It’s Official, More Women Like Sonic Than Men

Well this is really interesting, because if these results are to be believed that everything we think we know about Sonic, including Sega’s own market data is completely wrong.

YouGov recently ran a poll to see which was the top 16 favourite video-games of the British public, coming in at number 1 was Candy Crush (no surprise there),with GTA coming in at number 2. Sonic manages to get on the table at number 13.

What’s more interesting is that the YouGov poll breaks down the results into percentages, and one thing is very clear…

Sonic is more popular with the ladies.

This is, really unexpected, for the following reason, Sega still markets and promotes Sonic as a ‘boys’ franchise. Even when Boom was announced, Sega’s own marketing material had boys as being the primary demographic for Sonic with girls as a secondary. Yet this poll shows that Sonic is nearly twice as popular with women over men.

However, there is one consideration to take with this. The poll doesn’t register the views of anyone aged under 16. Which is Sonic’s primary demographic. There is this huge lie which does the round a lot, that being, Sonic sells best on Nintendo? Erm no… Sonic sells best where the kids are. Which this poll doesn’t recognise, where-ever the kids are, that’s where you’ll find Sonic’s biggest sales.

But this is really interesting, since if it really is an accurate reflection of views worldwide it changes a lot of what was considered Sonic’s primary target demographics. Lets speculate for a moment that both this poll and Sega is correct and Sonic is more popular with boys (males aged under 16), after the age of 18, Sonic’s primary gender demographic shifts over to women. This isn’t the natural assumption to make for a character like Sonic, especially since there is little active female representation within the series (generally speaking), there is much more appeal to males.

Or.. and there is no way to independently verify this, Sonic actually has more appeal to girls than boys at all ages.

The full results of the YouGov poll can be found on their website, as well as what was the better console, the MegaDrive or the Super Nintendo, and who was a better character, Mario or Sonic… I’ll let you look that one up yourself.

Source: YouGov

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Want Sony Characters In ASR PS3? Place Your Vote!

The team at the Official U.S. PlayStation Blog have set up a new feature simply called PlayStation Blog Share where users can set up suggestion polls to get their idea’s out there for consideration and get a clear idea of how high or low demand is for said suggestion with a positive and negative vote system.

Casanova at the SSMB has set up a suggestion poll there for Sony exclusive characters for DLC in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing PS3. If you are interested you can place your vote here.

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Choose Which New Sonic 4 Info You’d Like In SEGA’s Poll

SEGA of America community staffer RubyEclipse has posted a new topic at the SEGA forums informing the Sonic community that SEGA are ready to reveal new information about Sonic the Hedgehog 4 but they want to get the fans involved again. SEGA are holding a poll with two topics to choose from, either the homing attack or music and sound effects.

RubyEclipse’s post is below –

Hey everyone,

In the near future, we’re going to get a chance to talk to you guys more about Sonic 4, including some in-depth discussion about the finer parts of the game.

So, we’d like to let you guys decide which parts you’re most curious about and would like to hear more info on. There may be even more polls like this in the future, but this time around we’re letting you choose between more details on how the Homing Attack works in the game, or, alternatively, the Music / SFX in the game.

Cast your votes between now and this Friday – there’s not an “all of the above!” option just yet, but we’d like to see what interests you the most.

Thanks all!

If you are interested in taking part you will need to sign up for a SEGA Pass if you don’t have one already.

Source: RubyEclipse’s topic posted at the SEGA Forums

Thanks to Dusk the Biohazard Keeper at the SSMB for the heads up.

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IGN Readers Vote Sonic 3rd Most Overrated Videogame Character

sonic-unleashed-shock-face In a recent poll, IGN asked readers to vote for their most overrated video game characters and the top 10 results are now in.

Here’s a list –
1. Master Chief
2. Lara Croft
3. Sonic The Hedgehog
4. Marcus Fenix
5. Chris Redfield
6. Kratos
7. Pac-Man
8. Big Daddy
9. Altair
10. Donkey Kong

As you can see IGN reader votes placed Sonic as the 3rd most overrated video game character, the only two they consider more overrated than Sonic are Lara Croft and Master Chief which is already causing a stir in the Xbox community but should the Sonic community take this in an equally immature manner? Well no, this is a gaming press sites poll like any other to be taken with a grain of salt.

Everyone has opinions and their own different tastes in gaming, what one person likes doesn’t mean another person will like it whether it is a good or bad game. This poll has allowed people to vote on a wide range of characters from various different genre’s too so the vote was always going to be messy and end up with some of the most popular characters ever included in this list.

Some people will no doubt give this list some credibility but that’s their opinion and viewpoint. Yes Sonic has had a rough time for a few years now games wise but I really believe that the gameplay of the Sonic stages in Sonic Unleashed was a big step in the right direction.

Now what are your views on this? Do you think Sonic deserves his spot in 3rd place? Do you think people should listen to it or just shake it off and ignore it?

Thanks to Flamerstreak over at his SSMB topic for the info.

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Vote for the Next Storybook Setting on Facebook

If you’re a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog on Facebook, you can now vote in a new poll that may or may not determine the outcome of the next entry in the “Storybook Series” and the shameless gimmick that comes with it (that half of us will more than likely complain about 😉 ).  Here are your options for this “just for fun” poll:

Film Noir

Greek Myths & Legends





Those who are on Facebook, but are not friends of Sonic should visit this link and “become a fan.” Not only will you get updates about Sonic from SEGA themselves, but you can vote in the poll above and chat with even more Sonic fans.

As for my opinion on the choices, horror could be the well along the lines of “Scooby Doo Meets Addams Family” from the old Scooby-Doo Movies or a playable version of a game with “Night of the Werehog” vibes.  Film Noir would be all kinds of odd, in my opinion, as it’s not really a “setting,” but rather, a style of filmmaking that does not lend itself to action.  Picturing Sonic and friends as the cast of The Big Sleep would certainly melt my brain.  Western would be a fun setting to bounce about.  Although, it probably comes with a six-shooter, so that choice is also a hesitant one.  Sci-Fi and Greek Myths are fantasy settings, so like the two games that came before them, are more appropriate for the next Storybook game.  That sutibleness is probably a good indication as to why they are the top two choices in the poll at this time.  I can see it now: play Sonic as Gilgamesh and Shadow as Enkidu and try to take down the nasty Humbaba.  The best part about the story of Gilgamesh is that Shadow, as Enkidu, dies.  I’d pay to see that one.

That’s my two cents.  We want to hear your takes on each of these settings!  Sound off in the comment box.

EDIT: AAUK has informed us in the comments below that the three best wall posts on the poll’s page will win a bag full of SEGA goodies!  Well, now you just have to go vote now. 😉

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Bioware Poll: Favourite playable character in Chronicles

Bioware have put out a new poll on their front page regarding Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. Bioware would like to know:

In Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, who is your favorite[sic] playable character?

  • Sonic
  • Knuckles
  • Amy
  • Tails
  • Rouge
  • Big the Cat
  • Other, read my comments

Could this be for feedback for the next game since we know it’s already being developed and it’s story being written. Could the least voted character be canned and well voted characters be given more game/story time? We’ll have to wait and see what comes from it. Currently Sonic’s winning with over a 3rd of votes, Knuckles in 2nd and Tails in 3rd.

You can place your vote here and discuss the poll over at the SSMB.

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