Gonintendo reports on this pair of T-Shirts coming soon to Japan. The one on the left is a beautiful image from the Green Hill Zone in Sonic Generations and will be available in November for 6,300 yen ($82 USD) while the one on the right is a typography shirt that looks like one you’d buy for your kid at the local Wal-Mart and will be available in October for 3,045 yen ($40 USD). Both shirts are made by Cospa. whether or not they will be made available for import is unknown.
Balough Speaks to Retro About Sonic CD & Sonic 4
Sonic Retro has informed us today that Shade Vortex didn’t speak to SEGA’s Patrick Riley yesterday. The Sonic Retro and SSMB forumer was actually speaking to SEGA’s Ken Balough, as shown in the above video interview with Balough that Shade Vortex has uploaded.
The interview gives us more information about the new Sonic CD port and its importance to Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2. If you don’t have time to watch the whole video interview, Sonic Retro has gathered the main points together in text form. You can read them below.
* It’s commonly understood that Sonic 2, Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles form what is called “The Death Egg Trilogy” because of the overarching story of Eggman’s Death Egg across the titles. Sonic CD was a self-contained adventure that hovered around that area with the most popular belief to be between Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, despite no true concrete evidence.
* Sonic 4 is trying to bridge all of them together more. It’s not trying to give Sonic CD a concrete place in the timeline, just say that “It happened prior to Sonic 4: Episode 1.” It does not mean Sonic CD is immediately before Sonic 4: Episode 1 and after Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
* The events of Sonic CD are important to Episode 2. You can see Metal Sonic in the ending. The idea is you’ll see how Metal Sonic comes back after his destruction in Sonic CD and his return. (Knuckles Chaotix unavailable for comment.)
* Sega is supportive on Christian “The Taxman” Whitehead’s Retro Engine, calling it “a really good piece of technology.”
* “You’ve got to work within the confines of what a publisher is and what a publisher does in order to get all the benefits as well. We as a publisher will get the benefits from working with really talented developers, and developers on the flip side get the benefits of working with a publisher and all the things and all the exposure they get and they can bring to the table, as well as working on really big brands, like Sonic.”
* On Metal Sonic: “He’s appeared in some of these [games], but we’ve never made him so integral to that continuity. We’ve had him back, but no one ever explained how he comes back after CD. He’s just there. So, we’re going make sure that we fill in some of these really nice… I almost think of it like Star Wars, right? We’re going to go back and explain this really cool era that was the Clone Wars? We’re going to go back and explain this really cool era that was the classic experience, and show you guys some really fun stuff.”
* With regards to Sonic 2 Spindash and the “HD Filter”: “Stay tuned.” He doesn’t want to confirm anything until details are more concrete. However, a filter will be present.
* On Sonic CD not being on 3DS, Vita: “We never really intended to release it yet for the Playstation Vita, or the Playstation Go, or the Nintendo 3DS… those were never really on the table. We were always talking about, ‘It was either digital console or mobile devices.’
* He’s unable to comment on why the game isn’t on WiiWare.
* The U.S. Soundtrack will not be included at this time due to licensing issues. However, there’s a couple of more surprises to be revealed later down the road.
* The trailers have nothing to do with the continuity of the games. They’re their own thing designed by Balough. The ‘detour’ talked about previously is Sonic going to the past so players can relive Sonic CD and understand its events and references in Sonic 4: Episode 2.
Source: Sonic Retro
Thanks to Sonic Retro staffer GeneHF for the heads up!
SEGA’s Ken Balough Clears Up Sonic CD Timeline Confusion
In a post at the SEGA Forums, SEGA Brand Manager Ken Balough has cleared up the confusion regarding where Sonic CD happens in the Sonic timeline and it turns out that SEGA is NOT placing the game between Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, or anywhere else either. Balough explains that while they’re not moving Sonic CD, the game’s events are very important to Sonic the Hedgehog 4, and that’s why they’re giving fans the chance to play it for the first time with this new port.
Hi Everyone!!
Ok so I’m at PAx right now showing off Sonic CD to every lucky person who’s attending the show (by the way if you are here – it’s at the MSFT booth.)
But I have a few minutes and I’ve seen some confusion about Sonic CD being a prequel – and it is!! Just as you imagined it.
which is basically my way of saying – allow me to illuminate the situation.Remember back during Ep 1, I was saying we had outlined a great story for the Sonic 4 Saga? It all come back to that Cliffhanger at the end – where we brought back Metal Sonic. Sonic CD was never really tied to the numberical Sonics in any significant way back in the 90′s. Sonic 4 is going to change that, and bridge these adventures together in a meaningful way.
While we are not taking away “when CD happened” in relationship to the numerical versions, we can tell you that the events in CD are very important to 4 (as you can imagine from us bringing Metal Sonic back)So before we take you to Ep 2, we’re gonna give all you fans a chance to experiance CD for the first time in years – and with a terrific presentation in wide screen. And yes the physics are fine!
So as you can see from the Trailer we created – Sonic took a slight detour into “The Past”, and later will be propelled back into the future to resume the Sonic 4 Saga
And if your at PAX come say Hi!
Source: SEGA Forum (via Sonic Retro)
Christian Whitehead Confirms Sonic CD Port Involvement, SEGA Gives More Details
Christian Whitehead (aka The Taxman) confirmed to Sonic Retro upon the official unveiling of the Sonic CD port on Thursday that his Retro Engine is powering the game. Whitehead also says the game will feature a proper looping soundtrack and an option to play using the original Sonic CD Spin Dash or one similar to Sonic 2. You can see the Retro Engine running a proof of concept demo of Sonic CD on an iPod Touch in the above video Whitehead recorded back in 2009.
UPDATE: Sonic Retro has informed us that it was actually SEGA’s Ken Balough that was interviewed below, not Patrick Riley.
In other news, SSMB and Sonic Retro forum member Shade Vortex attended PAX 2011 and interviewed SEGA staff member Ken Balough about this new Sonic CD port and got some interesting bits of information. You can read the full details below courtesy of Sonic Retro.
Regarding the functionality of the Sonic 2 spindash, Riley said that the feature could still be removed from the final game if it is found to cause problems within the game, going on to say that developers shouldn’t talk about features so early on for this reason.
More on that point, when asked about the inclusion of the U.S. soundtrack, Riley stated that it is not currently planned for use in the full release, due to licensing issues in using Spencer Nilsen’s soundtrack. However, Sega is trying to work around that and come up with a solution. Meaning, if an agreement is reached, this may include paid DLC, if the game can support it. For now, the game is International soundtrack only.
When asked about the curious use of Sonic 4 assets in the reveal trailer for the game, Riley confirmed that Sega has retrofitted Sonic CD‘s place in the timeline as after Sonic 3 and Knuckles but before Sonic 4: Episode 1. The rationale behind this was that Sonic CD’s developers never put any direct mention of Sonic CD‘s place in the timeline.
Even if a slight nod to its place exists within the original game itself.
So how exactly does this work? When Sonic CD is released later this year and Sonic 4: Episode 2 is announced, there will be a trailer where Sonic escapes from his time-travelling detour. In all the Sonic 4 trailers, Sonic is chasing Eggman from the left of the screen to the right. In the Sonic CD trailer, there’s a signpost instead, and when he hits it, he takes a detour and does the story of Sonic CD. Once his CD adventure is over, his detour ends, and he goes onto Sonic 4: Episode 2, coming out sometime next year.
Wait… so Sonic 4: Episode 1 happens, Sonic CD, then Sonic 4: Episode 2? I guess this fits with the whole “after Sonic 3 and Knuckles” thing, but wouldn’t this technically make it a side-sequel to Sonic 4: Episode 1 then? Just hit me with the Hazama cameo. Blast you and your odd time travel logic, Sega!
Opinion injection aside, there’s one more point that was tackled.
With The Taxman’s earlier details revealing that Sega now owns a license to his Retro Engine, used to power the popular fan game Retro Sonic Nexus, fan speculation rocketed if Sonic 4: Episode 2 will throw away the criticized physics engine it used in favor for the Retro Engine.
And with the precision of Sonic shooting down one of Eggman’s many airships, Riley responded with a flat “No,” continuing by saying that Sonic 4 “will never” use the Retro Engine because the code base is incompatible with the existing Sonic 4 engine, which they are still using for Episode 2.
Hopefully with quite a few tweaks and lessons learned from Sonic Generations. I know, opinion injection again. My apologies.
Special thanks to Shade Vortex for conducting the interview because some of us couldn’t make it to PAX this year.
Source: Sonic Retro – Link 1, Link 2
What are your thoughts on this information? Let us and others know in the comments section below.
Nintendo’s Strict File Size Limit to Blame For Sonic CD’s WiiWare Absence
Nintendo Wii owners may have noticed that while SEGA’s new port of Sonic CD is coming to many many download platforms, WiiWare isn’t one of them. SEGA has told GamesRadar that the reason for this is that the CD quality sound won’t fit within Nintendo’s strict 40MB file size limit for games on the platform.
In an excuse that carries a whiff of that old “the SNES doesn’t have the technology to render blood” chestnut, Sega has explained that the WiiWare platform lacks the chops necessary to replicate the CD-quality sound of the technologically-mindblowing-circa-1993 original – so, no Sonic CD for Wii owners.
Unfortunate for Wii owners. But at least if you’re not fussed about the new additions or Japanese soundtrack, there is still the option to play the original game on the GameCube title Sonic Gems Collection.
Source: GamesRadar (via GoNintendo)
Sonic Generations: More Rooftop Run Details
A Sonic Generations preview from Digital Spy and SEGA’s latest batch of screenshots left us wondering if Sonic & Knuckles‘ Flying Battery Zone would feature partially within the game’s Rooftop Run stage. Now, thanks to a new preview from PlayStation Universe, we know that is not the case.
Before we talk about Classic Sonic, I want to clear something up. Other previews have been vague on what happens at the end of the Classic Sonic version, and some fan sites have suggested that you may see other old levels within levels due to this. This is simply untrue in Roof Top Run, which we’ll explain in due time.
The preview then goes on to detail exactly how the section with the airship plays out.
Due to the amount of classic and even modern levels that Sonic Team has not been able to directly include in the game, recreating all these stages from scratch for each Sonic allows them to take inspiration from other sections. In City Escape and Roof Top Run, Classic Sonic sees the return of the floor springs from Sonic 2 (the ones where you run over them and they cause Sonic to spring up and do a barrel roll in the air), and a platforming section reminiscent of the boss in Labyrinth Zone of Sonic 1 awaits the Blue Blur as he makes his way up the Clock Tower.
Some Sonic fans may remember you had to do this with the Werehog in Unleashed, but let us assure you, it is nowhere near as frustrating or fiddly. Once at the top, the “airship” is in range, and you rev up a Spin Dash to go into it, only to exit it a moment or so later, the camera tracking Sonic from outside the airship as he zips around it from left to right, implying he’s damaging it as he goes. As he steps onto a platform at the base of the airship, he sprints towards the goal post in a set piece based on the bombing run in Sonic 3’s Angel Island Zone.
It certainly sounds like an interesting set piece. Hopefully we’ll see footage of it soon at any of the various upcoming gaming events Sonic Generations will be playable at in the next month.
Source: PlayStation Universe
Unlockable Bonus Items & Locations in Sonic Generations?
According to a listing for a Sonic Generations strategy guide at Play.com, the game will feature bonus items and locations you can unlock by collecting rings. Could the finished game contain bonus levels we don’t already know about from the leaked demo content, or just extra Acts?? The rings referred to are likely the red special rings you can gather 5 of from every Act. The red rings in Sonic Colours unlocked new content in that game, so they will no doubt do the same thing in Sonic Generations.
The ultimate celebration of 20 years of Sonic gaming. Sonic Generations delivers the definitive gaming experience for Sonic fans new and old. Sonic’s universe is thrown into chaos when a mysterious new power comes into force, creating
“time holes” which take Sonic and his friends back in time. Now they must team up to defeat their enemies, save their friends, and find out who is behind this diabolical deed.The walkthrough guides you through every level and past each boss
Collect every ring and unlock bonus items and locations
Learn about Sonic and his friends, past and present
If you’re interested in getting yourself the strategy guide, it’s available to pre-order at Play.com for £9.99 and Amazon.co.uk for £11.69.
Source: Play.com
GAME Australia’s Amazing Sonic Quest and Sonic Generations Pre-Order Bonus
Want something to keep your head warm this Winter? GAME Australia has revealed their pre-order bonus for Sonic Generations and it’s a Sonic hat. Judging by the pic of GAME Australia staffer Ed modelling the hat, it appears to be the same one the retailer gave away with Sonic Colours pre-orders last year, so many people may already have the hat. If you haven’t got one though, this is a good chance to get one for your merchandise collection.
If you’re interested, you can pre-order the game at the below links:
PS3: $88.00
Xbox 360: $88.00
Nintendo 3DS: $69.95
In other news, GAME Australia’s also been running a charity event called The Amazing Sonic Quest, in which staff member Ed is trying to collect games from Sonic’s 20 year history with the help of the public. If you have a game that Ed doesn’t already have on the list, then you can trade your copy for a $50 GAME Gift Voucher and a promotional copy of Sonic Generations when the game releases. Once Ed has all 45 Sonic titles, he will then auction them off with the proceeds going to charity.
For more information, head over to GAME Australia’s The Amazing Sonic Quest page.
2 Sonic Generations OST’s Revealed, Now Available to Pre-Order
Wondering if Sonic Generations will be getting an original soundtrack release? Well, wonder no more. The game will be getting not 1, but 2 original soundtrack CD releases. Both are titled History of the 1st Stage, and one will cover the PS3/Xbox 360 version of the game (White Edition), the other will contain tracks from the 3DS version (Blue Edition). No word on the track lists yet, but we’ll let you know when they’re revealed.
Both CD’s are planned for a December 8th release in Japan alongside the game’s release. You can pre-order them over at Amazon Japan at the below links. The White Edition will be bundled with PS3 and Xbox 360 copies of Sonic Generations (thanks CyberLink420) and will set you back ¥ 6,230, while the Blue Edition, which isn’t bundled, costs just ¥ 4,445.
History of the 1st Stage Original Soundtrack White Edition (PS3 listing)
History of the 1st Stage Original Soundtrack White Edition (Xbox 360 listing)
History of the 1st Stage Original Soundtrack Blue Edition (Nintendo 3DS listing)
Source: Sonic Scene – Link 1, Link 2
Thanks to Woun for the heads up!
Sonic CD Port Officially Announced, Coming This Holiday To Many Platforms
Four days later and the new port of Sonic CD revealed on Monday has been made official. The Mega CD/SEGA CD title will be making its way to many platforms this Holiday season, which include Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, PC Download, Windows Phone and Android Phone.
The game is said to feature widescreen graphics, the original Japanese soundtrack, special iOS features, Xbox LIVE Achievements, PSN Trophies, PC Achievements and more. Interestingly, SEGA also says this game is a prequel to Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. A trailer, press release and artwork have also been released, which we have shared for you here.
Check out the press release below:
LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO — 25th August, 2011 —SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that Sonic CD™ will debut on mobile phones and consoles everywhere. Originally released for the MEGA CD™ system in 1993 and with Metal Sonic and Amy Rose making their introduction, Sonic CD is coming to digital platforms with music from the original Japanese soundtrack. The beloved prequel to Sonic The Hedgehog 4 ™ Episode I is coming to iPhone® and iPod® touch, iPad®, Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation® Network, PC Digital Download, Android and Windows Phone 7 and will be available for download this winter.
“Ask any Sonic fan to name their favourite games, and Sonic CD always ranks near the top of their lists,” said Haruki Satomi, Vice President of Digital Business at SEGA. “Sonic CD marks an important chapter in Sonic’s history, bridging the gap between his oldest adventures and his new digital exploits like Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I. We’ve made sure the re-mastered edition has everything that Sonic fans want to see with all of the original colourful classic zones.”
Following the classic story of the original, Sonic CD sees Dr Eggman plan to cause chaos and take control of the future by stealing Times Stones from the Little Planet. Sonic must speed through levels and travel through time whilst fending off Eggman’s robots to recover the Time Stones, and save Amy Rose from his mechanical twin, Metal Sonic! This fast-paced game will return with brand new features including enhanced widescreen graphics, iOS features, Xbox LIVE Achievements, PSN Trophies, PC Achievements and more.
For more information on Sonic CD, please visit http://www.sega.com/
Source: SEGA Blog
Thanks to Jemma in our comments section for the heads up and to Woun for the YouTube upload!
Sonic Generations Picnic Image, 3DS Casino Night Zone Screen, Emerald Coast Revealed?
3 new images of Sonic Generations have been released by SEGA Japan today. One gives us our first look at the previously revealed picnic scene from the opening of the game, and the other 2 give us our first look at Sonic Generations 3DS’ Casino Night Zone, as well as a previously unknown stage, which looks to be Emerald Coast from Sonic Adventure. Apart from some Mega Drive/Genesis stages, the Nintendo 3DS version has been said to celebrate the Sonic the Hedgehog series’ handheld history, so for a Dreamcast era stage to be in there is quite odd.
Check out the screenshots below and let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Source: Sonic Scene – Link 1, Link 2
Thanks to Woun for the heads up!
Sonic Generations Japanese Release Date and Box Arts Revealed
SEGA Japan has unveiled the Japanese box artwork for all 3 versions of Sonic Generations, which is very similar to the US and EU art minus the 20th Anniversary logo. A December 8th release date for all versions in that territory has also been revealed.
Source: Sonic Scene – Link 1, Link 2
Thanks to Woun for the heads up!
#80 SONIC CD XBOX LIVE Trailer: Prequel to Sonic 4 Episode 2?
Does the trailer suggest that this will lead into the next episode of Sonic 4? Or are we reading to much into it? With Metal showing at the end of ep1 and now this, it would seem they want to jog out memories for episode 2.
Also with it coming out on every platform this is surely the work we heard ages ago from Taxman back 2009!? Thoughts?
Sonic the Hedgehog Official ESP Guitar Available For Pre-Order
Any self-respecting guitar enthusiast and Sonic the hedgehog fan will have at some point drooled over the prospect of playing Jun Senoue’s trademark STH-130 ESP custom Sonic guitar. Some of you have been lucky enough to hold it!
Well, now you can have your very own! As hinted by Senoue-san himself in recent months via his twitter account, ESP guitars will be producing a replica of this guitar available for purchase via ESP Japan. Much like the original, these replicas will all be high-end performance guitars made from top-of-the-line components, and would be the crowning jewel in any avid guitarist’s collection.
However, with a top-line guitar comes a top line cost – the instrument will be commanding a price of ¥136,500, which is the equivalent to around £1100 or $1750. If you’re planning on saving for one of these beasts, you’d also better get your skates on as they will only be available for pre-order until December this year.
Even so, top collectors and die-hard Senoue fans will be scrambling to get their hands on one of these beauties…now you can look the part as well as sound it!
Now I wonder if there is any chance to get one in left-handed…
Link to ESP Sonic the Hedgehog Guitar page
[EDIT: For those who this interests (particularly me!) a left handed version will be available! Joy!
If you are interested in ordering a guitar, get in touch with your local ESP dealer – T]
Sonic 4: Episode 2 Planned For 2012 Release
Those waiting eagerly for the second installment of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 should expect to see a title in 2012. According to the head of Sonic Team Takashi Iizuka in an interview with Eurogamer:
“This year, 2011, is the anniversary, so we’re focusing on the celebration title,” Sonic Team’s Takashi Iizuka told Eurogamer, “But moving forward to 2012, Sonic will still be going, so I’d hope to provide Episode 2 then.”
There was no comment from Iizuka with regards to whether or not there would be a release of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 3, and our guess will be that this would be dependent on the reception the second title in the episodic series gets.
For now, Iizuka has stated that priorities are set on the anniversary title, and that the plan has always been to release episode 2 after Sonic Generations.
For now, we will have to sit tight – it may be a while before we hear anything more with regards to this game.
SOURCE: Eurogamer
The Knuckles Rap…and the Big the Cat Story
Those of you who were at this year’s Sonic Boom event will definitely recognise this trio! RandomEncountersEnt have returned to thank everyone for 80,000 views of their Needlemouse: The musical video which won first place in the 19th birthday video contest last year.
Their thank you comes in the form of the above video – enjoy!
Check out the other videos of the RandomEncountersEnt youtube channel for other videogame parodies.
There’s also a dancing Eggbot…Dreadknux and I apologise for talking over the top of it’s funky moves.
Sonic CD Heading for Xbox Live Arcade
Hold onto your butts. Sonic the Hedgehog CD is getting a port to the Xbox 360’s Live Arcade service, and the first place anyone will get to play it is at the Penny Arcade Expo Prime event in Seattle.
Microsoft community liaison Major Nelson let slip details of the game’s existence on his blog today. It will be situated at one of the Xbox 360 Booths (#432) and be sat alongside a slew of other Live Arcade titles such as Trials Evolution, Trine 2 and Retro City Rampage.
SEGA has been extremely quiet on the possibility of bringing Sonic CD to current generation console platforms. It has been one of the most requested omissions from recent Sonic series compilations, and there had been murmurings that the company was interested in a homebrew port of the game on iPhone some time ago.
Nothing official has been said about the publisher’s intentions to bring back the Mega CD classic however – until now, that is. Are you going to PAX Prime? Be sure to go and play the ever-loving love out of the game, and let us know on TSS what you think of it! The Expo runs from 26th – 28th August 2011.
Details of Plot to Sonic Generations Emerge
We’ve seen a lot of footage coming out of Gamescom last week with regards to gameplay in Sonic Generations, but the storyline of the game has been kept realtively vague. However details have emerged from allaboutgames.co.uk on some elements of the story early in the game – the exerpt is taken from the preview by Andy Daniel:
At the start of the game, everyone is attending a picnic in honour of Sonic’s 20th, when all of a sudden a mysterious dark force intrudes and sends everyone, including our spiky blue protagonist, back in time. Sonic is finding a way to get himself and everyone else back to the present time and along the way he bumps into many familiar faces including his younger (albeit chubbier) self! The two Sonics team up and work together to save their friends once again.
While confirming nothing, this may illude to the other characters that may appear in the game including the introduction of a possible new antagonist.
Funny, I thought Sonic spent his birthday down the pub with Dreadknux…
SOURCE: allaboutgames.co.uk
Speedrun… Monday?: Sonic Adventure 2 Ruined
It’s been a while since we’ve had some Sonic speedrunning news I feel. Just posted on Speed Demos Archive is a new and improved Hero Story run on Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.
This new run is from Felipe “son1cgu1tar” D’Andrade, a man with a number of SA2 Sonic Center records – not to mention good luck, consistent execution, and an encyclopaedic knowledge of the game. It was actually recorded late last year, but rest assured the play is a lot faster than SDA is at publishing it.
The run is chock full of quality, from knowing exactly where to go with Knuckles, to an impressive number of tough shortcuts with Sonic. Not least Crazy Gadget, which is totally destroyed in a little over a minute!
One story we didn’t follow up on previously was April’s Japan Relief Done Quick speedrun marathon. In raising $25k total for medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières, there were live runs of Sonic 1, Sonic 3D Flickies Island, Sonic 4 Episode 1, and everyone’s favourite…
Sonic ’06?! This run from Parax was, I think, the best Sonic run of the marathon. A character selection bidding war raised over $1k alone, eventually picking Silver, who went on to show just why Sonic ’06 is one of the most busted Sonic games in history. Clipping through walls, riding on flying boulders, finishing stages with the wrong character…
New Zealand Retailer Offers $200 Collector’s Edition of Sonic Generations
We already know that SEGA is planning to release a Special Edition of 20th Anniversary title Sonic Generations, but apparently there seems to be an even more valuable offering in the works. New Zealand retailer Mighty Ape is listing a previously unheard of Collector’s Edition for NZ$199.99.
We don’t know anything about the contents of said Collector’s Edition (PS3 / 360) – the Mighty Ape website writes that such details are “to be confirmed” – but we’d wager that it will contain a fair bit more than the DLC offered at GameStop in the US and GAME in the UK. Perhaps something physical?
We’ve been told Mighty Ape is responsible for distributing and selling 20th Anniversary merchandise in the country, so perhaps some kind of figure wouldn’t be such a wild guess. What do you think? What would you like to see for your hard-earned NZ$200?
The retailer also lists Standard (PS3 / 360) and Special Editions (PS3 / 360) of the game for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Standard will cost you NZ$109.99 and Specials will set you back NZ$129.99.
Cheers to TenkoTAiLS for the news tip! We owe you a pint. Maybe. Depends if you’re old enough.
More Sonic Animations. Classic’s Time to Shine
Yesterday, we posted video from twilightzoney of Modern Sonic’s animations in Sonic Generations. Today we have part two of those animations only now with classic Sonic doing his own air guitar, animations and dancing after a few more minutes of modern Sonic. Something to note, not only are classic and modern’s eyes a different color, but so are their eyelids! Crazy. Check it out below.
Sonic Generations Release Dates
Our friends over at Sonic Extreme are reporting that IGN has inadvertently let slip the release dates for Sonic Generations in both US and UK territories. Extreme reports that before the above adverts were taken down, the images featured a US release date of Tuesday, 1st of November 2011 with the UK release coming three days later on the Friday, 4th of November 2011.
Although not independently confirmed elsewhere, the banner above, now hosted on Sonic Extreme would certainly indicate these are the launch dates.
Looks like we’ll be staying in this Guy Fawkes night!
SOURCE: Sonic Extreme
Sonic Generations Modern Sonic Character Animations Video
Exaclty what it says on the tin – a video has emerged including a host of Modern Sonic’s new animations, in which Sonic reprises some old classic poses and motions, with a whole host of super cool ones…including a riff-tastic air guitaring sequence, which looks to be a particularly energetic end-of-stage celebration.
Coincidentally if you like the piece of music that is played with a lot of the Generations trailers, it is a track called “Tenderoni” by Kele – watch it here.
Nice spot by Shockhog and ENVY16!
New Big Arms Music for Generations 3DS
Why?!! Why did this guy have to beat the boss so quickly?! I was rockin’ out here!
From Gamescom and NintendoWoldReport comes more SG 3DS video this time the same boss fight we showed you from E3, but with much, much improved music. I think this helps prove that the modern music in Mushroom Hill is a place holder ‘cuz look at the drastic change in the music here. Enjoy.
[EDIT – As some of you might have guessed, this track has been remastered by the illustrious Alex Mahklouf of Cash Cash – I have confirmation from the man himself! – T-Bird]
Sonic Generations Mushroom Hill 3DS Gameplay Footage from Gamescom 2011
A full stage-and-a-bit’s worth of gameplay footage from Mushroom Hill Zone on Sonic Generations with both modern and classic Sonic! Fans will no doubt be pleased to see the return of losts of features from the original stage along with a host of the most recognisable badniks.
By the sound of it, Modern Sonic’s music for Mushroom hill is identical to the original version from Sonic & Knuckles; however the track for this stage may not have been finalised and this is a placeholder track. Classic Sonic’s Mushroom Hill stage does appear to have a musical makeover however, and is sounding pretty nifty…but you will need to wait for the end of the video for that!
Thanks to Phantomime for the news tip!
Rumor: Does Sonic Generations Have Zones inside of Zones?
A recent hands on preview of Sonic Generations posted in digital spy has some interesting info. It seems you may be able to go to Flying Battery Zone inside of Spagonia.
Confetti rains down from the skies like multi-colored rain, and Robotnik’s airship looms menacingly in the background. After racing across the quaint cityscape, classic Sonic scaled a Big Ben-esque tower and climbed up the clock hands.
A spin attack performed in the center of the clock face caused it to swing open and collide with Robotnik’s airship, enabling the hedgehog to climb on board. The outcome was entirely different when modern Sonic reached this juncture in his version of the stage.
Aided by the power of his boost metre, the contemporary character propelled himself to the highest point on tower and used it as a launch pad.
Then there’s the case of some of the latest screenshots. In fitting classic Sonic into the more modern levels, they seem to have been greatly inspired by the past. Doesn’t this screenshot above remind you of Hydrocity Zone? Plus, remember the surprise of Metal Sonic’s level being from Sonic CD? Even though there doesn’t appear to be a full Sonic 3 level to be coming in the game, it does seem like bits of Sonic 3 may be found throughout. Who wants to bet that classic Crisis City will play an awful lot like Lava Reef?
Classic and Modern Videos of Mushroom Hill
There has been plenty of news and videos coming out of Gamescom this week. One of the latest ones, is some video of Mushroom Hill from the 3DS version of Sonic Generations. The classic version has a slightly remixed version of the Mushroom Hill music and has it’s level laid out almost identically to the original (Why make the same level?). The modern version has direct audio and the original MH music (probably a placeholder). It seems to play well with modern Sonic’s abilities even if the player doesn’t play all that well. One interesting note is the jumping in and out of backgrounds.
BTW, during the modern video, at 2:10 the player gets stuck for awhile. I recommend you skip ahead to 3:30.
Sonic Generations 3DS is currently scheduled for November.
Sonic Generations Nominated for IGN People’s Choice Award
Sonic Generations has already impressed audiences with preliminary gameplay and stunning footage, and has now been nominated for the Gamescom 2011 IGN Player’s Choice Award. Generations stands alongside a whole host of other titles such as Gears of War 3 and Street Fighter X Tekken in the running for the award.
To go and vote for your favourite title, head to the IGN People’s Choice Award Voting page and cast your vote now!
Sonic Generations City Escape with Modern Sonic – All the Way Through!
If you just can’t wait to see the Modern City Escape from Sonic Generations all of the way through, then checkout this video from the GamingClerks filmed at this week’s Gamescom event, where the demonstrator plays through the modern Sonic level in its entirity, complete with the Uber-Truck chase.
For those of you disappointed this was not available for play at SoS and Sonic Boom, don’t be – according to TSSZ News this stage is still only available for demonstration and was not playable at the Cologne based game show.
Source: TSSZ News
The SEGA booth at Gamescom 2011 Video Tour
Having visited the SEGA booth at E3 with it’s mammoth Sonic statue, the aesthetic Sonic Generations stand, the quaint M&S London Olympic games arena and the Aliens bunker to name a few, I thought SEGA wouldn’t ever be able to outdo themselves. Well, take a look at some of these images and videos coming out of Cologne this week from the Gamescom 2011 show!
In amongst all of the titles being shown off at the German event, there is giant inflatable Sonic the hedgehog, an entire double decker bus…and of course my favourite part of all, a history wall showcasing merchandise past and present (check out the video tour for that!) kindly donated for the duration of the show by Sonic fan and Sonic merchandise collector ‘Yellow’ (Alessandro Sanasi) from Spindash.de.
Look out for Sonic making an appearance too! Be sure to check out the SEGA flikr feed for more photos of the day.
Video from Planet3ds.de. Image taken from the SEGA flikr account.
Crush 40 Live in Japan – “What I’m Made Of” Full Video
Another video from Crush 40’s shows in Japan has been posted online from the Crush40 official youtube channel, this time it’s the climactic track from Sonic Heroes “What I’m Made Of”.
If you didn’t catch the full version of Live and Learn, you can also check this out on the Crush 40 youtube channel as well!
Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympics: New Gamescom Trailer
From the Gamescom event in Germany comes the latest Mario and Sonic London 2012 trailer. The trailer hosts some new footage showing events not yet shown such as synchronized swimming, cycling, dream hurdles and dream gymnastics. Now, I have to wonder if Blaze’s “fear of heights” thing from Sonic Rush Adventure was a huge lie as she seems to have no problem spinning around on poles thousands of feet in the air. Then again, she has no problem running up walls hundreds of feet in the air in that same game. 😉
Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympics will be available on Wii in November and 3DS February 2012.
UPDATE: Seems I was wrong. If you frame by frame the video, you can see the terror on Blaze’s face. XD
Sonic Show Site and Youtube Channel Hacked
Most of you will have enjoyed many years of entertainment from original videos to Summer of Sonic coverage through the Sonic Show‘s website and youtube channel.
Unfortunately due to a malicious attack, the Sonic Show site and youtube channels both suffered an internet attack from a hacker earlier this week. While the Sonic Show site has survived, the youtube channel was deleted by the hacker, and unfortunately this has meant the loss of many years worth of hard work from the likes of hard working staffers such as Discoponies and Brad – including the Summer of Sonic 2008 retrospective.
However it will take more than one moron with nothing better to do to bring the Sonic Show down! A new youtube channel has now taken its place, and slowly but surely materials are being re-added.
I call upon all of you Sonic the Hedgehog fans out there who love the community to unite and support this rebuild by subscribing to the new Sonic Show youtube channel, so we can get this great show back on it’s feet.
The Sonic Show Website
The New Sonic Show Youtube Channel
Mushroom Hill Zone Revealed For Sonic Generations 3DS
Courtesy of SEGA, we have 11 new screenshots of the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations, which unveil the Sonic & Knuckles classic stage Mushroom Hill Zone for this edition of the game. Classic Sonic roams through the Spring time Act 1 as you remember it, while Modern Sonic dashes through the Fall time Act 2 with an added 3D rail grind section.
Check out the screenshots below:
Source: SEGA Press
What do you think of the new stage? Let us know in the comments section below.
New Sonic Generations Trailer Unveils New Stages and More
Gamescom 2011 has kicked off today and SEGA has released the above new trailer for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Sonic Generations. As well as more footage of Chemical Plant Zone, we get the official unveiling of Rooftop Run from Sonic Unleashed and Seaside Hill from Sonic Heroes. More CGI footage is included in the video too, with quite the little surprise at the end (well, for those who didn’t look at the leaked stuff anyway).
Thanks to SSMB member VEDJ-F for the heads up and to Woun for the YouTube link!
#79 New Sonic Generations trailer!!
While we attempt to sort out out youtube woes, that wont let us stop bringing you the videos you need! It’s time for some brand new level action for Sonic plus a cameo from BOTH Tails and a certain robot! Don’t forget to subscribe to our new channel just incase we lose our old one for good!