Mash-Up Monday: Afro Circus Zone

This was borderline Freak-Out Friday material… But hey, why not start our week off with this?

Like a bad joke, Arique decided to combine the infamous Carnival Night Zone’s music with the hypnotic Afro Circus by Marty, the zebra of Madagascar fame.

The result? This addicting mash-up!


Okay, now remove Carnival Night from the equation, and replace it with Oil Desert.

Continue reading Mash-Up Monday: Afro Circus Zone

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Two New Oil Desert, Boss Screenshots

The Xbox Live Marketplace product page for Sonic 4: Episode II gave two new Oil Desert screens today, one of those showcasing the oil rig stage’s boss.

As a reminder, the game is confirmed to begin release this month: May 15th for the Playstation Network and PC, and May 16th for the Xbox Live Arcade. It is also due for release this month on iOS devices, an exact date yet to be confirmed.


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