Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 Updates Coming

Those awaiting updates for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 will be glad to hear that they won’t have to wait much longer.  SEGA of America Community Manager RubyEclipse has revealed in a post at the SEGA Forums yesterday that the updates could be coming as soon as next week and hints at the next zone reveal by stating that the Sonic 4 website will be getting a new zone overhaul. In his post, RubyEclipse has a question to ask of the fans before SEGA reveal anything, “Would you guys like to know only about the biggest updates to the final version of the game, or would you also like to know about the smaller ones?”

Sonic 4 update question – for you guys!

Hi everyone,

With our Sonic 4 Birthday Contest wrapping up soon and our final Hedgehog Day prizes about to go out the door, I have a question for you all with regard to the next news about the game.

Coming up, we’re going to be revealing many of the changes that we spoke about a couple months ago when we announced the extended development. With the website getting another big zone overhaul (possibly as soon as next week), I wanted to pose another question to you guys and get your thoughts.

Would you guys like to know only about the biggest updates to the final version of the game, or would you also like to know about the smaller ones? I ask because though not every update is massively game changing, there are some nice minor touches that I think some fans would appreciate. In any case, I’d like to know what you guys think, since you’re all quite passionate and engaged. (You too, lurkers!)

Let us know which you’d prefer (only big changes, or all changes) in a post below. I’ll be looking over the feedback for a couple days until the end of this Thursday. Thanks everyone!

As stated in the above post, answers are to be posted in the SEGA Forums topic and must be in by the end of tomorrow to be taken into consideration.

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Nintendo Power’s Sonic 4 Interview With Jun Senoue

U.S. magazine Nintendo Power has grabbed some time for a chat about Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 with renowned music artist Jun Senoue.  Jun, as some of you will know, is providing the music for this new 2D entry in the series like he did with the last games in the classic series with Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic & Knuckles. In the interview, we see that maximum effort has been made to give Sonic 4’s soundtrack a classic and fun feel, even to the point that a Genesis/Mega Drive development kit would have been used if the right tech were available. Now THAT is dedication!

Thanks to Chaosmaster8753 at the SSMB, who grabbed a copy of the magazine, we have the interview in text form below –

Nintendo Power: What was your reaction when you first heard that Sonic the Hedgehog 4 was finally going to happen after more than 15 years?

Jun Senoue: Takashi Iizuka and I worked together for a long time-from Sonic Adventure through NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. Before that, the first Sonic game either of us ever worked on was Sonic the Hedgehog 3. So we first met…I think it was 17 years ago now. Anyway, he came to me one day out of the blue and told me that we were going to do a classic Sonic game again! At that moment, we didn’t know yet if it was going to be called Sonic the Hedgehog 4. But from the beginning, he wanted me to compose the music in the same style as the classic Genesis games. Both he and I were really excited about the project and had a lot of fun working on it.

NP: How did you change or adapt your musical style for this return to the classic-style Sonic?

JS: Due to hardware limitations of the Genesis, we could only work with a certain number of notes and a certain number of sounds. Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is a game for current consoles, but I tried to compose the tracks the old-fashioned way. I went back to the basics. I didn’t actually go back and use the old FM sound tapes, but I tried to compose with as few notes as I could. I went about it largely the same way I did with the music for the Genesis. Actually, I did try to dig up a development kit for the Genesis. But it requires an old Japanese PC from NEC-not a very common PC-and I couldn’t find one of those. So all I could do was sample some sounds from the original Sonic.

NP: What was your approach to creating the sound for the various zones in the game?

JS: Splash Hill Zone is the first level in the game and it’s very similar to the opening levels in the original Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and Sonic 2. So I wanted the music to be similar; the key word was “fun”. Likewise, the second level is a casino-themed world, so I tried to draw from Sonic 2’s Casino Night Zone. And I think the special stage music in Sonic the Hedgehog 4 will remind you of the original game’s special stage. I tried to compose the songs with a similar beat or similar tempo to the first two games in the series. I want players to get the same kind of impression.

NP: Do you have a favorite track that you’ve composed for the game?

JS: I’d say the opening level of Splash Hill Zone. When I saw the game for the very first time, that track just came to me immediately. [Sonic Team director Toshiyuki] Nagahara really dislikes that song, though. He wanted me to compose a new one, but it was important to me, so I didn’t change it. [Laughs] I also really like the music for the first level of Mad Gear Zone.

NP: Since Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was the first game in the franchise that you worked on, does it feel like things have sort of come first circle now with Sonic 4?

JS: Absolutely. There are people I work with now who played Sonic 3 when they were very young children! That’s pretty amazing to me.

Thanks again to chaosmaster8753 at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic 4 Birthday Contest Voting Suspended

After suspicions were raised around the Sonic community regarding abnormalities in the voting patterns in SEGA’s Sonic 4 Birthday Contest, the company has suspended voting on the contest’s poll page. A statement says that SEGA has looked into the situation and confirmed the alleged abnormalities. More details are expected in a future update. SEGA’s statement from the contest’s website reads:

SEGA has been monitoring the voting patterns and discovered irregularities on July 16th. On review, we have confirmed the irregularities and have therefore suspended all voting. Please stay tuned for a more detailed update.

We’ll keep an eye out for that update and inform you of SEGA’s plans for the contest’s future. Voting for the contest was originally scheduled to end July 27th and the winners declared soon after. Where do you think SEGA should go from here? Let us know in the comments.

Thanks to ENVY16 at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 Playable At SoS 2010

One of the big treats of the Summer of Sonic convention in past years has been that Sonic’s newest games have found their way into the hands of fans way before they’re released. That’s all thanks to our good friends at SEGA and we’re very pleased to announce that this year will be no different. In addition to all the other pods on the floor, including the All-Stars Racing tournament, SOS will be graced with the presence of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I.

Sonic’s eagerly anticipated 2D platformer will be on the convention floor where attendees will be able to get hands-on time with the E3 build, which contains all 3 Acts of Splash Hill Zone and its boss battle with Dr. Eggman. The game will be available in the Games Zone on our Xbox 360 pods, kindly donated by Microsoft who, as we mentioned in our S&SASR Tournament announcement, are part-sponsoring the games section of Summer of Sonic.

We hope you are as excited about this news as we are and look forward to seeing you in the Games Zone!

Source: Summer of Sonic website

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GamesRadar’s Sonic 4 Hands-on Preview

You wouldn’t expect more Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 previews from the press so soon after E3 but it seems SEGA aren’t one to let the hype train go off course with GamesRadar getting some fresh hands-on time in their new preview published today and it seems to be the most in-depth and positive preview yet. A lot of praise is given to the physics, controls and even to the developers for their love given to the game. The previewer David Houghton says “Sonic 4 feels like Sonic the Hedgehog 4. The next game after Sonic 3. Not a tribute. Not a reworking. The next game in the series.” Some strong words there, very strong. David even goes on to explain how he feels the the previous Mega Drive games aren’t perfect and states this game fixes the problems contained in those games.

If that’s the feeling for the game in it’s current state over at GamesRadar then it’ll be interesting to see what they think of the final game after it’s been polished with it’s extra development time.

You can check out the preview in full at GamesRadar.

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More Sonic 4 Contest Loonies Dressed As Sonic


I must admit I’m now a bit bored of watching Sonic 4 contest entries that generally comprise of a helium-filled child giving a tour of their untidy bedrooms filmed on a 400 pixel camera. I’m also growing tired of the formula of grown men with dyed-blue hair running around in public receiving scornful looks from the elderly, supporting their views that all of today’s youth are doing drugs. Moans aside, there are still odd entries that are popping up that are making me smile. Although this film falls in the latter catagory, the badniks are really, really awesome, so watch it. TSS would like to mention we do not condone the use of pick axes to break open monitors.

I dare you to not laugh when the Buzzbomber gets a shoryuken to the face.

And because I’m not shameless at all: If you’re all tired out from these entries, why don’t you sit back, relax, and join me in the art corner…


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Yet More SEGA Sonic 4 Tokyo Contest Entries


Upon announcement of this competition, I was expecting hundreds of video entries depicting people dressed in £39.99 Sonic the hedgehog costumes running around town centres. Yeah, they’re beginning to come out the woodwork now, but this one is a little more entertaining! I particularly love the liberation of the animals (very cleverly done), and the fight with Dr. Robotnik at the end.

I think this entry definitely has a shot at the grand prize. Oh, and do watch Robotnik’s drinking contest too: Drink responsibly kids.

On the other hand…there’s Sonic Turkey. I’m so confused.


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Probably the Best Sonic 4 Tokyo Contest Entry So Far…


OK, so while I’m still piecing together my entry for this SEGA Sonic 4 Tokyo contest, I’ve been keeping a keen eye on youtube to see what my competition is like. I hadn’t seen any entries that particularly stood out, but there again, I am expecting the best entries to appear closer to the deadline. Then I saw this. missbluesonicspeed has put together a charming little video entailing her years of Sonic memories and dedication to Sonic, as well as going out and spreading the word via the means of Chaos Emerald cupcakes.

If this doesn’t make the US top 10 entries I will be very, very surprised. Good luck to you!

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SEGA’s Sonic Birthday Contest

SEGA have announced a big contest to celebrate Sonic’s 19th Birthday today in which you have the chance to win a trip for you and one friend to Tokyo, Japan, where you will stop by SEGA Japan, meet Sonic Team and be the very first people to be given some playtime with the finished build of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Pretty exciting huh? To take part you need to express your love for Sonic through the medium of video via YouTube, check out the full announcement including all the info you need to know below –

Everyone’s favourite blue hedgehog with attitude is turning 19, and we’d like you to help us celebrate! Take part and you could win the ultimate birthday gift – a free trip for you and a friend to Tokyo, Japan, to visit SEGA, meet the Sonic Team, and get some exclusive playtime with Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I!

To enter, create a video showing off your love for Sonic! You could run down the street dressed as the blue hedgehog himself, paint a massive Sonic mural in your hometown, build Green Hill zone entirely out of cake, or almost anything you can come up with. Be creative, original, and entertaining! (And, of course, keep it legal!)

Once judging is complete, the top 10 entries will go live on the website and the fans themselves will vote on our winners! The prizes are amazing, the contest is huge and the excitement is high – do it to it and let’s show the world just how passionate our fans can be. Up, over, and gone!

1: You’ll need a YouTube account in order to participate. Don’t have a YouTube account? No problem – register here.

2: Your video must be hosted on YouTube and adhere to YouTube’s uploading requirements.

3: Entries will be judged on three categories, each worth 10 points total for a total of up to 30 points.
They are:
– Creativity
– Effort
– Entertainment

4: In addition, up to 5 bonus points can be awarded if your submission gets Sonic in the public eye. The more people involved, the more points awarded!

5: There is a limit of one entry per person.

6: Entrants must fill out all required submission fields in order to enter.

7: The deadline to submit your entry is Monday, July 12th at 9:00 AM Pacific time.

8: Your entry must be your own original work and only include images of people who have agreed that their image can be included. Your entry is subject to our terms and conditions and privacy policy so please read these carefully before you enter.


Aswell as the Grand Prize of the trip to SEGA Japan there will be other prizes –
2. Two first place iPod Touch prize packs!
3. 100 Random winners get free Sonic swag!

ArchangelUK of SEGA Europe informs at the Sonic City Blognik that one grand prize winner will be picked from America and another from the UK.

Head on over to the official Sonic 4 contest page to get your entry in now!

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E3: Sonic Colours World Map & 4 Full Stage Sonic 4 Videos


NintendoDifference have managed to get a recording of the Sonic Colours title screen and more importantly the World Map where we can see 9 areas and Eggman’s rocket ship of which 8 have locks on including Eggman’s Rocket suggesting that will be a final 10th level with the inevitable last battle with Eggman. The planet’s all look like they have quite a variety of things going on and the top right one even looks a little like Metal Sonic, speculate away as to what you think each planet might hold in the comments.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for sending me the find and upscaled title screen and World Map pics!

In other news Gametrailers have uploaded 4 videos of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, 2 each covering a full Act from Splash Hill Zone and the final one showcasing the boss battle with Eggman where we also see Sonic’s looking up screen scrolling animation. A tidbit yes but cool nonetheless. You can view them all at the links below –

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3


We’ve also come across another Sonic 4 video interview from The Review Crew with SEGA of America’s Ken Balough where he reveals there won’t be big lengths of time between releasing episodes. Check it out below –

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GameStop Interview SEGA’s Aaron Webber (RubyEclipse)


GameStop (that’s not a typo, I do mean GameStop not GameSpot) are at E3 and have managed to grab the above interview with SEGA of America Community Manager Aaron Webber or RubyEclipse as alot of you will know him. Aaron is asked about Valkyria Chronicles 2 on PSP and Vanquish on Xbox 360/PS3 but if you skip to the 3:13 mark he speaks about Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Aaron reiterates the announcement a short while back regarding the games extra development time that’s been added to implement fan feedback to the game while also reaffirming the fact that the E3 demo contains just a few changes with more to come. As soon as we hear about the further edits we’ll let you know.

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Sonic 4 Website Updates With Fansite Kit #1

SEGA have updated the official Sonic the Hegdehog 4: Episode 1 website but not with the usual content you’d expect, instead they’ve unveiled a surprise Sonic 4 Fansite Kit #1 which contains artwork, Xbox 360 version screenshots, music and a wallpaper. The content isn’t anything we haven’t already seen on the website but you have to admit it’s still pretty cool of SEGA to bundle it altogether for you to view, listen to and use however you wish on your computer outside of the internet.

Thanks to Crash at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic 4 XBLA and iPhone Gameplay Footage



After bringing us some video helpings of Sonic Colours and Sonic Free Riders, Destructoid give us some footage of the Xbox Live Arcade version Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Shown in the footage is the Splash Hill Zone which SEGA informed before the event kicked off is the only level available in the E3 demo and in it we can see some of the few tweaks that have been added already such as momentum, speed and jump fixes. SEGA stated before the event kicked off that many more changes are to be made during development before release Late 2010.

On top of that, another media outlet Touch Arcade give us a look at the iPhone version which judging by the footage is looking as good and playing as well as the console version so portable gamers can’t go wrong with this version.

We’ll keep a look out for Sonic 4 media and post back here, for now debate away in the comments. Thanks to mickbyte for the heads up!

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Gamespot’s E3 Sonic 4 Interview With Gameplay Footage


E3 2010 is getting closer and some of the media are already kicking off their coverage including Gamespot who yesterday posted up the above Sonic 4 interview with Ken Balough who’s role is Associate Digital Brand Manager at SEGA. Ken reveals all 3 Act’s of Splash Hill Zone will be playable at E3 including the boss battle, he says they’ve taken the Special Stages(where motion control’s will now be optional) out of the demo to keep the queue moving so everyone can get to play the game.

Alot of the info gained from the interview we already know from past interviews but the footage shown is new in the sense that we can just barely see some of the changes already implemented such as a fix to Sonic’s speed momentum and accelleration meaning Spin Dash is more useful, tweaks to the jump appear to have also been made so it’s less floaty. Ken says you won’t see all of the changes made in the E3 demo so we’ll have to wait until a later date to see those. Judge for yourself from the footage and see if you notice any changes then let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Gamespot
Thanks to Sykotech at the SSMB for the heads up and thanks to Phos there for the YouTube coversion of the video.

TSS Staffer nuckles87 and new member of the team Jason the Jackass will be attending E3 to bring readers of The Sonic Stadium exclusive coverage of all things Sonic aswell as bringing SEGA Bits exclusive coverage of SEGA’s other titles on the show floor so stick with us for all of your E3 Sonic needs.

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Sonic Colours and Sonic 4 Playable At E3

The Official Japanese Sonic Channel Blog has today confirmed in a new entry Sonic Colours will be present and playable at this years E3, an earlier entry posted 21st May confirms Sonic 4 will also be present and playable too. No other info is given as to what builds to expect or any new trailers or other assets so we’ll have to just wait and see. Be sure to check back with us during the show as we’ll be relaying all info and media that hits the net back to you here.

Thanks to HunterTSF at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic 4: iPad Version Confirmed? and RubyEclipse Teases New Info

According to a report from IGN an iPad version of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 has been confirmed by SEGA and will be appearing in playable form at E3 alongside the other versions. With the iPhone and iPod Touch versions recently confirmed it would make sense to add support for Apple’s new device during the extra time acquired by the delay of the game to Late 2010, the more the merrier as they say. Since iPad can load iPod Touch and iPhone games could this be a specific version for iPad, perhaps in HD?

In other news SEGA of America Community staff member RubyEclipse has been doing a little Q&A at SEGA’s official forums with forum member Yeow95, here are quotes from the conversation –


3 Questions, Ruby….

1. We know that Sonic 4 will be available on the App Store, for the iPod Touch and iPhone….but does that include THE iPAD?!

I don’t even HAVE an iPad, but I know that Sonic 4 with it’s high-def, colorful graphics and gameplay would look GORGEOUS on that thing.

2. Will you guys start updating the website weekly again? We want to see new timers, and see them reveal new badniks, new concept art, new zones, and new sections of the website again! BTW the Splash Hill page still says new video coming soon, may want to fix that! And I know we DO NOT want to wait ALMOST 3 MONTHS for “big” info again!

3. So what have we covered here?
a. 4th platform revealed – App Store for iPod Touch and iPhone
b. Sonic 4 delayed for extra development time to “enchance” the game.
c. JUST ADDED: Project needlemouse T-Shirt.

That’s not really big news. Is there anything else than that? I mean any footage of the other zones, announcements of DLC, playable characters, future episodes, a new Sonic game, etc.? Because I bet I can speak for the whole fanbase that at least some or one of these most of us were expecting.

Ruby Eclipse:

I’m a bit late to the party here, sorry, but I’ll go ahead and answer the questions I can speak to.

2 – Yes, the website will be updated again soon, though it may not be weekly. Instead, since the wait will probably be just a little longer, the updates themselves may be slightly larger than before. We’ll be able to confirm the time between updates soon.

3 – I think point B is huge news, personally. Part of that might be because I’ve seen some of the specific things that are being changed, as opposed to the somewhat vague statements that have gone out, but regardless I really do think the action itself speaks volumes.

There won’t be any announcements of “new characters”, as we confirmed Sonic being the exclusive playable character there long ago. The other Zones, however – those we will be talking about more in the near future.

Yeow 95:

But what about the iPad thing? I don’t get Clumsyorhard’s “iPad nano” joke.

Sorry about putting the new characters, my mistake, but this:
We confirmed Sonic being the exclusive playable character there long ago.

So does that mean Tails and Knuckles WON’T BE IN SONIC 4?!


I can’t speak in detail on your iPad question, so I’ll have to wait on that one until I have a definitive answer for you.

No worries on the new characters part! You’re partly correct though, Sonic will be the only playable character in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I.

Note how RubyEclipse bolds the title, perhaps a hint at playable characters in future episodes?

RubyEclipse again:

Sometimes, even the smallest of changes can make really big (and positive) impacts.

I’m not able to tell you guys specifically what is being changed just yet, but from the small stuff to the fairly big stuff, I think it will all play a part in making the final experience for the fans worthwhile.

So we could possibly be seeing playable characters in future episodes and Sonic 4’s official website could be seeing more larger updates but in smaller doses than the weekly entries we were once used to. RubyEclipse also gives the impression that changes to the game during the extra development time will be quite significant and a vast improvement on what the leaks have shown us. Hopefully we’ll see some of these changes at E3, we’ll keep an eye out for new info and media during the show then keep you posted on everything that surfaces.

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The Spin: The Folly of the Sonic Fan

It sounds totally cliche for a journalist to start a Sonic-related article in this manner, but Sonic fans like myself have understandably had plenty to moan about in this past decade. I don’t need to make a list, you know the drill. But 2006 was a long time ago. Now it’s 2010, and it seems like the fanbase at large is actively trying to pick a fight every five minutes. The target? Take your pick – Sega for not getting it, Sonic Team for losing it, Bentley Jones for having a life, Dimps for screwing up 2D (despite actually being good)… even fellow fans and fansites. It’s slightly ridiculous.

Continue reading The Spin: The Folly of the Sonic Fan

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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Announced For ‘Late 2010,’ iPhone Confirmed

Sega has announced that Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 will be hitting digital distribution platforms in the “latter half of 2010,” with the “added development” time spent on the ‘tuning’ and ‘balancing’ of the game. While no release date has been announced officially, the use of wording in the company’s statement implies an internal delay.

A press release went live today, officially confirming that Sonic 4 will also be released on Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch products. The game will be available via the App Store. One of Sega’s European arms has also released a video containing Splash Hill gameplay, watch it below.

This video will be shown in a new episode of GameSpot’s On The Spot feature, which will see Sega America community manager RubyEclipse to discuss the announcement. It will be aired in an hour’s time.

“SEGA is incredibly happy at the overwhelmingly positive response to Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I  from both press and fans around the world, and wants to ensure that we’re delivering the best Sonic experience possible,” reads the official statement, which was also posted on Sega’s Blognik. “With this dedication to quality and the Sonic experience in mind, SEGA has decided to extend the development of the game, and will now release Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I in the latter half of 2010.

“The additional time will allow the Development Team to focus on ensuring overall high-quality throughout the game by continuing to tune, balance, and maintain the kind of polish that an important title like this demands, and ultimately providing fans with an unrivalled classic Sonic feel.”

The details come after The Sonic Stadium gave you the scoop that updates were imminent, following a long period of silence from the publisher. Stick with The Sonic Stadium for any Freudian slips or other announcements as they happen.

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Joint-Exclusive: Sonic 4 Blowout Coming This Week

Mark your calendars for Thursday the 20th May. On this date, Sega will be revealing a lot of new information regarding Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1.

And it won’t be anything to sniff at either – some “very big” and “very good” news will be announced by way of a press release, which will go live in the evening (UK time – morning in the US).

After a successful online PR push that involved community challenges and badnik reveals, Sega suddenly went quiet about Sonic 4 when leaks started to flood the internet. A source at the company told us that the information revealed via Thursday’s press release will explain the reason for the “last couple month’s blackout” on updates.

In the meantime, the world continues to be excited (or afraid) of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. For what it’s worth, we think it’s going to absolutely rock. Roll on Thursday! Stay tuned to The Sonic Stadium for the latest news!

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The Jun Senoue Interview – Part 3

My busy schedule (which has included scoping out potential locations for Summer of Sonic) has meant this has been heavily delayed, but here it is! The illusive final part of the Jun Senoue Interview! Because there were so many questions asked by the fans, Jun agreed to answer some more of the other frequently asked questions:

T-Bird: BlueHedgehog25 asks are you planning on having any Crush 40 or similar songs featuring on the Rock Band Network?

Jun: I’m hoping that we can have some Crush 40 songs on Rock Band in the near future.

T-Bird: Exciting! Sure the fans will be please to hear that! Waaurufu asks who was the designer of your Sonic the hedgehog guitar?

Jun: Yuji Uekawa Sonic Team illustrator and character designer provided me with the artwork. Hiroki Hayashi, one of the people who is in charge over at ESP guitars took care of the rest!

T-Bird: Here’s a good question from SuperStingray: Where did the name Crush 40 come from, and what happened to Crushes 1-39?

Jun: I picked the word “Crush” up because of my favorite soda drink and Johnny added “40” onto the end. You will have to ask Johnny about other numbers!

T-Bird: A less Sonical pair of questions now! Pelon13 asks what is your favourite food, and what is your favourite colour?

Jun: Mexican food is my favourite, but it is very hard to find really good Mexican restuarants in Japan. Talking about colors, my favorites are Red, Purple, Black.

T-Bird: Moving back to technical preferences, Kasey asks what your favourite guitar is and what amplifier set-up do you preferentially use?

Jun: I like the combination of ESP guitar with Schecter pick-ups and Soldano amplifier with Soldano or Bogner cabinets. I only have small ones from Bogner at this moment though. With regards to “Knight Of The Wind” on “The Best Of Crush 40 – Super Sonic Songs”, I tracked all backing guitars once again with Soldano amplifier and Soldano cabinet.

T-Bird: Gwiz210 wants to know if Bubblicious Blvd. are planning on recording an album or an EP in the near future?

Jun: Nope! Bubblicious Blvd. is not a serious project at all. We [Jun, Mike etc…] just try to have play any dates we can in our spare time at the moment. Jan. 9th was the first day we were introduced to each other and we played the gig without any rehearsals! We’ve only met twice since then back on February the 20th to rehearse and to play another show a day later on February 21st.

We have played just three times, two shows and one rehearsal!

T-Bird: With regards to that gig, how did it go?

Jun: Talking about the show on Feb. 21st, it went much better than 1st gig since we’ve learned the songs 🙂 I was really surprised that a singer I used to work with back in the early 90’s came to the show to say hi to me! We had a dinner the other day, discussed several things and we will have a show on May 16th in Shibuya, Tokyo. The band was not famous but we had some good memories!

We will have a show with my drummer and bass player this time but I hope all four members from that era can share the stage in the near future.

T-Bird: Sounds like a very busy schedule! Nozwhompolton asks are there any plans to give Blaze the cat a theme? If so, will it be similar to the Sir Percival theme or something different like the Vela-Nova track from Sonic Rush?

Jun: When I worked for “Sonic And The Black Knight”, I had a plan to make her theme song and yes, my idea was to make a full-length version of “Sir Percival Theme”. I could not make it for several reasons…. the main reason being the short instrumental I composed for “Sir Percival” was good enough for the scene, and we didn’t need the longer one for use elsewhere in the game.

And that’s all folks! Hopefully we will be speaking to Jun again in the summer with regards to the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 soundtrack…and maybe some other things too!

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SEGA Releases New Sonic 4 Trailer


That little ditty at the end gets me every time.  (If this joke goes over your head, there’s probably a YouTube video of Lost Labyrinth: Act 2 still around.)

BONUS VIDEO: The now infamous mine-cart has made its way to WarioWare: D.I.Y:


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New Sonic 4 Screens Let You See Eggman Officially

Kind of pointless, what with all the leaking and shit, but if you want some high res media of GreenSplash Hill and its boss, SEGA has released some screenshots today.   Check out the gallery below:

Man, do you remember when the first screen of this boss was leaked and a majority of you guys thought it was fake?  Remember when you thought everything leaked was fake?  Oh, memories.

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Sonic 4 Soundtrack Leaked [Updated – Files Removed]

Some dude at Sonic Retro named “infinity” has managed to get a hold of the Sonic 4: Episode 1 soundtrack and has posted it at SoundCloud.  These are not fake and not an April Fools.  We will not be posting the actual files here, but if SEGA wants us to take the link down, then we will comply as always.

UPDATE 1: The “ending theme” has been added to the page.

UPDATE 2: The soundtrack has been pulled from the link below.  Again, we will not be hosting the files here, but I’m sure somebody you know downloaded the whole thing.  Ask around if you still want to listen.  I recommend not hosting them though, because SEGA is making their rounds.  I’m all for discussing leaked material, but not distributing it.

Check out the tunage over at SoundCloud.

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T-Bird’s Tour of the Sonic the Hedgehog Room at Alton Towers


Well, I’ve just spent a weekend at the Alton Towers theme park in Shropshire, UK. As well as sighting Jonathan Ross, skipping past the rest of the crowd and getting into the park before the rest of the public, and riding Nemesis 5 times in half an hour (no queue! Insane!), I was there, in true T-Bird style, for the Sonic experience. I was lucky enough to be the first member of the general public to book into the Sonic the Hedgehog Room (which Dreadknux got to stay in a month ago for nothing…lucky badnik he is!) and once I’d stopped running around the room screaming like a child, I recorded a little video tour of the room – enjoy!

Also it seems like my UFO plush machine luck has taken a full turn, as I’ve come back with quite a handful without having to sell any kidneys for money! All the hats, keyrings etc are available from the Alton Towers gift shop.

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A Pair of Splash Hill Remixes

Guess who’s back.  Back again.

Today, in honor of the recent release of Splash Hill screenshots and music, we’ve got a pair of remixes (holy shit, already?).  This first one is a “modern” twist on the latest obligatory green zone by remixing it in the style of  the Adventure games or Sonic Heroes:


Reminds me of Seaside Hill, so big ups on this one.  Seaside Hill is my joint.  P4KO, nice work on this remix and thanks for sending it our way, bronik.

This next remix of “Green Hill: Part 7,000” is by none other than Gecko Yamori.  His interpretation is of the “classic” variety, using the 16-bit sounds found within the Genesis/Mega Drive:


Once again, I am personally wowed at how fan remixes have been making the Sonic 4 songs catchy. I guess I just find the choice of instruments obnoxious in the official tracks, especially the synth.  That’s just me, though, so what do you guys think about the music and these remixes?

Do that shit.

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New Sonic 4 Screens And Info From Nintendo Power

Nintendo Power subscriber Illuminou_Orb over at the SSMB has just received the latest issue and has kindly scanned up the promised Sonic 4 interview which as an added bonus also contains plenty of new screenshots from Splash Hill Zone. The interview with Takashi Iizuka confirms fan favourite Jun Senoue will be the music director for this game so we know the music is in very good hands.

Thanks to Illuminous_Orb for providing the scans at the SSMB.

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UK’s Official Nintendo Magazine With Sonic 4 Scoop Next Month

Sonic 4 has seen more high profile leaks than SEGA would have liked but the marketing for the game looks set to officially kick into high gear soon as the first news of a magazine featuring a preview has been uncovered. As revealed in their latest issue (54, April 2010) the UK’s Official Nintendo Magazine will have screenshots and impressions of Sonic 4 next month. The magazine will be out on the 9th April so in you live in the UK you can pick it up then or you can rely on TSS to give you the down-low. Thanks to MK Skillz of the SSMB for the heads up!

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Eggman In Financial Crisis Claims Latest Sonic 4 Webpage Update

It’s Thursday and it’s 7PM GMT so what does that mean? You’re right, it’s the official Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 webpage content unlock. What goodies do SEGA have in store for us this time? More in game Badnik art and Concept art? Correct again. This time it’s a “new” version of Marble Garden’s floating spiky fish thing; Bubbles. So yeah, it looks like the dude from Sonic 3 but more so. The description seemingly reveals the global recession has also hit Eggman so “budget cuts” mean some versions of the Badnik don’t even have spikes. I swear I’m not making that up. We are warned about the “Red Ones” though, which sounds like a more vicious variant. Check out the website for full sized images and hold on tight for next weeks update of, you got it, more Badnik and Concept art!

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Rumour: Dimps Going Solo On Sonic 4: Episode 2?

We all know Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is a joint venture between Sonic Team and Dimps but what about Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2? We’ve barely seen much of Episode 1 but the staff over at are already looking into Episode 2 according to a new listing at their site in which they have the below info.

Episode 2 listing –

Developed By:

Published By:


Release Date:

ESRB: E for Everyone

Episode 1 listing –

Developed By:
Sonic Team/Dimps

Published By:


Release Date:

So as you can see there is a difference in developers, if the site has got this right then Episode 2 will be a Dimps solo project and the game looks to have already been given its ESRB rating too which to no surprise is an E but oddly they havent listed Episode 1’s E rating we’ve known about for ages.

Take all of this with a very teency pinch of salt for now, we’ll let you know if we hear anything more.

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Destrutoid Speaks Out Against Whining Sonic Fans

Jim Sterling at Destructiod, like many people in the online community, has had it with the perpetual complaints from video game “fans”. In two of his recent articles published over the last day, he specifically singles out the current responses to Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Jim tackles a lot of the complaints that have so far been made about Sonic 4:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — Sonic was never about speed. Sure, speed was a factor, but it was there as a gameplay reward, not a gameplay substitute. The focus was on level design, and you’d get short sections of rails-like speed as little exhilarating treats throughout the game. Go play the first three Sonic games again and try to tell me that it was about speed. Compare Sonic 3 to Sonic 4 and try to tell me that Sonic is “too slow.”

Then there are other arguments. Petitions for Sonic to be redesigned so that he looks exactly like his 16-bit counterpart. People going so far as to criticize the fact that Sonic has some color in his eyes, or that his legs are too long. Once again, this is a game people have wanted for a long time, and as soon as they get it, they start finding other things to moan about.

You can read the full article at Destructoid.

Not only this, it turns out that there are some generating petitions that involve buying Sonic 1 on Sonic 4 launch day (A very original idea, of course – see: Rage Against the Machine for Christmas No. 1 ), effectively telling SEGA they want a remake of the original rather than something new.

So, what is your opinion then? Is Jim right? Should supposed fans who don’t like what they’ve seen of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 so far shut up? Perhaps if the series is so far gone in your opinion, maybe you should stop playing the games…or as Jim puts it “Maybe just shut up about everything and try to enjoy something.”

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Nintendo Listing Reveals Sonic 4 Cover Art

Yeah, it’s a downloadable game, but people still make boxart for it.  A listing at Nintendo’s website reveals the game’s “boxart.”  It’s nothing that you wouldn’t expect, but I figured most of you guys would be interested to see it:

Looks pretty similar to another piece of boxart (amongst other things), if you ask me.


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The Jun Senoue Interview – Part One

Shibuya, Tokyo, 7:30PM on a Sunday evening. Night time means nothing in this city, as the streets are still rammed full of shoppers going in and out of the many music, entertainment and fashion stores that line every main street and side alleyway. A sign and a menu is all that marks the rather uninteresting entrance to a well-known Italian restaurant, and three floors down, I’m sitting with the legendary Jun Senoue. Jun has been at the forefront of Sonic the Hedgehog music since 1993 and has since redefined the face of Sonic music with the formation of Crush 40 and their soundtrack to Sonic Adventure. TSS and have been lucky enough to grab Jun for an exclusive interview

T-Bird: So Jun, how are you, and what projects have been keeping you busy?

Jun: I’m working on several projects, at this moment I can only tell you that I’m working on Super Monkey Ball: Step and Roll which was released this month. I was not the composer; I took care of finding the singers and talent in a similar way I did for Sonic Unleashed and Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. The composers were Tomoya Ohtani and Mariko Nanba. There are eight vocal songs which meant I had to find eight singers; In the end these were two Japanese singers, three North Americans and three from Europe, with the genres of the tracks focusing on dance and club tunes.

T-Bird: To sort of follow on, can we expect any new material from you this year? I think “The Works” went down exceptionally well last year, and the burning question on everybody’s lips is when is the second Crush 40 album due out?

Jun: Yeah…we [Jun and Johnny Gioeli] are discussing when we should start work on the next album, or the next show. Originally I had a plan to do other Crush 40 shows here in Tokyo in early May, but Johnny is quite busy with Axel Rudi Pell [the German rock act Johnny performs with] so maybe we will get around to doing some shows. We had a TGS (Tokyo Game Show) performance in 2008, and a lot of kids wanted to be there. Unfortunately they could not attend as the event was during school time, so the aim is to do some shows during the summer or spring vacations.

T-Bird: Wow, that’d be very cool for the Japanese audiences! I think one of the most impressive soundtracks from last year was the Sonic and the Black Knight OST on the principle it was so musically diverse – how did you go about getting in touch with Tommy Tallerico, and what was it like working with him and Richard Jacques amongst others?

Jun: Talking about Sonic and the Black Knight, I ideally wanted to work with the guys who provided the songs to previous Sonic titles instead of teaming up with the SEGA composers I usually team up with. I asked Richard Jacques, then spoke to Howard Drossin. Talking about Tommy though, he was not an original Sonic composer. I’ve known him for years and we are good friends, and I thought this would be a good opportunity to team up with him and have him as a composer on this title.

Tommy provided us with ten ideas for tracks, and basically I selected three ideas from his list. He composed one of them from the start to the finish, and then the other two tracks I used the ideas and took care of them, arranged them and tracked the music with my band. It was a very fun experience!

T-Bird: I bet! Ok…(laughs) I guess this would be a good time to bring up Sonic the hedgehog 4: Episode 1 which has just been announced this week. Any thoughts? Anything you can tell us like, are you involved with the soundtrack?

Jun: Uhh…Ok. My answer is this; I hope I can tell you all the details in late spring or early summer!

T-Bird: Haha! Ok, I guess we will just have to wait then! As we mentioned before, you’ve heard of the Summer of Sonic. In 2008 we had TJ Davis and Richard Jacques, last year we had Bentley Jones return to perform…any chance in the near future for a Crush 40 appearance?

Jun: Talking about the shows we’ve done so far: with had a TGS performance back in 2008, and for that we played along with some backing tracks. For our next shows in Japan (more later!) we plan to have full band. If we come over to the UK, we will probably do something similar to what we did at TGS, but yes, we [Jun and Johnny] will be talking about it!

Don’t miss the second part of the Jun Senoue interview tomorrow, where Jun has answered some of the burning questions posed to him by you, the fans!

A massive thank you to Jeriaska from Gamasutra for the excellent photos!

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Sunday Poll: Sonic 4 Price Point

It has been a busy few weeks for Sonic 4 news.  We’ve had more foliage and badniks revealed, a gameplay video leak, and a community member/game localization employee attempt to leak the whole damn thing.  We’ve seen more than enough to maybe gauge how much this game is worth to us.  So, today’s Sunday Poll deals with the game’s price point.

How much money are you willing to spend on a single episode of Sonic 4?  (Prices are in American dollars, since I am American.  If you’re British, convert that shit.)

  2. $25
  3. $20
  4. $15
  5. $10
  6. $5
  7. I felt like giving a joke answer and saying “free.”  (aka “Where’s my leak, Endri?  A C&D can’t stop you!”)

Who dat.

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Sonic 4 Playtested By Community Member, Impressions Inside

This kind of article is usually relegated to the community blog, but I believe that it is newsworthy enough to sit up here.

One of my fangaming buddies from SFGHQ, Endri (creator of Sonic Attitude), got the chance to play Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1.  How?  He was invited to playtest the X360 version of the game on a Developer’s Console.  He had to run in and out, but he managed to post his impressions at Sonic Retro.  He will be elaborating further, but here is what he has said thus far (keep in mind that he is from Brazil and English is not his native language):

Early in the morning today, I, and a other few (un)lucky people, had the opportunity to playtest the X-BOX 360 version of the game. In fact, any of you could do it as well, provided you own a Developer’s Console, or a J-TAGed system.

I’ll try to give a very briefely analysis of what were my thoughts about this game.

Graphically (and artistically, I must say), the game is very beautiful, even thought I can’t really eat that celshading effect they put in Sonic’s model, to make it look like a differed shaded Genesis sprite.Something important to notice is that, the 3D models are not really 3D models, instead, they are sprites of pre-rendered 3D models. SO we are pretty much dealing with a 2D game here. That goes for everything else but Sonic, since I’m not sure as if Sonic is really a sprite itself, but I pretty much think it is. THat might explain the akward animations.

The level design. I played through Splash Hill Zone entirely up until Casino Street Zone. Splash Hill ZOne is pretty much Neo Leaf Forest Zone (for those who don’t know, Sonic Advance 2’s first stage). Everything about it looked like Leaf Forest. Hell, even the level art itself reminds Leaf Forest some way or another. The level design pretty much encourages the player to keep going to the right, except when the levels abruptuly decides to force you to go in the opposite direction by inserting unexpected walls, making you jump, jump to the left, jump to the right, keep running to the right. It is especially strange, considering the level layouts encourages you to keep running right. The acts are actually considerably huge in size, but quite short in time, much like Sonic Advance 2 stages. I don’t remember any level especific gimmick on the first stage, which is pretty unfortunate. You gotta love Casino Street Zone, since it’s freaking Casino Night Zone. It’s exactly identical. The colors, the tiles, everything. The level layout however is much like Music Plant Zone from Sonic Advance 2. A level that right encourages speed. Ha, about the Special Stages, they are quite fun actually, it is Sonic 1’s Distorted Dimension, but with a new twist: instead of controling Sonic, you control the stage itself. So yeah, my oversight was right after all. In terms of difficult, I found it harder than Sonic 1’s Special Stages (and provided, they were rathereasy). I belive they are going to be even fun/harder with the motion controls of the Wiimote/Six-axis/DualShock3, since you have to rotate the stage using the trigger buttons in the X-BOX 360 version (RT rotates to the right, LT to the left, etc). Looks like a pinball of sort. Oh, don’t let me get started on the bossfight. You might already imagine how it is by now.

The gameplay is pretty solid, actually. Which is a great thing. However, the game pretty much have the physics of Sonic Rush. I hate I hate I hate I hate I hate, I can’t stress enough how I hate the jump!  Fucking jump! It’s the worst jump I’ve ever seem in a Sonic game to date. Apparently they tried to mimic the ‘the longer you hold down the jump button, the longer you accent’ mechanic of the classic games, but as a result, they fucked the freaking cake with it. The jump is all over the place: if you rapidly tap the jump button, Sonic almost don’t jump; if you hold a little and release, Sonic starts accending, but hebreaks to the floor as soon as you release the jump button. If you hold the jump button all the way down, Sonic jumps like if he had touched a spring, he jumps so high and almost no gravity, it’s like you are jumping on the freaking moon. And I thought the jump ing the Rush series was bad. This one is even worse. The jump is so bad that I preffer to keep running right to win really. Don’t let me get started on the spin dash. THe spin dash don’t have enough power, no matter what. It behaves much like Knuckles’ Chaotix spin dash. Running rewards you with much more speed than spindashing.

My final remark of this game? It’s freaking Sonic Advance 2! It’s written Sonic Advance 2 all over the place. It is Sonic Advance 2 all over again. In fact, they could have named this game Sonic High Speed, and I wouldn’t mind it at all. But it is supposed to be Sonic fucking 4. To be honest, the name Sonic High Speed would fit this game better.

I am afraid to say that we are actually dealing with the very final product here, folks. Since the developers already sent the software for the Microsoft Evaluation Proccess. Additionally, the game’s software was sent to ESBR game content analizys team. Considering the game is already been analized and rated by ESBR, the development team cannot overgo any significative change in the game, visually or otherwise, which therefore pretty much means that this is what the game looks like.

I’m in a hurry here, and I’m sorry to not give a better insight on the game, but I’ll make sure to edit this post or whatever, whenever I have the time.

So, to recap:

  • Sonic 4 is pretty.
  • Sonic 4 plays like Advance 2/Sonic Rush.
  • The special stages are the Sonic 1 levels with a twist, rotating the special stage instead of controlling Sonic.
  • Spindash… still gimped.
  • Casino Street Zone looks exactly like Casino Night Zone.

I’m going to catch up with Endri and talk to him about his playtest.  If he posts any more information, I will update the entry here.

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Sonic 4 Website Unlocks Multimedia & Concept Art


The latest Sonic 4 website countdown reached zero at 7pm GMT tonight and unlike some of the previous unlocks this one actually had content behind it. Firstly the website now sports a “Wallpapers” option under the Multimedia section where you can download a wallpaper (funnily enough) with the Sonic 4 logo in one of three sizes. Secondly the site yielded more concept art, this time of various stylised greenery in the shape of bushes and such. Both items can be seen on the official Sonic 4 Website.

So with two more items unlocked, as seems to be the way with everything on the site, two more countdowns have begun. Thats right, we’re now waiting for  more concept art and our second Badnik model, both of which are due to be unlocked at 7pm GMT next Thursday. What do you think we’ll see? Answers in the comments section below!

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