[UPDATE]Archie Sonic Comic #0, #1 & #2 Now On EU & U.S. PSP PS Store

[UPDATE]Archie Sonic Comic #0, #1 & #2 Now On EU & U.S. PSP PS Store

UPDATE 2: Archie Sonic Comic #2 has been added to the PSP PlayStation Store at the usual £0.79.

UPDATE: Archie Sonic Comic #1 has now been added to the PSP PlayStation Store weighing in at 12MB at just £0.79p.
PS Blog EU
PS Blog U.S.

Looks like DLC for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing isn’t the only Sonic related content released on the PlayStation Store today as Archie have also released the first ever issue of their Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series for PSP’s Digital Comic’s reader. This has been released in Europe as well as the U.S. so for the first time ever European Sonic fans can now enjoy this series without importing the comic’s in for the low price of £0.79p rated 3+.

PlayStation Blog Europe
PlayStation Blog U.S.

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  1. I have a digital comic and they’re quite good. The quality is really good and they’re great for a long a car journey (so long as you’re not driving).

  2. I actually have the first story of the Miniseries in Mega-Collection but, I’ll try to find Sonic Archives 0.

  3. I have #0 on the Mega Collection, and I don’t have a PSP…. I think I’ll pass. 😉

  4. @DVD Smith: Paper? What’s that? Some form of ancient communication technology?

    The low price makes me wonder what the original artists are actually getting paid for every copy sold…

  5. FINALLY! 😀 I’ve been waiting for Sonic comics on the PSP since the comic reader first came out! I don’t know why it’s taken them so long. I just hope they put the Specials and complete mini-series’ on there. (And considering the upcoming price increase on the paper releases, I may start getting ALL of my Sonic comics from there).

  6. Aw, jeez. And me without a PSN Card. I might as well get that, plus an episode of Doug I always wanted to download.

  7. European fans will read it for the first time? I found a copy of 200 in borders! It’s awesome btw.

  8. @Grinder: They sell it in Forbidden Planet in the Uk – along with all the other Archie comics.

  9. This is interesting, but I still don’t need it, seeing as I have the full issue in both Sonic: The Beginning and Sonic Archives #0 (a rebranding of said book XD) not to mention the first story from #0 in my copy of Sonic Super Special #3 (Sonic Firsts)

  10. @DVD Smith

    Yup, I get both Sonic series at my local Forbidden Planet (as well as issues of Betty & Veronica lol), the only problem is that there are only a handful of stores in the country…

  11. @Grinder

    That’s not true, you can find it in Sonic Archives volume 0, which you may be able to find FORBIDDEN PLANET, AAAAND WHERE BACK IN!!!!1

  12. *Punches in 7 digit keycode onto panel*

    *wall opens with a hiss.. a whirling sound and issue #0 appears*

    Eh.. they don’t fetch all that much on the Bay… issue 25 on the other hand 😮

  13. How much longer until they decide to release the Post-200 Issues, and Sonic Universe?

  14. @YoshiAngemon

    Unless enough people buy the four part mini-series, they won’t be putting up the regular series at all.

    And judging from how many people here are content with either downloading it free off hosted sites or having their original copies, sadly I don’t see that happening.

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