Sonic Boom Season 2 To Officially Premiere on Boomerang, Episode 2 Brought Forwards

Bear with us folks, we’ll work it out someday.

A couple of bits of news that go hand in hand, and it seems to be good news for fans of the show! First up, SEGA have announced that Sonic Boom season 2 will officially premiere this Saturday, November 12th. It even comes with a nifty timeslot; 6pm ET.

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Sonic Boom Season 2 on Hiatus For a Month

Not great news for fans of the show, I can say that much.

After last week’s airing of season 2’s first episode, things have been a bit quiet about subsequent episodes. Now we have some official TV listings to shed light on the situation, and it’s a mixed bag.

Continue reading Sonic Boom Season 2 on Hiatus For a Month

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Sonic Boom UK Air Date & Time


Despite there being no official announcement from Sega or Boomerang UK we finally have the date and most importantly, times for the UK’s showing of Sonic Boom. According to details found in numerous TV Guides, the times that Boom will be shown is as follows.

June 1st 2015.

  • 4:00pm (First airing of Boom in the UK)
  • 6:30pm (Repeat of the 4PM episode)

Then from June 2nd 2015

  • 7:30am (From 2nd of June onwards, Repeat of June 1st’s episodes)
  • 4:00pm (New episode)
  • 6:30pm  (Repeat of 4pm episode)

So three times per day, every day on Boomerang UK starting from June 1st.

Don’t forget to set your VCRs.

Thanks to Nightwing on SSMB for the heads up.

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