone, the stage has been revamped for both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, and as we told you in our eyes on preview, the GUN truck returns and is now more dangerous than before.

Anyway, what are you still reading this article for? Check out the gameplay videos of both Acts above courtesy of SSMB member Dusk Golem.

If you want to watch the whole demo, including more footage from Green Hill Zone and the full Q&A, SSMB member Woun has uploaded the whole thing to YouTube. We have that for you below.


Thanks to Dusk Golem and Woun at the SSMB for the YouTube uploads!

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E3 2011 Preview: City Escape in Sonic Generations


Nuckles87, the cooler than cool T-Bird and I have just finished a behind closed doors look at the City Escape level from Sonic Generations. Playing the game for everyone was producer Takashi Iizuka. There were a few surprises in store.

He first played through as classic Sonic who avoids the street almost entirely. Running and jumping around constructions areas and over rooftops. There’s a more classic version of “Escape from the City” playing with lyrics. (NOTE: Both versions have a brand new remix. Modern version has extra new lyrics.) Throughout the classic level, the GUN truck was chasing little classic Sonic both in and around backgrounds, giving the 2-D levels more of a 3-D look. This truck has a vendetta. He hates Sonic with a passion and want to run him down no matter what. Classic Sonic did ride on a board similar to the ice level from Sonic 3. Unfortunately, he quit the level before getting to the end.

The truck was very persistent, as he then was following Modern Sonic. His level plays very similar to the Dreamcast version as he rides the blade and follows a similar but different path than the original. Much like classic does in Green Hill Zone. The big difference is Unleashed-style gameplay coming into effect. Guess who makes a return to tell you what to do? That’s right. Just like in the original version, Omachao is back.  The badniks in both levels are the same mechs from the original SA2 and you homing attack though them in the same way. Along the way, you can see missing posters. I noticed one had a picture of Ray and Mighty, while the other had Bean and Bark. At the end, the GUN truck is chasing you down, similarly to SA2, only this bad boy has friggin’ sawblades sticking out all over! Iizuka died when he ran too slow on the side of a wall and the truck hit him. A good producer, just not so good a player.


Sonic Generations is looking better and better. I don’t think there can be a better 20th anniversary homage to this little blue blur. Now I wonder when we are getting video of Spagonia?

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