First4Figures 25th Anniversary Classic Sonic Statue Revealed


First4Figures today revealed their long-anticipated 25th Anniversary statue, and I’m sure many will agree that this is the most ambitious statue to date.

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New Sonic 25th Anniversary Artwork At Castle Galleries

Back in December, The Sonic Stadium attended the launch of the Castle Fine Art Sonic 25th Gallery Exhibition, in which eight artists produced 25 different pieces to commemorate the milestone birthday.

Following the success of the collection, two of the artists, Keith Maiden and Craig Davison, have created more pieces in their signature styles.

Continue reading New Sonic 25th Anniversary Artwork At Castle Galleries

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Multiple Sonic & Sega 2016 Style Guides Discovered

In the last few years there has been a small explosion in Sonic Style guides hitting the internet, if you don’t know what a style guide is, give this article a read.

Sometimes we get lucky and a full guide lands in our laps, but this is a very rare event, however we do sometimes get the odd one or two scans of style guides which give us an insight into not only how Sega see’s Sonic and would like retailers, manufacturers and designers to see Sonic, but also how they see us as fans.

Continue reading Multiple Sonic & Sega 2016 Style Guides Discovered

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Sonic 25th Fine Art Exhibition Reveals Art Pieces

Just over a month ago we brought you news that a Sonic 25th fine art exhibition was to be launched in the UK. Well we can now give you some more details as to what to expect, which includes some sample artworks which will be on display. Continue reading Sonic 25th Fine Art Exhibition Reveals Art Pieces

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Sonic Fine Art Exhibition Announced

Sonic Concepts

Coming this December in selective galleries in the UK, a Sonic fine art exhibition is to open it’s doors across art galleries owned and operated by Washington Green.

The exhibit will feature paintings, mixed media and sculpture and will be completely original works of art.

A number of select pieces will be reproduced in limited numbers, each will come with a certificate of authenticity hand signed by Sonic the Hedgehog creator, Naoto Oshima!

A VIP launch will be take place on the 1st of December 2016, with a public showing the following day. Details as to the full venues and range are yet to be published.


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Sonic Themed Honda Civic To Debut at Comic Con

Why is Sonic a car!? Because it’s awesome!

A few months ago we brought you news that Sega was planning a special car for Sonic’s 25th, well… looks like this is it!

It’s a Honda Civic! I have no idea if that’s a good thing or not but, look at the paint job! Now lets get it on Top Gear and see if it can go around the track… in the fastest possible time…. Actually, can we get this as DLC for ASRT?

The car will be around Comic Con for Sonic’s 25th party, if you see it, check it out, maybe ask for a test drive.

Source: Motor1

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New Game Hinted & Movie Producer Heading to 25th Party

A couple of bits and pieces regarding tonight’s show here! First up, EuroDNS has hinted that there will indeed be a game revealed at tonight’s 25th anniversary party!

Continue reading New Game Hinted & Movie Producer Heading to 25th Party

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The Future of Sonic To Be Revealed on Friday

What can I say really? The Sonic Party which was announced several months ago is this Friday, as we’ve known for a while it’s going to be live streamed and there has been hints of a big announcement at it. Well guess what? That’s still the case! Only now we can bring you some additional details. Continue reading The Future of Sonic To Be Revealed on Friday

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No Modern Sonic Licensing Rights to be Issued in 2016?


So the latest issue of Licensing Today Worldwide has a rather nice surprise on the cover, it’s Sonic! Inside the issue there is a two page interview with Jason Rice, Sega’s Director of Brand Licensing for EMEA.

Despite this, most of the information is already known, except for one really odd detail.

sonic25thThat being, the Sonic franchise is divided into two licensing programmes; Sonic Boom and Classic Sonic. Wait…. what about Modern Sonic? Well… that’s the thing, Modern Sonic is not mentioned at all anywhere in the article.

Stranger still is that when you look at the imagery used in the article, it’s just Classic and Boom, whilst Modern Sonic is present, it’s just in a group shot showing how Sonic’s design has changed over the years.

Now the article is for the 25th/2016 celebrations, so it’s likely that Sega are just putting the Modern Sonic license on hiatus for a while.

But this is really interesting, we’ve speculated for a while that the 25th anniversary would be a Classic focused affair, with several companies confirming they’re making Classic themed products, but it’s never been stated that the Modern Sonic license isn’t being issued for the 25th?

Given how Modern Sonic appears on the cover and Sega have been using him in their promotional material, odds are he’s not been axed or is now just classic Sonic, even if that’s how the article initially reads, but it’s beginning to look a lot like there won’t be any Modern Sonic merchandise produced for the 25th anniversary, unless the Classic Sonic License now includes Modern Sonic?

Source: LTW

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Sega Reveals New 25th Anniversary Details “Branded Events & New Style Guides”


In the newest issue of ToyWorld Magazine, Sega have posted a new advert for Sonic’s 25th featuring Classic, Modern and Boom Sonic together along with another version of the 25th anniversary logo.

The advert is there to advertise licensing enquiries so don’t jump to conclusions just yet about this being Sonic Generations 2 or some other big clue as to a new game announcement, even though it’s very tempting.

However, in the same issue there are also a bunch of details about Sega’s 2016 plans including one or two details which we didn’t yet know, and one or two interesting choices of words which I know some people are going to go crazy at, you can decide for yourself if that’s the good or bad crazy.


Most of the information is already known, again Boom the TV show is doing very well with plans to expand into Russia, Spain and Turkey in the near future, as well as more partners joining the Sonic Boom toy/merchandise line.

However the more interesting part is that the ‘Classic Sonic’ is described as ‘Pixel Sonic’ and Archies Sonic is now ‘Comic Book Sonic.’ However I wouldn’t take those definitions too seriously since this is information for people who are not too familiar with the brand.

Bioworld, Archie Comics and First 4 Figures are all named as being brands who will be supporting the 25th anniversary, products include, toys, publishing, clothing and even ‘limited edition collectibles’ and Sega are looking to expand on this list.

Now for the VERY interesting part. The final part of the article states the following.

2016 will be a a celebration of Sonic’s 25th birthday throughout the year. New Style Guides and new collaborations across toy, gift apparel, branded events and bespoke retail events initiatives will be on offer throughout the year.

Did you spot it?

  • Celebration throughout 2016
  • New Style Guides.
  • Branded Events.

The first significant detail is that the whole year will be a celebration, not just the summer or when a game is due out, so at any time Sega could announce something.

What is a style guide? In this context, it means one of two things, the most likely thing, is that Sega are going to be ensuring that all Sonic merch for the 25th anniversary follows a set pattern, so all merchandise packaging looks similar, it helps customers identify the product and allows for a set standard.

You can see the 2014 style guide on TSS as it happens.

Now… and this is less likely, it may also mean that some characters have had some minor or major (major is unlikely) design changes, it might be very subtle, but noticeable.

The second thing is branded events, could this mean the return of Sonic Boom for the US and Summer of Sonic for the UK? Or even the day Sonic decided to go to Mercedes Benz World a few years ago.

We’ll keep you upto date with more news as we get it.

Source: ToyWorld Mag

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