CulTNET asking for donations to keep network online

Sazpaimon, host of CulTNET, is in debt and would like your assistance in keeping the network online.  CulTNET hosts many Sonic fan sites, such as Sonic Retro, X-Cult, Hacking Cult, and the Hidden Palace. $150 is due by next week, so if you are a fan or visitor of a site in CulTNET, do not hesitate to donate.  Sazpaimon says that you can donate in the following ways:

1. Paypal, easiest method: is the address.

2. Paypal, yes again. If you don’t have a paypal account, but have a credit/debit card, head over to and click the paypal button at the top of the left column. Select to continue without logging in, and enter your info.

3. Snail mail. If you don’t have EITHER, this is your only option. PM me for details on this.


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Sonic Appears On Japanese Mega CD 2, Seems Abused

Those too-cool-for-school purveyors of video game research, X-Cult, have obtained a dump of the boot up system for the Japanese Mega CD 2 (ver 2.00). Hardly great shakes you think, until you realise that up until now nobody has actually managed (or been bothered) to dump the thing in the first place. Thanks to Spinel from the X-Cult community, you can now download and experience just how different the Japanese Mega CD 2’s were. Which doesn’t seem a lot, but interesting nonetheless – it includes Sonic doing his finger-waving pose that you’ll recognise from loading up an actual game on the CD add-on. Although here it kinda looks like someone’s taken a mallet to his head. Good find boys!

Mega CD 2.00 jap bios (X-Cult)

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Sonic Unleashed Trailer [UPDATE]

It appears Sonic has returned to the realm of side scrollers and on rails game play in his latest console outing. Good stuff.

UPDATE: Looks like SEGA-On’s video was removed, so much for that. We know you love a good video though, so courtesy of our good friends at X-CulT, you can download a modified version of the (rather stupidly large at 600MB) video from their website. Also, if you want a laugh, click here.

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Sonic 06 Unearthed

We don’t normally cover stuff like this (hacking discoveries and whatnot), but we felt this was interesting enough to warrant a news story.

If you’ve ever been to Sonic CulT, S2Beta, or the like, you’d know that they tend to specialize in ROM hacking, and reverse engineering of Sonic games. Local guru, Link, decided to take that a step further, and delve into Sonic the Hedgehog, for Xbox 360.

What he found was certainly interesting.

In addition to many nifty tweaks, such as tweaking Tails’ gameplay to not suck, he made a single key discovery; one the likes of which hadn’t been seen in a Sonic game for years beforehand. Continue reading Sonic 06 Unearthed

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Sonic Mars Script obtained!

Fresh off the press, news has come about that Sonic CulT has won an auction for the script to the 32x predecessor to Sonic X-Treme, Sonic Mars!

The script was being auctioned on eBay, and sold in the end for a total of $510, after many bid-sniping attempts from other bidders trying to obtain the item.

The auction has only ended a few hours ago, so the script is not in the hands of Sonic CulT just yet. Various scans of the script on the auction page reveal that it is indeed legitimate, and that it contains a loads of information on Sonic Mars, including the plot, various concept sketches, level concepts, among other things. Continue reading Sonic Mars Script obtained!

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Told ya there was more…

You know, it feels so good to be able to find time to update my site once again. ^_^ This is the third update I’ve made in four days, and it feels great to be finally updating everything that has been submitted as far back as August ’04 (again, sorry for those who submitted stuff and had to wait so long! o_o).

At time of writing, today’s update is rather niche. I’m attempting to bring the Archie Sonic Comics section bang up to date, and that’s rather hard, not living in America and all. 😛 Rally the Cheetah’s being a superstar with her submissions, and today’s scans include front covers for the last few months, plus some Sonic Specials, AND covers for not only Issue 0, but an alternate Issues 1, 2 and 3. These aren’t the Issues 1, 2 and 3 you know from July ’93 onwards, these were Issues of Archie that began a few months before then. After some digging for more info and scans, we should have information on them.
Continue reading Told ya there was more…

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