Sonic X-Treme is Finally Playable

Everybody by now knows the story, the so near yet so far Sonic game which never was. Since November, a user by the name of JollyRodger managed to acquire a build of the game and since then has been trying to get it running on modern stand alone PC’s. The news came with a warning that this process may take months if not years to complete.

Well… he’s done it.

Sonic X-Treme after 19 years is finally playable, you can download and ‘play’ it right now. Yes, you can download and ‘play’ it right now.

There is however something to keep in mind…

This is a single level release.( More builds and levels to come later !)

We would also like you to know that this is an almost as is port of the engine (Almost as how the original developers had left it, A snapshot in time “if you will”.

This first public release consists of a Jungle level, which I like to refer to as “The E3 Jade Gully level” since it was shown in one of the E3 96 Promo videos.

This is a very early stages release. But if you finally want a taster of what Sonic X-Treme is like, the downloads await you.

Download from the Assembler Forums, or if you don’t have an account, the mirrors are here, here and here.

Edit: According to the documentation, you need Windows 7 or higher to run this.
Edit 2: Nevermind, reports say it will run on older operating systems.

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