Announcements Time

Announcements Time

I promised some concrete information, and here we go – unfortunately we have some interesting news, some exciting news and some bad news =P

First of all, SAGE. The event will run from 3rd – 9th July, TSS will be there fully supporting the thing. Just to clarify to those who don’t know, SAGE is NOT a physical event. It’s not located in America, or the UK, or whatever. It’s all ONLINE. So attending is free, all you need is access to teh internets. Which you obviously have, innit.

Second of all, Sonic Site Awards 2005. Solids: The event will begin the week AFTER SAGE, so’s not to clash with the event. The awards will be broken up into bitesize categories (we’re getting way too many to just simply list now), which also allows for a special “category” regarding the newly-born Sonic Elite Awards. There will be categories including brand new awards, involving SSMB awards, SSN awards, and a special category in association with Sonic Fan Games HQ and SAGE. Hopefully SSA attention will also head to SFGHQ/SAGE and rejuvenate the fangame community somewhat. ClawtheEchog is helping me out organising the SSMB awards (they will be carefully created).

Thirdly, some bad news, regarding the SEGASonic Radio purchasable CD of The Sonic Hour: Season One. We are nowhere near compiling the files for CD Quality, so you will not be able to buy it for now I’m afraid. Give it a week or two – AlextheGreat made a point of making the music high quality stereo, which to achieve is easier said than done… The 11kHz recording is slower than a standard 44kHz music file, so the only way to do this is to re-record the entire broadcast with high quality music instead. The recordings of our voices are unfortunately quite weak in comparison to the high quality music on the CD, but that is something we really cannot help, unless you want us to remake the entire series (NOT going to happen, guys =P). So yeah, currently re-recording some 9+ hours of TSH content for your delectation, so we hope you can wait a bit longer.

Operation Grandslam is coming along great – I’ve just been designing and thinking of ideas TSS Accounts could be manipulated in terms of what can be added. Maybe you’ll have a chance to use your Account to gloat to your friends…

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.