Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #286

Eggman’s really pulling out all the stops in the penultimate issue of the Shattered World Crisis arc!

Sonic the Hedgehog #286 has had its preview released, and it’s cranking up to a world-shattering finale! Eggman seems to have all the aces right now; he has hold of Chip and is using him to control the Gaia Colossus, the Egg Dragoon is out to play, Eggmanland is working as it should and the Death Egg is still in town.

Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #286

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New Footage of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Gives Us Another Look at Bot-Racing

There’s not much time before the launch of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice for the Nintendo 3DS. Come the end of September, Sonic fans in the West can get their hands on the third playable instalment of the Sonic Boom series, helmed by Shattered Crystal developer Sanzaru Games as the studio aims to improve where the previous game went wrong – with SEGA going so far as to delay it by a whole year as part of their pledge to aim for a higher standard of quality for all of their games from here on out.

SEGA of Japan recently hosted a near-two hour long livestream showing off several of their upcoming games, including the latest Yakuza, the recently revealed Puyo Chronicle, and Atlus’ highly anticipated Persona 5, but not without kicking things off with a sneak peek at the localized Sonic Toon: Fire & Ice. Gameplay featuring Sonic, Knuckles, and Sticks was shown off in the segment, as well as another look at the Sonic Rivals-esque Bot-Racing. You can check out the interview in full, or watch just the gameplay with footage spliced together by BlueParadox, after the cut!

Continue reading New Footage of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Gives Us Another Look at Bot-Racing

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New Sonic Mania Footage from PAX West Shows off More of Green Hill and Studiopolis

Sonic Mania is the return to form classic fans have sought after for years, and expectations are high since its debut appearance at the 25th anniversary party in San Diego, revealing a remixed Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog as well as a brand new stage with Studiopolis Zone. With this year’s PAX West winding down, more footage from the game has surfaced, all direct feed and featuring both Zones on full display!

Check out GameXplain and Polygon’s differing playthroughs of these levels after the jump, and be sure to leave us your thoughts in the comments.

Continue reading New Sonic Mania Footage from PAX West Shows off More of Green Hill and Studiopolis

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Sega 3D Archives 3: Final Stage revealed for 3DS in Japan (includes Sonic 2)

Sega 3D Archives 3 Final Stage Article Preview

Just like the first two before it, Sega have announced via the Japanese magazine Famitsu that they will release a 3rd retail compilation of the 3D Classics games on 3DS. So far we only know of five games (all of which are already on the eShop) and will only be released in Japan at the moment. See the list of games below.

Continue reading Sega 3D Archives 3: Final Stage revealed for 3DS in Japan (includes Sonic 2)

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Comic Preview: Sonic Universe #89 and Sonic Super Digest #17

Double dose? Double dose.

We certainly have a rare occasion today; there are two different Sonic books coming out on the same day, and the previews for both have been released! First up, Knuckles, Amy and team Dark have finally reunited. But that may not be a good thing; Omega is under Walter Naugus’ control and aiming to wipe out the others!

Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic Universe #89 and Sonic Super Digest #17

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Comic Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #289, Sonic Universe #92 and More!

Whether you’re into ships of the sky or ships of the sea, November has you covered!

The solicitations and covers for November have been revealed, and this is quite the world tour! First up, we join Sonic and Tails as they take to the skies after saving Westside Island, but Eggman’s got his most lethal attacks up there!

Continue reading Comic Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #289, Sonic Universe #92 and More!

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Sonic Mania – Hands on Impressions

At Summer of Sonic I managed to get some time to play Sonic Mania. Here is my initial response… Sonic Mania is probably one of the best platforming games for years, it’s probably better than the original classic series, it’s probably that and more… probably.

Now let’s talk about why that is.

Continue reading Sonic Mania – Hands on Impressions

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More Sonic in Lego Dimensions Details Revealed


IGN have posted another video about Lego Dimensions which contains a big focus on the Sonic stages. In this video we learn a bunch of new details about the Sonic level pack.

  • 7 Stages.
  • “It practically is a Sonic game”
  • Battle Arena based on “Carnival Zone.” – “Brightly coloured, neon mashup.”
  • Lots of boss fights.
  • Confirmation that Sonic’s ring is based off the Lego Toilet Seat.

Check out the video to see the details and some better quality gameplay.

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Sonic in Lego Dimensions Releases November 18th & New Gameplay Released

A video posted by IGN via twitch has shown off gameplay from the Sonic Level Pack from Lego Diemensions.


The video shows how  Gizmo and Harry Potter will navigate the level as well as a brief appearance by Sonic.

In other news, the level pack itself has appeared on multiple retailer sites including Amazon & Toys R US all stating that the pack will be released on November 18th. Current price point is £29.99.

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My Day At Summer of Sonic 2016


“Are you going to do the Summer of Sonic retrospective?”

“Sure” I say! How hard can it be?

Well… it’s surprisingly hard. I’ve tried reading other peoples thoughts on the day for some inspiration, when I realised my problem. Because I’m on the SOS staff team, I don’t get to experience Summer of Sonic in the same way as someone who isn’t on the staff team, which is most other people.

Continue reading My Day At Summer of Sonic 2016

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Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #285

It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down for our heroes this week!

The preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #285 has been released, and things are not looking good for Sonic and his friends. After a multi-pronged assault from Eggman and his allies, the Freedom Fighters are left reeling badly. They’re going to have to get back on their feet soon or the world could become Eggman’s to control!

Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #285

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The Sonic Sunday Strips Have Been Found!


Back in the early 90’s, there was a newspaper in the UK which went by ‘The News of the World’ on a Sunday like many papers at this time they had a special supplement, this was often filled with crossword puzzles, random stories from it’s readers, a TV guide and usually, comic book shorts.

Well… Sonic had a comic series in this supplement. This comic series ran as best as we can from October 1993 – April 1995, over 70 comic strips were produced. This comic series was first brought to my attention 7 years ago, in that time many fans have found the odd one or two issues and uploaded them online. However with the magazine being a throw away thing which very few people kept, it’s become near impossible and expensive to find a complete collection.

Continue reading The Sonic Sunday Strips Have Been Found!

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Comic Preview: Sonic Universe #88

Beware strangers bearing gifts. Or bearing you a possibility that you’re not the last of your kind.

The preview for Sonic Universe #88 has been released and things are only getting more suspect in this issue! Amy and Rouge find themselves having to fight their way out of trouble, and what’s happened to our favourite walking arsenal Omega?

Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic Universe #88

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TSS Review: Eggman’s Dozen

Emphasis on the dozen, add more yolks.

If the history of fiction has proven anything, it’s that villains are far more likely to be more fun to watch than the heroes. So a natural way to get a great arc on paper is to shove all your villains in one place and see how it unfolds. Eggman’s Dozen does exactly that, but will it prove the perfect dish or be a case of putting all the eggs in the wrong basket? Read on and find out!

Continue reading TSS Review: Eggman’s Dozen

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Sonic Mania Hands-On Preview


This is the Sonic game classic Sonic fans have dreamed of for at least a decade.

Well, probably. As with any game, there are a lot of boxes Sonic Mania needs to tick to ensure it lives up to its potential. What will the quality of the level design be? How much content will there be and how much will it cost? Are there any unknown game play elements that could mar the experience?

Normally, I save these sorts of cautionary warnings for the end of the preview, but I think it’s necessary to put them front and center because, at least on the surface, this has all the right elements to excite every old-school Sonic fan on the planet.


First of all, the physics: one of the first things I did in this game was attempt the wall-stand that Sonic 4 became infamous for. I am happy to say that not only is gravity-defying traversal nearly impossible (by the standards of a classic Sonic game anyway) but many of the new areas in the demo require momentum to traverse. Without it, you aren’t going anywhere. There are no spring pads, few auto-running segments, and loads of opportunities to build momentum on hills and half-pipes to reach higher areas, or mess up and fall into lower sections. That said, the physics still aren’t quite what you may be used to from the classic Genesis titles. They feel like they fit somewhere between the Genesis titles and the slightly looser physics of Sonic CD. Of course, this shouldn’t be surprising: the stages take a lot of inspiration from Sonic CD.

The game had two levels on display: the remade Act 1 of Green Hill Zone and the all-new Studiopolis Zone.


At first glance, Green Hill hasn’t changed much. If you just run through it as you normally do, chances are it may feel just like the original stage with some slight tweaks. But that’s because you didn’t look hard enough: when I played the level, I decided to explore, and I eventually made my way to a completely new area that runs directly over much of the level.

The design for these new areas feels reminiscent of Sonic CD stages, with loads of pipes, mobius strips, and areas that let you really move in a way old-school Green Hill never quite allowed. There are also hidden secrets, including a bubble shield and a fire shield. The level ended with a boss that was simultaneously reminiscent and new, putting a new spin on Eggman’s ball-swinging egg mobile from the original game. In this case, the two balls took turns swinging from one another, with one vulnerable to attack and the other dangerous to the touch. If this boss is any indication, we will probably see a return of the mid-level sub bosses from Sonic 3 & Knuckles in Sonic Mania.


The Sonic CD inspirations are even more evident in the second level on display: Studiopolis. The stage is sprawling, loaded with different routes and secrets to find, as well as plenty of hills, ramps and other types of terrain that make use of the game’s physics. One key difference between this stage the levels in Sonic CD seems to be level cohesion: I’ve always felt most of the the level design in Sonic CD was a bit of a mess. Here, everything seems to be placed a little more intelligently, making the level itself a little easier to navigate and memorize. Of course, I’m sure Sonic CD fans will completely disagree with me on that point, but they should love this level nonetheless.

Both levels rewarded exploration in a way no other modern Sonic game does. Since I knew my time with the game would be limited, I decided to take my time and explore both stages, and there was a lot to see. Backtracking and trying to reach higher areas that I had missed on my initial pass was how I discovered that one entirely new portion of Green Hill. Backtracking in Studiopolis revealed a spring that sent me careening towards the right of the screen, and further exploration revealed an absolutely massive stage that I simply didn’t have time to fully explore during the demo. This is the sort of level design I’ve been wanting from my sidescrolling Sonic titles for awhile: large levels that reward people who do more than press right and take the easiest and most straightforward paths. Exploration not only revealed hidden paths, but also power ups (including the aforementioned shields) and the outlines of giant rings that weren’t accessible in the demo. While nothing about them has been confirmed, it seems pretty likely that they lead to Mania’s special stages.


While there wasn’t much genuinely new game play mechanics to find in the game, there was one thing that could drastically change how people play the game: the drop dash. Anyone who’s seen the trailer should have an idea of what the drop dash is, but let me elaborate on it: you activate the drop dash by holding the jump button as Sonic jumps through the air. The higher up you are, the more you can charge the drop dash, and when you hit the ground you immediately spin dash in whatever direction your trying to go. It’s a fun move that looks like it should be useful for hardcore players, since it isn’t exactly the easiest move to use.

I tried using it as often as I could throughout one of my playthroughs, and discovered it was only really useful in areas when Sonic could both gain a lot of air, and had a place to spin dash through once he landed. This neat little move is a little more interesting than other attempts at giving 2D Sonic an extra move, such as the insta-shield and homing attack that have been utilized in previous titles. The move won’t always be available though: when Sonic has an elemental shield, it is replaced by that shield’s special move.


Graphically, the game seems to answer the question, “what would a real Sonic game on the 32X have looked like?” Studiopolis is a gorgeous level, full of color and neat details, including a cute little 1930s inspired dancing Eggman animation. It’s loaded with different shades of blues and purples, with some oranges and yellows thrown in for good measure. It actually kind of reminds me of this old Sonic folder I had when I was a kid. Overall, the level just oozes with 90s nostalgia.

The sprite animations themselves have more inbetween frames then you’d normally see in a Genesis title. The sprites also sometimes have interesting little touches, like the orbinaut badnik becoming more desperate as you destroy the little orbiting balls that protect it from your attacks. Studiopolis updates the graphics just enough to make them look great by today’s standards, without completely losing that Genesis feel. They don’t completely make the jump to the more advanced 2D graphics you might find on systems like the Saturn, but the Genesis certainly wouldn’t have been able to handle them.


The Studiopolis theme was also some really great stuff. It’s fusion of jazz and midi sounds like something ripped from the best of 90s SEGA soundtracks. It’s definitely got a Sonic Team flavoring to it, and would fit in fine with not just any Sonic game, but even NiGHTS into Dreams stuff. If the rest of this game’s soundtrack is as fine as this, it ought to find its way into any Sonic fan’s playlist.

This has the potential to be Sonic’s best game since the Genesis era. Better than already great stuff like Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations. Better than the Sonic Boom mediocrity we’ve gotten over the last few years. Better than SEGA’s 2D Sonic console game, Sonic 4. I just hope the rest of the game lives up to what I played at that party.

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Sonic In Lego Dimensions, New Screenshots

Traveller’s Tales have released a number of new screenshots involving Sonic in Lego Dimensions, it seems they were not kidding when they said that Sonic can go anywhere and interact with anyone.

Check out the Gallery for all the screens.

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Project Sonic 2017 Announced

Announced at the 25th Anniversary Party, Sonic project 2017 “is not a sequel”. During the CG trailer we see an image of destruction in which Eggman mechs have taken over, as Sonic charges towards them he’s joined by… well… you’ll see. Continue reading Project Sonic 2017 Announced

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Sonic In Lego Dimensions Gameplay Revealed

Just shown at the 25th party, Sonic in Lego Dimensions gameplay footage.

In addition a level pack was confirmed, it contains two vehicles, the Tornado and the Speedstar from the ASR series.

Sonic can visit the Tardis, hang out with the Goonies, go to Gotham City and pilot a mech robot!

Expected release date is November 2016.

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Sonic Mania Announced!

Just announced at Sonic’s 25th party, a new 2D game for the PS4, PC & Xbox One. Continue reading Sonic Mania Announced!

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Sonic 25th Party On the Ground Live Coverage (+Mania impressions, updated)

There’s more to the Sonic 25th Anniversary Party then just announcements. In this post we will be posting video and photo coverage directly from the party! Whether it’s  a lightning interview or just having fun in line, we’ll be posting it here in addition to news coverage! Continue reading Sonic 25th Party On the Ground Live Coverage (+Mania impressions, updated)

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Sonic Themed Honda Civic To Debut at Comic Con

Why is Sonic a car!? Because it’s awesome!

A few months ago we brought you news that Sega was planning a special car for Sonic’s 25th, well… looks like this is it!

It’s a Honda Civic! I have no idea if that’s a good thing or not but, look at the paint job! Now lets get it on Top Gear and see if it can go around the track… in the fastest possible time…. Actually, can we get this as DLC for ASRT?

The car will be around Comic Con for Sonic’s 25th party, if you see it, check it out, maybe ask for a test drive.

Source: Motor1

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New Game Hinted & Movie Producer Heading to 25th Party

A couple of bits and pieces regarding tonight’s show here! First up, EuroDNS has hinted that there will indeed be a game revealed at tonight’s 25th anniversary party!

Continue reading New Game Hinted & Movie Producer Heading to 25th Party

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Summer of Sonic Announces Tons of Events & Tickets Still Available!

Summer of Sonic 2016 is almost upon us, the biggest party for Sonic fans is back again for one more run and it feels that almost daily that a new announcement is made, so let’s go through all of the recent ones.

Cosplay Contest!

SOS cosplay

There has truly been some amazing costumes over the years, so of course this is making a return. For those interested in going to Summer of Sonic in costume this year, here are some important bits of information for you to know.

There will be a signup booth close to the entrance of the venue, you’ll need to register here if you want in the contest.

There will likely be a preliminary judging panel for finalists, this is due to the shere volume of people who come to the vent in costume. However if only a few people turn up (unlikely) this might change.

There will be a changing room and cloakrooms! So if you don’t want to wear your costume on the tube or walk through the streets as Eggman (as awesome as that sounds) you can get changed at the venue.

More details on how to enter the contest as well as details about the event can be found on the Summer of Sonic website.

Richard Burton & Deborah Tate Confirmed!


Sonic the Comic editors Richard Burton and Deborah Tate are coming to the event, Richard Burton has the honour of being essentially the creator of the comic and Deborah is responsible for making Amy a much more proactive and positive role model for female readers of the comic.

Both will be present to meet and greet fans of the comic and new fans alike.

More details here.

T-Shirts Revealed!

Those who backed for a Summer of Sonic T-Shirt might be interested to see the finished design.


The merch collector in me is drooling, sporting the Summer of Sonic logo on the front, the reverse has the official 25th Anniversary Logo, yes that’s right, it has been approved by Sega, it’s an official piece of 25th Anniversary merchandise exclusively for SOS Kickstarter backers.

LiveStream Link!

As with previous Summer of Sonic events, this years fun and games will be live streamed for those of you who can’t make it.

Or if you’d rather have just audio, Radio Sega has also got you covered:

Tyson Hesse Confirmed!


Archie comic artists Tyson Hesse is coming over for some fun too! Tyson has recently worked on the Mega Drive Sonic comic as well as the main Archie Sonic comic series, Boom and Universe. But one of his most notorious works is the infamous Boxer Hockey Sonic!

More details here.

Art Contest!

Another contest is returning, for all you budding artists out there there will be pens and paper on hand for your best scribbles and doodles, but feel free to bring your own stationary if you like!

There will be two competition brackets 15 & Under and 16 & over.

To enter your artwork must be drawn from scratch at the event and not prepared in advance, more information will be available on the day as well as the deadline to submit your artwork.

More details here.

History of Summer of Sonic Panel


Think you know the history of Summer of Sonic? Think again, a special one off panel will be held at the event in which Kevin “AAUK” Eva, Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne & Adam “T-Bird” Tuff will be talking about how Summer of Sonic went from an idea in a tearoom to a major convention.

“A Sonic convention!? The only people who will turn up to that will be the drunks over the road!”

There will be limited space to this panel and it will operate on a strictly first come first serve basis.

Full details can be found at the SOS Website.

Crush 40 Performance!

SoS10 - Crush 40 - Jun and Johnny

You knew it was coming didn’t you? Crush 40 will be back at Summer of Sonic and will be performing to close the days events, what better way to end than to rock out with Jun and Johnny?

More details here.

Community Spotlight Live!


Join Pete “TitansCreed” Nethercote as he speaks to Svend “Dreadknux” Joscelyne and Adam “T-Bird” Tuff, Jamie Egge Mann & Tanner Bachnick of The Sonic Show, Matt Mannheimer of Tails Channel and Tyson Hesse about how the Sonic community has changed over the years, as well as taking questions from the crowd.

Someone ask Svend what Tails’ Superstar move from Sega Superstars Tennis is.

Full details can be found here.

Nevermind the Buzzbombers is back!


Another staple event of Summer of Sonic, Nevermind the Buzzbombers returns for it’s 6th instalment, two teams will play some games and answer some questions to prove who knows the most about Sonic.

As before, there will be surprise guests on each team and audience members will be invited to take part in order to win some prizes!

If you want to be in with a chance to get picked, be sure you’re at the main stage for the start of the event, and make sure the Captains know you are the one to pick! Feel free to hold up signs, hire a sky writer, or invade the venue with a badnik army – the most stand out guests in the audience are the most likely to get picked!

And as before the event will be hosted by… *looks around* me!

Full details can be found here.

Tickets Still Available!


Yes you read that right! If you missed out, tickets are still available if you want them.

There’s a small number still up for grabs, if you want them they cost £20 each and you can get them via the Summer of Sonic website, this is the link you need if you want to join us for one awesome day!

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TSS Review: Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Wii U)

Mario and Sonic was always the topic at the Copa. With the Olympics just weeks around the corner, Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games for the Wii U is finally out on the shelves. Promising more characters, better graphics, 14 Olympic events and an array of content, will this game have you partying like you’re in Maracanã, or will you be left thinking of it as Barren da Tijuca?

Continue reading TSS Review: Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Wii U)

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TSS Reviews: Sonic the Hedgehog Art Print

Not too long ago, Sega revealed a bunch of Art Prints for Sonic and several of their other franchises, advertised as high quality prints, limited in number based on official and original art they’re just crying out to be taken home, put in a frame and hung with pride in someones game room. Continue reading TSS Reviews: Sonic the Hedgehog Art Print

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The Future of Sonic To Be Revealed on Friday

What can I say really? The Sonic Party which was announced several months ago is this Friday, as we’ve known for a while it’s going to be live streamed and there has been hints of a big announcement at it. Well guess what? That’s still the case! Only now we can bring you some additional details. Continue reading The Future of Sonic To Be Revealed on Friday

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First4Figures To Expand their Sonic Range

A few weeks ago at the Vegas Licensing Expo, First4Figures posted a number of photos of Sega’s booth, however there wasn’t any indication as to why they were at the event or at Sega’s booth.

Well, we think we might have a clue as to what.

First4Figures recently teased in one of their Facebook groups that they were looking into releasing other products which differ from their usual statue rangers, whilst I would love to provide a snap of that quote it was a few weeks ago and have since lost it.

Well to further provide hints as to what this might mean and which franchises are on board, according to a newsletter published at the Vegas Licensing Expo, First4Figures are to continue making Sonic themed statues, but also expanding the range into other products.

Whilst no specifics were given, the newsletter is quoted as saying ‘exclusive range of gift and novelty products’ suggesting that these might be priced significantly lower than the usual high end statues.

We’ll update you with more as we get it.

Source: Global License.


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Sonic X Kidrobot Announced

sonicxkidrobotYou might remember how we first brought you news of a possible collaboration with Sonic and Kidrobot, well it’s now official! Here are the details.

The range of figures will launch in winter 2016, they include Blind Box Mini Figure Series, Blind Box Keychain Series, and a ‘medium figure.’ As for what they will be, the only clue right now is that they will feature Sonic ‘captured in various game moments throughout his career.’


Source: Kidrobot

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TSS Review: LakeFeperd’s Sonic Chrono Adventure

Sonic Before the Sequel, the breakout title for then-fledgling game developer Felipe “LakeFeperd” Daneluz, shattered expectations for a fan-developed 2D Sonic game after its initial release in 2011. The full-length retro-styled game lived up to its ambitious name thanks to its gorgeous presentation, its ingenious Zones, a charming story featuring Sonic and Tails meeting for the first time as they try to stop the Death Egg’s launch, and, as of its rerelease for the online Sonic Amateur Games Expo in 2012, a stunning original soundtrack that even saw praise from THE Jun Senoue. Continue reading TSS Review: LakeFeperd’s Sonic Chrono Adventure

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Comic Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #288, Sonic Universe #91, Sonic Mega Drive: The Next Level #1 And More!

This October is looking to be a real classic!

The covers and solicitations for Sonic’s October line-up have been revealed, and this is a jam-packed month of action! First out the gate is Sonic the Hedgehog #288. Here, we go back in time for a look at Sonic’s first escapade against Eggman, relived from the final confrontation in Sonic 1.

Continue reading Comic Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #288, Sonic Universe #91, Sonic Mega Drive: The Next Level #1 And More!

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Comic Preview: Sonic Universe #87

The final pieces of the puzzle are falling into place in the Master Emerald hunt!

Sonic Universe #87 is coming out next week, and the preview has been released. The Shattered World Crisis is close to being resolved…which means Knuckles has to go even faster if he wants to save Angel Island! With Amy along for the ride as well, they’re both working to find those remaining lost shards.

Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic Universe #87

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Sonic X Hello Kitty Limited Edition Plush Announced

I really wish I knew what was going on with this deal, but it looks like the Sonic X Hello Kitty deal might actually be coming to the west at last. Continue reading Sonic X Hello Kitty Limited Edition Plush Announced

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Lego Dimensions Sonic Figure Revealed

Lego Dimensions producer Mark Warburton posted a number of images on twitter (and then removed them), showing what the actual Sonic figure in Lego Dimensions looks like. Continue reading Lego Dimensions Sonic Figure Revealed

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Comic Preview: Sonic Mega Drive #1

So take us back in time to another brand of the franchise.

The long-awaited Sonic Mega Drive #1 is just a week away, and the official preview has been released! Sonic and Tails are doing what they do best; beating Eggman and stopping his evil scheme. What is his evil scheme, you ask?

Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic Mega Drive #1

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(Update) Sega confirms new Sonic project is coming in 2017

Update: Decided to adjust a couple of things. First the message seems to more specifically say that a new Sonic project is coming next year (project seems to be the prevailing word rather than game, but some do report it as a game). While it’s not specified to be the big anniversary game, it is said that details will be announced at the 25th anniversary party in San Diego on July 22nd. The event in San Diego will also be live-streamed via Twitch. Finally, another very reliable site has put up the full details, along with the link to the live-stream archive which you can see below.

Continue reading (Update) Sega confirms new Sonic project is coming in 2017

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Lots of unseen concept art of Sonic and company

Sega have just held a Sonic event at Joypolis in Japan which we previously reported would be live-streamed (we do not yet have an archive of said live-stream yet). In the event, they have unveiled a couple of key things (the second of which is being posted about next), first is that they have unveiled a slew of sheets featuring many characters and their various stages of designs along with their final design.

Continue reading Lots of unseen concept art of Sonic and company

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