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Morio Kishimoto, the director for Sonic Frontiers, has been prettytalkative on Twitter lately. In his latest surprise Twitter revelation, he appears to have confirmed that there will be more side-scrolling Sonic games at some point. Eventually. This came from a discussion between Kishimoto and Twitter user @RealJellyLord.
Many (including a few TSS staff members) took this to be a confirmation that a 2D Sonic game was in active development. But RealJellyLord quickly clarified this to not be the case. Of course, we already know that that more Sonic things are coming this year. Whether a 2D game will be among those things remains to be seen, but we’ll know soon enough.
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Recently, Sony announced that it was making big changes to its PlayStation Store. From Monday 19 October, you will no longer be able to purchase PS3, PSP or PS Vita games from a desktop web browser, and from 28 October on mobile browser. This may have an impact on your ability to buy and download a range of Sonic games, so consider this a Public Service Announcement.
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Good things come in pairs, and following the Sonic sale on the U.S. Nintendo eShop, Microsoft joins in with intense 50% discounts on ten more Sonic games for multiple Xbox Marketplace regions, most of which aren’t part of the Nintendo sale. As a reminder, all these games are playable on the Xbox One, and will likely be playable on the Series X in the near future.
Prices in USD/GBP respectively.
Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis) – $2.49/£1.69
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis) – $2.49/£1.69
Sonic CD – $2.49/£1.69
Sonic the Fighters – $2.49/£1.69
Sonic Adventure – $2.49/£1.69
Sonic Adventure 2 – $4.99/£3.37
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I – $4.99/£3.37
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II – $7.49/£4.99
Sonic Unleashed – $7.49/£5.99
Sonic Generations – $9.99/£7.49
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Whether you’re feeling charitable this holiday season, or just want a bunch of Sonic games for super cheap, Humble Bundle has an offer for Sonic fans: the Humble Sonic Bundle. The money given to this bundle will go to Extra Life, Save the Children, the Willow Foundation, and Access Sport. Alternatively, your money can also be given to any charity in Humble Bundle’s database.
Anyone who’s able to give at least $1 to charity will receive the following games on Windows through Steam:
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2 (with Battle DLC)
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1
Sonic CD
For those who have a little more to spend, the following games can be had for the current donation average of $7.20:
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Collection
Sonic Lost World
Sonic Generation Collection
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2
And finally, for anyone who wants to more than double their donation to $15, they can get the latest games, including:
Sonic Mania
Sonic Forces
The bundle will be available from now until the end of the year. You can check it out here.
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Sega Forever, the free to play service which offers classic Sega titles for free on mobile devices has updated today to include Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2.
Originally released back in May 2012 (6 years ago), Episode 2 was one the whole a much better received game than Episode 1, with boss battles being more original and varied, level design noticeably improved and the inclusion of Tails to allow for special co-op moves.
The Sega Forever version has made one significant change to the original release, Episode Metal is now available immediately, previously you had to purchase both Episodes 1 & 2.
Sonic 4 Episode 2: Is now available on Google Play & the Ios App Store.
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SEGAbits have reported on their twitter that the game has received and update for the first time in 3 years with the following notes (in case you can’t see the above image for any reason):
–Bug fixes for iOS 7, 8, and 9
–Fixed crash on boot
This update numbered Version 2.1.3 is live in US, Canada, and EU.
SEGAbits also mentioned that the game still doesn’t lock-on with Episode 1 to unlock Episode Metal.
How does the game fare now on iOS after the update? Let us know in the comments!
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
After initially becoming unusable following the iOS 7 update back in 2013, reports are coming in from iOS device owners that 2012’s Sonic 4: Episode 2 has become functional once again, following the new iOS 8.3 firmware update.
The game was pulled from Apple’s App Store several months after the discovery of the incompatibility problems, following a promise from SEGA of an update to restore functionality never materialised. The game remains off the store, meaning that only those who bought the game whist it was available will be able to play the game now.
Whilst the game now appears to function with the new iOS software, players are also reporting noticeable bugs during the game (and in the case of some devices like the iPhone 6, still not functioning at all), meaning the app is still not running at optimum performance. The most noticeable of these bugs is that skipping cutscenes causes the game to freeze and crash.
We’ll keep our eyes out for any more reports, and will update with any further details as we get them.
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If you havn’t heard of the Ouya yet, you probably won’t care much about this particular bit of news, and if you don’t know what Ouya is, then you might want to look it up.
Anyway, on june 27th, Sega is going to release three Sonic games on the system, they include, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (episode 1 & 2) and Sonic CD, all of which have been optimised for Ouya’s Tegra 3 processor.
The interesting part about this deal is the change in strategy. When players download the titles, they will be able to play a the first levels of Sonic 4 episode 1 and Sonic CD for free, and the first two levels of Sonic 4 Episode 2 for free. If they like the game, they can purchase the full game later on.
Each game will cost $6.99 each. The deal is only for these three titles and there was no mention of plans to expand the number of Sega games at this time.
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For all two of you who haven’t bought every Sonic game, here’s a great deal!
Greenman Gaming is selling ten of Sonic’s biggest titles for $26.95 American. Titles included are…
Sonic Generations
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing
Sonic 4: Episode 2
Sonic 4: Episode 1
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic CD
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Sonic 2
Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
That’s pretty much Sonic’s main gaming history not including side games and Colors. Even if you have these games on other consoles, it’d be kinda nice to have them all together on your P.C. Don’tcha think? It doesn’t say when this sale ends, but I’m sure it won’t last too long.
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If you’ve been holding out for when this game would receive a discount, today’s the day! Well… for PS3 owners living in the EU that is. As part of Sony’s Festive Sale, Sonic 4: Episode 2 is now half price and members of Playstation Plus can receive an additional discount too.
From now until January 9th 2013 you can get the game for £4.99 or if you’re a PS+ user £4.49. Considering the original price on this was £9.99 that’s quite a decent saving. Remember this is only for people living in the EU right now, you will probably have to wait until next week to find out if the same deal is offered to US residents.
Thanks to Carbo for the tip.
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You might remember earlier this year how we reported on Starbucks (UK) offering customers free download codes for Sonic 4 Episode 1? Well it looks like it’s the turn of you guys across the pond.
As part of Starbucks’ Pick of the Week promotion. Sonic 4 Episode 2 will be given away to anyone who enters a Starbucks store in North America and Canada. The promotion started on Tuesday (November 20th) and will expire on Tuesday 27th November, however the codes will be good until February 12th 2013.
If it’s anything like the UK Promotion, chances are you can find the codes where you collect your drink… and if you’re very naughty, you can probably take more than one code. So if you’ve not tried episode 2 yet or fancy a copy for your iOS device, now might be a time to head to Starbucks.
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This was borderline Freak-Out Friday material… But hey, why not start our week off with this?
Like a bad joke, Arique decided to combine the infamous Carnival Night Zone’s music with the hypnotic Afro Circus by Marty, the zebra of Madagascar fame.
The result? This addicting mash-up!
Okay, now remove Carnival Night from the equation, and replace it with Oil Desert.
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As if the world hasn’t seen enough Michael Jackson/Sonic mash-ups, Hyper-Shan of the SSMB decided to combine one of the King’s tracks with something a little more recent than most combinations.
Thus, fusing Sky Fortress Acts 2 and 3 of Sonic 4: Episode II with They Don’t Care About Us, this mash-up was born!
On that note, happy birthday to Shan as well! Have a good one!
Found an interesting mash-up for a future Mash-Up Monday? Have one of your own you’d want to see featured? Then don’t hesitate to send it over to vizardjeffhog@sonicstadium.org!
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Earlier today, Sega announced that the Android version of Sonic 4: Episode 2 is now available to download on… things that can run android stuff? Please don’t ask me to explain what an Android device is, I’m still trying to figure out predictive text!
But if you do own an Android device and don’t have Episode 2, you can now download the game for your Android device here for £5.27, or if you own a Tegra system you can download that here for £5.38.
Furthermore, Sega announced that they would be at the Developer Sandbox conference to talk about episode 2 and answer questions about the game.
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Sonic 4: Episode 2 has got a tough, uphill road to climb. While critics loved the first Sonic HD game in 2-D, many fans were outraged by its poor physics, unoriginal levels with cheesy gimmicks and uninspired boss fights. Add to that, the far superior gameplay of Sonic Generations and many gamers may already be dismissing this next chapter while critics who praised the first game are already looking at this second chapter with a more discerning eye. Continue reading TSS REVIEW: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
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Gone live a few minutes ago, Sonic 4: Episode II is now available for purchase off the Xbox Live Marketplace. The game is priced at 1200 points and should be available worldwide.
Those who are away from their consoles at the moment can reserve a downloadable copy of the Sonic 4 saga’s second entry right off the game’s Xbox Live Marketplace product page and start the download immediately when they get home.
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[UPDATE] The main website has updated with Sky Fortress Zone and Episode Metal in accordance with S4EII‘s launch, including some new screenshots. Thanks to MilesKnightwing for the tip! Prices for the game are now included in the article as well. Original post below!
Showcasing the four main zones and bosses in action, the launch trailer to Sonic 4: Episode II was unveiled today in conjunction with the releases of the PSN and PC versions of the game. The new trailer also unveils the iOS release date: the game will be available off the iTunes App Store on the 17th, two days from now.
SEGA Blog also listed the prices for the different versions of the game: $14.99/€12.99/£9.99/AUD$18.25 off the PlayStation Network and Steam, 1200 points from the Xbox Live Marketplace, and $6.99/€5.49/£4.99/AUD$7.49 for the iOS and Android versions.
Check out the True Blue Initiative and the new screenshots after the jump!
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Less than a week ahead of its release on XBLA and PSN, SEGA of Japan have released a small avalanche of new screenshots showcasing White Park Zone in action. See Sonic and Tails facing Metal Sonic, traversing the cold, slushy waters and more big boss action!
Chill out and hit the jump to feast your ice on all the new screenshots!
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The Xbox Live Marketplace product page for Sonic 4: Episode II gave two new Oil Desert screens today, one of those showcasing the oil rig stage’s boss.
As a reminder, the game is confirmed to begin release this month: May 15th for the Playstation Network and PC, and May 16th for the Xbox Live Arcade. It is also due for release this month on iOS devices, an exact date yet to be confirmed.
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A slew of 14 high quality screenshots have just surfaced regarding Sylvania Castle Zone and the massive Egg Serpentleaf boss of the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II. Not much to say other than they look gorgeous!
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Yesterday it was announced that Sega would be bringing a selection of Sonic 4 Episode 2 themed avatars to PSN users ahead of the release of Episode 2. Well the avatars are now live on the EU PSN and can be downloaded for the low price of 21p each. For those in the US, you’ve gotta wait another week for them. You can see a quick photo gallery of the avatars after the break as well as details of other Sonic related happenings on the PSN.
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It’s no secret that the tag-team abilities of Sonic and Tails are going to be a major part of Sonic 4: Episode 2’s gameplay, and at last we have some official details on them. SEGA’s Mike Kebby took to the PlayStation Blog to tell us about what we can expect from the real super power of teamwork in the second episode of the Sonic 4 saga.
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Following on from yesterdays new trailer and announcement of ‘Episode Metal,’ the Japanese Sonic 4 website has updated and with it, lots of new screenshot’s including images of ‘Episode Metal.’
The website also confirms the new level to be named ‘Oil Desert Zone’
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UPDATE: Click to the comment section to see the full trailer. Updated the title since Metal appears to just have his own episode separate from the main game.
Just revealed on Gamespots “On the Spot” was that owners of both Sonic 4 episodes (on the same system I believe) will get “lock-on” technology where you will be able to play as Metal Sonic! Plus, purchasing both episodes gives you four exclusive levels. Along with this news, the release date have been revealed for the US. May 15th for PSN, May 16th for LIVE, later May for PC, June for Android and July for Windows Mobile. Also, expect to see a new trailer with a new level revealed later today.
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A selection of Sonic 4: Episode 2 avatars have been put up for sale on the Xbox Marketplace this week. The selection of items include your usual suspects such as clothing and toys. However also included in the selection is an Episode 2 cartridge and Special Stage half pipe avatar prop.
See a full selection of whats on offer after the break.
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This mystical statue has a familiar face to it. Yup, taken pretty much directly from the Marble Garden zone, it’s the “Strange Relief”. Why that name? Well, besides it’s red jewel flashing as you get near which triggers arrows to shoot at you from it’s mouth, it also doubles as a toilet. Just don’t ask me how.
A little birdie told me about the next piece of art. Read on on to see it.
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Tomorrow will see the release of the Segabits podcast, Sonic Talk: Episode 4. In it, me and Alex interview Ken Balough about all things Sonic 4:Episode 2. One thing that’s been discussed in other forums and kinda revealed lately is how the physics are shaping up and it’s all good. Here’s what Ken had to say on the new and improved Sonic 4-2 physics.
You’ll notice the changes right from the get-go. We took fan feedback and made sure he doesn’t uncurl. So now when he rolls up those hills, he’ll stay in ball-attack form. The other thing was to start having the game have more momentum style physics similar to the Genesis. In act 2 of Silvania Castle, it starts off at a big hill. So if you just put Sonic towards the edge and have him tuck and roll (not spindash) and let him roll naturally, you can put your controller down because not only will he roll down that hill, but he’ll actually pick up speed and roll off a ramp (for example) and have it similar in essence to the way it was on the Genesis.
Check out Sonic Talk 4:Episode 2 tomorrow on the Segabits website (or use the link I’ll provide later on this site) to find out more on the physics, how Sonic CD is now embedded into Sonic 4 and the Genesis trilogy, what kind of adaption will be in the Archie magazine, which versions have “transfarring” and much more!
Also, you’ll get to hear some nerds talk about Game Gear games and the Sonic Advance series so…win win!
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This path has a branch! Branching paths confirmed!
Beleaf it or not, there’s some contraverstree over this piece of artwork. I’m stumped that someone would find this oakfensive, but they’ve really flipped their twig about it! Frankly, I think they’re barking up the wrong tree. They need to get to the root of the problem and tell Sega what kind of art they pine for. Maple they’ll listen. Don’t beat around the bush either or your efforts will be foilaged! Take a fern stance on the issue! No ifs, Ents or buts about it!
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I would like to apologize (or make some of you happy) on the lack of bad puns in this weeks post. I mean, last week gave us ice cubes and a snowman. I coulda gone on for days just on that! But this weeks art is hard to write around as far as puns go. Here we have…A Ring Shooter. Yup. That’s what it is alright. Ummm… I guess Sonic won’t have to worry about ring around the tube? It’s totally tubular? “SIGH!” Sorry. That’s the best I got. Read on for…a floating platform.
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Given that we got a brand new gameplay trailer this week and a ton of other Sonic 4-2 news, this week’s concept art from the Sega blogs left me cold. Even it’s pile of potential puns could not thaw my frozen heart. I mean, last week we got a cube.This week, several. Only…frozen. This ice wall is perfect for Sonic to break with his face. Why does he do that? Anyway, maybe I should just chill out and have you read on to see another piece of art that’s snow joke! (Ha! I sleigh me!)
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Some may find this new badnik un”bear”able. Some may find him to be totally loveable. My feelings on the matter are completely polar. Sega’s Snowy here may look menacing, but I bet good ol’ Bark is worse than his bite. (Okay, that’s stretching it.) If these puns leave you cold, I’m afraid the ones after the link are really square. (Y’know, sometimes these are so bad I wanna slap myself.)
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The bad puns continue as Sega gives us our first look at a non-badnik piece of concept art. This flipping platform hides a spring underneath that Sonic should be able to take advantage of if timed right. Read on to see a very familiar badnik who’s neither a Skylander nor a rapping kung-fu onion, but shares the same name.
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My dung is made up of pure Sonic 4-1 data code! (Just kidding folks.)
If you thought yesterday was the only day for new Sonic 4-2 concept art, you were wrong! Today, Sega has released another pair of badniks to show off. The first one is “Scarabesque”. A scarab dung beetle badnik who’s much cuter than the rabble of badniks we’ve been getting of late. Maybe this is to make up for the fact that he’s rolling a soccerball of electronic poop. I’m betting said dung is also a bomb in disguise. Read on to find another badnik who’s less of a stinker.
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