New Sonic Mania Footage from PAX West Shows off More of Green Hill and Studiopolis

Sonic Mania is the return to form classic fans have sought after for years, and expectations are high since its debut appearance at the 25th anniversary party in San Diego, revealing a remixed Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog as well as a brand new stage with Studiopolis Zone. With this year’s PAX West winding down, more footage from the game has surfaced, all direct feed and featuring both Zones on full display!

Check out GameXplain and Polygon’s differing playthroughs of these levels after the jump, and be sure to leave us your thoughts in the comments.

Sonic Mania is developed by fans-turned-developers Christian “The Taxman” Whitehead, Simon “Headcannon” Thomley, and PagodaWest Games, with music by Tee Lopes. The game is scheduled to launch in Spring 2017 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


      1. I wouldn’t hold out hope for that. Renegade Kid, the developers who said they’d propose a port, shut down last week. Same day Gene Wilder died actually

  1. Man, Sonic Mania looks very promising! Music is as awsome as ever, the artstyle is lovely and the gameplay seems to be spot on. The jump dash (Is that what it’s called?) looks very useful, saving you time from charging up a spin dash. And I love Sonic’s animations! Made me smile. My God, the whole thing is so nostalgic! More than I thought it would be.

  2. That big ring in Green Hill seems to be the way to access Special Stages, and I’m willing to bet that we’ll get the Half Pipe special stages from Sonic 2.

    Also, bouncing the signpost is back and it’s glorious.

  3. Again, the only thing that is nipping in the back of my head is the stage design. It may just be the unorthodox of having more level placement on a level that I’ve burned into my brain, but it seems to be a bit cluttered once it reaches the second half.

  4. I’m really hyped.
    I do, however, hope they end up putting this on Wii U and 3DS eventually in its life cycle. It’d be a waste to not make this available on the go.

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