Free Sonic Hat with Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice at Nintendo UK

Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice, the sequel to Sanzaru Games’ Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal from 2014, races onto Nintendo 3DS in Europe on Friday 30th September. With only a few weeks to go until the release date, UK gamers can now put their pre-orders down on the Nintendo UK Online Store and get a nifty Sonic hat for free! Continue reading Free Sonic Hat with Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice at Nintendo UK

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Sega Announces Sonic Mania Collectors Edition for North America

Earlier today the Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter announced the Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition for North America.

Sonic Mania Collector's Edition

In addition to a download code for the game itself (of course!) on a metallic collector’s card, the pack features a 12 inch statue of Sonic standing on a Sega Genesis console – with added “Sega!” chorus when you flip the power switch – and a mock Genesis cartridge for Mania that opens up to reveal a golden ring. It’s about at close as we’ll get to an actual Sonic Mania cartridge!

The Sonic Mania Collectors Edition is priced at $69.99 ($89.99 in Canada), and is now available to pre-order at Amazon US/Ca:
Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition (Xbox One) (Canada)
Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition (Playstation 4) (Canada)
Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition (PC) (Canada)
The PS4 version briefly appeared as sold out, so supplies may be limited.

The Amazon listing also mentions a release date of May 31st 2017, which I believe is the first indication we’ve had of a solid release date. Time will tell if it turns out to be true.

No word on what (if anything?) the rest of the world is getting, but I can only hope it looks as good as this pack does!

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New Footage of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Gives Us Another Look at Bot-Racing

There’s not much time before the launch of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice for the Nintendo 3DS. Come the end of September, Sonic fans in the West can get their hands on the third playable instalment of the Sonic Boom series, helmed by Shattered Crystal developer Sanzaru Games as the studio aims to improve where the previous game went wrong – with SEGA going so far as to delay it by a whole year as part of their pledge to aim for a higher standard of quality for all of their games from here on out.

SEGA of Japan recently hosted a near-two hour long livestream showing off several of their upcoming games, including the latest Yakuza, the recently revealed Puyo Chronicle, and Atlus’ highly anticipated Persona 5, but not without kicking things off with a sneak peek at the localized Sonic Toon: Fire & Ice. Gameplay featuring Sonic, Knuckles, and Sticks was shown off in the segment, as well as another look at the Sonic Rivals-esque Bot-Racing. You can check out the interview in full, or watch just the gameplay with footage spliced together by BlueParadox, after the cut!

Continue reading New Footage of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Gives Us Another Look at Bot-Racing

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New Sonic Mania Footage from PAX West Shows off More of Green Hill and Studiopolis

Sonic Mania is the return to form classic fans have sought after for years, and expectations are high since its debut appearance at the 25th anniversary party in San Diego, revealing a remixed Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog as well as a brand new stage with Studiopolis Zone. With this year’s PAX West winding down, more footage from the game has surfaced, all direct feed and featuring both Zones on full display!

Check out GameXplain and Polygon’s differing playthroughs of these levels after the jump, and be sure to leave us your thoughts in the comments.

Continue reading New Sonic Mania Footage from PAX West Shows off More of Green Hill and Studiopolis

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Sega 3D Archives 3: Final Stage revealed for 3DS in Japan (includes Sonic 2)

Sega 3D Archives 3 Final Stage Article Preview

Just like the first two before it, Sega have announced via the Japanese magazine Famitsu that they will release a 3rd retail compilation of the 3D Classics games on 3DS. So far we only know of five games (all of which are already on the eShop) and will only be released in Japan at the moment. See the list of games below.

Continue reading Sega 3D Archives 3: Final Stage revealed for 3DS in Japan (includes Sonic 2)

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Sonic Mania – Hands on Impressions

At Summer of Sonic I managed to get some time to play Sonic Mania. Here is my initial response… Sonic Mania is probably one of the best platforming games for years, it’s probably better than the original classic series, it’s probably that and more… probably.

Now let’s talk about why that is.

Continue reading Sonic Mania – Hands on Impressions

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More Sonic in Lego Dimensions Details Revealed


IGN have posted another video about Lego Dimensions which contains a big focus on the Sonic stages. In this video we learn a bunch of new details about the Sonic level pack.

  • 7 Stages.
  • “It practically is a Sonic game”
  • Battle Arena based on “Carnival Zone.” – “Brightly coloured, neon mashup.”
  • Lots of boss fights.
  • Confirmation that Sonic’s ring is based off the Lego Toilet Seat.

Check out the video to see the details and some better quality gameplay.

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Sonic in Lego Dimensions Releases November 18th & New Gameplay Released

A video posted by IGN via twitch has shown off gameplay from the Sonic Level Pack from Lego Diemensions.


The video shows how  Gizmo and Harry Potter will navigate the level as well as a brief appearance by Sonic.

In other news, the level pack itself has appeared on multiple retailer sites including Amazon & Toys R US all stating that the pack will be released on November 18th. Current price point is £29.99.

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So this is in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided… And We Love it!

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided releases in just under a week and this is apparently hidden in the game.

deus ex knuckles

We have nothing else to say except this is incredible, please can we have a copy… of both Deus Ex and “Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles?”

Source: Twitter

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Yuji Naka wishes to pitch Mario & Sonic action game to Takashi Iizuka

Just recently, Yuji Naka and Naoto Ohshima spoke with the Japanese magazine Famitsu, and commented on the origins of the Mario & Sonic series, as well as Sonic joining Super Smash Bros. Brawl. But Yuji Naka also said that he wishes to give another presentation to Sonic Team’s Takashi Iizuka about a potential Mario & Sonic action game. See the quote below.

Continue reading Yuji Naka wishes to pitch Mario & Sonic action game to Takashi Iizuka

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Sonic Mania Hands-On Preview


This is the Sonic game classic Sonic fans have dreamed of for at least a decade.

Well, probably. As with any game, there are a lot of boxes Sonic Mania needs to tick to ensure it lives up to its potential. What will the quality of the level design be? How much content will there be and how much will it cost? Are there any unknown game play elements that could mar the experience?

Normally, I save these sorts of cautionary warnings for the end of the preview, but I think it’s necessary to put them front and center because, at least on the surface, this has all the right elements to excite every old-school Sonic fan on the planet.


First of all, the physics: one of the first things I did in this game was attempt the wall-stand that Sonic 4 became infamous for. I am happy to say that not only is gravity-defying traversal nearly impossible (by the standards of a classic Sonic game anyway) but many of the new areas in the demo require momentum to traverse. Without it, you aren’t going anywhere. There are no spring pads, few auto-running segments, and loads of opportunities to build momentum on hills and half-pipes to reach higher areas, or mess up and fall into lower sections. That said, the physics still aren’t quite what you may be used to from the classic Genesis titles. They feel like they fit somewhere between the Genesis titles and the slightly looser physics of Sonic CD. Of course, this shouldn’t be surprising: the stages take a lot of inspiration from Sonic CD.

The game had two levels on display: the remade Act 1 of Green Hill Zone and the all-new Studiopolis Zone.


At first glance, Green Hill hasn’t changed much. If you just run through it as you normally do, chances are it may feel just like the original stage with some slight tweaks. But that’s because you didn’t look hard enough: when I played the level, I decided to explore, and I eventually made my way to a completely new area that runs directly over much of the level.

The design for these new areas feels reminiscent of Sonic CD stages, with loads of pipes, mobius strips, and areas that let you really move in a way old-school Green Hill never quite allowed. There are also hidden secrets, including a bubble shield and a fire shield. The level ended with a boss that was simultaneously reminiscent and new, putting a new spin on Eggman’s ball-swinging egg mobile from the original game. In this case, the two balls took turns swinging from one another, with one vulnerable to attack and the other dangerous to the touch. If this boss is any indication, we will probably see a return of the mid-level sub bosses from Sonic 3 & Knuckles in Sonic Mania.


The Sonic CD inspirations are even more evident in the second level on display: Studiopolis. The stage is sprawling, loaded with different routes and secrets to find, as well as plenty of hills, ramps and other types of terrain that make use of the game’s physics. One key difference between this stage the levels in Sonic CD seems to be level cohesion: I’ve always felt most of the the level design in Sonic CD was a bit of a mess. Here, everything seems to be placed a little more intelligently, making the level itself a little easier to navigate and memorize. Of course, I’m sure Sonic CD fans will completely disagree with me on that point, but they should love this level nonetheless.

Both levels rewarded exploration in a way no other modern Sonic game does. Since I knew my time with the game would be limited, I decided to take my time and explore both stages, and there was a lot to see. Backtracking and trying to reach higher areas that I had missed on my initial pass was how I discovered that one entirely new portion of Green Hill. Backtracking in Studiopolis revealed a spring that sent me careening towards the right of the screen, and further exploration revealed an absolutely massive stage that I simply didn’t have time to fully explore during the demo. This is the sort of level design I’ve been wanting from my sidescrolling Sonic titles for awhile: large levels that reward people who do more than press right and take the easiest and most straightforward paths. Exploration not only revealed hidden paths, but also power ups (including the aforementioned shields) and the outlines of giant rings that weren’t accessible in the demo. While nothing about them has been confirmed, it seems pretty likely that they lead to Mania’s special stages.


While there wasn’t much genuinely new game play mechanics to find in the game, there was one thing that could drastically change how people play the game: the drop dash. Anyone who’s seen the trailer should have an idea of what the drop dash is, but let me elaborate on it: you activate the drop dash by holding the jump button as Sonic jumps through the air. The higher up you are, the more you can charge the drop dash, and when you hit the ground you immediately spin dash in whatever direction your trying to go. It’s a fun move that looks like it should be useful for hardcore players, since it isn’t exactly the easiest move to use.

I tried using it as often as I could throughout one of my playthroughs, and discovered it was only really useful in areas when Sonic could both gain a lot of air, and had a place to spin dash through once he landed. This neat little move is a little more interesting than other attempts at giving 2D Sonic an extra move, such as the insta-shield and homing attack that have been utilized in previous titles. The move won’t always be available though: when Sonic has an elemental shield, it is replaced by that shield’s special move.


Graphically, the game seems to answer the question, “what would a real Sonic game on the 32X have looked like?” Studiopolis is a gorgeous level, full of color and neat details, including a cute little 1930s inspired dancing Eggman animation. It’s loaded with different shades of blues and purples, with some oranges and yellows thrown in for good measure. It actually kind of reminds me of this old Sonic folder I had when I was a kid. Overall, the level just oozes with 90s nostalgia.

The sprite animations themselves have more inbetween frames then you’d normally see in a Genesis title. The sprites also sometimes have interesting little touches, like the orbinaut badnik becoming more desperate as you destroy the little orbiting balls that protect it from your attacks. Studiopolis updates the graphics just enough to make them look great by today’s standards, without completely losing that Genesis feel. They don’t completely make the jump to the more advanced 2D graphics you might find on systems like the Saturn, but the Genesis certainly wouldn’t have been able to handle them.


The Studiopolis theme was also some really great stuff. It’s fusion of jazz and midi sounds like something ripped from the best of 90s SEGA soundtracks. It’s definitely got a Sonic Team flavoring to it, and would fit in fine with not just any Sonic game, but even NiGHTS into Dreams stuff. If the rest of this game’s soundtrack is as fine as this, it ought to find its way into any Sonic fan’s playlist.

This has the potential to be Sonic’s best game since the Genesis era. Better than already great stuff like Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations. Better than the Sonic Boom mediocrity we’ve gotten over the last few years. Better than SEGA’s 2D Sonic console game, Sonic 4. I just hope the rest of the game lives up to what I played at that party.

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Mutant Mudds developer wants to bring Sonic Mania to 3DS

While Sonic Mania has only been announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC so far, that doesn’t mean that some other developers in the industry wouldn’t mind bringing the game to other systems. One such developer is interested in doing a 3DS version of the game.

Continue reading Mutant Mudds developer wants to bring Sonic Mania to 3DS

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Sonic In Lego Dimensions, New Screenshots

Traveller’s Tales have released a number of new screenshots involving Sonic in Lego Dimensions, it seems they were not kidding when they said that Sonic can go anywhere and interact with anyone.

Check out the Gallery for all the screens.

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Project Sonic 2017 Announced

Announced at the 25th Anniversary Party, Sonic project 2017 “is not a sequel”. During the CG trailer we see an image of destruction in which Eggman mechs have taken over, as Sonic charges towards them he’s joined by… well… you’ll see. Continue reading Project Sonic 2017 Announced

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Sonic In Lego Dimensions Gameplay Revealed

Just shown at the 25th party, Sonic in Lego Dimensions gameplay footage.

In addition a level pack was confirmed, it contains two vehicles, the Tornado and the Speedstar from the ASR series.

Sonic can visit the Tardis, hang out with the Goonies, go to Gotham City and pilot a mech robot!

Expected release date is November 2016.

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Sonic Mania Announced!

Just announced at Sonic’s 25th party, a new 2D game for the PS4, PC & Xbox One. Continue reading Sonic Mania Announced!

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Sonic sale live in NA on both the Wii U and 3DS eShop

Today in this week’s NA Nintendo Downloads PR, it was announced that various Sonic games are on sale on the NA eShop on both Wii U and 3DS, and there’s quite a few games to choose from. You can view the entire list below.

Continue reading Sonic sale live in NA on both the Wii U and 3DS eShop

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TSS Review: Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Wii U)

Mario and Sonic was always the topic at the Copa. With the Olympics just weeks around the corner, Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games for the Wii U is finally out on the shelves. Promising more characters, better graphics, 14 Olympic events and an array of content, will this game have you partying like you’re in Maracanã, or will you be left thinking of it as Barren da Tijuca?

Continue reading TSS Review: Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Wii U)

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Sonic Talk 38: A Song of Fire and Ice

Join Jason, Alex and GX as they discuss Mighty No. 9 and Mario and Sonic Wii U. Then, Jason and Alex discuss their experiences at Sonic Revolution and this years E3 along with their opinions of Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice We end the show with Sonic Producer, Chibilola answering your Twitter questions! Lots of good stuff in this episode so give it a good listening! Continue reading Sonic Talk 38: A Song of Fire and Ice

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Lego Dimensions Sonic Figure Revealed

Lego Dimensions producer Mark Warburton posted a number of images on twitter (and then removed them), showing what the actual Sonic figure in Lego Dimensions looks like. Continue reading Lego Dimensions Sonic Figure Revealed

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(Update) Sega confirms new Sonic project is coming in 2017

Update: Decided to adjust a couple of things. First the message seems to more specifically say that a new Sonic project is coming next year (project seems to be the prevailing word rather than game, but some do report it as a game). While it’s not specified to be the big anniversary game, it is said that details will be announced at the 25th anniversary party in San Diego on July 22nd. The event in San Diego will also be live-streamed via Twitch. Finally, another very reliable site has put up the full details, along with the link to the live-stream archive which you can see below.

Continue reading (Update) Sega confirms new Sonic project is coming in 2017

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Lots of unseen concept art of Sonic and company

Sega have just held a Sonic event at Joypolis in Japan which we previously reported would be live-streamed (we do not yet have an archive of said live-stream yet). In the event, they have unveiled a couple of key things (the second of which is being posted about next), first is that they have unveiled a slew of sheets featuring many characters and their various stages of designs along with their final design.

Continue reading Lots of unseen concept art of Sonic and company

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Sonic Can Spin Attack Daleks In Lego Dimensions, Teaser Tomorrow… “Maybe”

Mark Warburton, who happens to be a producer at Travellers Tales on Lego Dimensions has made a series of tweets with regards to Sonic which both casts light onto what Sonic can actually do in the game as well as teases a possible trailer or reveal for Sonic in Lego Dimensions too.

The first tweet specifically mentions that in the Doctor Who stages, Sonic will spin attack Daleks, if you don’t know what a Dalek is, it’s basically a badnik with a mutant alien inside… who wants to destroy you.

Then in a response to another twitter user who asked about the possibility of a teaser for Sonic’s 25th, Warburton didn’t exactly say it wouldn’t happen.

So there we go, Sonic attacking Daleks and a possible teaser coming tomorrow. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be sat over here deciding which of these Sonic Screwdriver related puns will go into tomorrows article if the above happens.

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Iizuka: We are Developing a Completely new [Sonic] Game

In an interview with Famitsu, the head of Sonic Team Takashi Iizuka has confirmed that sonic team are developing a new Sonic game.

Famitsu: Finally, our last question – please tell us about Sonic’s future.

Iizuka: We at Sonic Team – are developing a completely new game, as well as developing a full movie, actively done by Sony Pictures, and animation on Sonic Boom. We are also ready to improve sponsor ties.
The most important thing is not the fact the series survived for 25 years, but how many games was developed.
Our goal – add something new and overcome any potential hardships.

Are you as shocked as we are? That a new Sonic game is in development! Well… yeah cynical response aside, what’s interesting is the use of words here, specifically ‘completely new game’ suggesting it’s not a direct sequel or might actually be something new that we’ve not seen before.

Source: Famitsu Via SoahCityfamitsu interview

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Humble Sonic 25th Anniversary Bundle Now Live

A few weeks ago we brought you news that there was a potential Sonic Humble Bundle on the way, well it seems that we were right!

Humble Bundle have unleashed a Sonic 25th Anniversary Bundle, however it seems that the games you get have switched slightly, this is the list of games and their tiers.

Pay what you want 

  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Sonic 3D Blast
  • Sonic Adventure DX
  • Sonic CD

Beat the Average 

  • Sonic Adventure 2
  • Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Mode
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I

Pay $10 

  • Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
  • Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Metal Sonic
  • Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Ryo Hazuki
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II
  • Sonic Generations
  • Sonic Generations – Casino Nights
  • Sonic Lost World

And that’s not all, there’s a surprise tier. If you pay $35 (£24.67) you get an exclusively designed T-Shirt from Fangamer.

Tempted? Going to buy them all? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Humble Bundle.


Edit: Also if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, you can pick up some free digital comics too.

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E3 2016: Sonic Boom Fire & Ice Preview, Jason’s Take

“A delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is bad forever.” – Shigeru Miyamoto

While these words aren’t necessarily true (just look at Duke Nukem Forever), a delayed game with the purpose of fixing it’s issues can only make a better game. Such seems to be the case with Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice. A game originally scheduled for November 2015 that looked like it might be just a slight improvement over the original, but nothing major. Fast forward 8 months later and lo and behold, we seem to have a pretty good game on our hands. Continue reading E3 2016: Sonic Boom Fire & Ice Preview, Jason’s Take

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E3 2016: Sonic Boom Fire & Ice Preview, Alex’s Take

I didn’t care for Shattered Crystal back at E3 2014. Between the maze-like level design and clunky character switching, the game left me frustrated by the end of my 20+ minute play through of a single level of the game. My opinion of the game improved somewhat when it was finally released, but many of the issues I had with it remained. If Fire & Ice’s E3 demo is any indication, Sanzaru has learned a lot from their last game’s mistakes. Continue reading E3 2016: Sonic Boom Fire & Ice Preview, Alex’s Take

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Japanese Job Advert Hints at New PS4/Xbox One Sonic Game?

A number of detective Sonic fans have discovered an old job advert for an video game company, whose name isn’t disclosed. However the description of the advert has some very strong hints that the company is Sega and that the job advert is for work on a new Sonic game. Continue reading Japanese Job Advert Hints at New PS4/Xbox One Sonic Game?

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Mystery of New Animation in Sonic Boom Fire and Ice Solved

You may have seen the new Sonic Boom Fire and Ice E3 trailer and seen a brand new cartoon scene mixed in with cuts from the first season. Many speculated that this new spot consisting of Sonic and Amy using teamwork together was from the “totally not confirmed” second season. Not so! Continue reading Mystery of New Animation in Sonic Boom Fire and Ice Solved

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Sonic the Hedgehog Confirmed for LEGO Dimensions

What the brick?! We can’t believe it any more than you can, but it’s official – Sonic the Hedgehog will be making a surprise playable appearance in the block-buster toys-to-life game LEGO Dimensions! Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog Confirmed for LEGO Dimensions

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Sonic Boom Fire & Ice E3 Trailer


After months of inactivity, Sonic Boom Fire & Ice has finally got a new trailer. The trailer is a combination of game play footage and CG sequences. I’m unsure as to if there is anything really new in the footage, but it is nice to finally see the same after so many months of silence.

I’ll reserve judgement on what I think of the trailer for now, but let us know what you think in the comments.

Edit: I looked through both the trailers to see if I could find any noticeable differences, this was the best I could find.


There is quite a difference.

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Sonic Humble Bundle Leaked?

The 25th anniversary is just a few weeks away, the announcements and teases are slowly trickling out, and we might have a heads up on one announcement. According to a poster at Reddit, there might be a Sonic Humble Bundle on the way.

The bundle in question seems to be as follows.

Pay what you want (single combined key)

  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Sonic 3D Blast
  • Sonic Adventure DX

Beat the Average (single combined key)

  • Sonic CD
  • Sonic Adventure 2
  • Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Mode
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I

Pay $10 (single combined key)

  • Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
  • Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Metal Sonic
  • Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Yogscast
  • Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Ryo Hazuki
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II
  • Sonic Generations
  • Sonic Generations – Casino Nights
  • Sonic Lost World
  • Sonic Lost World – NiGHTMARE Zone

Second Week BTA Bonus (single combined key)

  • Sonic Spinball
  • Sonic 3 and Knuckles
  • Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine

To further support this claim, there are a number of items recently added to the Steam Database which seems to indicate that this is indeed happening.

No idea when these will go live on the humble bundle store, but odds are it should be this month.

Source: Reddit.

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Could the US Sonic Runners Servers Be Shut Down Tomorrow?

Looks like NA users will be affected by the Sonic Runners shutdown earlier than we though, as SEGA announced on Twitter that the game’s regional servers will shut down on Monday May 30… before deleting any mention of it. Continue reading Could the US Sonic Runners Servers Be Shut Down Tomorrow?

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Sonic Runners Shutting Down Next Month

It’s the end of Sonic Runners! In rather surprising news given the publisher’s exploration into the mobile space, SEGA has announced that the endless runner will be shutting down, only a year after it launched worldwide.
Continue reading Sonic Runners Shutting Down Next Month

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Sonic Generations (3DS) and more are on sale on the NA Wii U and 3DS eShop

Nintendo today released the PR of their weekly NA eShop update. Among the releases of this week’s games and weekly sales, was the news of four Sonic games being discounted on both the Wii U and 3DS eShop. Games and prices are below. Continue reading Sonic Generations (3DS) and more are on sale on the NA Wii U and 3DS eShop

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Rare look at the scrapped Sonic DS E3 2004 Tech Demo

What you’ll see is a rare video showcasing the original Sonic DS Tech Demo that was shown off at E3 2004 as a means of demonstrating the system’s graphical capabilities and potential uses of the bottom touch screen. The footage shows the full level with the direct-feed audio intact (with a bit of background noise). Continue reading Rare look at the scrapped Sonic DS E3 2004 Tech Demo

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