Sonic Jumping Tour & Sonic Star Race Images Surface

Just over two years ago we brought you news that Sega was opening a new Joypolis theme park in China, along with it were several new Sonic Rides and attractions, whilst a few images were released, some key details were missing, such as what you actually did on the ride and in the case of Sonic Jump Adventure, what you actually watched on the screen.

Since that time; virtually no information about the attractions has surfaced, no video, photos, visitor descriptions of any kind.

Well we can now share with you a few details, Joypolis China has redesigned their website and along with it comes several new photos and descriptions of some of the rides.

Sonic Star Race looks like a bonkers cross between the dodgems section in Twinkle Park and All Stars Racing, but there’s actually a few details here you might miss.

See that screen on the left side? That’s a scoreboard! As you drive around the arena, you get points by driving over the different coloured lights on the floor. Not sure if you get points for using a super horn at other drivers though.

Next up is the most interesting one.The literal translation of this ride was ‘Sonic Jumping Adventure’ but now we finally know it’s actual title ‘Sonic Jumping Tour’. No additional details were given as to what you actually do on this ride, but we do finally get to see part of it and… boy it looks odd. There is a slightly different image available in the gallery, but if you can figure out what’s going on, be sure to let me know in the comments.

Source: Joypolis China

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Three New Sonic Rides Announced For Joypolis China

joypolis china

How many of you have heard of Joypolis? Joypolis has been somewhat of a must travel destination for many older Sonic and Sega fans, a huge indoor theme park full of Sonic and Sega related rides and attractions.

Well Sega have opened a new park, in China, and it has 3 new Sonic theme arcade games/rides.

The attractions are as follows.

Sonic Tropical Resort


A ride based on the level from Sonic Colours, you sit in small cars decorated with wisps and fly in the air. You’ve probably seen similar rides like this at various fairs and theme parks.

Sonic Star Race


Sonic star race is a ‘dodgems/Bumper Cars’ ride in which guests drive Sonic themed cars and dodge/bump into other guests.

And finally…

Sonic Adventure Jump


Sonic Adventure Jump appears to be some kind of movie/cinematic experience, however the rough translation gives a most curious description…

Customers through the eyes of LED large screen showing a 3D image, with the lift operation.
So that passengers can enjoy in real life you can not experience the thrill of the Mercedes-Benz.

This to me sounds like you sit in those chairs, wear 3D glasses and go on an adventure as if you are actually Sonic? The chairs move depending on Sonic’s movements? If you’ve been on the Shrek 4D ride or the Terminator 2 3D ride you might have some idea as to what to expect.

So there you go, now you can stop asking for a new Sonic Adventure game, there it is.

All of these attractions are at the moment exclusive to Joypolis China.

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