Steve Lycett Reiterates: S&ASRT Wii U Framerate is Fine

Ever since it was revealed behind closed doors at GC, the Wii U version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed has received criticism from numerous sources for its poor frame rate and graphical issues. If Steve Lycett’s comments on Sonic Talk a week ago weren’t enough to allay your concerns, and going by some of the comments I’ve been reading around the internet it clearly hasn’t, here he is again addressing the graphical concerns on the SEGA forums.

For those of you who haven’t listened to Sonic Talk, Lycett’s explanation for the poor performance of the Wii U version was the simple fact that the demo the critics were playing at GC was based on old code. Since then, more previews have come out from other events complaining about the frame rate issues, but that’s because according to Lycett on SSMB, it’s the same build. Due to the rush to make the Wii U launch, Sumo Digital hasn’t  had time to make new demos to show off to the public, meaning that the build people have been playing this month was the same build they were playing at GC back in August. This demo, according to what Lycett said on Sonic Talk, was already three weeks old at that show.

In other words the demo that the press has been playing for the last two months was a demo based on code from July. So these previews are by no means based on a build anywhere near completion. Will this put the frame rate concerns to bed? Probably not, but I do hope this at least did so for everyone on this site. For the full Sonic Talk interview, click here.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Wow, i’m actually the first to comment!
    That’s good to hear. I still have soo many questions about the Wii U version; will it have something along the lines of achievements? Will future DLC be available on this version? Would it just be better to get it on Xbox over Wii U? And while I will get the 3DS version no matter what, I’m a bit concerned they havent shown it to the public…
    BTW, does anyone know if the bonus edition is available for the 3DS version? It’s listed as such on Toys R us’ website, but when I asked an employee at Gamestop, they said that their computers weren’t showing anything and to not count on it.

    1. To answer your question, An extra track and Metal Sonic are available for a preordered edition

      Only, at Pizza Hut!

    2. The Wii U will have a form of achievements called Accomplishments. Metal Sonic DLC will be available with the preorders, so it’ll probably come to us later. Doesn’t matter what system you get it on, since it’ll be almost the same game with maybe a few character differences not announced yet. On the 3DS version, I can only imagine it’s just a smaller version of the console version, so there’s probably nothing to worry about.

  2. As HaatFilms (Alsmiffy the most) Uh awful frame rate!
    Can’t trust his word. All games have frame rate drops at times… especially Minecraft

  3. Oh, so that was an old demo Sumo just reused. Although i am happy that it wont have much framerate drops.
    i think it will have a little bit of framerate issues. Most games do have framerate drops.

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