Sonic’s 25th Anniversary Celebration to Feature ‘Heritage of the Classic Sonic Franchise’


Sega has been quite tight lipped on their plans for the 25th Anniversary of Sonic, whilst a logo has been leaked out of the Vegas Licensing Expo, and First 4 Figures teasing a statue for the event, very little else has been mentioned.

However we can now reveal some new details about the event. During the Vegas Licensing Expo there was a daily newsletter published which would detail news and photos from the event from various booths. Now Sega had a small section on their booth in one of the newsletters, primarilly the information was about Boom, in fact this information was later released, we even newsed it here.

However, the newsletter contains one extra detail which has since been omitted from other press material. Specifically regarding the 25th anniversary celebrations.



The article details that Sega will be planning a celebration for Sonic’s 25th anniversary, and the tiny detail comes at the end where it states the following.

SEGA is also planning to showcase the heritage of the classic “Sonic” franchise as part of its anniversary celebrations

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean the next game is focused on Classic Sonic, it may mean that merchandise and some licensing deals with be focused on Classic Sonic, however, it does seem odd to put such a focus on the Classic Sonic brand.

To put it another way, we now have two completely different sources, Sega & First4Figures commenting on the 25th Anniversary stating that there will be a classic Sonic focus. First4Figures went as far as to say 

-Classic Sonic is to be the main focus (of the statue).

Speculating, this to me strongly suggests that we might see the return of Classic Sonic in some way in the foreseeable future. Whilst I don’t want to suggest a Sonic Generations 2 like experience, it does seem very odd to be promoting the classic Sonic brand and not actually reflecting that in the primary sales asset (games).

Anyway, excited at the thought of Classic Sonic returning? Think it’s a new game? Or just a merchandise promotion. Look below you, see that? That’s a comment box, let us know your thoughts Blue Believers.

Source: Global License.


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Blaze Now Available in Sonic Runners

blazeEveryone’s second favourite Sonic cat (Big being the first) joins Sonic Runners. Earlier today Blaze was added to the roulette wheel in Sonic Runners for a limited time.

Sharing the character slot with Rouge, this gives players a 3% chance to get her. Oddly, Blaze is described by Runners as being a power type character, so she joins the likes of Knuckles, Omega and Big. Even stranger, she’s now a member of Team Rose.

Blaze is available only for a limited time so if you want to get your hands on her you’d better act fast and be lucky, she’s only there until August 28th.


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Sonic Runners Hits 2 Million Downloads

Earlier this week, Sega announced that their free to play title Sonic Runners had hit the 2 million downloads figure.


To celebrate the news Sega are offering discounts to users who purchase red rings from the in-game store. However if you don’t fancy spending any money, Sega are holding a daily promotion. From now until August 3rd, if you log into Sonic Runners, Sega will reward you with 10 red star rings each day until the promotion ends.

Can they make it three million? Lets hope so! Then we might get more free stuff!

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Big, Silver & Cream Added to Sonic Runners

Sega have been on a bit of a streak with their support of Sonic Runners since the game launched worldwide. New content and events have been a monthly occurrence, in fact, Sega have just added three new characters to Sonic Runners which you can actually buy through the character select screen as opposed to gambling via roulette wheel.

sonicrunnersbigsilvercreamBig the Cat, Cream and Silver have been added to the game, however they come with some very unique abilities.

For starters, fans have already dubbed these characters easy mode, due to the fact that they cut the speed of the game by 10% if you use a single character, or 19% if you use two. However, as a consequence, they also cut your score by either 50% or 75% depending if you use two or not.

Sega have said these are designed for new players who may not be used to the high speed sections in the game. However, those new players will have to spend money in order to get them. Each of these characters costs 250 red star rings to unlock, or 5 million golden rings.

Are you still playing Runners? How you finding it? Let us know in the comments.


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It’s Official, More Women Like Sonic Than Men

Well this is really interesting, because if these results are to be believed that everything we think we know about Sonic, including Sega’s own market data is completely wrong.

YouGov recently ran a poll to see which was the top 16 favourite video-games of the British public, coming in at number 1 was Candy Crush (no surprise there),with GTA coming in at number 2. Sonic manages to get on the table at number 13.

What’s more interesting is that the YouGov poll breaks down the results into percentages, and one thing is very clear…

Sonic is more popular with the ladies.

This is, really unexpected, for the following reason, Sega still markets and promotes Sonic as a ‘boys’ franchise. Even when Boom was announced, Sega’s own marketing material had boys as being the primary demographic for Sonic with girls as a secondary. Yet this poll shows that Sonic is nearly twice as popular with women over men.

However, there is one consideration to take with this. The poll doesn’t register the views of anyone aged under 16. Which is Sonic’s primary demographic. There is this huge lie which does the round a lot, that being, Sonic sells best on Nintendo? Erm no… Sonic sells best where the kids are. Which this poll doesn’t recognise, where-ever the kids are, that’s where you’ll find Sonic’s biggest sales.

But this is really interesting, since if it really is an accurate reflection of views worldwide it changes a lot of what was considered Sonic’s primary target demographics. Lets speculate for a moment that both this poll and Sega is correct and Sonic is more popular with boys (males aged under 16), after the age of 18, Sonic’s primary gender demographic shifts over to women. This isn’t the natural assumption to make for a character like Sonic, especially since there is little active female representation within the series (generally speaking), there is much more appeal to males.

Or.. and there is no way to independently verify this, Sonic actually has more appeal to girls than boys at all ages.

The full results of the YouGov poll can be found on their website, as well as what was the better console, the MegaDrive or the Super Nintendo, and who was a better character, Mario or Sonic… I’ll let you look that one up yourself.

Source: YouGov

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Three New Sonic Rides Announced For Joypolis China

joypolis china

How many of you have heard of Joypolis? Joypolis has been somewhat of a must travel destination for many older Sonic and Sega fans, a huge indoor theme park full of Sonic and Sega related rides and attractions.

Well Sega have opened a new park, in China, and it has 3 new Sonic theme arcade games/rides.

The attractions are as follows.

Sonic Tropical Resort


A ride based on the level from Sonic Colours, you sit in small cars decorated with wisps and fly in the air. You’ve probably seen similar rides like this at various fairs and theme parks.

Sonic Star Race


Sonic star race is a ‘dodgems/Bumper Cars’ ride in which guests drive Sonic themed cars and dodge/bump into other guests.

And finally…

Sonic Adventure Jump


Sonic Adventure Jump appears to be some kind of movie/cinematic experience, however the rough translation gives a most curious description…

Customers through the eyes of LED large screen showing a 3D image, with the lift operation.
So that passengers can enjoy in real life you can not experience the thrill of the Mercedes-Benz.

This to me sounds like you sit in those chairs, wear 3D glasses and go on an adventure as if you are actually Sonic? The chairs move depending on Sonic’s movements? If you’ve been on the Shrek 4D ride or the Terminator 2 3D ride you might have some idea as to what to expect.

So there you go, now you can stop asking for a new Sonic Adventure game, there it is.

All of these attractions are at the moment exclusive to Joypolis China.

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TSS Review: Sonic Runners (v.1.1.0)


Hey, didn’t you guys already review this game? Why yes we did, and we’ve been talking about if we should take another look at it since with every update it seems to change. Well, following the worldwide release, we feel that Runners has changed enough that our previous review really doesn’t apply or match up with the experience you’ll get with this game.

sonic runners

So here is my review on Sonic Runners, based on the worldwide release build. This will focus more on the changes between the original review and the technical performance of the game since the plot is the same and the premise of the game is the same. That said however, a lot has changed… sadly a lot has changed for the worst.

So I’m not sure how some will react with my next line but here goes… On a technical level, this is probably one of the worst Sonic game made. Yes, I am including Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom in that, it is awful, it really is. The worldwide release is plagued with issues ranging from freezing, stuttering, lag, game breaking/ruining bugs, as well as overheating issues which can potentially put the device you’re using at risk.

… You were expecting me to praise this game given how I loved the initial release? Well on a gameplay level, it’s a really fun and charming game… Which Sega have ruined by adding in the very worst of free to play features and a near broken DRM/always online requirement which by the way is doing nothing to prevent cheaters,

For full disclosure, I have used a range of different Android devices to try and play the game. Primarily I have used a Samsung Galaxy S5, however I have also tested a Nexus 7 and a Sony Xperia Z3, all of which suffer from the same and in some cases more serious problems. All of these devices could previously run Sonic Runners during the soft launch period with virtually no problems.


So lets start with the basics, though odds are you already know this. Sonic Runners is a side scrolling endless runner in which you start off as Sonic before unlocking Tails and Knuckles.

The premise of every stage is to run as far as you can and collect as many rings and gems as possible in order to get a huge score which progresses you further along the map before you reach the end of the episode/level.

Before I should go any further, I should mention that Sonic Runners uses multiple forms of currency. There are normal gold rings which are in plentiful supply. Then there are red rings which are much rarer. We’ll cover both of these later.

At the end of each stage you are given a small reward: normally gold rings or red rings, though sometimes you get an item. The rings you can use to level up characters which improve their stats. Stats are for things like score bonus increases or item effect durations increase. You’ll find you’ll need to level up characters if you want higher scores and find it easier to progress in later stages.

This is the single most coolest image you’ll ever see in Sonic Runners.

However, the worldwide release differs from the initial release with the inclusion of an experience bar. This bar will fill based on how many rings you pick up in the game, which means you can save on spending those rings if you regularly use a character. By level 20 however, you’ll find it’s not worth waiting and will just spend those rings on your power level. Which again, do you do this from rings collected, or once more, there is that micro-transaction system hint hint wink wink.

Whilst the level cap is 100, the gains from level 50 onwards are so poor there is absolutely no point in waiting to level up, so spend those rings.

What else can you spend rings on? Nothing. Just levelling up characters. I will talk about red rings near the end of the review. Needless to say, I am not happy.

Levels are split into three types: Speed, Flight and Power. Each is designed to be played by a specific character type, though you’ll quickly find that you’ll only ever want to play as either speed or flight since Power characters are so useless compared to the other two. They’re only useful for their own stages, whereas the other types are great on every stage, with flight characters taking the top of the character tier list.


As you progress through the game, you start very simple stories involving Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and various other characters. Normally it’s “Eggman is doing a thing! Lets go stop him.” “Help! This character is missing, lets go find them!” Whilst the climax does build up into something more dramatic, this type of story is rare and a one off.

Some may find it nice that we’ve gone back to a simple story in which it’s just “Sonic goes after Eggman because Eggman did something bad.” though others may find these stories far too basic to enjoy. Personally I began to skip some of the stories since they were so repetitive and dull.

The stage layout is the same as the soft launch version. No changes. It’s a decent layout combining challenge, flow and multiple paths, however I’m not sure that in some places the higher path is the most rewarding. In some stages, the lower path is clearly more viable in terms of score.

It should be really enjoyable, and in the pre worldwide version it is. It’s a great example as to how you can adapt a classic Sonic game for a modern mobile market place, slap a small price tag on it and you have a great experience for the daily commute or for killing a spare half hour.

It’s fun and addictive. If the game had a price tag of say £2.99, I would buy this in a heartbeat. It’s a really nice charming game which is bloody good.

So what’s the problem?

Pretty much everything underpinning that which turns Runners into a near unplayable mess which is designed to rob the player of their time and money, turning runners into a gambling machine.

The game has very poor optimisation. It’s so poor in fact that after only 5 minutes it starts to stutter, lag and in some cases completely freezes. How bad is it? Well remember how I said I tested this game on three different devices? Here is how Runners used to perform.

  • Galaxy S5: Flawless, phone was slightly warm, but otherwise flawless.
  • Sony Xperia Z3: Near Flawless, phone got hotter than the S5, but otherwise fine, however battery drained quicker than the S5.
  • Nexus 7 (2013): Wasn’t tested, but is compatible with the game.

Here is how those devices performed with the worldwide release.

  • Galaxy S5: Initially, the game runs fine… but after 5 min of play time the phone gets very hot, gameplay begins to stutter, lag, some occasional freezing in areas with lots of objects. Game eventually becomes near unplayable.
  • Xperia Z3: Same as the S5, however after 5 min the temperature of the phone increases by 16-20°C (value taken from built in battery monitoring app) the game will then completely crash. Battery life is drained by 20% after only 5 min.
  • Nexus 7 (2013): This was a fresh install so we only played the tutorial. We couldn’t accurately test the lag effects with lots of objects on the screen… But after 5 minutes of play, the device became too hot to comfortably hold and we had to turn it off to cool the device down. We were afraid it would cause lasting damage to the device and the owner then requested we immediately delete Runners and never install it on again.

You want to know something even more head scratching? These were running in streamlined mode, which is designed to take pressure of the processor and make the game perform better…. however our soft launch versions did not have streamlined mode turned on! Yet it’s performing this badly with streamlined mode on!?

Sega… What the hell happened!? How do two of the most advanced phones on the market go from playing the game flawlessly to struggling and in one case failing after 5 min of gameplay time?

The Nexus 7 can probably be explained by the fact it’s older hardware and Runners does demand a lot. But still, the heat generated was worrying to the owner of the device so if you have a Nexus 7 2013, avoid runners like the Black Death.

This is just bad optimisation, pure and simple. There is no way a game like Runners should be causing this many problems on these devices. Whilst I personally haven’t been able to test an iOS build, I’ve been told it’s a lot better, which suggests to me the Android version is a port which got little development or tooling. I would say that this claim is further supported by the fact that the Android version on launch crashed during start up due to a major problem the always online DRM, questioning how this got past the Q&A if the game had been optimised for this platform.

So technically, the game is bad. It’s really bad. In fact I’d go as far as to say it’s there with Sonic 06 and Rise of Lyric, because for as buggy as those games are, at least they allow you to play for more than 5 min and do not melt your system.

Other noticeable bugs: Buddies no longer pick up animals, the asteroid wisp will sometimes spiral to the top of the screen out of control, totally ruining a run.

I’m not touching the screen, the wisp just refuses to come down.

Then there is this odd thing…

Charmy the Knuckles

Yes it’s funny, but you add this will the other technical problems and you really do question if any optimisation or QA took place.

Aside from it’s technical performance, are there any other problems. Yes… dear lord yes.

Lets get onto the Red Rings. Red Rings are the second form of currency that this game uses, they are much harder to come by and when you get some, it’s in very limited stock. Red Rings are used to by normal rings or extra lives, but their primary use is to use on the roulette wheel and gain buddies.

What are buddies? They’re small characters that accompany you in stages which add a bunch of effects ranging from score boosters to ring recovery and other positive effects. The vast majority of them are pointless, but some of the rarer ones are highly valuable and the key to doing well on the leader boards.

The catch is that the only way to get them is from either a special event, or from spending 50 red rings on the roulette wheel, at which point you are granted a random buddy. If you get the same buddy, it levels up before capping at level 5. The problem now is that following the worldwide release, Sega has drastically slashed the number of red star rings you can get.

How bad is it? Well under the soft launch version, completing all parts of the final scenario rewarded you with 90 red rings. 10 for each episode, 50 for the final boss. To complete the final scenario, you need a total score of 50 million, so 50 million = 90 red rings.

But in the worldwide launch, you only get 5 per episode and only 10 for the final boss! So now you only get 30 for completing the 5 hardest levels in the game. A total point requirement of 50 million, so 50 million = 30 red rings!

What about other red ring methods? You can randomly find one in a stage, Eggman may drop one if you’re lucky, and if you spam your friends Facebook accounts you can get 10 if they sign up to Runners and use your referral… oh wait hang on… that feature is currently broken.

You are therefore forced to use real world money to buy red rings. And how have Sega welcomed new users to this? By ripping them off.


Prior to the worldwide launch, the highest red ring price was £24.99 for 700 red rings. In the new worldwide version it’s £30 for 481, yet they still have the gall to claim that this is a sale price! But wait? What’s that bonus +1019 red ring amount, that apparently gets removed if you are actually silly enough to buy rings from the store? They call it a ‘first time buyers bonus.’ After you make your first purchase, it returns to 481.

For new players who have just picked up the game, sorry to say this but you are totally screwed. You won’t ever be able to touch those who have been playing this game for months. Their buddies are too well levelled up and they have the special limited edition characters which boost score. Don’t even try, it’s over.

See this? This is why you will NEVER be able to touch those higher level players.

…Unless you spend several hundred pounds in red rings. Then you ‘might’ have a chance, but you won’t. You won’t because you won’t have the limited edition characters who have better bonuses, so why even bother?

And now we get to a major problem with Sonic Runners in terms of it’s design and ethical issues.

Is anyone ok with the fact that Runners is essentially a gambling machine aimed at children?

The game has now forced you to use the micro-transaction system. The only thing worth spending that on is the roulette wheel, which is no different than playing real roulette in a casino. You pay money, then take a chance at the wheel to get a reward.

Sonic Runners essentially becomes a miniature gambling machine, you are enticed to put real money in, then spend that money in the form of red rings, you gamble those rings for prizes, this is gambling, there is no other way to describe it. Then we get into the very murky waters of the fact that the game is aimed at children. This is a miniature gambling game aimed at kids. Surely this should have a higher ESRB rating than it currently does given that it has gambling in it?

 Before you say ‘well it’s not really gambling’ explain how? It’s no different from any other form of gambling. In fact it’s just a virtual form of casino chips, if you spend money on this game, then use those rings on the wheel, you are gambling, think about that for a moment. Some of you will be ok with it, but I know a few won’t be.

Were red rings common in the original? No, you still had to work to earn them, but you could get them for playing and doing well if you were dedicated and were generally good at the game. Now, they’re virtually non existent. So few are available that you’ll be crying out for special events or bite the bullet and spend real money to gamble with.

Your chances to get rings are further restricted due to the life/revive change. Whilst this change came during the soft launch, it was done so close to the worldwide launch it’s worth mentioning; you are now only given 3 lives. 1 life will recharge every 30 min. After which you’re told to buy more or wait until they recharge.

Even more pathetic an insult, Sega have been releasing new characters. The only way to get them is by using the roulette wheel. There’s a mere 6% chance at getting said characters. The catch is that their bonuses are much better than the default characters, so if you want to compete, gotta get these characters.

Facebook support suddenly disabled

Even Amy is dangled in front of your face like some kind of bait. Spam your Facebook friends who might have no interest in the game, hope they’ll use your referral and you might get Amy… except Facebook links are currently broken so this is impossible.

To read the rest of this review, please take a moment to just stare at this picture of Aspirin for 30 seconds.

You want more examples of how the free to play nature ruins what is a decent game? Adverts… everywhere, even for completing a stage, you now get an advert, say goodbye to your mobile data limits as these are video files, the majority of which are 30 seconds long. So far I’ve not seen one which relates to Sonic or Sega, and some have nothing to do with gaming.

This brings me onto another change. When you die in a stage, you can continue if you watch a video advert (there is a limited number per day). This sounds like a great idea… but like most other parts of the game, there are problems. Sometimes the adverts don’t play, sometimes the adverts crash or freeze your game, forcing you to quit, taking with it your life and doesn’t compensate you in any way, and sometimes the adverts are for things not available in your region. I got one advert for medication which isn’t available in the UK!

The always online requirement is still here, and once again it’s proved how pointless it is, players are already cheating and have been cheating for months, asking the question, why the hell is this even a thing? The game would be so much better if this wasn’t even here, it’s just pointless and restrictive to how and where you can play.

So I’ve complained for a while, might as well offer some solutions to these problems.

  • Scrap the online only requirement, it doesn’t do anything and isn’t preventing cheating.
  • Optimise the game. For the love of god optimise the game for Android.
  • Return the red ring rewards for completing the final episode to the soft launch levels.
  • Stop putting characters on the roulette wheel and give us a store to buy them from for a limited period of time.

Overall, Sonic Runners was once a really great little game. It was really fun to play and I got lots of enjoyment from it. Then something happened called the Worldwide launch and Sonic runners was turned into a broken mess littered with adverts and the very worst of  methods to try and extract money from you.


That’s not a browser advert, I just felt you all needed to see a Game of War advert, since Runners wants you to see them all the time, maybe it’s viral marketing for Eggman’s army having a cross over in Game of War?

Don’t do it, do not waste your time with this, there was a great game here, it’s gone now, it died with the worldwide release. Unless they fix the blatantly broken android version, radically overhaul the red ring system and cut down the adverts avoid this game.

You’ll Love:
+ When it works, the simple gameplay which is fun.
+ The moment you manage to unlock a new character.
+ Knuckles threatening to kill Eggman.

 You’ll hate:

–  In terms of its technical performance, it’s easily one of the worst Sonic games of all time.
–  Stuttering, lag, freezes after a short period of play.
–  Adverts.
–  Always online.
–  It’s a gambling machine aimed at children.
–  Designed to take money from you, not reward your ability to play.
–  Overheating of your device.
–  Trying to explain to your partner why their expensive phone has melted/no longer performs well due to overheating.
*Review based on the Android version of the game, running on Galaxy S5, Nexus 7 (2013) & Sony Xperia Z3.*

Second Opinion by Bradd039243d0917679ed9762e415af2f9e8

Played on the iPhone 5C, using the latest version of iOS.

When I reviewed the initial build of the game, I had nothing but praise for it. In fact, I called it the best Sonic title we’ve seen since Sonic Generations. While I hold to what I said regarding that soft launch version… there’s no way I can continue to hold that opinion with this new worldwide release.

First, I want to go over the positives – the game is still simple and fun in terms of its gameplay. It inherits some of the classic design philosophies but modernised for a new platform and it’s fun to experience. Furthermore, the production values haven’t gone anywhere either. The music from Ohtani is still top notch (if not slightly repetitive by the game’s nature) and the visuals are still great.

Something I highlighted as a positive in my initial look was how it was fair with its freemium nature. This has, unfortunately, become quite the opposite. Runners’ worldwide build finally is using in game advertisements to a mixed approach. I don’t mind having the ability to use a free revive by viewing an ad, but I don’t appreciate them appearing when I try to see my results or return to the main menu.

Daily Challenges are at least more easily completed in the worldwide release.
Daily Challenges are at least more easily completed in the worldwide release.

Red Rings have also become a true premium currency with a questionable approach. The soft launch version not only was more generous in terms of how it rewarded players with them, but I also never felt pressured to spend them. This version has cut rewarded Red Rings in half for defeating most boss encounters in game and upped prices in the store – this, alongside the awful luck based system to earns new characters and buddies, only discourages me from playing the game or purchasing premium currency.

My other negatives still stand also. The game does lack variety (don’t expect to be playing Runners for long periods of time without becoming bored), the story is still abysmally uninteresting/poorly written, and some obstacles in the game feel very cheap. But aside from what I’ve mentioned above, there’s still one more gigantic negative the worldwide version has brought – which is performance issues.

Never during the game’s soft launch builds did I ever experience issues with how the game performed. It ran smoothly and meant that generally, players at fault would be punished fairly. The worldwide version has brought very noticeable stuttering and lag to the gameplay. And this wouldn’t be much of an issue… if it didn’t cause your runs to mess up completely. Lag will make your jump go a little too high, or for you to miss an enemy, or to hit that obstacle you had dodged a thousand times before suddenly smack you in the face. This issue affects the experience immensely.

A few other things I should mention about this worldwide version of the game, as it stands:

  • A great fix the game made was showing players what level they would be facing before they entered regardless of the progress you made. This allows you to be much more prepared, and not feel cheated when you enter a level with Tails and fail immensely in a power based stage.
  • Revive tokens have been completely nerfed. Not only have they been cut to three, the recovery time for them has been increased. This could be to encourage players to connect with their Facebook friends so they can send revive tokens to one another.
  • A new experience system has been introduced. A great idea in concept and would encourage you to perform better in your runs – however the experience system feels limited and not generous on any level, even at just level 10. It makes you think it may just be another nudge to spend more rings, which in turn may make you want to use premium currency to attain…?

I’d quite frankly call the worldwide launch of Sonic Runners a bit of a failure – not only have they made a fun little mobile game a money hungry monster, they’ve introduced new problems to soft launch players that never existed before. This version of Runners is not the same experience anymore, and that truly saddens me.

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UPDATE: The Spin: “What Do You Mean? There’s a Problem With Sonic Runners?”


UPDATE: Following the publication of this article, the following happened.

A YouTube Video was posted showing a possible workaround for the instant crash bug. Looks like it was related to the always online DRM.

UPDATE 2: Sega has published a new update for Android users, the instant crash bug has been fixed but performance problems are still being experienced.

Game still can’t be downloaded by some users despite the fact it runs on those devices fine.


Continue reading UPDATE: The Spin: “What Do You Mean? There’s a Problem With Sonic Runners?”

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Sega Release A Gorgeous Animation for Sonic’s 24th Birthday

Today marks 24 years since Sonic the Hedgehog was first released, to mark the occasion Sega of Japan posted something very special, roughly translated, a designer at Sonic team was tasked with “drawing Sonic,” Well not only did they draw Sonic, but they also release this rather well done animation of the process.

birthday animation

The animation was posted to Sega of Japan’s official Vine account, unfortunately it was uncredited so we don’t know who we should be thanking directly for this excellent piece of work.

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Sonic Boom Fire & Ice’s Plot Sure Sounds Familiar


Sonic Boom Fire & Ice may not have been at E3, but it’s up on Amazon for pre-order, along with a brief plot synopsis which some may find they’ve heard before.

Dr. Eggman has discovered the supercharged element ragnium on the mythical Island of Ragna Rock. He mines it as a fuel source, piping off the messy by-products of the operation to adjacent islands, creating fire and ice gameplay. Using this fuel to power his ultra-fast bot racers is his latest plan to discredit his eternal rival Sonic, but backed by ragnium, fire and ice, a robot army, and D-Fekt, an unflinchingly powerful henchman, this time Dr. Eggman just may succeed. Sonic and friends must re-claim each island by destroying enemies, vanquishing the Island Defender, winning rival races, and reversing the flow of the elemental tubes. It all culminates with an epic battle on the Island of Ragna Rock where Sonic may just have to save Dr. Eggman from his own creation.

Eggman finds a source of incredible power, builds a powerful robot army, his creation turns against him, Sonic has to save Eggman.

That sounds, very familiar to a lot of previous Sonic games, in fact it sounds very similar to the plot of Rise of Lyric in many ways.

Amazon is currently asking for $39.99 for pre-orders and currently has a placeholder release date in place.

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Sonic Runners Merchandise Coming to Joypolis

sonic runners merchWell Sega must be pretty happy with how Sonic Runners is doing if this pic is to be believed. Later this month, Joypolis will be hosting a Sonic themed birthday party for Sonic’s 24th birthday, in a post on the Sega’s Joypolis website, there are what appear to be new Sonic Runners themed merchandise.

To launch at the event & to be given away as gifts to attendees, there will be new Sonic Runners themed ‘clear files’ (folders), and a Sonic Runners drinking flask.

Odds are these will never be seen outside of Joypolis, however, the fact they have been commissioned says that Sega definitely view Sonic Runners as being a success even though it’s still in a Soft Launch testing window period.

Source: Joypolis

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Angry Birds are Coming to Sonic Dash

angrybirdssonicdash1Boy this is really turning into one of those weeks isn’t it? In a move which nobody saw coming, Sega and Rovio have partnered together to announce that Angry Birds are coming to Sonic Dash in a special one off event.

The event starts today and will run for three weeks, featuring a different Angry Bird from Angry Birds Epic each week, including Red ‘Knight,’ Chuck ‘Mage,’ and Bomb ‘Pirate.’ During the game, players can collect special Angry Birds Epic tokens to unlock featured characters. Once a character is successfully unlocked, it will remain playable following the close of the event.

Curiously, Hardlight have removed all traces of the event from their social media outlets yet a press release has still been sent out, it reads as follows.


Sonic Dash Celebrates 100 Million Downloads with Angry Birds Epic

Sonic gets by with a little help from his friends for a celebration of epic proportions. SEGA®, in partnership with Rovio Entertainment Ltd., is proud to announce that today Angry Birds™ Epic will be appearing in Sonic Dash™ for a limited time on the App Store, Google Play™, Amazon Appstore and Windows Phone Store. This in-game event will include three of the most popular and best-known characters from the Angry Birds franchise: Red, Chuck and Bomb.

This three-week in-game event will feature a different fan-favorite Angry Bird from Angry Birds Epic each week, including Red ‘Knight,’ Chuck ‘Mage,’ and Bomb ‘Pirate.’ Players will dash through the endless runner, collecting the special Angry Birds Epic tokens to unlock featured characters. Once a character is successfully unlocked, it will remain playable following the close of the event. Players will also have the option to purchase Red, Chuck, and Bomb using premium currency during the event.

“Our EPIC Sonic collaboration together with SEGA is a fantastic milestone for Angry Birds,” said Wilhelm Taht, Head of External Products at Rovio. “Having two such iconic game characters and games work seamlessly together will delight millions of fans worldwide in both Sonic Dash and Angry Birds Epic.”

Sonic Dash is also celebrating a major milestone — the game has achieved over 100 million downloads since its launch in March of 2013. SEGA is proud to have hit this landmark, making Sonic Dash the most downloaded Sonic mobile game in the history of the legacy IP.

The Angry Birds Epic in-game event starts today and will run for three weeks. For more information on Sonic Dash, please visit the official Facebook and Twitter pages.

So Angry Birds & Sonic, lets us know your feelings in the comments.



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Sonic Boom Might Get A Movie…?


You know, I almost didn’t post this up here… the reason being is that this particular piece of PR is so poorly worded I have no idea if they’re talking about Sonic Boom or the normal Sega Sonic Universe.

In an interview with Sonic Boom Fire & Ice producer Omar Woodley, he had a rather interesting thing to say with regards to the future of Sonic.

When asked, is this new Sonic game represents the future of the franchise? Woodley states the following.

“Sonic Boom is meant to branch away from the classic/legacy Sonic. Our plan is to go forward with both the modern Sonic and the legacy Sonic, but the Sonic Team will handle the legacy side of things in Japan. For us, the Western initiatives will tie into the toys, merchandising animation – movies potentially even. We’re branching out into the more upbeat adventure style theme for Sonic Boom.”

However, due to the way this quote is worded, it’s difficult to tell if this means that Sonic Team will handle the legacy side of things and the west will handle things which tie into it such as a movie, or if it means that along with toys, merchandise and animation, that they are also looking into a potential movie deal for Boom.

Does anyone want this? Let us know in the comments.

Source: USGamer

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Sonic Spinball Ride To Close For Safety Enhancements

Sonic at Sonic Spinball ride

Last Tuesday, there was a terrible crash at the Alton Towers theme Park in which 4 people were seriously injured on the Smiler roller-coaster, which resulting in Alton Towers being closed until the Health & Safety Executive and Alton Towers could conduct a full investigation.

Following the accident, the park owners (Merlin Entertainments) announced that they would be upgrading several rides across several different theme parks with additional safety features and standards. Some of these features were put into place instantly, some however required rides to be closed until additional safety features could be put into place. The specifics of these were not given, however they did say that the majority were software upgrades on pre-existing systems.

Today Alton Towers has announced that the park will reopen on Monday, however the Smiler and the entire section of park which it’s found in will remain closed to the public.

You’re probably thinking, what does this have to do with Sonic?

Well, Alton Towers has the Sonic Spinball ride, despite not being in the same section of park as the Smiler, it too will be closed on Monday for an unknown period of time until “Enhanced Safety Protocols have been implemented.”

Now before people react in an alarmist manner, Sonic Spinball is a safe ride which meets all safety standards, it’s just that Merlin Entertainments has been looking at all it’s rides and carrying out upgrades and enhancements on similar rides in response to Tuesdays terrible accident. Heck I went on it last year and I had a blast, I’ll probably go on it again when I go back later this year, it’s a fun ride.

However, as a response to the accident, Sonic Spinball will be closed for an undisclosed period of time until the upgrades can be fully implemented. So if you were planning on going soon since it’s near the end of school/college/university term to specifically go on the Sonic Spinball ride, you might want to change your dates.

For more information on how to do that, you’re best contacting Alton Towers directly who have been refunding/changing ticket dates for people.

Source: Alton Towers

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Sonic Runners PuyoPuyo Quest Details Revealed

Sonic Runners has been running for a few months now and in the coming days a new event will be held. Sonic Runners & Puyo Puyo Quest will be combining to produce a special event for Sonic Runners players. Continue reading Sonic Runners PuyoPuyo Quest Details Revealed

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Sonic Boom Themed Monopoly, Top Trumps & Other More Coming Soon

sonic monopoly

In the newest issue of Toy World Magazine, there is a small section on Sega Europe in which they detail plans for Sonic Boom themed products which will be released in the UK and IRE later this year. Aside from confirming Sonic Boom the TV show and the toyline from Tomy, they also detail a number of previously unannounced products.

The products detailed are as follows.

  • Sonic Boom Themed Monopoly Game
  • Sonic Boom Themed Top Trumps
  • Adult & Child clothing line from TVM
  • Sonic Boom branded headphones & speakers.

There’s no firm release date for these products, other than autumn, however the TVM clothing line could be coming to Tesco stores as early as Summer 2015.

Source: ToyWorld Mag

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Sonic Boom’s UK run will only be 14 episodes & won’t be in HD


Sonic Boom is finally coming to the UK on Monday, however some details are now emerging which some may find extremely disappointing.

The first piece of news is that Boomerang UK is not a HD channel, nor does Boomerang have a HD channel. Meaning every episode of Sonic Boom in the UK will not be shown in HD, no 720p or 1080p for us, we have to make do with 4:3.

The second bit of news comes from the Sky+ app, Sonic Boom is now appearing on the TV listings when searched, each episode is listed along with a brief plot and episode number. It’s the episode number which is now drawing some concern. Based on the information from the Sky+ app, there are only 14 episodes in the UK’s Sonic Boom run.

If this information is correct, given how Sonic Boom is being shown from Monday to Friday in the UK, Boom’s entire UK run will be over in 3 weeks. Whilst it’s possible that this might be an error, looking at a number of other shows on the app, their listings appear to be correct. Another possibility is that this is a series break, but after only 3 weeks this would be a strange move.

We’ll keep you up to date if this information changes.

Thanks to everyone on our forums who pieced this together.

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No Summer of Sonic for 2015

sospeopleIn a move which confirms what many suspected, the Summer of Sonic Team have released a statement on their official Facebook page confirming that there will not be an event for this year. However, they do not rule out a return in the future.

Statement is as follows.

We’ve had a lot of questions and lovely messages from fans about this, and so we don’t want to give the wrong impression by not saying anything. So just to clear up what you might have heard, there are no plans for a Summer of Sonic event this year.

The whole team would love to host a show for you again soon, and if the stars align in the future we will shout it from the rooftops.

Thanks again for all of your wonderful support.

So, sad news, but they don’t rule out that it won’t ever be back, so who knows, the future may still hold an event. Anyone got a time stone so we can go right now?

Source: Summer of Sonic Facebook page.



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Sonic Dash Extreme Video, Pics & Details


Over the weekend, news broke that Sonic Dash had undergone a transformation into an arcade machine, well it turns out that TSS’ own Project Phoenix aka TitansCreed was the one who made the discovery and has since provided us with a number of photos of the arcade cabinet and a video of his discovery too.

Based on the video, you can play as Rouge and a number of other characters (we’ll get into those later). However one of the biggest differences is that you as you play the game, collect rings and get points, these are ranked and graded, your grade determines how many prize tickets you are rewarded with.


The images on the side of the cabinet suggest that you can play as Sonic, Tails, Shadow, Knuckles, Amy and TC also confirms that Blaze, Rouge and Cream are also playable. Other bits of information are confirmation that the cabinet is made by Sega Amusements


As well as the images, here is TC’s thoughts on the game in question

The level and character choice is completely random, in place of your touch pad you have a giant D-Pad in which to make your choice in terms of movements. Left and right for the obvious movements and up for jump and down for dash, in a similar style to the mobile game.

The boss is where things change slightly, and for the worst as it is in the players detriment. You have two target reticules you have to align in order to hit the boss. You only have one chance per area and you need to hit the boss three times, just like in the mobile version to proceed. If you miss once the game ends, there’s no going onto the next level, an instant game over.

All for the lovely price of £1, you end up with about a minute’s worth of gameplay…

What do you think? Still want to play this? Let us know in the comments.

For full sized pics, check out our gallery.

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Sonic Dash Extreme – Dashing into Butlins

sonicdashextremeSo this came out of nowhere.

Community member TitansCreed spotted a rather odd arcade machine during his holiday yesterday, an arcade version of Sonic Dash entitled ‘Sonic Dash Extreme.’

According to what details we can gather from the picture and TC’s tweets, the game plays a lot like it’s mobile counterpart with one or two differences.

  • Character selection is random, as is level stage.
  • If you fail to beat the boss, it’s game over.

From what little information we can tell, the arcade machine appears to be made by ‘Sega Amusements’ and rewards the player by giving them prize redemption tickets. However, there are no details about the machine on their website.

We do however have a location of this particular machine. It was found in the Butlins holiday resort in Minehead (United Kingdom), so chances are it’ll soon find it’s way to other arcades around the UK.

Titans Creed has promised to upload a video of the machine in action once he gets home, we’ll update you when that arrives.

Source: Twitter.

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Sonic Boom UK Air Date & Time


Despite there being no official announcement from Sega or Boomerang UK we finally have the date and most importantly, times for the UK’s showing of Sonic Boom. According to details found in numerous TV Guides, the times that Boom will be shown is as follows.

June 1st 2015.

  • 4:00pm (First airing of Boom in the UK)
  • 6:30pm (Repeat of the 4PM episode)

Then from June 2nd 2015

  • 7:30am (From 2nd of June onwards, Repeat of June 1st’s episodes)
  • 4:00pm (New episode)
  • 6:30pm  (Repeat of 4pm episode)

So three times per day, every day on Boomerang UK starting from June 1st.

Don’t forget to set your VCRs.

Thanks to Nightwing on SSMB for the heads up.

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UPDATE: Sonic Boom Free To Play Mobile Games Coming?

 UPDATE: 24 hours later, the account which posted this information has since been made ‘private.’ Read into that what you like.


A long time ago, it was hinted that there would be some mobile games based on the Sonic Boom brand. Whilst there has been no further confirmation on their existence, this LinkedIn listing suggests that they do/did exist in some form.

According to a listing on LinkedIn, the Director of Live Operations at Sega Networks and Three Rings Studio (both of which are Sega mobile game development studios), states that he was a point of contact for a number of Sonic Boom projects including F2p Mobile Games.

As you can see in the screen grab above, this person was the mobile F2P contact point for Sega trans-media projects, such as Sonic Boom, listed in brackets are Cartoon Network, Nintendo, toys and merchandise and the yet announced F2P Mobile games.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to know if this means that the games are still in production or if this was a cancelled project since there has been no other word on mobile games related to Sonic Boom since Boom was first announced over a year ago.

We’ll update you if more details come to light.

Source: LinkedIn

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Sonic Boom to Air in The UK On June 1st!

boomjune1stWell this is a surprise! Sonic Boom has been quite the hit TV to audiences in the US and France since November of last year, however, when Sega said that Boom wouldn’t be coming to the UK until fall of 2015.

Well looks like something has changed! Multiple reports are from people living in the UK say that an advert has appeared on TV which shows Sonic Boom is coming to the UK on June 1st.

Boom is going to be broadcast on the Boomerang UK channel, as of yet there is no timeslot or details as to how many episodes will be shown per slot.

Keep checking TSS if more details come we’ll let you know.

Thanks to Blue Paradox for the image.


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Sonic 4 Episode 1 & 2 Removed From Mobile Markets

Well that didn’t take long, barely 24 hours after Sega said that they would be removing some mobile games which didn’t meet their ‘standards’ it appears that our first casualty is a Sonic game. In a move which has surprised pretty much no one, Sonic 4 Episode 1 & 2 have been removed from some mobile market places. Continue reading Sonic 4 Episode 1 & 2 Removed From Mobile Markets

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SEGA to Remove Mobile Games That “No Longer Meet Standards”

SEGA has confirmed via a blog post that an unknown number of SEGA mobile titles will be removed from various services if they “no longer meet our standards.” The problem? SEGA won’t say which ones… odds are though that it’ll be poorly emulated titles, or those which got a poor rating or suffer from compatibility problems on modern OS systems and devices (looking at you, Sonic 4). Continue reading SEGA to Remove Mobile Games That “No Longer Meet Standards”

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G.E. Entertainment Reveals New Big & Espio Plushies

bigplushGE Entertainment have been on a roll lately with their plush lines, as well as being the first company to make a plush on Jet The Hawk, they’ve also produced Rouge, Chaos Zero and Classic Robotnik.

Well, it looks like Big & Espio are up next.

Both these characters haven’t had much love when it comes to plush lines, Jazwares didn’t put their Big plush into production, fans now have to rely on finding a Sonic Adventure era plush for big which is kinda pricey. Espio is even worse, he was only released in the Sonic the Fighters plush line.


But now, both these characters will get a new plush incarnation thanks to GE. No details on release yet, but no doubt it’ll be coming out very soon since GE usually lists their products very close to release.

How can you get one? Ebay and Amazon sellers are the most likely candidates.

Thanks to Ogilvie for the heads up


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Sonic Fan Film “The Hedgehog” is Released


This came out of nowhere didn’t it? A user on our forums posted this a short while ago and I have to admit, this one really surprised me in terms of how good it is.

So, I should say right now, given how this film ends, I was a little hesitant to news it, on reflection whilst it held my interest and I was impressed with the product, I do not think the film ended well, even though I can see what the directors were trying to do, some people are going to be affected by how the film ends. So I would advise caution if you decide to watch this, certainly don’t watch it if you’re feeling down.

However, I decided to news it because aside from being Sonic related, it’s actually very well made, the cinematography and storytelling are really high quality and some of the visuals are clever, it’s a film that makes you think as you watch it.

So what’s it about? Well, to quote the film itself.

A lone boy wanders the open landscape of a suburban park. Dressed as his favourite video game hero, he daydreams for adventure but the reality of his uneventful world disappoints him. He follows a strangely familiar man to an old house where he stumbles upon a peculiar truth to his lonely existence.

I’ve watched it, I was pretty impressed. It’s really good short film in terms of cinematography and storytelling. There is no dialogue in the film, the story is told completely through visuals, such as the expressions and gestures of the characters, the use of the cinematography, the music, lighting.

I also liked how the films creators handled elements of the fictional video game world and blended them into the real life world, though… that ending is little… depending how you interpret it, you might not like it.

The film was created by directing duo Chris Lee and Paul Storrie, the film has also been nominated for the British Council best short award.

Personally, I would definitely give this film a watch, if you’ve got any interest in film and storytelling, it’s well worth it, but the ending is going to make you depressed.

Head over to the official website to watch the film.


Edit: After reflection, I will most likely be doing an instalment of ‘The Spin’ on this film because a lot needs to be said.

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Neil Light Breaks a London Marathon World Record Whilst Dressed as Sonic

neillightmarathonToday was the day of the London Marathon, each year runners from all over the world pound the streets of London, some do it for fun, some do it to raise money and some do it to challenge themselves.

Well one runner, a Mr Neil Light decided that this year he would dress as Sonic the Hedgehog during his race, however he also had a second goal. He would not only run as Sonic, but also attempt to break the world record for the fastest time to cross the line by a runner dressed as a video game character. That means he has to run the full 26 miles in full costume, he must cross the line with the whole costume intact, if any part of it drops off, the record is void.

Well… he’s done it!

According to multiple sources, Neil has not only succeeded in completing the marathon, but he’s also broken the world record, setting a time of 3:09:28! Who previously held that record..? Mario & Luigi, yup that’s right, the previous record was held by Mario & Luigi who crossed the line as a pair to set a time of 3 hours,  29 minutes. Neil has smashed that record.

Neil crosses the line

Furthermore, Neil is also raising money for Bipolar UK, he has nearly reached his target, but is just under, if you fancy helping him reach his goal, feel free to contribute to his just giving page here.

Source: The Mirror

Neil Lights just giving page.

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Sonic Boom Toys Now Available in the UK

boomukWay back in September we brought you news that TOMY had confirmed that the Sonic Boom toys would be coming to the UK, well several months later, it looks like the merch has landed, or have they?

According to this photo, a number of toys from TOMY’s Sonic Boom toyline have made their way into a UK Store, however, all is not as it seems.

The toyshop in question is named ‘Toy Planet’ which sounds like an independent toy store, but it’s actually an associate store of the toy shop chain ‘Toymaster.’ What does this mean? Well, Toymaster associate stores in the past have been known to order/import items for ‘test runs’ which may or may not reflect the wider chain of stores. Back when Jazwares released a bunch of 20th anniversary toys, one Toymaster associate store got in some 20th anniversary toys which never saw a wide release in the UK.

To further complicate matters, Toymaster doesn’t have an online ordering service, nor does it have a full toy catalogue on it’s website, so trying to verify if this is nation wide isn’t easy.

The photo itself was taken from a store in Derby, the person who took the photo also confirmed that the talking plush, running action Sonic and a Knuckles figure were also in stock, the prices break down as follows.

  • Sonic + Ripcord = £9.99
  • Knuckles + Hoverboard = £9.99
  • Sonic Running Action Figure = £12.99
  • Talking Plush = £14.99
  • Sonic Boom launcher = £22.99

Although considering Tomy said that they would appear, it might just be possible that these toys are indeed nation wide here in the UK, you would be best checking your local toy stores just in case they pop up.

We’ll update you if we get confirmation that this isn’t just a one off.

Source: Sonic the Hedgehog Collections

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Sonic Boom Was Once Called Sonic Synergy


We’ve talked a lot in the past about the development of Sonic Boom, since its release, former employees of Big Red Button have posted tons of early development material regarding it’s development which indicate it was once a much larger and very different game.

Bob Rafei

One such piece of evidence was a photograph taken inside Big Red Button showing what appeared to be an old logo for the game, however the name wasn’t quite clear and since then nobody has confirmed the name.

However, we now know what it is. Sonic Synergy was the original title for Sonic Boom, both the Wii U and 3DS version.

According to a website for Edward Moore who was a UX/UI design consultant for Sonic Boom, Boom was once entitled Sonic Synergy.

He describes his input on Boom as

High level User Experience & UI Design, Flash/Actionscript implementation for the majority of HUD elements, and Localization Production and Debugging.

Along with this are two UI diagrams for both the Wii U and 3DS version of Boom, these diagrams both contain the original Sonic Synergy title screen, as well as other early concept artwork for the game.

In addition to this, there’s evidence to suggest that Boom Sonic looked a lot different.


Sonic’s arms are back to being tan in colour, spikes are also different, much more like the Sega Sonic version. Amy also has some differences too.

What do you think? Sonic Synergy? Good title? Bad title? And Sonic’s alternative design? Like it, Hate it? Let us know in the comments.

To see the full sized images UI designs, check out the gallery below.

Source: Coroflot

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Sonic Runners Tips & Secrets


Sonic Runners has been out for a few weeks now, despite the popularity of the game, there are still a bunch of hidden tips and secrets which not many people know about. Some of which have big positive effects on the player. So this update is a list of some of the biggest and best tips that we’ve found as well as some that not many people are aware of, none of these involve modifying save files or any other file edits, they’re in-game features people don’t know exist or are ignoring.

So lets start with one of the biggest ones shall we.

Stop the Premium Wheel on Whatever Space You Want!

runners premium wheel1

Confession time, I have not yet got this to work myself, but after some practice I am getting better at it, some people have claimed they have gotten all the Chaotix this way and from my own testing I believe after practice you can nail the timing.

You know that premium wheel, the one which you have to use eggs or red rings to use?

Well there is a way to stop it on whatever spot you want.

When you start the wheel let it do one or two full rotations, if you then tap the spin button again, the wheel will abruptly stop. However, it doesn’t stop right away, it enters the slowdown animation and if you time it right; it’s possible to trigger the animation so the dial will stop in the exact spot you want it.

For the Chaotix, if you imagine the wheel as a clock, it’s best to tap it just as the dial enters the area of 6-9 O’clock. What should happen is that the dial will stop spinning, at around 10-11 O’clock, it will then enter the slowdown animation and creep over into the next space, which is the Chaotix Egg/top prize.

As far as I can tell, you can also do this with the golden eggs too.

I strongly recommend you practice this using the desktop version of the game, you can lose all your red rings VERY quickly attempting this. If you want to practice, download ‘Andy‘ and the APK file for the game and practice with new accounts. It’ll take around 10 min to get your first free spin of the wheel. When you get the timing down, try it on your main account.

Get Bonus Rings For Clicking a Name

runners rewards

There are one or two things you need to do before doing this.

1: You need to Link your account to your Facebook profile. (check the options menu if you didn’t do it in the tutorial).

2: You need to have friends on your Facebook who are playing Sonic Runners.

If you have that, then you can do this next trick.

On the main menu, go to the leader boards, then select ‘friends,’ now select your friend and their player card pops up. At the bottom is the ability to ‘send them a challenge’ do it.

Wait one hour/shut down, then restart the game.

You are now given 2,500 rings for every challenge you sent. Regardless as to if that friend logged in and played the game. So long as you sent a challenge, you get free rings. It’s that simple. The cost to you? Nothing, just a few taps on the leader board screen.

Get/Give your friends extra lives for free!

This is an amazing side effect of the above trick. You might be thinking ‘I don’t want to spam my friends with challenges.’

Well, you’re not.

Your friend doesn’t get a challenge, what they do get however is a free extra life! For whatever reason, the game doesn’t send a challenge, it does however send a free extra life/try, and yes, they stack!

The moment you send a challenge, your friend will get the reward. There is however a cool down period as to when you can do this again, but this is a great way to get tons of attempts at later levels.

Get a 300-500 Combo Bonus

So you might have already seen this, but here is how it works. The more things you collect in runners, the higher your combo bonus goes, in normal play, it caps out at around 30-50 (depends on a few things). However, it’s possible to extend this to 300-500 (depends on how many gems/rings/animals you’ve captured so far without being hit).

First thing you need to do, find the power up which extends your combo period (you’ll be covered in stars). Then, a drill wisp (any wisp works, but drill is best). The combo will now rocket up to 300 or 500 depending on your chain.

On top of that, the drill wisp will also add an additional score multiplier to that which can give you some insane scores.

Don’t Want to Fight Eggman?

You get to the end of a stage, the boss appears… but you don’t want to fight him yet, maybe you’re doing a daily challenge? Maybe you want to farm rings? Maybe you just don’t have time to see if there are red rings in the next area?

Then don’t fight Eggman. You can avoid a battle with the boss if you select ‘play’ instead of showdown, you can do this as long as you like.

How to Perform Mid Air Tricks

So those red springs, finally managed to figure out the timing on those? Well did you know you can perform mid air tricks for even more points?

When you approach a red spring, tap the screen to be catapulted up. The moment this happens, rapidly tap the screen to make your character perform ticks, the higher your combo, the more points you get.

That’s all the tips and secrets for now, but if anything else is discovered we’ll do an update.

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Sonic Boom Helicopters, Cakes, Calendars & Costumes announced


According to details posted on Global License, Sonic Boom is set to get more merchandise and it rangers from novel to delicious.

The newly announced products are as follows.

  • World Tech Toys for an array of remote-controlled helicopters;
  • Bulls I Toys for wearables such as branded dog tags and slap bands, as well as novelty items including erasers, stickers and trading cards;
  • Book and stationery publisher teNeues for 2016 wall calendars based on imagery from the “Sonic Boom” animated series;
  • Bakery Crafts for a line of cake decoration kits, cake/cupcake stands, decorative candles and edible decorations;
  • Advanced Graphics for wall decals and cardboard standees;
  • Accessory Innovations for a back-to-school range that will include backpacks, lunch totes, umbrellas and more; and
  • Rubie’s Costumes Company for Sonic Boom costumes that expand on its existing classic Sonic collection.

The Bulls I Toy merchandise is already out now, but the other stuff is new. I will be very interested if all this stuff actually comes out, typically stories like this always come out at this time of the year and very few of them see the light of day… Though the helicopters thing, that sounds cool.

Also, would you eat a Sonic Boom cake? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Global License

UPDATE: Images of the calendar have surfaced. Price is $15. Click the images to see them full size.

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Sumo Digital Planning Something All-Stars Racing Related

Today marks the 5th anniversary of the original Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing, to celebrate this, Sumo Digital posted some really interesting messages a short while ago.




Well that’s certainly caught my interest. No idea what they have in store at the moment, though personally I would love to see a sequel to the awesome All Stars Racing Transformed.

Keep checking TSS for more info as we get it.

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Sonic X-Treme is Finally Playable

Everybody by now knows the story, the so near yet so far Sonic game which never was. Since November, a user by the name of JollyRodger managed to acquire a build of the game and since then has been trying to get it running on modern stand alone PC’s. The news came with a warning that this process may take months if not years to complete. Continue reading Sonic X-Treme is Finally Playable

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UPDATE: Sonic Boom Shoes, Trading Cards, Shadow, Metal Sonic & More Spotted at Toy Fair 2015

UPDATE: More toys confirmed at the end of the article…

ORIGINAL STORY: It took a while, but we finally have some images of Tomy’s booth from the New York Toy Fair 2015.


The first image was posted on Tomy’s own Facebook page and is a larger shot of the big headed plushes which we brought you news about last week. Included in the shot is an actual physical prototype of the Sonic Shoes which appeared at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in cardboard form.

There also appears to be a new much larger knuckles figure and what looks like clip on Sonic plushes and most surprisingly, what appears to be trading cards as well as a new box set which seems to include Eggman and Knuckles.

However, the second image is what you might find more interesting, we’re not sure on the source of this one, it was posted in our comments by “SpiritOfTheBlue”, so thank you for the heads up.


In the background you can make out more of the clip plushes, including a Knuckles themed one. However what’s more interesting is that there are what appear to be new renders of Metal Sonic & Shadow on a few display pieces, could this indicate that Shadow and Metal Sonic are to appear in the TV show at last? Or at least that they will have some merchandise made in the future? Note how Lyric has been confirmed not to appear in the show, yet Tomy have no Lyric merchandise at all, so far all their merchandise has been TV show themed, seems like a strong hint Shadow and Metal will be in there in some form.

We’ll keep you updated with more news as we get it.


Well that didn’t take long, no sooner had I posted this but I got made aware of two new toys. One of which was staring us all in the face, if we enhance one of those images… check this out.


We can jut make out the figures of what appears to be Amy and Eggman, however what’s strange is… Eggman appears to be green? Odds are it’s from an upcoming episode of Boom. Until more details come out, we are all calling this figure ‘Hulk Eggman’ or ‘Gamma Eggman,’ agreed?

The second image comes from twitter user dadarocks an shows knuckles… with rocket powered shoes!



Aside from getting his game gear Sonic 2 on, odds are this is from another future episode of the show.

Finally, there are three interesting figures in the back of the photo which don’t appear to match the current Boom TV show cast, but do look a lot like some certain other characters we all know.


The one on the right looks a lot like Shadow, could the other two be Metal Sonic?

Edit 2:

A new video has surface giving a look inside TOMY’s Sonic Boom booth, where we can get a much closer look at some of the more ambiguous figures mentioned above along with some new ones.

Some Screengrabs:

If any more news comes to light, we’ll let you know.


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