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It’s no secret that Youtube isn’t exactly the best place for animators these days. From radical shifts in the algorithm to unfriendly policy changes, animation channels have had it rough. Youtube’s latest method of making things difficult for animators stems from its habit of forcing random animated videos to be marked as “Made for Kids,” seemingly only because the video in question features animation and children-friendly characters.
Amongst the channels they’ve seemingly targeted in order to force this designation is the Sonic animation channel Balena Productions. They’ve been going after Balena since last year, marking several of their videos as “made for kids.” Balena’s latest video, their “Sonic in Scared Stupid: The Final Chapter” preview video, was hit by this not long after it was uploaded. You can check it out below, but be forewarned, this “kids” video features a werehog zombie with its flesh falling off:
So, why is this such a big deal? Videos hit by this designation have their ability to do well in Youtube’s algorithm neutered, while also having their comments disabled, and existing comments deleted. And as a side effect, videos that clearly aren’t made with kids in mind end up finding their way into Youtube’s supposedly kid-friendly app, effectively defeating the purpose of the whole thing.
To give you an idea of how targeted towards animation this is, even our own Youtube has been affected by this, with most of our uploads focusing on animation from the games forcibly being marked “Made for Kids.” The latest video of ours to be hit by this was our off-screen recording of Sonic Superstars’ animated opening. Our other off-screen recordings of the game remain untouched.
What Made for Kids does to a video’s metrics.
But what is a minor annoyance for us can be apocalyptic for channels like Balena Productions, which relies on their channel’s ad revenue to fund their animations. Since MFK videos do very poorly in Youtube’s algorithm, that limits a video’s views, and thus its ability to generate revenue, affecting a channel’s ability to survive. Of course, when a video is marked MFK, it can be appealed, both through Youtube’s built-in appeal system and through Twitter, but these appeals are often rejected, sometimes within minutes of the appeal being made. Anyone who follows Balena on Twitter is probably familiar with how this typically goes with Team Youtube at this point. They’ve sometimes managed to get the designation removed from a video, but it’s always a fight.
What’s especially strange about all this is that it even goes against Youtube’s own policies, as Balena has pointed out. Specifically, videos made for “everyone” aren’t required to bear this designation. Balena’s videos are not usually brimming with cursing and gore, but they are very much something made for general audiences, something many of their videos note at their start (though this doesn’t always save them.)
Another video that got hit with MFK earlier this year.
So…what can be done about this? Well, you can check out the marked videos for one, like the ones we embedded above. You can also watch older videos and like, comment, and subscribe on the affected channels. You can see what Steven Page had to say about this at his Sonic Revolution panel here.
In the meantime, Youtube’s policy adds even more uncertainty and stress to animation Youtubers who are typically already dealing with a lot. On Twitter, Page has increasingly indicated that, due to Youtube’s policies, continuing to make these animations is becoming untenable. He may be near the end of his rope, “For the past week since the teaser was flagged, I’ve had a migraine and mild panic attacks. I also haven’t been sleeping much, and I feel numbness traveling through my body. It’s a ton of pressure to even stand up to these creeps, and it’s not worth it anymore.”
Hopefully, YouTube will eventually change this strange policy. The whole point of Youtube Kids is to make Youtube compliant to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (or COPPA). Something tells me that forcing videos featuring zombified hedgehogs and a violent video game death to be made for kids doesn’t exactly make them COPPA compliant. Youtube’s community of animators deserve better than this.
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Sonic Origins is out, and we’ve got a packed day of showing it off! If you’re not busy playing it yourself, if you’ve got any specific questions about the game, or if you just want to hang out and chat about it, join us on Twitch or YouTube as we take requests and experience a bit of Sonic Origins together!
8 AM PT / 11 AM ET / 3 PM UTC (about 60-90 minutes long)
We’ll be checking out all the core features of the game, answering your questions, and taking your requests as we JUST check out the games, settings, and bonuses in the collection! If you plan on getting the game later and don’t want to get spoiled on the new animated sequences, this stream is for you.
Extended Story Mode Gameplay
10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 5 PM UTC (until ???)
If you want to check out the game’s story mode including cutscenes, we’ll be playing as much of it as we reasonably can! No guarantee that we’ll complete all three games, but rest assured we’ll at least be rushing through a bunch.
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Hoy all, it’s been a VERY busy week for video content on Sonic Stadium, and while we used to simply round up everything we’ve been doing on Twitch, we’ve been pushing forward on getting more YouTube content together, and we’d like to highlight that too! Here’s our inaugural This Week in Video!
Sonic Talk Podcast – Sunday, Apr. 24 – 4PM PST / 7 PM EST / 12 AM GMT
It’s nearing the end of the month, and thus it’s time for Nuckles87, Shigs, and GX to round up everything in Sonic news this month in a brand new Sonic Talk podcast! Expect plenty of Sonic Origins discussion this week.
Almost Every Sonic – Tuesday, Apr. 26 – 4 PM PST / 7 PM EST / 12 AM GMT
On Tuesday, Almost Every Sonic returns, and will be checking out the Sonic events in KartRider Rush+ on mobile. We may also return to Sonic Speed Simulator to check in on its latest updates, time permitting.
SegaSonic Radio – Friday, Apr. 29 – 4 PM PST / 7 PM EST / 12 AM GMT
As always, GX is digging deep to find plenty of great SEGA and Sonic music for SegaSonic Radio. It’s the weekend, so chill and enjoy some Sonic hits!
On YouTube
Our biggest project is that we’ve finally uploaded our ENTIRE 30 episode backlog of SegaSonic Radio!! You can check out the entire 2021/2022 series thus far via this playlist, or just start from our latest episode here:
We’ve got plenty of gameplay uploads this week! To start, Nuckles87 played Sonic Venture, a very impressive fan game demo made entirely in the PS4/PS5 game creator Dreams!
In Roblox, GX took a look at both the Nickverse Sonic 2 event and plenty of Sonic Speed Simulator.
Nuckles87 also spent some time in Sonic Dash and Sonic Forces: Speed Battle for the Sonic 2 movie events, and brought us gameplay footage of Movie Tails and Movie Knuckles:
Starting next week, we’ll be uploading the archive of another of our streaming series, Winter Wonderworld, where GX begrudgingly plods his way through the entirety of Balan Wonderworld. Each in the nine-episode series will go live Thursdays at 12:00 PM EST.
We’re also preparing to upload our entire backlog of Almost Every Sonic. If you like Sonic longplays, obscure games, and weird mobile crossovers, stay tuned over the coming weeks!
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If you hadn’t caught it, the official Sonic YouTube channel teased bringing the Sonic Vtuber models stateside in the form of a Tails “streaming” series, TailsTube. The first episode premiered today, and it came with some answers to a longstanding question in the modern franchise.
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SEGA has released a new Sonic holiday short on the Sonic youtube channel, “An Eggman Carol.” It’s a spoof of Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol,” of course, starring Eggman in place of Scrooge. A narrator tells the story alongside a series of still images. Check it out below!
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
In a bizarre marketing twist for a game already riddled with bizarre marketing decisions, SEGA has collaborated with another YouTube personality to promote Team Sonic Racing. This time, they took a YouTuber best known for Minecraft out to SEGA Europe’s office to drive a sports car. Don’t worry, it’s relevant – Sonic was also inside. Continue reading Minecraft YouTuber Drives A Car For Team Sonic Racing And Yes We’re Also Very Confused
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SEGA will soon be issuing takedown notices to YouTube channels hosting full Sonic Boom episodes. Aaron Webber announced on SEGA’s blog that the company would be issuing letters to the offending channels before any videos are taken down, to give them all a chance to remove the episodes. Any channels that don’t remove the videos afterwards will have the videos taken down by a DMCA takedown notice. Continue reading Sonic Boom Episodes to be Removed from YouTube
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Ever wondered what Sonic would look like in virtual reality? YouTuber Chadtronic decided to answer that question for you in the above video, where he boots up a level made in fan created engine Sonic GDK. He tells viewers that “…if you get woozy on the roller coasters at theme parks, then you’ll probably stay away from this one. But besides that it’s extremely fun”. If you’ve got your own Oculus Rift and want to try out the level, Chad provides all the download links to get it going yourself in the description of his video.
What do you think? Do you want to see a virtual reality Sonic game?
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Mike Pollock, the voice actor for Eggman, left a rather curious comment on YouTube yesterday, during a conversation with a one Roonco Prime regarding the old cast appearing at “anything Sonic related.” Mr Pollock said that he couldn’t speak for the rest of the cast, however, “You might be able to see me very soon, stay tuned for a major announcement.”
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Watch out, lassies! For this week’s Freak-Out Friday, we’ve got something that’s pawsitively fetching!
YouTube user Melpontro gave Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 a new leash on life as he hacks into the game and starts playing with the models, unintentionally creating a new story.
It is the story of a young pup who’s had it ruff, until one day, he is found by a certain blue hedgehog who just arrived to the kingdom of Soleanna. What the hedgehog didn’t count on was the impact he left on the beloved dog.
To this day, the pup still looks up to Sonic. Striving to be as fleat as the blue blur, to reach high speeds without having to pawse, to keep a pawsitive outlook on life… and to make all of those Eggman’s robots run for the hills!
This is the tail…
…of Pelé, the Beloved Dog.
Now that’s a good boy!
Check out more of Melpontro’s Sonic ’06 hacks after the jump. Beagl-ad there were puns this Friday!
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I’ll be honest, I don’t really know what’s going on in this video. But is that really necessary anyway?
Sonic running around in circles in the air, Eggman playing air guitar, Sonic getting overly excited… is there anything this video doesn’t have?
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Warning: Video contains swearing. And awesomeness.
Sonic Generations was released to stores in the UK today! In the US, the game landed on Tuesday, and one chap was so excited about it that he decided to make a video. A most epic video that will make you raise an eyebrow. Or two.
Instead of actually opening the disc and playing the game, ‘Ducttaped32x’ videotaped his sheer happiness at obtaining the 20th Anniversary game. Plenty of bizarre phrases involving leprosy, hedgehogs on women and spindashing enemies lie within the video, above. But the best bit has to be his epic rolling around and attempt at Sonic breakdancing, Modern style. The falling poster at the end is the pièce de résistance of the minute-long lunacy.
Watch it, and discover why he is a national treasure. I want to meet him someday. I’ll buy him a beer.
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When you think about great Sonic music, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Game Gear (and Master System, don’cha know?) isn’t usually the game that comes to mind. That’s nothing to do with how good the music is, though – the little S2 has some real forgotten classics.
French jammer SongeReReveur hasn’t forgotten, though. We featured him last year for his mellow rendition of Sky High Zone – that and a somewhat… different Marble Zone – and he recently returned to Sonic with another Sonic 2 gem.
This time it’s Green Hills Zone, which was famously re-jigged for the European and Asian versions of Sonic CD (as well as the worldwide re-releases later this year). SongeLeReveur has a habit of taking his themes in a different direction than most, and this dreamy track is no exception.
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Check out FromtheGang’s Channel on youtube for another version of the theme…this time on a church pipe organ!
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OK, so a few weeks ago I saw an entry for the Bentley Jones So Much More Video Contest by Sonictoast that blew my hat off my head, with live action, stop motion, and a bloke dressed as Eggman. Well, today I spotted a nifty bit of art appear on BJ’s facebook page. Perousing facetube following a series of links turned up this cover of So Much more by a band called “Freen In Green”, which gives the track an Indie makeover – percussion, bass, rhythm and melody guitars, and of course some vocalz. 75% of band appear to be hiding off camera / behind hair, but I guess that’s forgiven because there’s a pretty good attempt at the solo! Anyway, this is another spiffing example of what you can do to really sweep away the competition and do something original, as well as have fun with your mateys (because it’ cool to show you have friends!). Anyway, I think this has made it onto my list of entrieswhere “if it doesn’t place I will bear my backside in Fenwick’s window“. I like to put my money where my mouth is, so Yamino, if you don’t place in the winners, I will send you a consolation prize!
You’ve only have until Friday(5th of March 2010) to get your entries in, so if you haven’t done so yet, you’ve got a busy couple of days ahead of you! If you spot any good entries, lets us know in the comments!
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Hate or love Sonic ’06 you’ll find something humorous in sonic00yea’s video with a Macarena twist to the game’s cutscenes. The part of the song about not worrying about the female singer’s boyfriend playing to a scene of Amy all over Silver when she mistakes him for Sonic is very funny indeed.
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YouTube user ojdon has come across 2 clips from an unknown French source of some of SEGA’s booths at E3 1996 including the Sonic Xtreme booth, the NiGHTS into Dreams booth(with some nice rings from the game around it) and the Bug Too! booth. Correct me if I’m wrong but as far as I’m aware footage of these booths has never been seen until now so it’s pretty cool to get a look at them at long last.
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YouTube user, n00neimp0rtant, has uploaded an incredible mash-up of Sonic music to the site that incorporates Sonic music from the Genesis-era all the way to today’s games. This labor of Sonic love, which took him a week and a half to complete, is really cool. Listen to it, knuckleheads.
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A report from Andrew Paulson has revealed that US anime localisation company 4Kids are to start providing original, uncensored episodes of the Japanese Sonic X series. A short trailer featuring a clip from the first episode, Enter the Supersonic Hero, has been uploaded to their Youtube Channel. The only problem is, if you’re outside of the US, you’re blocked from watching it – just like any other Sonic X video the company has on their account.
The move is both a positive instance of 4Kids coming to terms with what a lot of their audience has asked for, yet a shock for worldwide fans that even today have to put up with archaic regional rights issues. The TSSZ article is littered with comments from fans disappointed that they cannot watch their favourite cartoon online.
4Kids has received a lot of venom in the past for their handling of Japanese anime shows. Vitriol from Sonic the Hedgehog fans have been somewhat more intense due to an ownership of the franchise’s merchandising rights, along with a controversial move of integrating their voice actors into the Sega games.
They may well be trying to make things up to a ton of their disgruntled viewers tired of the American edits and censors, but have 4Kids scored another own goal here? Let us know in the Comments box or the SSMB.
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SSMB user ‘Venom‘ alerted the forums earlier today with a new trailer from massive online gaming website, IGN. The trailer focuses on Knuckles’ character in the game, Sir Gawain, featuring footage of his boss fight and other misc videos of several stages. Meanwhile, Youtube user ‘Supasoni1016′ is kind enough to capture and upload the latest trailer of the game from the Japanese ‘Nintendo Channel’, an online media portal designed specifically for the Nintendo Wii. The Nintendo Channel trailer shows us lots of already seen footage- but with a one minute fifty second version of the games main theme, ‘Knight of the Wind’ performed by familiar-to-the-series band, ‘Crush 40.‘
You can watch the Sir Gawain IGN trailer here and the Nintendo Channel video showcase here. Sonic and the Black Knight will be available for the Nintendo Wii on the 13th of March in Europe.
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SSMB user ‘Ultrasinc‘ alerted the forums earlier today with news of a new Sonic the Hedgehog Retrospective video by downloadable game provider, ‘Game Tap.‘ The video itself consists of four parts, all of which are uploaded to Youtube for your viewing pleasure.
The fantastically made retrospective has some extremely interesting information- some of which is completely new. For example, did you ever know that Sonic’s shoes were based off Michael Jacksons boots from the front cover of his ‘Bad’ album? And that the colour of them was inspired from the worldwide known figure, Santa Claus? Game Tap interview the likes of Naoto Ohshima, Yuji Naka and a large variety of other developers and project managers from along the years as they discuss how SEGA of America took to the little blue critter, his changes of appearance and why he became so popular.
You can view the four parts of non-sonic-bashing goodness by clicking on the following links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
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You may remember not too long ago TSS reported a rumour concerning Mario and Sonic’s return with another Olympic Games compilation. Today, SEGA Europe have updated their official Youtube account with a HD teaser trailer for the upcoming game on Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS set for release ‘soon.’
The new trailer shows off some lovely CG quality movie scene footage and has Sonic, Mario and pals all snowboarding down a huge mountain in front of cheering crowds. The game will be out on shelves in time for the 2010 Winter Olympics, but for now fans of either series can check out the High Definition Youtube Teaser Trailer here.
What’s your opinion on the new trailer? Are you planning on picking up Mario and Sonic’s latest Olympic outing in time for Vancouver 2010? Let us know in the comments below!
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YouTube user, sphereballs, takes the January 5th spotlight today for his Sonic remixes. His remixes are not like the ones you would here on OCRemix, though. These two songs that he made take all 7 tracks from both the Japanese and American soundtracks of Sonic CD and mix them all into epic song. The zones that he has done thus far are Wacky Workbench and Tidal Tempest. Be warned, they are awesome. Tidal Tempest is above, hit the jump for Wacky Workbench. Continue reading Fanatics: The Best of Both Soundtracks
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Someone in YouTube land is really looking forward to Sonic Unleashed, so much they have created a YouTube channel dedicated to Sonic Unleashed. The channel is called ‘sonicunleashedinfo’ and currently has 134 video’s all containing Sonic Unleashed news, info, gameplay video’s, images, trailers, music and magazine scans. The owner of the channel even lists their interestes and hobbies as just Sonic Unleashed.
If this isn’t dedication then I’ll eat my Knuckles plushie *shot by Gabz Girl*
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Bioware have today released Sonic Chronicles Video Insider episode 6. This edition reveals there will be 3 character classes in the game for you to built your party with. The 3 character classes are Power, Shifter and Support, now this is definitely starting to sound more like an RPG. The video reveals Sonic and Knuckles to be power class, Amy to be a Shifter and Tails to be Support class. We also get to see footage of Knuckles using all of his field abilities which are smashing, climbing and gliding and we get to see one of his POW moves the Uppercut which kicks some serious stone buttocks like only Knuckles can. Also shown are some team POW moves with Sonic and Knuckles.
You can catch this latest episode in all of its YouTube glory here.
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Bioware are on fire just lately with their new ‘Insider Videos’ released on YouTube promoting ‘Sonic Chronicles’ on DS released later this month!
Their latest video released yesterday showcases two enemies Sonic and pals will face on their adventure, the ‘Egg Pawn’ and ‘Kron Warrior.’ Bioware stresses danger is afoot and you’ll need to kick some ass if you’re going to make it through to the end of the game, naturally.
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Bioware the developers behind upcoming Nintendo DS game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood have updated their Sonic Chronicles site and opened a YouTube channel dedicated to Sonic Chronicles. The main feature in this update is the first episode video in a series of ‘Insider episodes’ bringing new gameplay footage and information on new enemies, characters and more. The first episode is just an update explaining these new insider episodes, more episodes are to come over the next few weeks. So keep your eyes on this site or this YouTube channel for further updates. We’ll also be watching the site for updates 24/7 like rabid fanboys so we’ll also update when an update arrives to keep you updated on further updates. Hope you enjoyed the update, stay tuned for more Sonic updates.
Times used the words update/d/s in total including title and tag: 12
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It’s such a good job we can always rely on Youtube to bring us the newest and most reliable game footage before any other place on the Internet, isn’t it?
It appears a user named ‘JesseMeza07’ has managed to get his hands on a first look at the gameplay of the upcoming ‘Sonic and the Black Knight’ title for the Nintendo Wii released next Spring. There’s something wrong here though… but we at TSS can’t quite put our fingers on it.
Jesse writes –
This is the first footage of the new Wii game, Sonic & The Black Knight, courtesy of IGN. I can tell you one thing, this game is shaping up to be pretty good.
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It appears sometimes even Sonic needs to take a break from saving repeatedly kidnapped princesses and skipping through time periods in ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Even when the most speediest of blue hedgehogs wishes to slow things down for a little while though, level design can sometimes get in his way when taking a quiet stroll along the beach. Luckily though, the kind people at SEGA were nice enough to include him a constant gravitational pull towards any area of the environment no matter what speed he be going!
Just a bit of fun really. This video made me chuckle and look back on some of the minor technical glitches Sonic encountered in his Next Generation debut back in 2006. I’m sure most of us have gotten over how disappointing this game was, though looking through the frustration there were some relatively funny irregularities included in the game that are always fun to look back on. Let’s hope Sonic’s upcoming adventure on the same platforms don’t end up as technically impaired as this, though.
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Over on SSMB, a chap has posted a rather interesting vlog about, what one might consider an ‘outsider’s view’ of the Sonic the Hedgehog online fanbase. Truesonicfan, also known as Andrew for those that might whinge about him using an unimaginitive screenname (I know some of you exist out there) notes that everywhere you go there are countless ‘wars’ about various aspects of Sonic. Drummond or Griffith? Classic or Modern? Cool carefree Sonic or bestiality deluxe? All a dude wants to do is chat with some friends online about Sonic and how cool the games are, man!
Andrew’s about as articulate as a bog brush, but to be fair he makes some good points. There are a lot of Sonic fan factions that want to niggle about the voices for no apparent reason. There are groups that argue that modern games have no place, or learning from the Mega Drive days is pointless. Hell, some are even concerned as to how Bioware have set up the bloody world map in Sonic Chronicles (what the hell, who cares?).
We call these groups ‘whiny bitches’, and although they are found mostly within the Sonic fanbase more than any other group of gaming fans, I’d like to think their kind are dying down. At least, relegated to Youtube where they can stick two fingers up at Naka or Iizuka or Griffith or whoever the hell has deserved the ‘retard venom’ these days. Continue reading BlueTube: Sonic Fan Wars
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