Christmas Winners, New SSMB Skins

Hope the first few days of 2008 are going well for you guys. I’ve been busy the last few days recreating skins for the SSMB. Last Friday I sneakily replaced the narrow Two Foxy skin with a new widescreen/liquid version, which even though it’s the same colour scheme, I really think is an improvement. Yesterday those who were advocates of the Knucklehead skin noticed that their favourite red skin had also been updated, stretchy-pants design and all. Today, I’ve finished a character skin of someone I started 12 months ago but never finished. At last, you can view the SSMB in the ‘Creamed’ skin design in all its light coloured glory. (Note: I know the buttons are still from the Knuckles skin — hopefully we’ll get that fixed soon). Let me know what your opinions are of these new skins; hopefully they’re making up for the loss of the Halloween and Christmas skins. I’m not stopping either; expect updated and new skins soon.

For some of you, the year’s going to get a little bit better – the SSMB and TSS staff have judged amongst the entries of the three competitions held over the last month and have come up with winners! Read on to find out who clinched the prizes![break]


Christmas Card Contest:
For this contest, we asked you to grab your pens, pencils or computer writing tablets and design a new Christmas Card for the TSS crew. It was Violet94’s festive picture of Sonic in a Santa suit that won her first prize. Click here to see Violet94’s entry. Violet94 wins a promotional copy of Sonic Rivals 2 on PSP, plus an exclusive Sonic Rivals 2 T-Shirt.

The cute and funny style of Gabz Girl’s nativity picture earned her the second place prize. Eggman as the saviour of the world? WTF indeed! Click here to see Gabz Girl’s entry. Gabz Girl wins Issues #177 and #181 of Sonic Archie comics, Issue #25 of the Sonic X comic and a blue ‘Sonic Team’ themed Mario & Sonic T-Shirt.

Finally, the third prize goes to Christmas Band, for his uniquely colourful entry – it made us all think of candy canes and random chocolates you get at Christmas. Because I love chocolate coins, CB gets third place. Click here to see Christmas Band’s entry. Christmas Band wins a Sonic and the Secret Rings soundtrack sampler, plus a kid’s size Sonic X T-Shirt.

Honourable Mentions:
Alex Sly Cooper: there’s nothing better than getting Chaos Emeralds on Christmas Day. Just don’t let Eggman get them;
Sonaos: the fact that Black Doom was jingling away on the piano almost won her a prize;
Diogo: An awesome recreation of the nativity play using Sonic characters. Reminds us of Sonic and the Secret Rings, actually.
Supersaiyanneo: Cute picture of Sonic and the gang singing Christmas Carols. And, it’s a Christmas Carol as well (everyone knows of my well-documented hatred of ‘Carollers’ that don’t actually bother. Welcome to Essex).


Photograph Contest:
Imagination was the name of the game here, as we asked everyone to take a photo relating to Sonic and Christmas. Supersaiyanneo was the clear first place winner here with his awesome use of Sonic plushies and set pieces to take a snap of a scene. We especially like Tails’ uncharacteristic apathy at Eggman nicking off with the toys. Click here to see Supersaiyanneo’s entry. Supersaiyanneo wins a Phantasy Star Universe soundtrack sampler, a choice of either a Sonic or Tails action figure, plus a yellow 15th Anniversary Sonic 1 sprite T-Shirt.

Stratoss-Phere earned second prize because the crappiness of his photo added a layer of intrigue to his entry. We can see Knuckles in a Christmas hat, but just what’s going on everywhere else? It’s like something you’d have in a nightmare on Christmas Eve. Click here to see Stratoss-Phere’s entry. Stratoss-Phere wins Sonic Rush Adventure for Nintendo DS, a blue ‘Sonic Team’ themed Mario & Sonic T-Shirt and either a Sonic or Tails action figure (whichever is left from Supersaiyanneo’s first pick).

Although we tend to think grabbing a load of plushies and lining them up is pretty lazy, we have to hand it to Sonaos for at least putting it into a decent Christmassy context. Decorating a tree with merchandise in place of baubles and tinsel earns you third place. Click here to see Sonaos’ entry. Sonaos wins SEGA Mega Drive Collection for PS2 and a red ‘Team Mario’ themed Mario & Sonic T-Shirt.

Honourable Mentions:
Narstyle: Just missed out, but we just love those massive Sonic and Tails things. I think Adam had a heart attack.


Writing Contest:
NB: In checking out these entries, ignore any instances of the ‘Γ“’ character – they weren’t typos in the entries but rather artifacts that appeared when converting the entries into txt format, which I couldn’t be arsed to fix.

There were four prizes to give away for this contest; potentially the easiest but in reality much harder to win because… well, we get sent a lot of crap. The mission was to simply write what Sonic and Christmas (together) means to you. Stratoss-Phere just clinched the top prize, with a very bizarre story featuring the TSS Staff. It was very difficult to read, very difficult to understand and involves a pointless and gratuitous use of the word ‘fuck’. Had this been any other entry we’d have pushed it off the face of the earth, but it just made us chuckle incessantly. Click here to read Stratoss-Phere’s entry. Stratoss-Phere wins an ultra-rare Mario & Sonic Olympic Shirt, a Mario & Sonic carrier bag to put it in and a Sonic 06 mug.

Elf Tamer came a very close second, with a story that includes a self-reflecting message within it. It’s a good vehicle to detail your fan-ness of Sonic and we loved reading it. Click here to read Elf Tamer’s entry. Elf Tamer wins a red ‘Team Mario’ and blue ‘Sonic Team’ themed Mario & Sonic T-Shirts plus a copy of Sonic Rush Adventure on Nintendo DS.

Third prize goes to Jelly, who spoke from the heart and told all about what being a Sonic fan means. It’s a more literal account of the ‘Sonic, Christmas and me’ statement we set for our members, and it’s well written. Click here to read Jelly’s entry. Jelly wins SEGA Classics Collection on PS2 and a blue ‘Sonic Team’ themed Mario & Sonic T-Shirt.

Finally, but perhaps not least, is the fourth prize winner, and that goes to Sonic_Fan due to its sheer absurdity. We certainly weren’t expecting a complete hatred of Mario fans, instigating a death of the Mario fanbase while TSS apparently dances from their sadness. I’d like to say we wouldn’t endorse that kind of actions really, but we would endorse this entry because it’s quite silly and made us laugh a lot. Click here to read Sonic_Fan’s entry. Sonic_Fan wins a Sonic and the Secret Rings T-Shirt and a Mario & Sonic branded pin and keychain.

Honourable Mentions:
Kadosho: Sonic is a Christmas gift in itself he says. We tend to agree.
Nintendogs: We liked that Sonic spindashed Santa right in the face.
Supersaiyanneo: Told us a cool account of what made him a Sonic fan, and what Christmas means to him with Sonic merchandise.


Those who have won prizes, please PM me with your mailing address so we can get these to you as soon as possible! Supersaiyanneo also needs to tell me which out of a Sonic or Tails action figure he would prefer. Many thanks to Kevin from SEGA Europe, Adam (T-Bird) and Turbo for providing all of these prizes, and thanks to all that took part in the contests and the rest of the advent calendar.

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Happy New Year

It’s New Years Eve people. Well, it is for us British folk right now. Antipodean chums like Hawkz and Elson might have had it already because they like to gatecrash a party early (I’ve heard about Andrew’s stories…), but by and large… New Years Eve, OK? And that means 2008 is right around the corner. Also means for me, that I reflect on the last 12 months and reckon where it is I’ve gone wrong. I’d be lying if I said that 2007 has been good – it’s been bloody fantastic, all things considered.

The Sonic Stadium has played host to many great meetups involving growing numbers of Sonic fans. In May Elson ‘Darkspeeds’ Wong took a trip around the world and landed in London, planning to meet up with myself and Adam along the way. Somehow more people invited themselves along and it became what was known as ‘Wrecksfest’. It couldn’t have been a better turn of events though, as a group of 12 or so guys and gals waltzed the city, went to the pub for several hours and had dinner at Pizza Hut. We also arranged another meetup later that year which was dubbed ‘BirdCon’ for Adam’s apparent move to Japan (which never happened due to certain issues with the company involved). TSS was also there for Video Games Live 2007 in November and a special trip to SEGA Europe to play Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games weeks before the UK release. It’s ironic that not one meetup has been named after us yet, really.

Speaking of which, Sonic Cage Dome’s Zizou is heading to London in a few days time, an event to which I am invited to, so I’ll be out to see the Cage Dome guys round about then. If you fancy tagging along, see this website for more details. We’ll have more meetups in 2008 though, and when I can be bothered to fix one up you guys will be the first to know. It’ll probably be sometime in the holidays so as many people as possible can make the trip.

We’ve also been to Japan! Aw yeah. TSS was able to sneak into the Tokyo Game Show and take sordid pictures of a guy in the best Sonic costume ever created. We also played the new NiGHTS before the whole world and got a taste of manic Japanese gaming action. It was an experience to be sure, and we’re currently pulling the video we made so we can show you some of the stuff we took at the event too.

Games-wise, it’s been a mixed bag. The good news is that we haven’t had any real horrors the likes of which we’ve only seen in Sonic 06 (I tried to play that again the other day, almost threw my controller around in a rage), but on the flipside we’ve not had a proper canon Sonic game this year. To be honest, I don’t care as long as when it does come around, it’s as polished as possible. I want 2007 to be the year SEGA realises that they have to go back to basics on some level with the franchise – evident when America bossman Simon Jeffery spoke exclusively to TSS in October.

It wasn’t all mildly amusing spinoffs though, especially not on the handheld front. Sonic Rush Adventure has been a standout game, slapping everything else Sonic flat in the face and being the first TSS 10/10 in aeons. It could be argued that the game only got top marks by comparing it to recent Sonic games. Not so; there are elements in Rush Adventure that could rival the Mega Drive classics and that is a pretty big feat for SEGA – especially the SEGA of this day and age – to pull off.

We’ve had our fair share of competitions too. Sonic Rush Adventure in particular had a cool Treasure Hunt contest to win awesome branded gear, and this Christmas in particular has had a crapload of free goodies that’s asking for your collection. I’m posting the entries sent into me to the moderators later today and we’ll be judging those over the next few days, so hang tight for that!

In terms of TSS and progress and things, it’s been a bit of a less impressive year. The site’s not been so active lately and 2007 has been more of a transitional period for us than anything else. Next year we’ll see some things come together properly, like the re-organisation of the TSS site, the completion of the new Sonic Show website (that’ll be first thing on our list of ‘to-do’s) and plenty more besides. I’ll be pursuing my journalism career much more than before, and with this I’ll be a little bit more set on sorting the site and everything else out. 2008 is going to be a pretty good year, let’s hope we can make it even better than this one just gone!

Make some new years resolutions that you’ll probably break later, be sure to go out and get completely wasted, and I’ll see you on the other side. Before I go, a massive thank you to a few people who without them couldn’t have made this year possible – Adam Tuff for his Sonic madness, the TSSNET and SSMB staff (every one of you) for your extraordinary efforts this year, B’man for his sexy codingness, Kevin Eva for his continued work in the links between community and SEGA in which I started in 2005, Roarey for just being totally awesome and having the time to dedicate to stuff no matter what the issue, and of course you guys – the members and visitors, who have stuck with us no matter what kind of bullshit we’ve had in the past.

Here’s to you. Go 2008!

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Sonic X-Mas #12 – AoStH, it is funny

Today’s Christmas update involves some updating of the Sonic Cartoons section at long last – Roarey Raccoon is deeply involved with writing up episode synopses for Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, and you can catch the first three episodes in the Cartoons > AoStH section. Down over in the DefChamba you can also download high quality versions of the AoStH opening and ending themes, plus the legendary ‘Sonic Sez’ from Episode 3 (that’s NO good).

In other news, to keep you up to date with what’s actually happening with the Sonic Site Awards to hand out, the award designer DarkNoise appears to have been having problems for the longest time with his art program, generally messing up both his plans and our plans to get those awards to the winners. Rest assured, the moment they’re all ready I’ll wing them direct like.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS 5TH ANNIVERSARY: Gems Competition

The Sonic Stadium has been going now for five years running. And during it’s lifespan it’s become the Number 1 source for anything related to Sonic the Hedgehog. Thanks guys! To show our appreciation, we’re holding a competition for our fifth anniversary. This is a small contest where you can win some very real prizes.


We’ve recently reviewed Sonic Gems Collection on the Nintendo Gamecube, and you can win a copy of this rather spiffing compilation. However, you may be either bummed out that the European or American versions came castrated – or you may own your own copy already – which is why our prize is the super-cool Japanese Version. The Japanese copy of Gems includes all the features in the Western iterations, with the added bonuses of Bonanza Bros and the entire Streets of Rage series. We realise not many people will have Japanese Gamecubes to play this on, so we’ve thrown in a Datel Freeloader, which enables you to play any import game on your Gamecube with ease. Finally, what better method to play Sonic Gems Collection than with your very own Arcade Stick? After all, it’s better to play an authentic game of Sonic the Fighers. This stick is a third party stick that has been customised with Sonic the Fighters arcade cabinet artwork. You’ll be whupping Eggman in style!


Entrants had to submit a piece of creative writing about Sonic the Hedgehog. We had a ton of entries, people were clamouring for this prize, and we saw just how dedicated some of you guys are. You’re all fantastic Sonic fans, and that’s great to see. =) What made us particularly happy was the fact that we had quite a few entries from people around the 18-20 year old regions, it’s good to see some Sonic fans as old as some of us geezers here entering.

The one that pipped everyone to the post though, was CosmicFalcon from Southampton UK, using some of that classic British humour everyone keeps hearing about. CosmicFalcon decided to write a song to detail how much of a Sonic fan he was. It was such a fabulous composition, it had us in stitches. He also submitted an mp3 file of his song, cheeky fellow. We disregarded that and based our judging on the lyrics alone, although the MP3 is a hell of a listen. Here is CosmicFalcon’s entry below. Imagine singing this to the music of the original Mega Drive Sonic the Hedgehog credits theme:

Sonic is my favourite hedgehog,
I love him much more than Shadow.
Come on Tails and come on Knuckles,
Let’s all have one more adventure.
Together we’ll foil Eggman
Bust his bots and destroy his plan.
Oh snap there’s that effing faker,
Once again he has amnesia!

I know, he is a hedgehog.
And I know that he’s coloured blue.
But I don’t care, I still love him.
For he is my childhood hero.

Let’s go Sonic!
Do a spindash!
Hit the signpost!
Run like The Flash!
Collect more rings!
Get one hundred!
That’s a 1up!
Okay, let’s go!

He’s been with me so long,
Back to the very beginning.
My good old Mega Drive
Is always ready
For me to play.

I’m his biggest fan!
I play all
Of his games!
Even if they are so very crap.
I don’t care, they’re still fun!

But not just that!
Yes, I also own Sonic toys and plushies.
And my jacket
That I wore for five or six years.

Now! I will follow him wherever he goes!
Even to the Xbox.
And I may forgive SonicTeam for woes!
If it’s good.

This Christmas sees so many new games:
Shadow, Rush and Gems Collection,
However will I buy them all?

Sonic the Hedgehog!
He’s my favourite Hedgehog!
All of the others,
They just cannot compare!
I’ll be his fan for all of time!
This is the end of my song!

If you can’t imagine, you can listen!
Click here to listen to the song that won it.

Congratulations CosmicFalcon, there’s a Japanese Sonic Gems Collection, Freeloader and custom Arcade Stick being wung your way soon. Your song was so good it made our mates at SEGA UK laugh out milk through their noses. Maybe not their noses.

While we had so many entries, we can’t possibly display them all here (we don’t wanna be accused of favouritism amongst all else!), so we will note the people who kindly entered the competition below (in no particular order):

Rally the Cheetah (Jenny Pledger) – sent in a great story called ‘A Hero’.
Hunter Boone – Told us about his first Christmas with Sonic. He has a ‘few’ Tails plushies.
Cody Tucker – Very almost won it with his touching account of what Sonic represents.
Latrell Kidd – Told us all about his game collection, and lots of cheats. ^^
MikeII(2) Gremillion – Gave a great account of how Sonic has been a role model.
TaShara Lee – Wrote a fun story about being trapped in Sonic Adventure 2. Sonic Wind!
Anthony Cavallo – sent us a nice empty email. =D
Andrew Robertson – Used great imagination in creating a prologue to Sonic the Hedgehog.
William Parsons – Impressed us with a Sonic Haiku. Not easy to do.
Brandon Roberts – A poem which tugged at our heartstrings. We thought we were Scrooges.
Chili Dawg – A fellow SSMB member recalls the ‘gap’ of Sonic that many fans such as us experienced during the Saturn era.
Tailsy the Fox – Sonic fans need dedication, and a lotta dosh. True.
Tyler – Submitted a sprite he edited from Super Sonic. Looks cool.
Foster Hudgens – He’s the biggest Sonic fan in his school.
Stephen Skinner – Gets irate over ‘true Sonic fans’. Could agree more.
Eleanor Spring – A wicked analysis of what makes a Sonic fan.
Scott Reed – A hilarious ‘transcript’ featuring old favourite characters like Bark, Bean and Mighty.
Brad Hughes – An account of his life as a Sonic fan.
Jared Curry – A brief history of SONICTEAM and the success of Sonic. Great stuff.
Dean Cantrell – Tommy the Poet Master’s made a great little Ode involving cowboys.
Robert Lino – No doubt about it, he loves Sonic, and Sonic CD. And TSS too – thanks. ^^
Aaron Foster – Got back into Sonic after Mega Collection. Right on. =)
Andrew Hawkes [Hawkz] – A fabulous story of someone with Sonic on the brain. Reminds us of us.
Jerry Lynn Alexander II – Tails can fly, somebody just got fried. Genius. =D

But don’t worry cowboys and indians, your work isn’t lost forever. As a consolation your work will feature prominently in the Articles & Events section, a page each to your name. They’ve all been fabulous entries, and making the decision was really hard going. But congrats to CosmicFalcon and well done to everyone that took part!

Final words: Thanks to Psychobob for providing the Arcade Stick, Phr0zen for the Sonic the Fighters artwork for the stick, and to all that entered the contest!

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Announcements Time

I promised some concrete information, and here we go – unfortunately we have some interesting news, some exciting news and some bad news =P

First of all, SAGE. The event will run from 3rd – 9th July, TSS will be there fully supporting the thing. Just to clarify to those who don’t know, SAGE is NOT a physical event. It’s not located in America, or the UK, or whatever. It’s all ONLINE. So attending is free, all you need is access to teh internets. Which you obviously have, innit.

Second of all, Sonic Site Awards 2005. Solids: The event will begin the week AFTER SAGE, so’s not to clash with the event. The awards will be broken up into bitesize categories (we’re getting way too many to just simply list now), which also allows for a special “category” regarding the newly-born Sonic Elite Awards. There will be categories including brand new awards, involving SSMB awards, SSN awards, and a special category in association with Sonic Fan Games HQ and SAGE. Hopefully SSA attention will also head to SFGHQ/SAGE and rejuvenate the fangame community somewhat. ClawtheEchog is helping me out organising the SSMB awards (they will be carefully created).

Thirdly, some bad news, regarding the SEGASonic Radio purchasable CD of The Sonic Hour: Season One. We are nowhere near compiling the files for CD Quality, so you will not be able to buy it for now I’m afraid. Give it a week or two – AlextheGreat made a point of making the music high quality stereo, which to achieve is easier said than done… The 11kHz recording is slower than a standard 44kHz music file, so the only way to do this is to re-record the entire broadcast with high quality music instead. The recordings of our voices are unfortunately quite weak in comparison to the high quality music on the CD, but that is something we really cannot help, unless you want us to remake the entire series (NOT going to happen, guys =P). So yeah, currently re-recording some 9+ hours of TSH content for your delectation, so we hope you can wait a bit longer.

Operation Grandslam is coming along great – I’ve just been designing and thinking of ideas TSS Accounts could be manipulated in terms of what can be added. Maybe you’ll have a chance to use your Account to gloat to your friends…

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Summ0r Tim3!11!one!

How’s it going, chaps? Exams are all over for me, so it’s onto a fully packed Summer we have for you. We got “lots” of content to hand you over the next few weeks, as well as coverage on SAGE and the ACMI Sonic Exhibit (of which TSS is being profiled in) and the Sonic Site Awards 2005 in July… and let’s not forget our roundup of the season in September when we bring you a “TSS In Tokyo” special, wherein I will be taking my first real proper holiday since beginning this site – in Japan. Since most of my tourings will be gaming, SEGA and Sonic related, it’ll do no harm to record my journey here when I return. And that’s not even going into The Sonic Stadium’s FIFTH birthday in October…

If that wasn’t enough, we’re hard at work pumping out what we’re calling “Operation Grandslam”. Those with a historical eye will remember two years ago, I started this very same project and announced it as the Sonic Smash Cards. This is still the case, but there are now more elements in the mix that justifies the mystery of this regeneration project. It’s going to be a lot of fun, let me tell you.

So, expect stuff and stuff to be added tomorrow, and details on SAGE and the Sonic Site Awards ’05 sometime on Friday or during the weekend. It’s an exciting summer season, so stick with TSS.

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SAGE 2005 soon

Blimey, it’s almost as if one event ends (E3) and another one is about to begin. I’m talking, of course, about the Sonic Amateur Games Expo (SAGE), of which The Sonic Stadium is proudly supporting alongside a roster of other Sonic sites. For those who don’t know, SAGE is like the E3 of Sonic Fangames. Interested in making a fangame? Join the Workshops and Tutorials. Wanna play some fangames? Come along, see the booths. Seeings as it’s all a part to help the fangaming community grow, TSS as well as others like Sonic HQ are more than happy to help spread awareness of this fab event.

However, TSS is also doing special things with the people behind SAGE and SFGHQ – specfically, I’m working closely with Smidge to help get awareness for SAGE as broad as possible, alongside other great plans. SFGHQ and SAGE, I can announce today, will also have a special Category in this year’s Sonic Site Awards event also (SSA-05 will, incidentally, take place a week after the SAGE event).

SAGE is plodding along for a good launch in early July. Hopefully you won’t be able to move without hearing the SAGE name – if you haven’t tried fangames, I suggest you do so at SFGHQ]. Seriously good stuff, and you can check out the SAGE happenings on TSS (yet again, TSS will exclusively cover the SAGE event this year) and the SAGE website itself:

Go. Now. Play fangames.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS at Official Sonic Exhibit!

Exciting news, guys. I have been approached by the Australian Center for the Moving Image (ACMI) in Melbourne, AU for permission to take movie footage of The Sonic Stadium. This website will then be profiled in a Sonic the Hedgehog exhibit they plan to launch in late June in their dedicated “Games Lab”.

Naturally, I’ve agreed. The ACMI’s Games Lab is a section of the Center dedicated to discussing Video Game Culture – basically, the fan culture phenomenon behind some of the biggest game characters. And obviously, because Sonic is such a loved game character, with thousands of fan material and sites on the web, the ACMI would like to highlight the culture behind the character.

They approached TSS because it encaptures all the aspects of online Sonic fandom, from games reporting to news, to fangames and to artwork and fan creation – and of course, discussion. At the exhibit you can expect a video of footage of The Sonic Stadium, with some voiceovers and information about the site, and how the fan community express themselves through Sonic (i.e. fangames, online radio). Expect TSS, SEGASonic Radio, the Sonic Site Awards and other minisites to be included in the footage.

Continue reading TSS at Official Sonic Exhibit!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

FastFeet Media Returns, TSS Online Shop

Yesterday the media arm of The Sonic Stadium, that’s responsible for offering most of the high-quality content we can’t provide on-site (for space fears and purposes), Fastfeet Media, returned. It’s had a whole bunch of cool stuff added to it, and old faves like Sega Sonic: TV, a direct feed to SEGASonic Radio on the site, plus (and I know you’ll like this) an FTP Service that only requires your use of your internet browser!

Yep, due to amount of mail myself and the FFM team got from people not being able to figure out connection using an FTP Client, we have reworked the Service so if you have IE, Firefox (with a small extension) or whatever, you can connect through that and obtain our high quality movies, soundtracks and stuff. How cool is that? πŸ™‚ Head over the Fastfeet Media website.

Continue reading FastFeet Media Returns, TSS Online Shop

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E3 Kicks Off!

Woo, this is the calm before the storm. The E3 event’s yet to start (Wednesday), but the major companies are spewing forth their latest consoles and it’s exciting to see! SEGA have been on form though for next gen, and SONICTEAM’s creativity certainly lives on! We’ve just seen a trailer for a new Yuji Project, called Fifth Phantom Saga. Check SONIC NEWS for the first info, and check out the new TSS Game Page for the title. AND, Sonic Gems Collection IS A REALITY. We’ve only seen a Gamecube stand for it though, which fires up the rumours that Gems will be a Nintendo exclusive. SONIC THE FIGHTERS and SONIC CD are the only titles known to be on the Gems Collection at this point. Yuji does love us.

It’s only been a day and all this has spewed forth – remember, only at The Sonic Stadium and SONIC NEWS can you catch the SONICTEAM E3 information and media first. We’re not the #1 Sonic Resource for nowt you know. πŸ˜‰ Nintendo’s conference is later on, and more SEGA surprises are apparently in store, so we’ll let you know on any breaking details.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.


Last night, if you couldn’t reach SONIC NEWS for your latest information, log onto the SSMB for some chatter or load some pages from The Sonic Stadium properly, it was because something went awry behind the scenes that spun the whole site and network into server overload.

The cause was a piece of code that TSS administrators had been applying to a new version of the website, that promises smoother browsing, quicker navigation, support for SSMB members and a large emphasis on site-member interaction.

The bug has been fixed, as we apologise to all the visitors and SONIC NEWS feed visitors and webmasters who had any inconvenience caused by this blip. SONIC NEWS is now back in operation, and will continue its planned coverage of the E3 2005 event next week. The Sonic Stadium’s interactive revamp has not been affected, although for all those interested, a completion date has still not been finalised.

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The Sonic Stadium: 1 Million Hits + Update

As has been maniacally recorded by SSMB members across the world, The Sonic Stadium has entered the prestigious accolade of “come of age” Sonic sites by hitting that ever-elusive 1 Million Visitors mark. The actual occurance happened at 3pm or 4pm (depending on who you go by, or what timezone weirding thing you use – I always note things by GMT [UK Time] naturally), and had as many as 80 people logged into the SSMB at once all celebrating. ^_^ Thanks to everyone who’s supported, supporting, and will continue to support TSS and the Network simply by visiting our website and voting on those Toplists (;D).

I will be updating TSS’ History Section tomorrow, with details on the events, including an updated Timeline as well. May even get a little “Illegitimate” with the event and all.

But I DID promise something special today, sort-of to celebrate, sort-of because I had it lined up anyway, lol. XD This is another step of TSS’ great return to form this year: The Sonic Fan Club. You may have garnered some hints when I changed the “Creative Outlet” forum list to the namesake, and it is true that Biafra and I have been trying to sort out the section so that SSMB members can post their creations on TSS.

Continue reading The Sonic Stadium: 1 Million Hits + Update

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Get Ready… FOR 1M!

I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but The Sonic Stadium is getting DANGEROUSLY close to the 1 Million Visits mark. Lock up your doors and windows, protect your Sonic plushies. TSS, upon this very time and date of posting, has just under SIX HUNDRED Visits left to do. I think it will happen later this afternoon. Keep your eyes on that ticker. We have a surprise lined up for you today as well, so it’s just as well we have the 1M mark today as well innit?

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Thank you, all

I’ve been informed today by my partner (who I developed the backend used by Sonic News with) that he’s negotiating a deal with a client, with us making minor modifications to it and selling it, for what I like to refer to asΒ Nakabux. This deal could be the start of a nice little business venture for us, and I’m pretty damn excited as I’ve never sold any of my work before.

If you guys didn’t exist, we likely wouldn’t be making that engine as good as it is. So, thank you, for just being there and encouraging us to make the site better and our pockets deeper.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Friday Loungin’

Don’t you just love Fridays? Beginning of the weekend (which is always dogged with work for me), all-round good feeling, spring in yer step. For us at TSS, it means we polish off another healthy update for you to get your teeth into.

First off, we have new entries for the TSS Mailbag’s April month. Have a general question, comment on something Sonic or even TSS itself? Or maybe you just wanna chat. Be sure to get in touch, and mark your email subject “Mailbag”. Today’s update discusses Death Eggs, online Sonics, Shadow (again) and a fan of the ol’ Illegitimacy section.

Continue reading Friday Loungin’

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Shadow Trailer Relisted

Update:Β The new Shadow the Hedgehog Trailer has been relisted on The Sonic Stadium. There was some hoo-hah over GameTrailers breaking the embargo on the new trailer some time ago (it was probably THEIR idea of an April Fools joke), and I’ve been in touch with both GT and SEGA-Europe and SEGA America, and it appears the trailer in question was never to be released until just before E3, next month. Literally, the day before. Perhaps in a special SEGA E3 Presentation.

Svend, Thank you for cooperation re: GT. The trailer was let out before we intended it to. We decided to release that trailer to the public just three days ago via IGN. We will be making it available to the public this afternoon. Please feel free to re-post this trailer as of now, with the full permission of SEGA.

Cheers, Bret

Continue reading Shadow Trailer Relisted

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April Foolish

Ah, April Fools Day. Yesterday was really something for the Sonic Community, as almost every site joined into the festivities. But trust The Sonic Stadium to come up with the best April Fools prank on the 1st – remember on TSS we announced “something big”? Well, we pretended that we were ahead of schedule on our announced Sonic Smash Cards and launched it on April 1st. Check it out here:

Looking at it now, it seems very convincing, until you see the “April Fool” error. There were different ‘honest’ errors every hour or so until we broke that error to the SSMB members at 8pm GMT. We fooled everyone, despite some front from members saying they plugged it beforehand. Check out the activity here, and the explanation for our prank here. We kick ass.

Continue reading April Foolish

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April Fools: Explanations and Clarifications

OK, first of all… APRIL FOOL!

Second of all, some clarification. THE WHOLE LAUNCH OF SONIC SMASH CARDS TODAY WAS A HOAX. THE SMASH CARDS THEMSELVES ARE STILL GOING TO BE MADE. The page is a PHP page, sure, but the design is mostly static. The header “User Bar” (Blue bar saying ‘Sonic Smash Cards’, ‘Forums’, etc) is static, you should try going there when NOT logged in ;). The cards are hoaxes, in fact I left the tiniest clue – check the Card Numbers on each of the five cards (in the top right corner of each card).

Third of all, a Disclaimer. The ways of the Internet means that the 12noon rule so implied with normal April Fools has been null and void online. However, a good concept of _international_ time is always good. For example, right now would not be a good time to try and April Fool someone. However, the time we began ours (3pm GMT) is not so bad. So you can let us off for that one, Prometheus.

Continue reading April Fools: Explanations and Clarifications

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Hooplah! It’s Easter, the time of eating Choccy Eggs… there’s also something vaguely religious about it and all (…NAAAH, the eggs! ;D), but woo. I’m going to be taking a day or so’s holiday for Easter with family (which means no comp access, hooray – be nice while I’m gone guys!), but it wouldn’t be a holiday without a long-overdue update, right? πŸ˜‰

Well, after all that Shadow the Hedgehog hullabaloozah, you people certainly have been vocal about that. Be it in the SSMB Forums, in the TSS Mailbag or be it submission of Fan Articles. The latter of which will be added next week; we had a couple of Shadow oriented articles submitted, and quite frankly I just want to avoid the thing for the time being P; So next week for the articles. Promise.

Continue reading Happy EASTAAAAAH!

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Hi folks, just a quick heads up that everyone’s favourite Sonic news source, SONIC NEWS, is back online right now! Everything you loved about SN during and before it’s move to TSSZ is still here, plus some wicked new features:

  • TSS Account:Β If you have an SSMB Account (which, if you’re posting here, means you obviously do), then you can log into SONIC NEWS too! Check the familiar blue navigation strip underneath the website links in the header. If you’re not logged in, you can log in on the spot. If you’re already logged into SSMB, you’re logged into SONIC NEWS too, and you can see your username in the blue strip! Unique features are planned for SONIC NEWS, so keep an eye out.
  • Comments System:Β SSMB/TSS Account members (when logged in) are able to post comments for any SONIC NEWS article. Visitors need to register and become a part of the SSMB in order to post comments – this saves any unnecessary spam.
  • Website Services:Β We have a Headlines List and a News Ticker for visitors to use – in either PHP or Javascript code format. Like TSSZ, we offer services for sites top use our news. We also have a new RSS feature for anyone who cares to want it.
  • Search Function:Β Search our archives, or surf through them in our aptly named ‘Archives’ section.

Be sure to email the staff with news and hot tips for our reporting use, you will be credited completely. Keep an eye on Sonic News as we catch up with the news, first. Then start getting busy.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.


How’s it going guys? A big update today, as I said yesterday. First off, Sonic Kid sent us a huge bunch of scans and the Sonic X French Theme, so you can view and download all those things. It’s called for a new section for the Comics Zone called Foreign Comics. The Sonic X Theme can be found in the Sonic X section. Flare Gamer who is constructing a cool site asked me for an interview a few weeks back, and you can read the transcript here if you got nothing better to do. AND, there was also the TSS Timeline update made yesterday, which has a complete psychological history of TSS during 2004 up till this present day. For more updates, check out TSS’ front page, under “Latest Updates”.

But for more exciting things, looking ahead now! The Sonic Stadium will be FIVE YEARS OLD in October. October 24th to be exact. And what does a major Sonic site need to make its existence complete? Why, the legendary 1 MILLION VISIT count of course. If you check the Site Meter for The Sonic Stadium you can see that we are close to the 1M mark. Granted, it’s a fair way off, but it’s worth shouting about, even this early. 903,500 unique visitors have entered TSS since October 24th, 2000 (on last count; today at 8:22pm GMT). At this rate we’ll be hitting that target in a month or two! Exciting. πŸ˜€ Anyway, enjoy those updates.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SONIC NEWS: Coming Soon

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates in a month or so. Things are kinda slow on the Sonic front anyway, save for the NOM Yuji Naka Interview that everyone at GameSpot seemed to misinterpret (apparently NiGHTS 2 and Burning Rangers 2 was in development). The SSMB was the first place to check this out and completely debunk those rumours, as it appears Naka-san actually said nothing of the sort at all. Oh, you crazy kids. Head to the SSMB for more mature Sonic discussion and lovin’.

On another note, work on TSS “Interactive” (the codename I apparently seemed to have given the project) is well underway, but work’s stalled a bit to focus on more important things. Namely, the re-launch of SONIC NEWS, one of the best resources for the latest Sonic Team news. A team of reporters will now be on the case to bring you the latest of Sonic around the world, in the stead of pioneer Sonic_Hedgehogs. We’re working on the new SN mini-site, and should have a full relaunch within a week or so. I know, crazy innit. Of course, we will let you know closer to the time.

Continue reading SONIC NEWS: Coming Soon

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As you may or may not have read, The Sonic Stadium is undergoing a vast metamorphosis. The end result – when we ever finish – is to provide a much bigger TSS website, that will be easier to update (which means updating will be more frequent) and also interactive, so that you will be able to submit things via the site itself. An integration with the SSMB will also see the account being renamed to the TSS Account, in order to imply Universality between all TSSNET sites. Which, funnily enough, is the plan.

As part of this renovation, a well-known favourite will be returning to TSS Space. Yep, the world’s favourite news resource, SONIC NEWS, will be returning very soon under a brand new mini-site, and will also incorporate the TSS Account. B’man and I have been working hard many nights to even get to this stage, and it would appear SN will be finished much quicker than normal – literally a matter of one or two weeks!

Continue reading SONIC NEWS: Want Ads

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Told ya there was more…

You know, it feels so good to be able to find time to update my site once again. ^_^ This is the third update I’ve made in four days, and it feels great to be finally updating everything that has been submitted as far back as August ’04 (again, sorry for those who submitted stuff and had to wait so long! o_o).

At time of writing, today’s update is rather niche. I’m attempting to bring the Archie Sonic Comics section bang up to date, and that’s rather hard, not living in America and all. πŸ˜› Rally the Cheetah’s being a superstar with her submissions, and today’s scans include front covers for the last few months, plus some Sonic Specials, AND covers for not only Issue 0, but an alternate Issues 1, 2 and 3. These aren’t the Issues 1, 2 and 3 you know from July ’93 onwards, these were Issues of Archie that began a few months before then. After some digging for more info and scans, we should have information on them.
Continue reading Told ya there was more…

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“Dull, Without Substance”, yet oh so good. TSS.

I went into GAME the other day, foolishly thinking it was 4th February (Sonic Mega Collection +‘s release date). But still, I got a free T-Shirt out of pre-ordering there. AND, I got to meet a great gal working there. We were talking about Sonic for ages, and it was great. A shout to to her, BTW. Anyway, there goes my big boycott of GAME, well and truly buggered.

But it’s not all bad news. Apparently, according to some rather misinformed people, the news that OUR Sonic News section provides to TSSZNews is apparently the only thing keeping TSS alive. Also, The Sonic Stadium is dull, without personality, and has no substance or information at all whatsoever . I’m sure you all feel the same right, clicking those links and actually knowing that TSS is the biggest information resource for Sonic the Hedgehog, with the most intellectual and fun-loving community alive. πŸ˜‰ Still, it doesn’t really matter, those doomsayers keep coming back to TSS all the time to check our information and downloads, so we must be doing something right. Continue reading “Dull, Without Substance”, yet oh so good. TSS.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

li3k, an UpDat!

Got a press release from SEGA today – TakeTwo Interactive has effectively bought out Visual Concepts and Kush Games. For those that don’t really care or know (that’s everyone outside of America, then), they are the SEGA divisions that brought us the Sports 2K Series. The acquisition will see SEGA no longer owning the developer’s rights to these games. TakeTwo and SEGA are also apparently going to work together to bring Visual Concepts games to arcades – be it Sports 2K or something else we dunno. Finally, the agreement will apparently include SEGA publishing and distributing the 2K series in Japan and Asia. I’ll post the whole press kaboodle on the SSMB later. Continue reading li3k, an UpDat!

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TSS Compo Winners, New SSMB Skin

Just a quick update, the TSS Competition’s over and done with. Winners have been picked! Congrats to the winners and well done and thanks to all those peeps who have taken part and entered. The response was great, but slightly timid, which could be applied to the amount of effort needed to do to enter – usually something I don’t do, but I thought it’d be fun to do something elaborate, y’know?

Competition 1: Where you had to take pictures of you celebrating TSS one way or another.
Top Prize: Psychobob
Runner-up: Sonic Neo
Booby Prize: Flash2000

Competition 2: The Voice Impression contest.
Top Prize: Melody (Cream)
Runner-up: Flash2000 (Big)
Booby Prize: Adam Riza (Tails/Chaotix) Continue reading TSS Compo Winners, New SSMB Skin

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Super Sonic Scansday

Yeah, about time eh? >P Sorry about the wait in update, naturally as things get rolling during the kickback into Real Lifeβ„’ education, things will naturally be a touch slower. Seeings as there’s not much talk on Sonic as it is at the moment anyway, what a good time to actually do what many other places aren’t and update. πŸ˜€ Super Sonic Scansday’s not forgotten, in fact, it’s just begun. A period of about a week or so of me adding loads of scannable materials. Yumyum!

And today’s sampling of 45 (!) new scans is too good to pass up, ne? Magazine Articles, old and new, abound! Keep an eye on that ‘Latest Updates’ header to see what new scans have popped up during the course of the week! And the TSS competition – make sure you enter and do your funky stuff QUICK, because the competition’s going to close soon. Although I may push it back for yous guys getting stuff together. You wanna win the Sonic X OST don’t you? Or the Sonic Underground boxset? Or do you just want me to keep them? Well ENTER then, buffoons!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Happy Birthday TSS!

Happy Birthday to The Sonic Stadium! Festivities kicked off last night, as the Sonic Site Awards Ceremony was broadcast live, while the Sonic Top 8 Awards followed. We had such a great turnout, it was really buzzing last night. I’d like to thank all those that attended and had a great time with us. It’s not over though – TSS is about to make a HUGE update, with a massive SUPER Sonic Scansday! And, MAKE SURE YOU TAKE PART IN OUR COMPETITION! Yeah, we have a real competition, with REAL PRIZES. Take a look, and enter; you have about three weeks to send your entries to me. Fancy winning a Sonic game, the new Sonic Underground DVD Boxset maybe? Or perhaps you’ve always wanted the Sonic X Original Soundtrack? Well, take part, we got them all up for grabs baby! Who says we don’t treat you right? Stay tuned to TSS!

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Sonic Site Awards Ceremony 2004 – Today

Yep, the Sonic Site Awards 2004 Ceremony will be kicking off in less than 8 hours!
5:00pm GMT is the ‘GO’ time for when TSS officially begins it’s fourth anniversary!

A quick round-up of what is to come today, tomorrow, and during the rest of next week (TSS’ Birthday + Half Term = Longer Celebration Period :D).

– SSMB Revamps with special TSS Default Skin.

– Sonic Site Awards Ceremony 2004: Hosted by Dreadknux & Roareye
– The SSA Ceremony will also kick-start a brand new series of “The Sonic Hour”
– Straight after the SSA Ceremony, is SpawnofSonic and the Sonic Top 8! [*]
– SEGASonic Radio officially merges it’s 24/7 and LiVECAST stations into one.
– =TSS= opens ‘Events’ Page on the main site as a guide to what’s happening.
– =TSS= Launches the Activities…

So, what ARE the activities? Well, you can be the VERY first to know the details!

Continue reading Sonic Site Awards Ceremony 2004 – Today

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TSS’ 4th Birthday!

This is how the celebrations will work out. Sunday 24th October 2004, at 5:00pm GMT (UK Time), the celebrations will all kick off at the SONIC SITE AWARDS 2004, for the final announcement of the winners! Who has won the Sonic Site of ’04? And who is the best Elite Sonic Site? Roareye and myself will host the show, which will also kick off a new series and season of programming for SEGASonic Radio, our radio station. SSR will merge stations so that Live and Streamed will combine. All you can want, in one station.

The new series of popular show “The Sonic Hour” will debut when the SSA Ceremony begins. Fastfeet Media will return, which includes the return of the TSS FTP Service (after some considerable downtime), and a new BitTorrent system will be placed in the FFM halls. The SSMB Forums will get a makeover, plus a new skin to celebrate. Continue reading TSS’ 4th Birthday!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Games Section, TSS’ 4th…

Well, basically, if the content pages of some Game sections look messed up, just bear with it. We’re in the midst of modifying the Game Section to make it more accessible to you, and the first game pages to use this new system is the newly announced Feel the Magic and Sonic 1 on Mega Drive. On another note, the SSMB Forums are undergoing a makeover for it’s 3rd Birthday, and we’re preparing things for both Halloween and TSS’ FOURTH Birthday on the 24th October – which also brings the Awards Ceremony of the Sonic Site Awards. More details to appear on the Official SSA Website tomorrow. Should really update that banner rotation too while I’m at it.

As for the SAGE Coverage, due to everything going on and the apparent lack of things on show at the event, I don’t think I will be making a Coverage report this time. Sorry guys @ SAGE and the boothists – however I DID manage to interview Mj2 and The Dying Informant; the amazing people behind Chaos Control, one of the most anticipated Fan Games in production. That interview will be going up in a few days, regardless.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

New Look FastFeet Media and FFM Forums… coming soon

Evenin’ all. Just popped in to say for those of you who aren’t using FastFeet Media and also for those of you that do but use SSMB too – a little announcement. FastFeet Media is having a new look placed up at the end of October with loadsa new bits including:

  • New look website
  • Brand new Invision forums…
  • ….with Bit Torrent downloads!
  • But FTP will still be with us
  • and last but not least the new channel SS:TV!!

Continue reading New Look FastFeet Media and FFM Forums… coming soon

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And… that was SAGE 9. Apparently.

Not that I’m one to complain about such things, but was it me or was SAGE 9 extremely short? Even shorter than it used to be back in the days of SAGE 4/5? I do believe this event ran for a grand marathon of about 3 or 4 days maximum. Although it was a success in such a short time, I’m sure many fangame developers would be rather choked that their creations were given a three day limit to be seen – especially considering that there are so many people out there who hasn’t even heard of a fangame. ShadowTeam was a sufferer in that we didn’t find time to add our stuff for that three day window, so we’ll be announcing our stuff over the coming weeks instead.

As for the coverage, I’m going to begin after I’ve had my lunch. But considering the number of booths that appeared this time, and the lack of time to see it in, it’s a shame I’m using the “aftermath” time to actually cover these fangames. A suggestion for SAGE 10 – especially since the SAGE event is to be a once-yearly event after SAGE 9: make it about 2 or even three weeks. Especially seeings as it’ll only be happening once a year now, a lot of people will be looking forward to it. And it also gives people like myself time to cover, report and actually play these games at leisure.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SAGE 2004 – And Rubbing Girls

So, the stylish influence of United Game Artists strikes further within Sonic Team HQ, as we finally know what ‘Project Rub’ is all about. It’s a dating sim for Nintendo DS, you see. And it involves “touching girls”. Egad. We’ll be covering that in a day or so’s time. Sorry for lack of updates too, but a new job convinces me to stay away from this computer and all, so bleh. Trust me though, I’m putting stuff up and have a ton of great things lined up over the next month – in time for TSS’ FOURTH Birthday. Also, SAGE has started once more – but if you hear hide nor peep from me for a day or so, I’m just fixing up Shadow Team’s booth for the event. Finally, the Sonic Site Awards is in Phase 2. Need I say more? I don’t think so. ‘Ave it.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The SSR Sonic Top 8 Awards 2004

In conjuction with the SSA 2004 and Sonic Stadium’s 4th Birthday SSR is going to be hosting the Top 8 Sonic Tracks. Just like the Site Awards the Top 8 tracks of this year will be voted upon by you and will involve a two stage voting process with categories.

Stage One will give you the listeners to nomiante 6 tracks in each of the catergory’s. Stage Two will be voting on the compiled nomianted tracks.

Continue reading The SSR Sonic Top 8 Awards 2004

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