As anyone who has been following the release of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will know, while the 360/PS3 versions have been lavished with praise almost universally, the same cannot be said for the Wii U version, which has instead been plagued by game-breaking bugs that have made the World Tour mode impossible to fully complete.
Well, finally… Nintendo gamers, you may rejoice! A patch for the Wii U version of SEGA’s new racer is on its way, according to Sumo Digital’s very own S0L:
An update on the Wii U too, SEGA have confirmed the issues are fixed and it’s currently over with Nintendo. We’re hoping it will go live very soon!
So, hold tight, Wii U owners – if all goes to plan you’ll be playing a fully functioning version of the game in no time! With any luck, the patch will also be released in time for (if not to coincide with) the European release of the Wii U this Friday, 30th November. We here at TSS will let you know when the patch arrives – we’re jolly nice chaps like that!
In the meantime, have you read our review of the 360/PS3 version? Want to know what we think of the Wii U version? Stay tuned for a review of it soon after the UK launch…!
Source: SSMB
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Fans looking forward to the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed may have to wait a little longer if updated retailer listings are anything to go by. The game was already delayed a while back in the US to December 11th, while Europe and Australia have been left hanging with no date and SEGA’s website still saying it’s “Out now”, though retailers have been saying December 6th (AU) and December 7th (EU)… until now.
Amazon and GameStop websites in both the US and Europe have updated their listings for S&ASRT 3DS to various dates ranging from January 25th 2013 to February 15th 2013. Could the game be getting delayed again? With an extreme lack of news and media for this version of the game, it wouldn’t be surprising if the game isn’t ready and needs more development time.
We’ll keep our eyes open for an official update and pass on anything we learn.
Sources: Amazon US, Amazon Germany, GameStop Spain and GameStop Germany
Thanks to our anonymous tipster and Thigolf at the SSMB for the heads up!
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An unlockable Christmas gift has been found in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed by changing the system date to December 25th 2012. The Sonic Stadium has tried this out on the Xbox 360 version and can confirm it works when the Xbox 360 console is not connected to Xbox Live, however, we do not know if this works on the PS3 or Wii U versions.
UPDATE: Gagaman in the comments has confirmed it works on PS3, too.
UPDATE 2: Pete in the comments has confirmed it works for Wii U, too.
To find out what the unlockable is, click the jump, but don’t say we didn’t warn you if you don’t want your Christmas gift from SEGA and Sumo Digital spoiled.
Continue reading [SPOILER] Christmas Unlockable Found in S&ASR Transformed
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With 9 days to go until the game’s Australian release and 10 days until its European release, fans looking to pick up the 3DS and/or PS Vita versions of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed really want to know if the game will see a delayed release like in the US or not. The delay was announced a month ago by SEGA of America, but SEGA Europe hasn’t announced a similar delay here in Europe or Australia. Their European press site, website and recent press releases all still list the handheld versions for a November 16th release.
To clear everything up, Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett aka S0L has revealed at the SSMB that the team are still working on the handheld versions and so a November 16th release is unlikely. Lycett says they will release slightly later than the console versions.
Given we’re still working on it, 16th November UK release is unlikely. I think SEGA either have or are due to announce the handheld dates over here, they’re slightly later than the home console versions.
Lycett also confirmed that the PC version will release later than the console versions, too.
Again, I can’t say much here, it’s SEGA call to announce dates. All I can say right now is it’s going to after the console release date, but that’s all I can say.
Once SEGA announces release dates for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on 3DS, PS Vita and PC, we’ll let you know.
Source: SSMB
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Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will be gracing consoles, handhelds and PC soon, so we’ve rounded up all of the retailers taking pre-orders for the game and their prices to let you know who has the cheapest deal on your platform of choice.
Hit the jump for the list.
Continue reading Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Price Roundup
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Following the Danica Patrick-focused trailer, SEGA has released a Wreck-It-Ralph heavy trailer for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Lots of gameplay footage is on show with some hilarious voice acting such as Ralph asking the internet favourite question “Hey, Sonic! What are you doing in a car?” You can check out the trailer in the video above.
Source: KochMediaEs on YouTube
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Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will soon be available at retail and with that in mind SEGA has started their TV advertising campaign in the US. The whole commercial feels like a brief episode of Wacky Races and SEGA is really pushing Danica Patrick’s presence, but oddly not Wreck-It-Ralph. You can view the commercial in the video above.
Thanks to NASCARFAN93100 on YouTube for the upload.
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Today, Nintendo of America revealed the first gameplay footage of the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed …and it’s looking pretty good. The tracks shown look identical to their console counterparts, which is a big step-up to how the Nintendo DS version of the first game compared to the console version. It looks like Sumo Digital is really taking advantage of the extra power of the Nintendo 3DS. You can check out the gameplay footage in the video above.
Source: The Sonic Show (via SEGA Driven)
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A new preview of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed has appeared over at French gaming website Jeux Video, and in it we learn a bit more about the game’s World Tour mode. This mode is set-up like a board game, with each square representing a race challenge in which you can earn a bronze, silver or gold medal. A bronze medal will let you pass to the next square, but you will need a silver or gold to access squares that hold challenges that unlock characters and boss fights. Jeux Video reports that the difficulty varies depending on the objective of the challenge.
The biggest piece of Sonic & All Transformed-Stars Racing is in World Tour mode , inspired other productions as SEGA Virtua Tennis. This mode is represented in the form of a board game where the boxes represent different races containing many challenges with three medals specific to the key. To move to the next step, only the bronze is required. But to unlock boxes with special challenges unlocks characters and bossfights , silver and gold are essential. Difficulty varies depending on the objectives to be accomplished : finishing third, second or first, beating a rival with a lead more or less, make the most possible slippage or finish the race with a countdown by crossing checkpoints to repel.
More details after the jump.
Continue reading S&ASR Transformed World Tour Details Revealed
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French SEGA fansite SEGA Mag reports that attendees of Paris Games Week 2012 will be able to go hands-on with the Wii U version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed in the Nintendo booth. The event will be held at Porte de Versailles in Paris from October 31st to November 4th. For more information on exhibitors, ticket prices and more, head over to the official Paris Games Week 2012 website.
Source: SEGA Mag
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A batch of three new Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed screenshots have appeared online courtesy of Gaming Everything. They focus on a guest character who shares the name of a certain upcoming Disney film you may have heard of and his various vehicle transformations. You can check out the screenshots in our gallery below:
Source: Gaming Everything
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As we reported earlier today, Sumo Digital were at Manchester’s Play Expo showing off ASRT and talking about the making of the game. Whilst we got confirmation of MeeMee being in the roster and a few other tid bits, we’ve now got nearly half an hour of footage from the presentation… Needless to say, this contains A LOT of spoilers. Judging by how the video cuts off in the second part, it would seem that there might be more to come.
Stay tuned to TSS for more information as we get it.
Source: MrRW26
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The Play Expo event was held in Manchester this weekend and Sumo Digital were due to give a talk about the making of Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed as well as a small Q&A session.
Earlier reports coming from the event suggested that a new build of the game was shown that included several new features as well as the first appearance of a new racer, MeeMee from Super Monkey Ball.
Continue reading Time to go Ape! MeeMee Joins ASRT!
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In a new preview just posted online, Pocket Gamer has shared the first details about the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. As expected, while the PS Vita version will be much like the console versions, the 3DS version will be pretty different. One of the differences is a different engine “more optimised for that sort of platform,” according to Sumo Digital’s Gareth Wilson. With the game running a different engine, it will be missing some game modes present in its big brother.
Pocket Gamer reports that the game isn’t missing content just because of processing power, but to adapt the game to different audiences.
“We got some children to come in and play [a level in which] you had to blow a tank up and dodge missiles and they didn’t really get that,” says Wilson. “We also had a mode where you had to dodge between lots of traffic and they kept getting run over really badly.”
Modes like World Tour are said to be much the same across all formats and both PS Vita and 3DS versions support online multiplayer, but the 3DS version will have simpler game modes “like ‘beat people’s laptimes’ or ‘beat this particular character’.”
According to Pocket Gamer, the 3DS and PS Vita versions will be available in Europe November 16th 2012, the same date the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions are released.
For the full preview, head over to Pocket Gamer at the link below.
Source: Pocket Gamer
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Last month we told you about the ESRB’s E10+ rating for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and how the game will feature mild language and animated blood. Today, the ESRB has made their full rating description available on their website with the reasons behind it.
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed™
Platform: Windows PC, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360
Rating: E10+
Content descriptors: Animated Blood, Mild Cartoon Violence, Mild Language
Includes online features that may expose players to unrated user-generated content (Windows PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U)
Rating summary: This is a racing game in which players compete with Sonic the Hedgehog and other characters from the SEGA universe. As players speed through each themed track, they can bump into other vehicles and use various power-ups (e.g., firecrackers, cyclones, puffer fish, snowballs, bee swarms) to impede opponents’ progress; some projectiles result in colorful explosions, and vehicles often spin out or flip into the air when hit. In one battleship-themed level, realistic explosions can be seen in the background; another racetrack contains giant spider hazards that emit splashes of green liquid when struck. One character says “damn” during gameplay.
Could Shadow the Hedgehog be returning to his old ways of not giving a damn about minding his mouth, or could it be someone else? As for the spiders, a House of the Dead track anyone?
Source: ESRB
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SEGA Europe has today released box artwork of the Limited Edition version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed via their press site, but the Wii U version is oddly labelled differently as a ‘Special Edition’. Retailers have been and still are showing a Limited Edition for Wii U, though SEGA has never officially announced it for the Wii U, so have they been working on exclusive content for the Wii U version behind the scenes? Hopefully we’ll find out soon. If we get any details, we’ll pass them along.
Limited Edition box artwork for all formats is available after the jump.
Continue reading S&ASR Transformed Wii U Special Edition Boxart Surfaces
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SEGA has officially unveiled Danica Patrick’s likeness in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed with the above new trailer and a few new screenshots. The publisher has also announced a partnership with toy company Mattel and Hot Wheels. Fans who buy a copy of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed at selected retailers (to be announced) will get a diecast hot wheels toy of Danica Patrick’s in-game “Danicar”.
SEGA has also announced that the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed have been bumped up to a November 18th release in the US with the Wii U version. Yesterday’s reported delay of the Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita versions to December 11th in the US has also been confirmed.
Screenshots and an image of the “Danicar” toy are available in our gallery after the jump.
Continue reading New S&ASRT Trailer & Screens Show Danica Patrick in Action
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It looks like there is a reason why we’ve not seen the Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita versions of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed – they’re behind schedule. Gaming Age has just been sent a slightly different version of the game’s most recent trailer that lists the handheld versions at the end with a US release date of December 12th 2012. The website says this trailer is part of SEGA’s New York Comic-Con press releases, so we may see this date and maybe more information announced about the handheld releases soon, but the trailer suggests we won’t be seeing footage of them.

Source: Gaming Age
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A new preview at V3tro has revealed that the flagman for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will be Mega Drive/Genesis ‘star’ Ristar. We guess the little guy’s waving in the previous game’s Egg Hangar track had a lasting impression and landed him the role.
You know the development team tried their best when the race starts and Ristar is cheerfully waving the flag. Each of the courses is a visual treat that will certainly make gamers smile.
Check out V3tro’s preview at the link below.
Source: V3tro
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Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett aka S0L has seemingly confirmed that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is heading to Japan. On our very own SSMB forum, the developer stated that a Japanese release will happen, but at a later date than in the rest of the world.
Japanese version will happen, but will be later dates.
The first game wasn’t released in Japan, so this is quite a nice surprise and will hopefully bring more SEGA fans to the game’s online community.
Source: SSMB
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Pocket Gamer has revealed that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is coming to iPhone and iPad, however, Sumo Digital’s Gareth Williams says it won’t arrive until “after Christmas”, likely meaning a 2013 release. Pricing is still up in the air, with the developer in discussions on whether to charge a small amount or even give the game away free and let people buy the characters they want.
“Do we sell it for two or three dollars, and have a few little in-app purchases?” Williams says. “But maybe we should give it away for free and allow people to buy characters.”
For the full interview, head over to Pocket Gamer at the link below.
Source: Pocket Gamer
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Some new previews and interviews have appeared online following SEGA’s Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed news updates the other day. According to EverybodyPlays, SEGA held a press event in the UK for Transformed earlier this week where attendees were treated to some boat riding on the Thames. In their preview, EverybodyPlays reveals that the flying sections will have a ‘Flight Assist’ option that guides players with a line and helps them get to grips with the controls. The game will also include 132 mods, over 100 stickers, and will be fully playable in co-op in the Grand Prix and World Tour modes.
Hit the jump for more new details.
Continue reading S&ASRT Previews Reveal New Details, Roulette Road Returns, Billy Hatcher Track Confirmed
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Nintendo of America has revealed a list of content coming soon to the Nintendo 3DS eShop in the US, and among that content is a demo for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. No release date for the demo has been given, but with no screenshots, video and barely any information released about the 3DS version, let’s hope it will be available before the game’s release.
Source: SEGA Addicts
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SEGA Europe has released the above new trailer for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed showcasing the game’s various modes and multiplayer options, including a first look at the game’s mission based ‘Challenge’ mode. Ten new screenshots have also been released which confirm Space Channel 5’s Ulala as a playable racer. Those are available to view in our gallery after the jump.
Continue reading S&ASR Transformed: New Trailer & Screenshots, Ulala Confirmed
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It looks like Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed won’t just be getting a Facebook site after all, because SEGA has today opened a proper website for the game, though it’s not much different to the Facebook site. One major difference, however, is the multiple backgrounds where in the ‘Screenshots’ section we can see what looks like a Sky Sanctuary Zone hub. Will the game feature a Sky Sanctuary Zone track? A Death Egg Zone hub can be seen in the sky next to it, and we’ve known for a long time that its track from the first game is returning.
We’ll keep you updated with any developments. For now, speculate away in the comments section.
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Ever since it was revealed behind closed doors at GC, the Wii U version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed has received criticism from numerous sources for its poor frame rate and graphical issues. If Steve Lycett’s comments on Sonic Talk a week ago weren’t enough to allay your concerns, and going by some of the comments I’ve been reading around the internet it clearly hasn’t, here he is again addressing the graphical concerns on the SEGA forums.

For those of you who haven’t listened to Sonic Talk, Lycett’s explanation for the poor performance of the Wii U version was the simple fact that the demo the critics were playing at GC was based on old code. Since then, more previews have come out from other events complaining about the frame rate issues, but that’s because according to Lycett on SSMB, it’s the same build. Due to the rush to make the Wii U launch, Sumo Digital hasn’t had time to make new demos to show off to the public, meaning that the build people have been playing this month was the same build they were playing at GC back in August. This demo, according to what Lycett said on Sonic Talk, was already three weeks old at that show.
In other words the demo that the press has been playing for the last two months was a demo based on code from July. So these previews are by no means based on a build anywhere near completion. Will this put the frame rate concerns to bed? Probably not, but I do hope this at least did so for everyone on this site. For the full Sonic Talk interview, click here.
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SEGA has this evening opened a Facebook tab for all things Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on their official Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook page. It appears this will be in place of an official website for the game, as Sumo Digital confirmed a while back on the SSMB that their won’t be an official site this time. The Facebook tab has all of the features of a game website such as trailers, screenshots, features etc, but right now there isn’t anything new. We’ll keep our eyes open for any updates in the run up to launch, though.
Something we did notice is a SEGA rep answering fans questioning why Sonic is in vehicles and thought we would share it with you.

Now can we put an end to this question at long last, please? Pretty please?
Source: Official Sonic Facebook page
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Live in Australia and want to get some early hands-on time with Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed? Then get yourself over to Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park for the EB Games Expo 2012. SEGA will also have a playable demo of Aliens Colonial marines there, and many other publishers will also be showcasing playable demos of their upcoming games for you to try out before release. For a full list of games announced thus far, head over to the EB Games Expo 2012 website where you can also purchase tickets for the event. The EB Games Expo 2012 will run from Friday October 5th to Sunday October 7th.
Source: EB Games Expo 2012 website
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SEGA’s Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed product page has updated with an ESRB rating of E10+ listing Animated Blood, Mild Language and Mild Cartoon Violence. Could the House of the Dead franchise be making a return appearance in Transformed with blood intact? If we take a look at the rating for the first game, it appears the mild language doesn’t derive from lyrics this time around. Could Shadow be returning to his d**n potty mouth ways? We expect a full rating will appear on the ESRB’s website soon. Maybe they will accidentally reveal a character again like they did with Ulala last time.
Source: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed’s SEGA of America product page (Those outside of the US will need to change the flag at the top right on SEGA’s website to view the page)
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Perhaps unsurprisingly, Sonic will be joining the likes of Mario and Rayman in the launch line-up for Nintendo’s upcoming Wii U console in the UK, as SEGA has revealed that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is set to be released on 30th November.
This means the Wii U version will hit store shelves two weeks after the game releases on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita on 16th November.
In news that will no doubt delight those planning to pick up the game on Nintendo’s new console, SEGA has also confirmed that the Limited Edition version – boasting Metal Sonic as a playable character and an OutRun inspired track to race around – will be available on Wii U as well.
Are you planning to get Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed for the Wii U? Let us know in the comments!
Source: Videogamer.com
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A new trailer has just been released for upcoming Disney film Wreck-It Ralph, the story of a videogame antagonist who gets tired of being a bad guy and attempts to redeem his ways.
For those not already in the know, the film will contain numerous cameos by famous gaming icons, including our very own Sonic the Hedgehog – who you can catch a very brief glimpse of in this trailer. Sonic’s cameo appears at around the 0:47 mark but be warned… blink and you’ll miss it!
Doctor Eggman also makes a cameo appearance in the new trailer, which you can view over at Yahoo! Movies.
As previously reported, Sonic will be voiced in the movie by his official voice actor Roger Craig Smith, and Wreck-It Ralph himself will be starring alongside the blue blur as a playable character in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed this holiday season.
Wreck-It Ralph is due to hit cinemas in the US on 2nd November, and will make its way across the pond for a UK release on 15th February 2013.
Source: Yahoo! Movies
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Some new screenshots and details have been released online regarding SEGA’s upcoming racer Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. The US official PlayStation website has put up product pages for both the PS3 and PS Vita versions of the game which reveal that the Sony handheld version will support motion steering and will make use of the touchscreen for firing weapons and activating your character’s All-Star move. DLC support is also revealed. The PS3 page confirms the game will not feature 3D TV support.
The official Xbox website has also put out a product page for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, and within are 12 screenshots and the confirmation that Xbox Live Avatars are returning. DLC support is also revealed for the Xbox 360, and the overview states that the game will support up to ten players online, while the online features section oddly lists 8 players. The PlayStation pages also state 8 players for both PS3 and PS Vita. We’ll try to get this cleared up with Sumo Digital and update.
You can check out all of the new screenshots in our gallery after the jump where we also have screencaps of the new information in case it is taken down.
Continue reading ASR Transformed: Xbox Avatars & DLC Confirmed, New Screenshots & PS Vita Info
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Nintendo Power’s latest issue has confirmed that Jet Set Radio star Gum will be joining the cast in Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed.

Continue reading Gum Joins The All Stars Racing Transformed Lineup
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Some new details regarding the Wii U and 3DS versions of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed have surfaced thanks to an article posted on Eurogamer – including a statement from Sumo Digital deeming the graphical prowess of Nintendo’s upcoming HD console to be the same as, if not “maybe even better”, than the likes of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
That’s good news for anyone worrying that the Wii U version wouldn’t quite be up to scratch, and if that’s not enough, you’ll be able to make use of the console’s GamePad either for Remote Play or as a rear view display to help you out during heated races. Alternatively it can take on the role of a “weapon-cam”, allowing you to guide items such as rockets around the race track and into your opponents!
The other big new piece of information here is that both the Wii U and 3DS versions will support Miis as playable characters, so if you’ve ever fancied taking on Sonic the Hedgehog or one of the many other SEGA All-Stars in a race as yourself, the option is there to make your dreams come true!
It’s sounding like the Nintendo exclusive versions of this game are turning out to be very unique, so be sure to stay tuned to TSS for all the latest details in the build-up to their release!
Source: Eurogamer
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On Monday SEGA announced that Europe will be getting a Limited Edition of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed featuring the same additional content that the US is getting in its Bonus Edition. These editions contain an exclusive Outrun Bay track, exclusive Metal Sonic character + Metal Sonic mod pack, and exclusive stickers for your in-game license.
Four UK online retailers now have the Limited Edition available to pre-order. A list of the retailers, platforms and prices is available after the jump.
Continue reading S&ASR Transformed Limited Edition Now Available to Pre-order in the UK & US
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As well as twelve PS3/Xbox 360 screenshots, SEGA has also released ten screenshots of the Wii U version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. This batch also includes some shots of how the environments look on Nintendo’s new console. You can view them all in our gallery after the jump.
Continue reading New S&ASR Transformed Wii U Screenshots
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