SEGA Celebrates NiGHTS into Dreams Anniversary With Weird Concept Character Art

Did you know it has been 24 years since the US release of SEGA Saturn classic NiGHTS into Dreams…? Well, SEGA certainly remembered, as their retro revival channel ‘SEGA Forever’ published a celebratory video all about the game. The company also included some long lost concept artwork that feels a bit more ‘nightmare’ than ‘dream’. Continue reading SEGA Celebrates NiGHTS into Dreams Anniversary With Weird Concept Character Art

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Sonic Birthday Lobby Returns to Phantasy Star Online 2; Beat Up Sonic Enemies For Rare Loot

In what appears to be an annual tradition, SEGA is once again celebrating Sonic’s birthday in its massive online RPG, Phantasy Star Online 2. Starting today, players can log in to find the ‘Sonic Lobby’, which will greet you with an adoring monument of the blue blur and offer special Sonic-themed items for a limited time. Continue reading Sonic Birthday Lobby Returns to Phantasy Star Online 2; Beat Up Sonic Enemies For Rare Loot

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Sonic-Themed Puyo Revealed for Puyo Puyo eSports

SEGA Japan is moving hard into competitive sports, using its popular puzzle franchise Puyo Puyo as a means to tap into the market. And as a little treat to hook in Sonic fans, the company has announced that the blue blur and his pals will feature in the newly-released Puyo Puyo eSports. Continue reading Sonic-Themed Puyo Revealed for Puyo Puyo eSports

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PSO Episode I & II, Sonic Adventure DX Will Be First SEGA Europe Self-Published Titles

SEGA recently revealed that it was returning to self-publishing its games in Europe, and ever since then we’ve been waiting eagerly for that day to come. The first title to be published by SEGA Europe will be Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II in May, followed closely by Sonic Adventure DX and Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution in June.

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Report: PSO Episode I & II on Xbox To Have Fees

Xbox players looking forward to getting their Hunt on in Phantasy Star Online might be surprised at this news – according to a new report, there will be additional fees for access to the game on Microsoft’s home console.

Continue reading Report: PSO Episode I & II on Xbox To Have Fees
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PSO Servers Back Online After Suffering Internet Worm Attack

Phantasy Star Online players confused about the game’s extended downtime over the last week or so have finally been given an answer by Sonic Team. Apparently a rather malicious internet worm that has knackered a whole bunch of other sites and services made its way to PSO’s servers as well, so the developer took the action of taking things offline to fix it.

Continue reading PSO Servers Back Online After Suffering Internet Worm Attack
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PSO Episode I & II Gets Xbox Release Dates

It’s about time! Sonic Team fans with an Xbox console have been patiently waiting for the launch of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II, and now it looks like there’s light at the end of the tunnel. The game will be released on Xbox in Japan and the West in early 2003.

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Next Sonic Game Will Be Unveiled at E3 2003, Yuji Naka Confirms

2002 has been a pretty good year for Sonic, and it looks like things won’t be slowing down any time soon. Sonic Team head Yuji Naka has just confirmed that the developer is working on a brand new Sonic game, and it will be shown off to the world at the E3 show in May.

Continue reading Next Sonic Game Will Be Unveiled at E3 2003, Yuji Naka Confirms
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Sonic Team: No Plans For NiGHTS Sequel

SEGA Saturn fans waiting patiently for a sequel to the Sonic Team classic NiGHTS into dreams… will be in for some bad news today. According to a recent report, the developer has ruled out a follow-up to Yuji Naka’s dreamy masterpiece.

Continue reading Sonic Team: No Plans For NiGHTS Sequel
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NiGHTS Makes a Full Appearance in PSO in Special Sonic Team Quest

Yes, you can play a cut-down version of NiGHTS into Dreams on your Game Boy Advance by hooking it up to Phantasy Star Online on your Gamecube, but soon you’ll be able to get a real taste of Nightopia in Sonic Team’s online RPG with a special themed DLC quest just in time for Christmas.

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SEGA AGES Retro Series to Be Revived on PlayStation 2

You might (or might not) remember a short-lived, Japan-only collection of games on the Sega Saturn called SEGA AGES. Today, it has been announced that a selection of old-school SEGA titles will hit Sony’s PlayStation 2 in a comeback for the retro-revival series. Classic Phantasy Star games are said to form a part of the lineup.

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Yuji Naka Reveals That PSO’s GBA Unlockables May Need to Be Downloaded

Sonic Team is stuffing a bunch of special Game Boy Advance mini-games into the Gamecube version of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II, but besides one special bonus item it seems that you will need to be connected to the internet in order to truly enjoy them. Yuji Naka recently stated that these bonuses will, for the most part, not come included on the GC disc.

Continue reading Yuji Naka Reveals That PSO’s GBA Unlockables May Need to Be Downloaded
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PSO Episode I & II Gamecube Will Cost $8.95 A Month to Play Online

SEGA has confirmed that there will be a subscription fee to play Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II in North America. The online service will cost $8.95 a month from October 29, but the company is sweetening the deal by giving active players exclusive downloadable quests to expand the game.

Continue reading PSO Episode I & II Gamecube Will Cost $8.95 A Month to Play Online
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Special Tails Chao Unlockable Hidden Within PSO Episode I & II on Gamecube

There’s an extra incentive to pick up a copy of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II on Gamecube for Sonic fans. By playing the game, you can unlock a special Tails-style Chao which you can transfer to your GBA and import back into Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

Continue reading Special Tails Chao Unlockable Hidden Within PSO Episode I & II on Gamecube
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Now People Are Cheating in Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II

In news that surprises absolutely nobody, it seems that a bunch of people are already cheating in the newly-released Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II game on Gamecube. The game only came out last week in Japan and yet Sonic Team has already received hundreds of complaints from players about the situation.

Continue reading Now People Are Cheating in Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II
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SEGA’s Tokyo Game Show 2002 Lineup Revealed – Sonic Advance 2 and Mega Collection Make Appearance

SEGA has officially announced its lineup of games to show off at the Tokyo Game Show taking place next week. And boy, it’s a lot of games. On the Sonic front, GBA sequel Sonic Advance 2 and Sonic Mega Collection will be on display, while there is the suggestion of a few new game announcements from Sonic Team.

Continue reading SEGA’s Tokyo Game Show 2002 Lineup Revealed – Sonic Advance 2 and Mega Collection Make Appearance
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Sonic Team is Developing a New Game for Sony’s PlayStation 2

It begins. After a spell of developing games exclusively for Nintendo’s Gamecube, Yuji Naka has reportedly confirmed that Sonic Team is working on a new project for rival Sony console, the PlayStation 2. What could it be?

Continue reading Sonic Team is Developing a New Game for Sony’s PlayStation 2
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Phantasy Star GBA Collection Will Feature New Improvements

Phantasy Star Online not quite giving you that sci-fi RPG fix you need? Well then, you’re probably looking forward to the classic Phantasy Star Collection on Game Boy Advance then! THQ has shared the first images of the compilation, and revealed some more details on how these games will be presented.

Continue reading Phantasy Star GBA Collection Will Feature New Improvements
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New PSO Soundtrack Releasing 19 September in Japan

It didn’t take long for more information on the PSO Soundtrack to come to light, and we now have some concrete knowledge on release date and track listing. The official title of the OST will be “Phantasy Star Online: Song of Ragol Odyssey ~Soundtrack Episode I & II~” and will launch in Japan on 19 September.

Continue reading New PSO Soundtrack Releasing 19 September in Japan
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PSO Episode I & II to Get 2CD Original Soundtrack Release

If you’re a fan of the atmospheric sounds of Phantasy Star Online, like we are, then you’ll be happy to hear that SEGA is planning to release a 2CD Original Soundtrack of the upcoming Gamecube version’s ‘Episode I & II’ music.

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Free SEGA GBA Demos Available to Japanese Shoppers This Summer

Japanese Sonic Team fans are being treated very well this Summer! Not only do they have a Sonic Party to look forward to, but according to a new report SEGA will be offering trial versions of GBA games at various Tokyo-based department stores so they can get a taste of Sonic Team magic. Continue reading Free SEGA GBA Demos Available to Japanese Shoppers This Summer

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PSO Hacker Inadvertently Breaks Gamecube Trial Version, Blames Sonic Team

Well, that was quick. Seems like criminal punishments aren’t doing much to deter hackers from getting their sticky fingers on Sonic Team’s Phantasy Star Online, as the Gamecube version’s trial has already been compromised in Japan. And the user behind the original vulnerability break has blamed the developer for negligence. Continue reading PSO Hacker Inadvertently Breaks Gamecube Trial Version, Blames Sonic Team

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Sonic Team Has PSO E3 Models Stolen

Oh no! Remember when we reported on Sonic Team developing a new episode in the Phantasy Star Online series? The studio had a display for this ‘PSO Card Battle’ game, with some model figurines on show. Those prototype models have been stolen! Continue reading Sonic Team Has PSO E3 Models Stolen

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New Phantasy Star Online Card Game Announced By… Nintendo?

Surprise! If an upgraded version of Phantasy Star Online on Gamecube isn’t enough to satisfy your Sonic Team RPG appetite, Nintendo has decided to let everyone know that a brand new entry in the series is in development. This one, though, involves playing cards! Continue reading New Phantasy Star Online Card Game Announced By… Nintendo?

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NiGHTS and Puyo Puyo Minigames Unlockable on PSO Gamecube

Missing Sonic Team’s Saturn classic, NiGHTS into Dreams? Yeah, we are too. Puyo Puyo too. Well, if you’re planning to pick up the Gamecube version of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II, you will be able to play micro-sized versions of both games on your Game Boy Advance!
Continue reading NiGHTS and Puyo Puyo Minigames Unlockable on PSO Gamecube

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Report: PSO Episode I & II Will Support Voice Chat on Xbox

Looks like Xbox-owning Phantasy Star Online players will get something a little extra when the online RPG releases later this year. According to a report from TSSZ, Episode I & II will support Xbox Live’s voice chat system in addition to the usual text communications available on the Gamecube version.
Continue reading Report: PSO Episode I & II Will Support Voice Chat on Xbox

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PSO Episode I & II Will Require a Subscription, Cross-Platform Play Killed

Some disappointing news in the Phantasy Star Online universe, depending on how you were hoping to play and whether you have deep pockets. SEGA has confirmed that the upcoming Episode I & II game on Gamecube and Xbox will require subscription payments – and no, you won’t be able to play between the different consoles either. Continue reading PSO Episode I & II Will Require a Subscription, Cross-Platform Play Killed

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PSO Servers to Undergo Maintenance in May to Prep for Gamecube Version

If you’re an avid Phantasy Star Online player, you should be aware that on one particular day this month you may not be able to access the online RPG at all. It’s all in preparation for something greater, trust us… Continue reading PSO Servers to Undergo Maintenance in May to Prep for Gamecube Version

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PSO Features in SEGA’s E3 2002 Lineup – But No Sonic

SEGA has unveiled its E3 2002 showcase lineup, and it looks like Phantasy Star Online will get a fair bit of attention on the Sonic Team side of things. But, unless there’s a sneak announcement happening during the show, it appears that Sonic himself won’t be showing up in any form.
Continue reading PSO Features in SEGA’s E3 2002 Lineup – But No Sonic

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PSO for Gamecube Postponed?

In news that might surprise no-one, Sonic Team has reportedly announced that the release date of Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II on Gamecube has been delayed. Continue reading PSO for Gamecube Postponed?

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Rumour: PSO To Offer Xbox and Gamecube Cross-Play

Seems like the upcoming release of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II is going to be much more significant than we thought, if recent rumours are to be believed. Apparently, the game will allow for cross-play between Nintendo Gamecube and Microsoft Xbox players. Continue reading Rumour: PSO To Offer Xbox and Gamecube Cross-Play

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PSO Episode I & II Will Update and Remix Original Dreamcast Content

New details on Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II – and by extension, the upcoming trial version of the game that’s coming next month – have been coming thick and fast. Some of the more interesting tidbits that have appeared relate to how content from the original Dreamcast game will be handled. Continue reading PSO Episode I & II Will Update and Remix Original Dreamcast Content

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PSO Gamecube Trial Won’t Be Broadband Compatible

Sonic Team recently revealed that a trial version of Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II on Gamecube will hit Japanese store shelves in May, but if anyone was hoping for some broadband-speed Rappy-bashing next month they can forget it.
Continue reading PSO Gamecube Trial Won’t Be Broadband Compatible

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Phantasy Star Collection Among New List of SEGA Titles Heading to Game Boy Advance

A collection of retro Phantasy Star RPGs will be released on Game Boy Advance next year as part of a new wave of SEGA title hitting Nintendo’s handheld. Continue reading Phantasy Star Collection Among New List of SEGA Titles Heading to Game Boy Advance

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Phantasy Star Could Be Offline on Gamecube

Sonic Team seems to be doing its best to bring everything it has in its portfolio to Nintendo’s Gamecube, but if Yuji Naka’s words recently are any indication there could be trouble in paradise, with the developer saying that its upcoming port of Phantasy Star Online may not actually come with the… well, ‘Online’ part. Continue reading Phantasy Star Could Be Offline on Gamecube

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Phantasy Star Online for Gamecube Could Include Brand New Stage

It’s been a while since we’ve reported on any new Phantasy Star Online info, right? Well, that might well change very soon as the rumour mill starts up on the upcoming Nintendo Gamecube release, which will apparently include a few more features over its Dreamcast counterpart. Including a new stage… Continue reading Phantasy Star Online for Gamecube Could Include Brand New Stage

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