T-Bird’s virtual tour of SEGA JOYPOLIS in Tokyo, Japan


Greetings from the land of the Rising Sun, TSS! I’m currently over in Tokyo on business, but in between the conferences, work, and copious quantities of sushi, I’ve found some spare time to do some exploring, and like all good merch hunters, I made SEGA JOYPOLIS in Odaiba Tokyo one of the prime places I needed to visit!

Within the halls of the Aqua City Mall lies SEGA Joypolis,  probably the last bastion of SEGA’s hayday in the 90’s. The walls are covered with the signatures of the famous actors and artists who have made a visit to the park over the many years since it’s opening. There’s even the odd advert, picture or fixture that remains, and you can see throughout the park if you look hard enough. Over the years the park has evolved, as has SEGA, with their shift from a market dominating company through to a software developer. Unlike the Trocadero in London though, the park seems to have survived through the hardships and remains a bustling hive of activity and a popular destination for families (and couples on dates!).

As well as the bristling shop full of Sonic plushes and the COSPA line Sonic and SEGA paraphanalia, there’s a whole host of UFO catchers stuffed with Draemon, Disney and other goodies…and unlike UK UFO catchers, these actually let you win occassionally! Upstairs on the second level are the ball games, and this year (to my utter delight) you could pick yourself up a Sonic Mobile plush…which I did after only 600 yen worth of tries. You can also exchange your real money for SEGA Tokens emblazened with Sonic’s face…and so I had to keep a few in my pocket for posterity.

What I didn’t know Was that Night of the Werehog has had a 3D makeover for Joypolis viewing. For a mere 600 yen (about £4/$8) you can sit in on a state-of-the-art showing of the animation that came out just after the release of Unleashed year before last. Some might argue that is quite a steep price to watch a 10 minute short (although the added annoyance is the poor exchange rate), however I am personally overjoyed this little piece of awesome is getting general acclaim in Japan.

The top two floors of Joypolis include a plethora of sit-in rides (including a Prison Break themed-ride) and a line of really, really retro stuff, including some Typing of the Dead cabinets which I think you can actually play for free. These are also complimented by the usual bandit machines and obligatory gambling that seems to prevolent in Japan. Unfortunately the restuarant level called “Joypolis Decks” does not include any Sonic themed food. Disappointing.

The one thing you can be sure of at Joypolis is that if you win something, they will make a fuss, and will insist you take many photos to mark the ocassion! If you’re in and about Tokyo, I think that the 620 yen train ticket and the 500 yen entrance fee is small price to pay to come and check out this place!


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Win yourself a signed copy of Bentley Jones’ “So Much More” EP

Greetings from Tokyo! I hear good things are happening over in the west, including the release of Bentley Jones’ official theme to Sonic and Sega All-Star Racing! To celebrate the launch of the EP, we’re giving away (because we’re so generous) a signed copy of the So Much More EP, along with three signed photos for three runners up.

All you have to do is answer this reeeeaaally easy question:

What is the name of the fifth track that features on the So Much More EP?

A) Alpha Dog
B) Beta Cat
C) Gamma Frog

Send an email titled “EP Competition” along with your name, answer and address to the Competition email address: tbird [at] sonicstadium.org. That’s it! The competition is open worldwide, and the deadline for entries is Friday the 12th of February, 2010.

Don’t forget to head over to the Official Bentley Jones web page to enter the talent competition for even more spectacular prizes!

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Richard Jacques Interview: Simon Mayo’s Drive Time Tonight on BBC Radio 2

SEGA composer extrodinare Richard Jacques will be appearing on BBC Radio 2 later on this evening on Simon Mayo’s Drive Time, between 5:05pm and 5:25pm GMT according to Richard’s facebook page. As to what Richard will be talking about during the show, we currently don’t know…but it is fantastic to see Richard getting more mainstream recognition!

Listen in Live tonight via BBC’s iPlayer link (at the top of the page).

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Order Your Limited Edition Copy of the So Much More EP Now!

It is time to go beg your mum for your pocket money early this week, as Bentley Jones“So Much More” EP is now available to preorder from the Official Bentley Jones shop for the mere prince of eight coins of the realm (£8 – about $13).  The CD comes with a signed promo photo of Mr. Jones, and is an extremely limited run, so get your skates on if you want to nab a copy! If you missed picking up a copy of the TRANS//LATION album released last year (it sold out in about an two hours at SoS!) then that is also available at the store for a meagre £14. If your bank account simply cannot cope, then do not fear, there’s also a selection of signed pictures you can buy for hanging up on your wall…or for kissing before you go to bed at night.

If you miss out on it don’t worry! We will soon have details on how you can win yourself a copy of the EP and a boatload of the signed photos on TSS…stay tuned!

Link to the Bentley Jones Official Shop

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Watch the Video for the Ballad Version of “So Much More” by Bentley Jones


Just to keep you tided over until you can buy this on Tuesday next week – Bentley Jones’ ballad version of the ASR theme, complete with duffelcoats, snow, and a new rabbit character who has instantly been struck off the list as a playable in any Sonic game.

Enjoy in High Definition on youtube here.

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Sonic the Comic Online Release Issue Number 250

Those of you lucky enough (and old enough!) to be a UK resident will no doubt hold dear in your heart the memory of picking up the first issue of Sonic the Comic from your newsagents way back in 1993 and squealing with delight at the plethora of stories and articles before you. Unfortunately that all came to a bitter end in 2002 when after months of re-releasing older stories and losing the interest of the die-hard fans, the comic ceased production.

However as a testiment to the captivating script writing and gorgeous artwork, a band of fans simply could not let the comic die.

From the ashes rose Sonic the Comic Online (or STC-O as it is known), took off from issue 224 where the official release left off, with a large group of fan artists and writers joining forces to produce issues every few months in the style of the original. Over the years the comic has gradually gained momentum, caught the attention of the writers from Fleetway (including SoS regular Nigel Kitching!) and has being nominated for many online comic awards.

This month STC-O celebrates the new decade with the release of issue 250, a milestone in the comic’s history! I think you’ll agree the artwork is nothing short of fantastic (the team of artists include no less than three SatBK art contest winners, with others going on into the world of professional comic book writing!), and the plot as convincing as those from way back in the day.

TSS caught up with STCO artist Stiv, who kindly commented on the release of the issue:

“It’s been a labour of love.  First conceived over 7 years ago, it’s been brilliant to see it finally reach the masses.  So many people have worked very hard on getting it finished and it’s the most exciting thing in the Sonic Community I’ve taken part in.”

Go check out the new issue issue over on the Sonic the Comic Online Web page.

Maybe if I write to Megadroid they’ll do another Sparkster comic for me…

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Preview Bentley Jones EP on Amazon Now!

Because we really can’t wait until January to get our next Bentley fix, it appears Amazon.com already has previews of the soon-to-be-released Bentley Jones EP “So Much More”…

Continue reading Preview Bentley Jones EP on Amazon Now!

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The Sonic Stadium Soundtrack Squad Review: Crush 40 – Super Sonic Songs

Dec 09 Title

The SSSS (that’s the Sonic Stadium Soundtrack Squad) launch their regular soundtrack review program; to kick off we take a look at the recent Crush 40 Best of album, Super Sonic Songs

Continue reading The Sonic Stadium Soundtrack Squad Review: Crush 40 – Super Sonic Songs

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“Voice of Eggman” Mike Pollock Live on SSR Sunday 4:00PM GMT on DJ Darkspeeds


Bonkers Aussie Sonic superfan Elson “Darkspeeds” Wong usually goes full-tilt when he wants to do something, and he’s certainly added some spice to the SEGASonic:Radio line-up; this week will be no exception! Voice actor Mike Pollock, best known as the voice of Dr. Eggman in the Western version of Sonic X will be joining Darkspeeds for a chat on his show!

Continue reading “Voice of Eggman” Mike Pollock Live on SSR Sunday 4:00PM GMT on DJ Darkspeeds

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Sonic Music Artist Roundtable On True Colours Album


I think one of my all time top ten fantasies (after the one where I’m trapped in an elevator with Tia Carerre) would be to sit around a table with some of the musical geniuses who have worked on Sonic music past and present. Well, to commemorate the launch of the second best of Sonic the Hedgehog album “True Colours”, The big names in the Sonic music Universe, namely Tomoya Ohtani, Hataya Hisashi, Jun Senoue and Kenichi Tokoi gathered to reflect on some of their masterpieces from the past….

Continue reading Sonic Music Artist Roundtable On True Colours Album

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True Colours: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 pre-order from JunSenoue.com


As with the albums “Super Sonic Songs: Best of Crush 40” and “Jun Senoue: The Works”, the second installment of Best of Sonic songs “True Colours” is available to order from the Jun Senoue Official Shop. The album will not be released until tomorrow, but this is another chance to snap up a signed copy of the album, scribbled on by “Junny Baby” (as Dread refers to him).

The album includes another fantastic lineup of tracks, and also includes the previously unreleased “Look-A-Like”, the main track from the Sonic OVA Anime, as well as the rather Snazzy Sonic3 MegaD Mix from Sonic Gems Collection amongst other remixes. Ted Poley fans will also be able to hear a Demo version of “Lazy Days…Living In Paradise”, the theme to Big the Cat from SA1.

Nip over to the Jun Senoue Official Shop to pre-order your copy for the meagre sum of $30 plus shipping.

Either that or direct your parents attention to the site, should Santa be stuck for what to put in your stocking this year…

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Bentley Jones’ ASR Theme “So Much More” to be released as EP in 2010!


Bentley Jones fans rejoice! Mr. Brotherton  has been an extremely busy beaver (except when I seem to phone him, then he’s always figureskating with Silver), and has made several important announcements…

Continue reading Bentley Jones’ ASR Theme “So Much More” to be released as EP in 2010!

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Sonic 2 Is XBLA Deal of the Week: Now Only 240 Points!


I for one am certainly not an advocate of SEGA squeezing every last penny out of their old games by re-releasing them over and over again…hell I must own about five copies of this game on different formats now. However this week we cant really complain as the Megadrive / Genesis version of Sonic 2 is XBox Live Arcade’s deal of the week. Rather than having to fork out the full whack of 400 points, the offer is now open for a limited time to download the game at 60% of it’s initial price.

For those who have played this game to death and are looking for something new, this will be of no importance. For those of you “achievement whores” out there, this is a golden opportunity to beef up your Gamerscore at little cost; the achievements are really no challenge.

Having said that, you might want to call your friends for that last special stage as the AI really won’t help you. Stupid Tails.

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Hi-Ho Silver Away! Next Wave of Jazwares Figures Hit Toys R’ Us

Jazwares just keep them coming don’t they! Wave two of the 3″ figures are reportedly hitting the shelves of Toys R’ Us state-side, with the line-up including Silver the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic the Werehog. If you want to see some pictures of them out of the packet head over to the Sonic Stadium Message board, where SSMB’er Aquaslash has been kind enough to post up some pictures.

Finally, we can now get our hands on a Silver the hedgehog we can play with, rather than having to make our own.  Personally I think they’re a little on the chunky side, but there again if you’re going to make figures that size, you’re going to loose detail for posability.

Thanks to Foxwhisker for the heads up!

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SEGA’s guide to destroying rare Sonic merchandise: Part one

While on my own merch expedition through the darkest depths of the interwebs, I stumbled across these rare jewels of advertisement from the Sonic Adventure era. I cry at the thought that these plushes were thrown out of planes and down waterfalls, even if the dialogue is hillarious.


It’s true what they say you know…every time you feed a rare plush to a crocodile, a Sonic merch collector drops dead…

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Win A Christmas Cards from Sonic Team? Japan Only Please!


I think at one time or another we’ve all complained that our friends across the Atlantic or Pacific really do get a much better deal than ourselves when it comes to getting Sonic stuff. Well, this season the Japanese have really beaten everyone on the scale of awesomeness…

Continue reading Win A Christmas Cards from Sonic Team? Japan Only Please!

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Win a signed copy of Jun Senoue’s The Works on Project 24!

signed works

Yup! Be sure to tune into the 24-hour radio livecast on SEGASonic:Radio on Sunday to have a chance of winning yourself a very snazzy CD!

Continue reading Win a signed copy of Jun Senoue’s The Works on Project 24!

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The Countdown to Project 24 – A Day of Music and Prizes!


With only 10 days to go until Project 24 kicks in, it’s about time we showed off just some of the reasons you should tune in!

Project 24 is an all-day radio livecast on SEGASonic:Radio, the Sonic Stadium‘s much-loved radio channel with 24/7 music and shows hosted by a swarm of SSR DJs, taking place from 0:00GMT on Sunday the 15th of November and continuing until Midnight the next day! Spearheading the organisation of the project is resident SS:R DJ and Sonic Remix Expert BlitzChris, who has painstakingly promoted the event and even ressurrected some DJs from the bygone days of the SS:R airwaves such as Hawkz and Iceman to brush off the dust on the headset and to take to their shows once more! Also joining the ranks during the day are TSS Staff writer and fangirl heart-throb Slingerland,  Scottish random-rambler JayZeach, a delicious slice of Speedknux Pie,  the husband-wife antics of AAUK and EchoHawk on Radio Redux and the all-too hillarious flagship show The Sonic Hour with our hosts Dreadknux and Roareye…just to mention a few! Even I will be cracking out a collection of my favourite face-melters and metal monsters for a T-TIME! special!


Not only do you have a whole day of back-to-back tunes, requests, programming and chat on the Sonic Stadium IRC,  there will be a huge hoard of prizes to be won during the day including T-Shirts, Sonic Unleashed Beachballs, SEGA Superstars Tennis branded controllers and Smash Brothers Prima Guides. Because this simply is not enough, we’ve even got a signed copy of Jun Senoue’s new album “The Works” to giveaway, yes, GIVE, to one of you lucky hedgehogs or hedgehogettes, complete with Sonic Adventure 2 stickers and an official Jun Senoue guitar pick, used by the man himself! How do you win this you ask? Well…we’ll have more details of that next week! All I can say is, keep Sunday the 15th of November free in your diary! (Props to Roarz for the awesome artwork!).

signed works

Check out more Project 24 details on the Project 24 forum thread!

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Personalised Copies of Jun Senoue’s “The Works” on Sale!

worksJun Senoue is a man who needs little introduction. He’s had his hands in the Sonic pie since way back when, working alongside others such as Howard Drossin on the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 soundtrack. Mr Senoue really stepped into the spotlight with the launch of Sonic Adventure back in 1999, when Jun’s band Crush 40, fronted by Johnny Gioeli, blew most of the community away with its blistering soundtrack of fast-paced rock and epic power anthems. He’s just as awesome in real life too!

Well as most of you know Jun has been busy then, and not just with Sonic stuff. “The Works is a selection of tracks from other games such as the NASCAR and Daytona USA racing titles, along with music from the only-released-in-Japan titles, Managing Baseball Team Game / Managing J-League Football Team Game. Those of you who are fans of Ted Poley and Eric Martin will be pleased to know they both feature heavily on the album providing more awesome-sauce vocals.

Anyway, for a limited time Jun Senoue will be personally autographing copies of the soundtrack, which can be purchased on the official Jun Senoue fansite for the meagre price of $30 plus a small postage charge (works out at about £22 in total for UK peoples). Not bad eh? It also looks like Jun will be doing a similar thing with the Best of Crush 40 album “Super Sonic Songs” that will be released next month. The full track listings for both of the albums are listed on the website should you wish to examine them before purchase.

Head over to the Official Jun Senoue Site and follow the instructions to buy

If you’re feeling a little tight fisted, or you simply haven’t got enough pocket money to blow on a copy, then don’t fret! There will be a chance to win yourself a copy of the album over the SEGASonic:Radio Project 24 livecast on the 15th of November! Keep your eyes peeled for more info!

Props to Martin aka SOA, webmaster of junsenoue.com, for helping sort out this amazing offer for us lucky, lucky fans!

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Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclopedia now taking Pre-Orders!


Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com are now talking pre-orders for a Sonic comic universe Guide!

Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclopedia now taking Pre-Orders!

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Virtual Summer of Sonic Competition: We Have A Winner!


A few weeks back we set you cretins the question of “If you were put in charge of Summer of Sonic ‘10, what would you do?” in order to bag yourself a signed copy of the ultra-rare “Virtual Sonic” album signed by Howard Drossin himself! Our inbox rapidly filled with entries, both cruel and unusual, but as always there can only be one winner!

Continue reading Virtual Summer of Sonic Competition: We Have A Winner!

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TSS Takes To The Slopes for Mario and Sonic

ben takes tips

TSS took to the snow with the 2010 Olympic Winter Games hopeful and Half-Pipe Snowboarder extraordinaire Ben Kilner to watch some spectacular stunts on the slopes at Manchester’s massive indoor snow slope Chill FactorE. We also got a taste of the action, and another sneaky peek and play at some more of the up-and-coming Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games title for the Nintendo Wii!

Continue reading TSS Takes To The Slopes for Mario and Sonic

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Sonic Wrecks’ 10-4-10 Dreamcast Anniversary Competition

prizorzFor those of you old enough to remember, it’s ten years to the day since SEGA launched their Dreamcast console on the 9th of September 1999, and to celebrate AAUK and Sonic Wrecks is giving away ten fantastic prizes to those who are floating around on Twitter at 09:09:09am GMT! All you need to do is follow SonicWrecks on Twitter and be around to ReTweet (RT) a specific phrase – ten lucky hedgehogs will snag themselves one of these goody bags, which include some rare items like a Sonic Unleashed hoodie and the Megadrive Ultimate Collection Vinyl.

If that wasn’t enough, each winner gets themselves one of the exclusive artbooks that were given away at Summer of Sonic! One VERY lucky hedgehog will win themselves a signed Sonic and the Secret Rings poster signed by Yojiro Ogawa and the SatSR gang.

For more details, Terms & Conditions, as well as the full prize breakdown, head over to Sonic Wrecks.

You guys are certainly getting your fix of prizes at the moment!

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Watch Sonic Paradox: Knuckles Briefs on the Sonic Show!


The guys over at Sonic Paradox are really pulling out all the stops at the moment to bring us a Summer of Sonic special set of Sonic Briefs: Knuckles Shorts! Feast your eyes on yet another side-splitting host of hillarious flash animations over at the Sonic Show!

So what are you waiting for! Get over there and watch it!  Just try not to get stuck on the loading screen punching Sonic on the toilet over and over and over…

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“Virtual Summer of Sonic” Competition – Win A Signed Copy of Virtual Sonic!

SOS09-LOGO-WITH-DATE1Because we simply can’t give away enough stuff to you ravenous Sonic fans, there’s one last chance to snag yourself a really nice piece of Sonic history for your collection! The legendary Sonic composer Howard Drossin has given us a Signed copy of the “Virtual Sonic” album for one of you lucky people to win in our competition!

Continue reading “Virtual Summer of Sonic” Competition – Win A Signed Copy of Virtual Sonic!

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The Road to Summer of Sonic – Only Two Days to Go!

SOS09-LOGO-WITH-DATEMy bags are packed, I’m checked in online for my flight, and I tell you what – SoS fever is just about to kick in!

Everything is finally beginning to come together – Dreadknux, AAUK, Urtheart and many other staffers have been working tirelessly to bring everything together for the big day on Saturday; it is definitely shaping up to be a very busy day indeed! The stage schedule is packed – there’s just enough time to move things around in between the events going on there, and that is the tip of the iceberg; there will be a whole host of activities and contests going on throughout the day – some of which you know about, and some of which will be surprises!

For those of you turning up ultra-early in the morning due to whatever means of transport you are taking to the event, serial deviantartist Elson “Darkspeeds” Wong will be hanging around nearby – check out his plans on his deviant art account.

If you’re wondering what the special gift is – check out the Summer of Sonic website – yes, it’s a rather nifty artbook full of artwork old and new, of high quality, and surely something very special! There are a very limited number of them, so ticket holders, be sure to get there early to nab yourself one!

If you really can’t wait for SoS, and you want to tell everyone about how excited you are, what you’re going to be wearing (maybe you’re competiting in the cosplay contest?), or just generally want to gab about the event, head on over to the SSMB and join the chat there! Can’t be there in person? Then watch the live feed over at the Sonic Show site thanks to the amazing powers of Discoponies!

Right, I’m off to get my beauty sleep before my long day of travel down to London tomorrow – See you all on Saturday!


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Sonic Show Presents A Fan-Made Sonic Live Action Movie!

Charahyde Beryl copy

Even though Discoponies is on holiday at a secret location he still has time to post some fantastic things over at the Sonic Show. Today he’s posted something a little unique. Jim Sass, the guy who runs Sasso Studios has put together along with a cast of family and friends, a full-length Sonic fan-movie…

Continue reading Sonic Show Presents A Fan-Made Sonic Live Action Movie!

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Bentley Jones to Attend Summer of Sonic ’09!


If the Summer of Sonic wasn’t already awesome enough, it just got a whole lot more exciting.

Lee Brotherton a.k.a. Japanese chart-topping solo artist and Sonic fangirl heart-throb Bentley Jones has announced via the good old communication media of Facebook and Twitter that he will be attending Summer of Sonic again this year. Bentley Jones is the musical genius behind several Remix-Factory songs to have featured in recent Sonic titles, and more notably known for “Dreams of an absolution (Silver’s theme)” from Sonic ‘06 as well as versions of “His World”, “Open Your Heart” and “Seven Rings in Hand”.

To what capacity Lee will be attending the event is yet to be confirmed, but either way, we are absolutely stoked to have a legend of the Sonic universe return for the second year running. Only 34 more days to wait!

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Catch It If You Can: SDCC JUVI Metal Sonic Figure Now on Sale!

MetalYup, it’s finally that time of the year again for the San Diego Comic Con, and for the handful of lucky, lucky American Sonic fans there’s a nice little treat in store. All attendees have their chance at picking up one of the Jazwares JUVI Metal Sonic figurines, which are exclusive to the event and will only be sold over the 4 days the event in held.

HOWEVER, if you’re quick enough, Toys R’ Us US are stocking a limited amount of the figure at $15.99 a pop, so even if you’re unable to attend the event you can still pick up one of these nice little additions. Unfortunately it looks like this is only open to the US, and only available to purchase for 4 days, so be quick about it if you’re wanting to snag one! Everyone else will have to open up their wallets and fork out for one (plus postage) on ebay!

You can buy the figure here at the Toys R’ Us Website.

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A Mysterious Suitcase Appears…

Mysterious Suitcase

In amongst all of our rushing around to sort out Summer of Sonic, AAUK didn’t notice until yesterday that someone had left a rather curious looking suitcase lying around his office…

Continue reading A Mysterious Suitcase Appears…

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Happy 18th Birthday Sonic the Hedgehog!

HAPPEHHappy 18th Birthday Sonic!

So, our favourite Blue Spikey Spine-Rat turns 18 today, and the community is certainly finding exciting ways to celebrate the occasion!

Head over to SEGA’s Sonic facebook page during today and you can have a go at adding your comments to a number of different “What if” questions…the best replies have an opportunity to win themselves some very nice bits of Sonic merchandise!

There are also similar things going on over at Sonic’s Twitter page, so if you’re on both, you’ve got double chances of nabbing yourself something nice indeed – including signed goodies! If you want to check out what’s still up for grabs, full listings of the prizes are over on the SEGA blognik – AAUK sure has pulled out all the stops for this one!!! You need to hurry though – both contests are only lasting for the duration of today, so get your skates…er power sneakers on!

Even more deliciously (or annoyingly!), Japanese fans have their chance to nab themselves some VERY rare gear on their current prize campaign over on the Sonic Channel Website – I really want that signed Sonic drawing too! Prizes there go back to pre-Sonic Adventure games, so there are some very unique pieces to be won indeed!

So, how are you celebrating Sonic’s 18th Birthday? Running around the office in red shoes? Bouncing off desks in the class room? Defeating evil scientists? Lets us know what you have been up to here or over in the SSMB, and leave your birthday messages too!

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Fancy Sonic 3 on XBLA for Free? Get on Facebook!

If you’re one of these cool kids who updates their status on facebook every five minutes, then this is a competition for you!

SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog facebook page is giving fans a chance to nab themselves a free code for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on XBox Live Arcade! All you need to do is to be online and about at 8PM GMT (Noon PDT), and grab the code off the status update on Sonic’s site.

The catch? You’ve got to race the rest of the people online waiting for the code!!! The code is only good for one download, so you’re going to need ultra-fast lightning skills to get yourself a free download! There will be a new code online every day this week at the aformentioned time, so if you don’t have any luck today, you’ve got four more chances later on in the week!

While you’re there, you can also vote in the poll for your favourite Sonic Zones…which resulted in a rediculous number of comments being left on my facebook page; I don’t know why, we all know Stardust Speedway is the best stage in Sonic CD…right guys?

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More Metallic Madness! Metal Sonic Action Figure Planned

metalprotoFor those of you who simply havent had their fill of Metal Sonic this week with the announcement of the Jazwares’ Metal Sonic chibi figure, then fear not, as it looks like we have more shiny goodness on it’s way!

Pick up August’s copy of Toyfare magazine and you’ll find a nice feature on Jazware’s currently lined-up selection of Sonic toys, which not only includes a super-articulated Knuckles figure to join the host of others on the market, but that there is also a 10″ Metal Sonic action figure in the works too.

The figure looks to be in it’s prototype stages, but hopefully this high level of detail will be retained in the product – if so it’ll join the list of must-have items for hardcore fans to own. The other good news is it doesn’t look to be a San Diego Comic Con exclusive (unlike the JUVI chibi version), so you hopefully won’t have to pay collector’s exclusive prices for it! However it looks like it will be another Toys R’ Us exclusive, so us Brits will probably be forking out a fortune on shipping and handling from US ebay sellers once again.

You can check out the full article scan here.

Hats off to KururuSouchou on the SSMB for spotting this and scanning in articles!

So what do you think to these new action figures? Join the debate in the SSMB!

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SEGA Announce Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing!


Well, you’ve been waiting for this one folks!

SEGA have just announced the follow up to last year’s SEGA All-Star’s Tennis with their new title: SEGA All-Star’s Racing! Once again the huge line up of famous faces from SEGA’s past are pitted against each other on the race course for some high-octane action! Don’t expect to be confined to the ground though! It looks like anything goes in this racer, with the line up of vehicles including cars, planes and…bananas?

The game looks set to include the obvious multiplayer title, but with a few twists, as Gary Knight, European Marketing Manager at SEGA states: The team have pushed the boundaries on what you would normally expect and created a different and unique party racing title whereby you really can’t take anything for granted!”

The game looks set for an early 2010 release, and will be heading to the Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, XBox 360, PC and Nintendo DS!

Be sure to head over to the Official Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Website to watch the trailer, read up on the game and see some nice flashy in-game screenshots!

So, the next question is, which characters will be making it into the game, and what will they be driving?

Personally, I’m hoping for Big the cat in the Froggy Mobile…

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Sonic gets a mention in Penny-Arcade


A lot of popular references to Sonic seem to focus on the new Sonic games these days, so it’s always a nice change to see reminiscing about the good old days; something I was delighted to spot when I visited the popular web comic Penny-Arcade today.

Today’s comic delves back into the past of one of their fictional protagonist’s history, in which he was a lowly SEGA fanboy amongst a school of SNES gamers. As well as what appears to be a reference to the horde of Sonic games that appeared on the Megadrive/Genesis (and that possibly Sonic was the only “memorable character” to feature in games on the console?), there’s also a quick quip about SEGA’s obsession with lock-on cartridges and software!

You can check out the new comic here, and hopefully later today there will be a news post which will discuss the subject of the comic in greater detail.

So, did you fight in the console wars, and what was the SEGA/Nintendo split in your playground?

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And The Rest: Japan’s SatBK Site Showcases “Runner Up” Art


Way back in the Summer last year, not too long after a certain Summer of Sonic, SEGA announced the SatBK art competition in which sixty lucky artists (from SEGA’s American, European and Japanese regions) would have their work immortalised in Sonic and the Black Knight the following spring. The calibre of art produced was staggering, and one can only imagine how much of a difficult choice it was for the judges to select pieces to win the contest.

Continue reading And The Rest: Japan’s SatBK Site Showcases “Runner Up” Art

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