4 Minutes of Sonic Colours Wii Footage


Destructoid have uploaded a new video of their experience with Sonic Colours on Wii and it’s much longer than the extremely short gameplay video that hit the net earlier. In the video we see an whole act in action which contains plenty of things for Sonic to interact with including balloons, rails, trick rings and tight spaces for Sonic to slide under. Sonic’s techniques are taken straight from Sonic Unleashed such as homing attack, stomp and slide, movement control looks to also be similar to Unleashed.

Cyan and Yellow Wisp’s special abilities are also shown in this video though as cool as they look their powers are over within the blink of an eye so it appears they aren’t very interactive apart from aiming which may disappoint some fans. White Wisps appear to not aid Sonic with any powers and are instead collected then freed at the end of a stage.

We’ll keep an eye out for more media regarding Sonic Colours and post anything we find right here, meanwhile you can discuss this video in our comments section.

Thanks to EXshad at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic Free Riders Gameplay Video


Destructoid have posted up the first gameplay video of Sonic Free Riders on their YouTube channel. As we informed earlier, the demo is limited to demonstrations by SEGA staff only within a clear glass box for press to view the game through. The demo contains a selectable character roster of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Jet, Wave and Storm (though Amy can also be seen as an AI character) and a few laps of just one track.

The game looks to be going back to its air system seen in the first game where you gain air depending on a ranking you obtain from pulling off tricks on jumps then spending your air on boosting, only now players don’t leave air streams behind to drag others off course. As explained in the games press release you can use Kinect’s motion controls to launch items at your opponents but it seems you can also use Kinect controls when attacked such as clearing sludge off your screen when it is thrown at you. Kinect is also used in the track demoed to swim in a short water area, the faster you swim the quicker you move which fits in well with a racing game such as this.

Check out the video yourself and let us know your oppinions in the comments!

Thanks to riaz976 at the SEGA Forums for the find!

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2 Sonic Colours DS Gameplay Videos

1up.com have posted up 2 gameplay videos of the DS version of Sonic Colours, one showcases an act which as guessed from screenshots plays very much like Sonic Rush while the other video contains a boss battle where we see the red Wisp’s fire powers used in combat. Nothing much else is shown but we expect this is only the start of more media to come flooding in regarding Sonic Colours.

1up video 1
1up video 2

Thanks to PC the Hedgehog at the SSMB for the heads up!

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First Sonic Colours Wii E3 Gameplay Footage


A user called tmacvskb8 has posted up the first Sonic Colours Wii gameplay footage from E3, the clip is very short but gives us a look at Sonic’s movement and the lock-on homing attack aswell as Sonic’s ring loss animation. Not much else to see in this short teaser but if anything more significant hits the net from the show floor we’ll post it up.

Thanks to Azure Lakeara Zone at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Inside SEGA’s E3 Booth, Sonic Free Riders Not Playable

SEGA of America have posted up some photo’s on their blog of the innards of their E3 booth aswell as a few details about the games being showcased, the blog confirms Sonic Free Riders is at the booth but not in playable form so anyone interested in the game will have to watch a member of SEGA’s team play the game through a clear glass box.

The game is being demoed in a semi see-through room, so you can watch the player twist, jump, throw, and lean to interact with the game.

Looking at the screen in the photo you can see the player is controlling Storm and all of the usual Riders series HUD is back including a gauge but there is nothing to show if this will control air or a gravity mechanism yet. Sonic’s other upcoming 2010 titles Sonic Colours(both Wii and DS versions) and Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 are also present at the booth in playable form.

For pictures of SEGA’s booth outside of the Sonic departments visit SEGA of America’s blog.

Thanks to Stasis Colours at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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Sonic Coming To 3DS

Nintendo’s E3 press conference is over and among the 3rd party publishers confirmed to be creating titles for Nintendo’s new 3DS device SEGA’s name was shown. After the conference a document hit the net(displayed above) showing a list of titles confirmed to to be in the works by various publishers reveals both Sonic and the Super Monkey Ball franchises will be hitting 3DS. Nothing apart from the tentative titles is shown but we’ll keep an eye out for anything substantial.

Thanks to remy at the SSMB for the document and Gnasher for the heads up!

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SEGA Japan’s Sonic Free Riders Site Now Live, First 3 Screenshots

After yesterdays official reveal of Kinect for Xbox 360 title Sonic Free Riders SEGA of Japan have now launched their official website for the game which gives us our first look at the game via 3 screenshots and a background image on the site showing one of the tracks. The screens show how the game is played via a silhouette displaying body actions for steering, balancing and collecting rings. Nothing else is shown on the site apart from already seen artwork of Sonic and Jet but no doubt the site will expand as time goes by.

Thanks to Sweet Mountain Zone at the SSMB for the heads up and thanks to Woun also at the SSMB for grabbing the screens and background!

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More Wii & DS Sonic Colours Screens and Joystiq Preview

After CVG revealed 5 new Wii screenshots SEGA have released more screens of both versions of Sonic Colours via their Flickr account aswell as some hi-res pieces of artwork. From the new Wii screens we learn that Wisps will be contained in capsules much like the ones we’ve seen items be held within in pretty much every game since Sonic Adventure. In the DS screenshots we can see how Sonic Rush inspired the game is with the boost returning and the bright 2D stages but with both Rush games so well received that can’t be a bad thing can it? Check out all of the screens and artwork at the bottom of this article.

Joystiq have posted up their impressions of the E3 demo of the Wii version which sounds pretty positive, here are some of their main points –

•Sonic doesn’t talk. There are no conversations or text screens — just Sonic running around a lot, very quickly. The game was described to me by a developer as, “Sonic Unleashed minus everything but the running,” and that seemed an apt description, as Sonic races over huge walkways, bounces off of springs, and homes in on enemies, combo-ing them them in groups if timed exactly right.

•The cast is kept to a minimum. Well, the “colors” could be counted as friends, I guess, but they’re really just power-ups, activated by waggling the Wiimote. In the part I played, Sonic hit a yellow color creature, and waving the remote turned him into a drill that had him digging in any direction across a 2D plane, seeking out secret stashes of rings in the giant environment. A green color creature creates a laser that will aim Sonic and then launch him back out into the level.

•It’s fast. Sonic Adventure fast. The levels I played were bright and colorful, one long sprint of dodging and jumping and Sonic doing what he does best.

•I was told that there wasn’t a hub world, but there was definitely a map screen, showing off a series of planets in space from which Sonic could visit and access levels. In fact, my first reaction to seeing the game was: “Sonic Galaxy.” That’s not a bad thing, right?

Full Joystiq preview
Thanks to Mr.S at the SSMB for the heads up on the preview!

SEGA’s Sonic Colours Flickr set

Wii screens:

DS screens:


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CVG Preview, Including New Hi-res Sonic Colours Screenshots

CVG have just revealed the above batch of new screenshots of the Wii version of Sonic Colours that SEGA have released to the press for E3 which showcase the two areas Tropical Resort and Sweet Mountain that Nintendo Power readers will have exclusively seen previously but now you can see the levels in beautiful high resolution. If SEGA’s previous multi-format title media releases are anything to go by we will no doubt see a DS batch of screenshots soon enough which if come to light we’ll post here.

CVG have also posted up their preview of the E3 demo where they reveal the game will have Acts and Wii Remote controlled drifting will be used for sections of stages to maintain speed like in Unleashed. In their final summary CVG reiterate the difficulty level being aimed at younger gamers but they think older gamers will find plenty to do.

The general difficulty of Sonic Colours will suit younger fans; zones still fly by and you’ll wonder at times just how much control you actually have. But each level is crammed, throwing you from one experience to the next. Couple that with the vibrant, colourful new world though and hopefully older Sonic fans will have enough to go at too.

Full CVG Preview

CVG Screenshots

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SEGA Announces Sonic Free Riders For Xbox 360 Kinect

SEGA of America and SEGA Europe have officially announced Sonic Free Riders for Microsoft’s Kinect for Xbox 360. The the much-rumoured title was revealed as a launch title at Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference for its Kinect peripheral, which will launch in North America November 4th 2010. Continue reading SEGA Announces Sonic Free Riders For Xbox 360 Kinect

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Gamespot’s E3 Sonic 4 Interview With Gameplay Footage


E3 2010 is getting closer and some of the media are already kicking off their coverage including Gamespot who yesterday posted up the above Sonic 4 interview with Ken Balough who’s role is Associate Digital Brand Manager at SEGA. Ken reveals all 3 Act’s of Splash Hill Zone will be playable at E3 including the boss battle, he says they’ve taken the Special Stages(where motion control’s will now be optional) out of the demo to keep the queue moving so everyone can get to play the game.

Alot of the info gained from the interview we already know from past interviews but the footage shown is new in the sense that we can just barely see some of the changes already implemented such as a fix to Sonic’s speed momentum and accelleration meaning Spin Dash is more useful, tweaks to the jump appear to have also been made so it’s less floaty. Ken says you won’t see all of the changes made in the E3 demo so we’ll have to wait until a later date to see those. Judge for yourself from the footage and see if you notice any changes then let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Gamespot
Thanks to Sykotech at the SSMB for the heads up and thanks to Phos there for the YouTube coversion of the video.

TSS Staffer nuckles87 and new member of the team Jason the Jackass will be attending E3 to bring readers of The Sonic Stadium exclusive coverage of all things Sonic aswell as bringing SEGA Bits exclusive coverage of SEGA’s other titles on the show floor so stick with us for all of your E3 Sonic needs.

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ONM’s Sonic 4 WiiWare Preview

UPDATE: We’ve just been given the following info via the comments section from long time ONM subscriber and Sonic Relief founder MK –

MK says:
2 June, 2010 at 11:29 pm (Edit)@Shadzter: Hate to break it to you, but this is a preview from an old issue that they’ve only just now put online. So everything you read is at least a month or two out of date.

So the removal of motion controlled act’s may still be rumour for now.

Official Nintendo Magazine UK have posted a new preview for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 on their website together with a bunch of screenshots of Splash Hill Zone in the WiiWare version. Most interesting is the part about the Special Stages and motion control aspects where ONM confirm rumours going around the Sonic community that the two motion controlled Act’s have been removed from the console versions of the game.

A Special Surprise

The Special Stage is a fantastic update of the spinny, psychedelic one from the first Sonic game. In the original, you had to guide Sonic through a maze of coloured stones to reach a Chaos Emerald. It’s exactly the same here, with the same lovely sound effect going off every time Sonic bumps into one of the colour-changing gems, and the same familiar chime when he picks up the Emerald at the end of the stage.

There are a couple of additions this time though. There are also ring gates that you can’t get past unless you’ve collected enough rings, so if you haven’t managed it you need to go back and get more. What’s more, the Special Stages also have motion control, so you’ll be tilting Sonic left and right with the Remote.

I Second That Motion

This is the only time you’ll be tilting the Remote in the game, and it works. The Special Stages look superb and the addition of tilting controls doesn’t seem to detract from the experience whatsoever. And yes, the rest of the main game is very much the traditional D-pad and buttons setup from previous Sonic games.

Overall the preview is very positive, ONM continually throughout express their love for the games classic Mega Drive controls, feel and design especially the momentum required to build up your speed from the classic Sonic games. You can check out the preview for yourself in full with screenshots over at ONM’s website.

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Rumour: Sonic Free Riders Coming To XBLA?

According to a report from Joystiq a new Project Natal compatible entry in the Sonic Riders series will be announced for Xbox 360’s Xbox Live Arcade at this years E3 giving you the ability to play as your Avatar on one of the games Extreme Gears using the Natal’s motion controls. Microsoft will be holding a seperate show to their Press Conference specifically for Project Natal and it’s software so we’ll keep an eye out there for this title(if it’s real). Would you like a new entry in the Sonic Riders series? Let us know in the comments.

Thanks to Tirann0 at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic Colours and Sonic 4 Playable At E3

The Official Japanese Sonic Channel Blog has today confirmed in a new entry Sonic Colours will be present and playable at this years E3, an earlier entry posted 21st May confirms Sonic 4 will also be present and playable too. No other info is given as to what builds to expect or any new trailers or other assets so we’ll have to just wait and see. Be sure to check back with us during the show as we’ll be relaying all info and media that hits the net back to you here.

Thanks to HunterTSF at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic Plays Best Hedgehog At Wedding

SEGA France’s blog The Blue Room have added a new entry today regarding Sonic making a special guest appearance on Saturday at the wedding of a young woman called Alexandra who according to the blog makes regular appearance’s at trade fairs.

This Saturday the little Alexandra-some of you know her for having crossed here and there when attending trade fairs, married. Sonic himself came to him a little surprise visit to congratulate her at the exit of the town hall. Nice of him

PS: I said, it’s Sonic’s left and not the husband Alex

You can join us to congratulate her, of course!

Can’t say I know who Alexandra is myself but SEGA France sound like they know her, regardless congratulations anyway Alexandra from all of us at TSS. I wish Sonic could have attended my wedding, how about you guys and gals?

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CONFIRMED: Sonic Colours Info From Nintendo Power

UPDATE: Photo’s of the issue of Nintendo Power from shadowthehedgehog are doing the rounds and they confirm the reports he gave earlier that we quoted. Looking at the screenshots the DS version appears to be very much like Rush 3 with the tension gauge(with added Wisp holder), Sonic’s model, the level designs and familiar enemies. The Wii version looks very much like Sonic Unleashed Wii/PS2 with it’s own gauge(that contains a Wisp holder) that and similar HUD but graphically looks better with prettier level designs. Two screens show Wisp powers in action on the Wii version and reveal their powers use the energy in your gauge.

Due to copyright we can’t post the scans here but the magazine will be out 8th June to buy though it can currently be picked up from some stores now according to reports. Thanks to shadowthehedgehog at Find The Computer Room Forums for providing the pics!

Long time member of Find The Computer Room Forum shadowthehedgehog claims to have an early subscription copy of Nintendo Power’s next issue due out 8th June which we reported to contain a huge 6 page Sonic Colours preview. shadowthehedgehog has posted up some details from the preview which you can read in the below quotes –

Thanks to my awesomeness I have read the issue of Nintendo Power featuring the game:

The game looks pretty nice, think of it as a prettier looking version of the Wii version of Unleashed, the two zones that were featured were Sweet Mountain zone, and Tropical Reservoir zone, and the former is a mountain of pastries, the said they wanted to include the crazy level designs from the old games, which is fine by me. It also said that in the 3D sections it will focus more on running from A-B akin to the Daytime stages of Unleashed, while the 2D sections will be more for platforming.

The DS version, can easily be called Sonic Rush 3, it looks exactly like those games, even the tension gauge is there, they said it would be similar to the Wii version.

Tails appears in the story but Sonic will be the only playable, they said the story is simple, light, and goofy, which is fine by me. Knuckles, and Shadow may also make an appearance in the game.

If someone has scans, please show them, because seeing it, is better than me explaining it.

Oh and Eggmanland makes a return, Yaaayyyy.

Last time I checked the storybook games didn’t have platforming, and there will be platforming.

Also there’s a level with giant Cheeseburgers.

I’m being serious, its really there, you also bounce off jello.

No scans or photo’s are provided so take this as rumour for now but if true it sure sounds like we’re getting a return of some of the wacky and fun levels we’ve come to expect from the 2D Sonic games, only this time they will be in part 3D for the Wii version at least. We’ll let you know when we see some confirmation of these details and more.

Thanks to spiny blue at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic 4: iPad Version Confirmed? and RubyEclipse Teases New Info

According to a report from IGN an iPad version of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 has been confirmed by SEGA and will be appearing in playable form at E3 alongside the other versions. With the iPhone and iPod Touch versions recently confirmed it would make sense to add support for Apple’s new device during the extra time acquired by the delay of the game to Late 2010, the more the merrier as they say. Since iPad can load iPod Touch and iPhone games could this be a specific version for iPad, perhaps in HD?

In other news SEGA of America Community staff member RubyEclipse has been doing a little Q&A at SEGA’s official forums with forum member Yeow95, here are quotes from the conversation –


3 Questions, Ruby….

1. We know that Sonic 4 will be available on the App Store, for the iPod Touch and iPhone….but does that include THE iPAD?!

I don’t even HAVE an iPad, but I know that Sonic 4 with it’s high-def, colorful graphics and gameplay would look GORGEOUS on that thing.

2. Will you guys start updating the website weekly again? We want to see new timers, and see them reveal new badniks, new concept art, new zones, and new sections of the website again! BTW the Splash Hill page still says new video coming soon, may want to fix that! And I know we DO NOT want to wait ALMOST 3 MONTHS for “big” info again!

3. So what have we covered here?
a. 4th platform revealed – App Store for iPod Touch and iPhone
b. Sonic 4 delayed for extra development time to “enchance” the game.
c. JUST ADDED: Project needlemouse T-Shirt.

That’s not really big news. Is there anything else than that? I mean any footage of the other zones, announcements of DLC, playable characters, future episodes, a new Sonic game, etc.? Because I bet I can speak for the whole fanbase that at least some or one of these most of us were expecting.

Ruby Eclipse:

I’m a bit late to the party here, sorry, but I’ll go ahead and answer the questions I can speak to.

2 – Yes, the website will be updated again soon, though it may not be weekly. Instead, since the wait will probably be just a little longer, the updates themselves may be slightly larger than before. We’ll be able to confirm the time between updates soon.

3 – I think point B is huge news, personally. Part of that might be because I’ve seen some of the specific things that are being changed, as opposed to the somewhat vague statements that have gone out, but regardless I really do think the action itself speaks volumes.

There won’t be any announcements of “new characters”, as we confirmed Sonic being the exclusive playable character there long ago. The other Zones, however – those we will be talking about more in the near future.

Yeow 95:

But what about the iPad thing? I don’t get Clumsyorhard’s “iPad nano” joke.

Sorry about putting the new characters, my mistake, but this:
We confirmed Sonic being the exclusive playable character there long ago.

So does that mean Tails and Knuckles WON’T BE IN SONIC 4?!


I can’t speak in detail on your iPad question, so I’ll have to wait on that one until I have a definitive answer for you.

No worries on the new characters part! You’re partly correct though, Sonic will be the only playable character in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I.

Note how RubyEclipse bolds the title, perhaps a hint at playable characters in future episodes?

RubyEclipse again:

Sometimes, even the smallest of changes can make really big (and positive) impacts.

I’m not able to tell you guys specifically what is being changed just yet, but from the small stuff to the fairly big stuff, I think it will all play a part in making the final experience for the fans worthwhile.

So we could possibly be seeing playable characters in future episodes and Sonic 4’s official website could be seeing more larger updates but in smaller doses than the weekly entries we were once used to. RubyEclipse also gives the impression that changes to the game during the extra development time will be quite significant and a vast improvement on what the leaks have shown us. Hopefully we’ll see some of these changes at E3, we’ll keep an eye out for new info and media during the show then keep you posted on everything that surfaces.

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Sonic Colours: UK Retailers Begin Varied Release Date Speculation

With Sonic Colours announced comes the inevitable online retailer listings providing varied release date speculation. The official word from SEGA is Late 2010 which normally indicates a November-December launch but the below retailers disagree, here’s the list of dates and prices –

26th November 2010
Wii: £39.99
DS: £29.99

24th September 2010
Wii: £30.99
DS: £25.99

29th October 2010
Wii: £29.99
DS: £24.99

Wii: £39.99
DS: £29.99

Wii: £39.99
DS: £29.99

Wii: £39.99
DS: £29.99

WH Smith
Wii: £39.99
DS: £29.99

Wii: £39.99
DS: £29.99

Quite the difference between dates huh? All three retailers are now taking pre-orders if you’re interested but with more listings to come a cheaper deal might pop up and not to mention we’ve barely seen anything of the game yet. We’ll keep an eye out for more UK retailer listings and the eventual U.S. listings but for now take these dates with a pinch of salt until official word is divulged.

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Sonic Colours Announced For Wii & DS

Well colour us surprised! SEGA have announced Sonic Colours for Nintendo Wii and DS together with the above teaser trailer and a press release which you can check out after the jump! Continue reading Sonic Colours Announced For Wii & DS

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Sumo Digital Have New SEGA Ideas Brewing

Steve Lycett Executive Producer of Sumo Digital who are known for developing SEGA Superstars Tennis, F1 2009 and most recently Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing among other titles popped by the SSMB yesterday where he informed they are working on new things that can’t be talked about right now, a new game perhaps? Steve also in another post stated that they have some SEGA ideas brewing.

You can check out both posts quoted below –


I’m not dead, honest

I’d have a job playing the PS3 version, I don’t own a PS3! So sadly I’ll have to decline this for the moment. I’m also mad busy getting new stuff off the ground here at Sumo, nothing we can talk about just yet, just free time’s not been something I’ve had in abundance these last few weeks…



We’ll call it a draw I think

I’m not working on the Dr. Who game, I’m actually pretty jealous of the guys who are! I can’t go into any details sadly on the new stuff, right now we’ve got a few ideas brewing SEGA wise though



Time will tell what these new yet to be announced things are and E3 is coming up next month so we’ll keep an eye open to see if anything is announced there then report back. For now let the speculation commence in the comments section below.

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Sonic 3D Blast & Other MD Titles Coming To PC Download

SEGA have today announced yet another collection of their 16 Bit library, this time in the form of SEGA Mega Drive Classics. This collection is a part of their recently announced focus on digital distribution and will be released for the PC Download market via online store Steam among others. Eleven games are currently known to be on the way with all of them releasing June 1st 2010 priced at £1.99/€2.49/ AUS$3.49, check out the list and their product pages below:
Sonic 3D Blast
Ecco the Dolphin
Golden Axe
Comix Zone
Gain Ground
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Crack Down
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Altered Beast
Space Harrier II

Press release

LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (May 21st, 2010) –SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. are proud to announce that a wide selection of evergreen games from the legendary SEGA Mega Drive™ platform are making their way on to PC via digital distribution.

The initial group of titles being made available consists of fan favourites such as Golden Axe™, Ecco the Dolphin™, Comix Zone™ and VectorMan™. All these classic SEGA titles will be available from £1.99/€2.49/ AUS$3.49, but for a full list of all available titles and features, please visit www.sega.com.

“It’s exciting to be able to offer these classic games to a new audience” said Nick Pili, Network Business Director at SEGA Europe. “Delivered via our digital partners, every PC owner can now enjoy these timeless masterpieces whenever they want!”

The first set of SEGA Mega Drive games for PC are set to release 1st June on STEAM and other digital distribution networks.

Source: SEGA Europe

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Sonic Unleashed: Mazuri and Adabat & Empire City DLC Now On EU PS Store

We’re just over a day late, but forgive us as this news was unexpected and came completely out of left field; it was even missing from the PS Store Update blog entry at the Official EU PS Blog. Looking at the EU PS Store, you’ll now find SEGA Europe yesterday FINALLY released the final two pieces of downloadable content for Sonic Unleashed on the PlayStation 3, content that Xbox Live and other territories PS Stores got June 12th last year, namely the Mazuri Adventure Pack and the Adabat & Empire City Adventure Pack. The packs cost £2.39 each, with the Mazuri pack containing four daytime and two nighttime stages, and the Adabat & Empire City pack containing five daytime stages and four nighttime stages.

Any EU PS3 version owners out there glad to finally see this? Let us know in the comments.

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Full 1080p HD Visuals Confirmed For Sonic 4 PS3/Xbox 360

Good news for fans of pretty visuals in their games as the Official PlayStation Europe site and the Official U.S. Xbox site have confirmed that the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 will play in 1080p HD via the games product pages at both sites. Now you’ll be able to get your classic Sonic fix in glorious full HD, Splash Hill Zone should be a treat with it’s brightly coloured environments and water falls. No other info such as a release date are listed at the moment but we’ll keep an eye out.

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Playing ASR With A Dreamcast Controller


Ever wondered what playing Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with a Dreamcast controller would be like? Neither have I but it’s a cool concept. In the above video AdamKoralik shows us how to perform the task on the Xbox 360, since the game doesn’t require as many buttons the game is able to be played well with the Dreamcast controller even though the analogue stick doesn’t seem to work. Awesome work AdamKoralik! Thanks to blib at the SEGA Forums for the heads up!

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[UPDATE: Some Stickers Contain New Art]Sonic Sticker Collection Hits WH Smith Stores

UPDATE 5: Thanks to members at the SSMB(here and here) we’re now discovering that some of the stickers contain all new artwork of the various characters. /UPDATE 5 END

UPDATE 4: We’re getting more reports from the SSMB topic that the poster for shiny stickers that the sticker book mentions is missing and it now appears the sticker collection has no shiny stickers anyway. It looks like the shiny stickers and poster to hold them may be scrapped ideas which Factory Entertainment forgot to remove mention of in the book. /UPDATE 4 END

We can now reveal thanks to Stasis that the book has sticker pages with profiles for the following characters (joint pages in bold) –
Sonic the Hedgehog (2 pages including Super Sonic and Sonic the Werehog), Miles “Tails” Prower, Amy Rose, Knuckles the Echidna, Big the Cat, Cream & Cheese, Dr.Eggman, Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, Silver the Hedgehog & Blaze the Cat, Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon & Charmy Bee, Jet the Hawk, Storm the Albatross & Wave the Swallow, Sonic Universe(2 pages including Gemerl, Emerl, Chaos, Tikal, Chao’s, E-123 Omega, E-102 Gamma, Metal Sonic, Eggman Nega, Marine and Captain Whisker & Johnny), Sonic & Tails, Sonic & Amy, Sonic & Knuckles, Dr.Eggman, Shadow & Rouge, Fulfilment. /UPDATE 3 END

UPDATE 2: The company behind the sticker collection is Factory Entertainment, they have a website here, if your book is missing the poster and you want to enquire about it you can find contact details at their site here. /UPDATE 2 END

UPDATE: Thanks to Nemain at the SSMB we have a link to an eBay auction selling the stickers, the seller states there are 140 stickers to collect. Stasis in the comments has informed us that he has picked up a copy of the book for £1.99 and confirms the 140 stickers total while also informing us of an advertisement in the book for the UK release of the Jazwares Sonic merchandise revealing a June release date for them. Thanks Nemain and Stasis.

Super Lombax at the SSMB informs that the book comes with a pull-out poster but unfortunately none of the books at her store had the pull-out poster for some reason. Stasis has also informed us that all 3 books at 3 seperate retailers in his area are also missing the poster which is used to hold the shiney stickers in the collecton. Look’s like this may be a problem at all retailers stocking the book./UPDATE END

The Sonic City Blognik has just been tipped off via their @SEGA Twitter account by user Adwil24 that a new Sonic Sticker Collection has been released in WH Smith stores which suggests it’s available in the UK and Ireland. This is the first official sticker collection in the UK since the Mega Drive days. No other info was given apart from the above photo, we’ll try to get our hands on one along with some stickers and report back.

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PS3 ASR Theme Now On PlayStation Store

The PS3 Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing theme that was said to be on the way has finally arrived on the PlayStation Store at the price of £1.59. The theme comes in many flavours of all kinds of characters vehicles, after toggling through plenty of times we’ve found the above 7 themes are the total available so Sonic and SEGA fans alike should be pleased. For those having trouble switching character themes, you have to re-apply the theme to toggle between characters. Not fun fact: The theme randomly changes when you do anything to leave the XMB e.g. switch the console off and turn it back on, load a game and exit it etc…

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Exclusive M&SATOWG A2 Poster At Pure HMV

Redeem an A2 size poster printed exclusively for purehmv!

While browsing HMV’s Pure HMV reward points store to see what I can spend my 72,514 points on I spotted the above exclusive A2 sized beauty which for 5,000 points can be yours. If you aren’t already registered for Pure HMV you can sign up online or in-store, every penny spent earns you 1 point which you can save to buy exclusive merchandise on the Pure HMV store or money off vouchers to spend.

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ASR DLC Ball In SEGA’s Court Now

After returning from a holiday in Japan (welcome back) Steve Lycett Executive Producer at Sumo Digital has begun his community support in the SEGA/Sonic community forums again and today revealed the current stance on future downloadable content for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing in a post at the SSMB.

Yep, you’ve missed one. Switch the leaderboards to Local only and then play through the tracks, if any have the ‘Staff Ghost’ racing on them, you need to beat it still. If it says ‘Sumo Ghost’ you’ve beaten the default ghost and can skip that one.

On the update, ta for that Mr. Casanova. Pretty much as I expected really

Someone else has a Ryo Forklift toy then? We got ours the other day, I was expecting something… nicer! Still, can’t complain, it’s now in our trophy cabinet – boxed up and never to be opened. Ours also didn’t come with a number painted on it. So therefore I can only assume it’s 1/1000 and Doctor Eggmans’s is 2/1000. You can quote me on that

Future DLC is all up to SEGA now. They’ve put out all the bits we’ve done, personally I think they’ll now look to see how the existing stuff goes and decide if they want some more. Not seen any figures yet, but then I’m only nicely getting back into the groove!


So it looks like the ball is in SEGA’s court as to whether future DLC will happen, currently for the game fans can buy Ryo Forklift and a Metal Sonic & Death Egg pack. Outside of the game Xbox 360 fans can buy Avatar items and a Premium Dashboard theme, there were reports of a PS3 Premium Theme being released on the 22nd April but that never appeared. Will sales of the current DLC be good enough to peek SEGA’s interest? Only time will tell and if we hear anything we’ll let you know.

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‘Bargain’ Combo Deals At ASDA

Check out some fantastic ‘bargain’ combo deals on many games at ASDA including Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. 2 for £160 on DS games, 2 for £185 on Wii games and 2 for £245 on Xbox 360 and PS3 games.

How could you possibly resist such deals?

This appears to be at multiple stores, it’s on most game tickets at both of my local stores which are the Merry Hill Centre and Brierley Hill stores in the West Midlands. Let us know in the comments if your local stores are displaying these ‘deals’.

Thanks to my brother StuFox for most of the pics!

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[UPDATE]Archie Sonic Comic #0, #1 & #2 Now On EU & U.S. PSP PS Store

UPDATE 2: Archie Sonic Comic #2 has been added to the PSP PlayStation Store at the usual £0.79.

UPDATE: Archie Sonic Comic #1 has now been added to the PSP PlayStation Store weighing in at 12MB at just £0.79p.
PS Blog EU
PS Blog U.S.

Looks like DLC for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing isn’t the only Sonic related content released on the PlayStation Store today as Archie have also released the first ever issue of their Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series for PSP’s Digital Comic’s reader. This has been released in Europe as well as the U.S. so for the first time ever European Sonic fans can now enjoy this series without importing the comic’s in for the low price of £0.79p rated 3+.

PlayStation Blog Europe
PlayStation Blog U.S.

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ASR Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone DLC Pack On PS Store NOW


PS3 fans waiting for some Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing DLC action who missed the leaking of it a few weeks back need wait no more as the Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone pack is released this afternoon on the PlayStation Store for £4.79/€5.99 rated PEGI 7. If you want a gander at what’s on offer before you buy you can check out the official screens from SEGA above.

The pack contains Metal Sonic as a playable character in his Metal Booster vehicle with his Maximum Overdrive All-Star Move aswell as the Death Egg Zone: Egg Hangar track which includes cameos from Ristar(offline only), the first Death Egg Zone boss from Sonic & Knuckles and Eggman’s rocket ship in the Doomsday Zone also from Sonic & Knuckles. Also contained are Time Trial staff ghosts for Egg Hangar, 5 music tracks for Egg Hangar which are Space Gadget, General Offensive, Cosmic Fall, Egg Fleet and Never Let It Go aswell as Metal Sonic’s and Egg Hangar’s profile which are an interesting read.

Source: European PlayStation Blog

The PS Store update hasn’t been posted on the U.S. PlayStation Blog yet at the time of this article but we expect it will be released in the U.S. today too.

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Sonic The Skellinghog T-Shirt

Sonic has gone bare bones spikes and all in the above new t-shirt SEGA Nerds caught sight of at Tee Fury in one of their 24hr only availability sales. In this creepy looking T-Shirt Tee Fury have oddly captured Sonic’s essence as we can all agree Sonic would likely take his cool attitude to his grave but his sneakers and gloves too? Guess Sonic is quite literally attatched to his belongings. Since these were only on sale for 24 hours they’re going to be pretty hard to track down, we’ll keep an eye out for any on eBay and report back.

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[UPDATE: Comment From Sumo]Rumor: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Getting A Sequel?

Sumo Digital representative SumoRex at the SEGA Forums has made a couple of posts in a topic there regarding this rumor.

lol …youz guys!
It’s true we *are doing a sequel. No! no! Wait …don’t get your panties in a bunch. I’m kidding.
Or am I?
I definitely am.
or is that the lie?
or this?

Rumours totally crack me up! lol

Official line:
“I can neither confirm nor deny the existance (nor absence) of the truth or a lie in the above statement”

Is that clear enough for you? If that doesn’t stop these pesky rumours one way or the other nothing will!



According to the above 18th Feb 2010 report from WatchMojo Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is getting a sequel and that’s not all, they say SEGA have hinted they are saving characters from other games in their library for this sequel. WatchMojo also say SEGA Miles are also used to unlock artwork in the game which as you know is nowhere to be seen in the game, maybe a scrapped feature? (Thanks to Veritech Guardian at the SSMB for pointing that bit out) Whether any of this is true or not is unknown so we advise you to take it with a grain of salt.

Would you like a sequel with characters from other SEGA games? Sound off in the comments.

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[New Art & PS3 Info] Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone Track Now Available On XBLM

UPDATE 7:ArchangelUK has made an entry to the SEGA Europe Blog and Sonic City Blognik with the above new artwork of Metal Sonic in his Metal Booster vehicle aswell as new screenshots of Egg Hangar. Details have also been given as to when PS3 users will get the Metal Sonic and Egg Hangar DLC which is April 22nd. Also revealed is a Premium Theme PS3 owners will be able to decorate their XMB with.

Metal Sonic & Track Pack £4.79 €5.99 $7.99
Premium Theme £1.59 €1.99 $2.49

A statement has also been given regarding the incorrect price issue earlier today –

NOTE: Due to an issue earlier it was being mistakenly priced at 800 points – apologies for this, we put out a warning across the fan boards as soon as we found out. We’re speaking with Microsoft to see if anything can be done for those of you who purchased early. Please make sure its says 560MSP when you purchase it.

UPDATE 6: The price has now been corrected in all countries from 800MSP to 560MSP. Big shout out to thank ArchangelUK for his work on getting this fixed and keeping everyone updated.

UPDATE 5: From AAUK at the SSMB

Re: Refunds – Yes I’m asking about that, don’t worry. My first concern was that.

I can confirm no PS3 DLC today… when the blog goes up (its being delayed by waiting for the price to change and getting some confirmation on the above) it’ll have the date/prices for PS3.

UPDATE 4: Mike Kebby of the the SCEE PlayStation Store Team has posted his weekly PlayStation Store update on the EU PlayStation blog revealing there will be no ASR DLC released today for EU PS3 version, we’ll keep an eye out for the U.S. PlayStation Store update.

UPDATE 3: WARNING! We’ve just heard from AAUK that there’s a price issue with this DLC so we recommend you hold off just a little until this afternoon.

UPDATE 2: Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone: Egg Hangar DLC weighing in at 152MB is now available on the U.S. Xbox Live Marketplace and the UK Xbox Live marketplace for 800 Microsoft Points.

UPDATE: We’ve just got word that the patch allows Banjo & Kazooie to be used by the CPU players. Thanks go to FireKingX at the SEGA Forums!/UPDATE END

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing fans may remember a bug-fix and DLC enabling patch was released last Wednesday for the PS3 version before the Metal Sonic and Death Egg Zone: Egg Hangar DLC was released the very next day but then quickly pulled off the PlayStation Store. Well now the same patch has just been released this morning for the Xbox 360 version, if you download it and then check the online multiplayer matchmaking screen you will see a DLC tab which informs players that room is using DLC content meaning you can only enter that lobby if you have the DLC being used in that room. The Ryo Forklift DLC is the only exception to that rule since you only download a key to unlock him on the disc, Metal Sonic and the Death Egg Zone: Egg Hangar and any future DLC is all new content.

The PS3 version got the patch the day before the DLC was released so with tomorrow’s Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Store updates we will hopefully see the Metal Sonic and Death Egg Zone: Egg Hangar content released, we’ll let you know if it appears.

Thanks again to Yuluga for the pic!

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PS3 ASR DLC: Metal Sonic, Death Egg Zone and Ryo-F [Update 7: DLC Removed]

UPDATE 7: Mike Kebby of the PlayStation Store team has just revealed the reason as to why the Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone DLC pack has been removed in reply to a comment at their PS Blog

We were just informed that the release date for this has changed, hence removal from store yes.

The Ryo-F DLC is still available on both the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace. Thanks to Amorbis at the SSMB for the heads up!

UPDATE 6: The Metal Sonic and Death Egg Zone DLC pack has been removed from the PlayStation Store, it’s unknown at present why it’s been removed but we’ll update you when we know more. Thanks to Casanova for the heads up. /UPDATE 6 END

UPDATE 5: Ristar cameo confirmed, thanks to Yuluga at the SSMB for the pic.
These are the new music tracks for the Death Egg Zone track –
-Comic Fall
-General Offensive
-Never Let If Go
-Egg Fleet
-Space Gadget

UPDATE 4: We’ve just got word that the not so subtle cameo Steve mentioned is Ristar from the Mega Drive/Genesis title of the same name. /UPDATE 4 END

UPDATE 3: Both pieces of DLC are out now on EU PS Store. Metal Sonic’s vehicle is called Metal Booster and his All-Star Move is Maximum Overdrive. The Death Egg Zone has 1 track and it’s called Egg Hangar. /UPDATE 3 END
UPDATE 2: Ryo-F is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace for 320 MS Points. /UPDATE 2 END

UPDATE: Executive Producer of Sumo Digital Steve Lycett has made the following post at the SEGA Forums

Don’t worry – it’s real. 360 should also be available shortly 😛

Let’s see who is first to spot the not so subtle Cameo we snuck in too 😛



Sony Europe have just announced via their PlayStation Blog that DLC for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing will be hitting the PlayStation Store later today. What is the DLC you ask? Fans of Ryo who didn’t get hold of the Ryo-Forklift pre-order code will be happy to be able to finally nab it and Sonic fans will definitely be pleased to be able to race as Sonic’s robotic nemesis Metal Sonic. Retro Sonic fans will be chuffed to be able to race and explore Eggman’s classic Death Egg Zone base.

Here’s the list of prices –

Sonic & SEGA Allstars Racing –
Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone (£4.79/€5.99)
Ryu Forklift Character Pack (£3.99/€4.99)
Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All locales

No word on if the U.S. will be getting this today, we’ve checked the U.S. Blog but no store update yet. We’ll let you know when this is made available later today, meanwhile let us know what you think in the comments.

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ASR PS3 Patch Out Now In The U.S. And Europe

UPDATE 2: The patch is now available in Europe too and is 21MB instead of 28MB like the U.S. patch. /UPDATE 2 END

UPDATE: AugieD369 at the SEGA forums says the patch definitely fixes the Trophy unlock problems and also adds a short cut via the square button to the ASR section of the PlayStation Store confirming the patch does indeed prepare the game for the upcoming DLC just like Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett said it would./UPDATE END

Clisp of the SSMB has revealed via the SSMB that the Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing patch Steve Lycett of Sumo Digital has been informing the community about is now live and weighs in at 28MB. Steve has said in the past that the patch will fix Trophy unlocking issues among other things aswell as prepare the game for the upcoming downloadable content.

The patch is also due to be released for Xbox 360 too, so we’ll keep an eye out for that. We’ll also let you know when the PS3 patch is available in Europe and if we find out any other problems the patch fixes.

Thanks to Clisp at the SSMB for the heads up!

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