Way back in the Summer last year, not too long after a certain Summer of Sonic, SEGA announced the SatBK art competition in which sixty lucky artists (from SEGA’s American, European and Japanese regions) would have their work immortalised in Sonic and the Black Knight the following spring. The calibre of art produced was staggering, and one can only imagine how much of a difficult choice it was for the judges to select pieces to win the contest.
Continue reading And The Rest: Japan’s SatBK Site Showcases “Runner Up” Art
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Good news everyone, ArchangelUK has let the community know in a new Sonic City Blognik entry that he has managed to track down Mega777!
For those who don’t know, a SatBK fan art contest winner by the name of Antonio Miniero entered into the contest a near exact copy of Mega777’s SA2 scene art piece despite the rules clearly stating that submissions had to be original artwork created by yourself. Antonio Miniero’s copy made it into the final shipped copies of Sonic and the Black Knight for Wii but Antonio was found out soon after the game’s release and was immediately disqualified, though he took it well and understood he had broken the rules.
Mega777 who’s real name is Francesca will now be sent a free copy of Sonic and the Black Knight together with a SEGA goody bag and some rare Sonic and the Secret Rings art prints signed by Ogawa-san from ArchangelUK’s own personal vault. Nice one AAUK 😉
ArchangelUK also informs us that Francesca(Mega777) has taken her talent to the world of work animating storyboards for TV shows and movies. How cool is that? Happy ending all round!
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