It may be hard to believe, but Sonic Colors, the Sonic Team game exclusively for Nintendo consoles that supposedly sparked a minor renaissance of sorts for the series, has been on the scene for a decade now!
Continue reading Retrospective: Sonic Colors Ten Years Later
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What you’ll see is a rare video showcasing the original Sonic DS Tech Demo that was shown off at E3 2004 as a means of demonstrating the system’s graphical capabilities and potential uses of the bottom touch screen. The footage shows the full level with the direct-feed audio intact (with a bit of background noise). Continue reading Rare look at the scrapped Sonic DS E3 2004 Tech Demo
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You all remember Sonic Chronicles right? No? Too bad, because it happened!

I was thinking about it just now and I’ve thought about this topic before about what Sega could’ve done differently for Sonic’s grand debut in the RPG genre, so now I think it’s a good time to talk about it and brainstorm some ideas!
Continue reading HoL’s Musings: Sonic needs another shot at an RPG
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UPDATE: I just found out and added that Marvelous (then known as MarvelousAQL) helped with Mario & Sonic London 2012 3DS!
Hello again! 🙂 Over the past while I’ve made lookbacks covering two Sonic games on Nintendo systems, specifically Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity and Sonic Unleashed, both for Wii, and I thought, you know what, why don’t I just cover the whole history? Of course, the opinions in this article reflect my own thoughts and may not reflect the thoughts of the other Staff members. With that, let’s start from the very beginning…

A rivalry past, comes friendship to last
Continue reading UPDATE: The Spin: A look into Sonic’s history with Nintendo
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According to the LinkedIn profile of Bioware’s Mitchell Fujino, the developer has a unnanounced handheld game in development. Fujino previously worked on Bioware’s last handheld title, the poorly received at retail Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood for Nintendo DS, which was Sonic’s first step into RPG gaming. The game’s ending left the story wide-open for a sequel, so could this be that sequel? With the Nintendo 3DS on the way, could the game (whatever it is) be headed to that system? Speculate away in the comments, but remember that Bioware are now linked with EA, so this could be anything at all.
Source: Mitchell Fujino’s LinkedIn profile via GoNintendo
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NintendoDifference have posted up a new gameplay video of Sonic Colours on the Nintendo DS in which we get a look at the whole of Tropical Resort Zone Act 1 in it’s handheld form. Before the Act we also get a look a the DS version’s title screen, menu’s and stage select screens too. The act runs smoothly with plenty of speed and fun little gimmicks mixed into the stage to keep players on their toes. You’ll also notice the red Wisp’s fire and boost powers we’ve seen before are briefly used in this video to help get about in high places. A new sequence we’ve not seen yet in the form of a glider is shown in the video too where Sonic needs to move around the screen to avoid bombs while collecting rings much like the very similar sequence in the first Sonic Rush game.
One odd thing of note is at 1:57, Sonic gets a speed boost downhill coming on to level ground but falls straight into the water rather than running on it like he would in the two Sonic Rush games. Could Sonic not have the ability to run on water in this game?
Thanks to TheNintendoWiiPlayer at the SSMB for the find!
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So while TSS takes a break from competitions for a moment, our friends over at Sonic Wrecks are taking up the reins! In fact they’ve got an extremely tasty morsel to give away in the form of the Sonic Classic Collection Limited Edition Collectors Tin set, containing a copy of Sonic Classic Collection on the Nintendo DS, 5 glossy postcards of classic art, and a First4Figures mini Sonic statue. This isn’t available outside of Spain and Australia, so this is a must-have for you die-hards outside those regions!
All you have to do is simple:
Sonic Classic Collection brings the classic quintet of Sonic’s original Mega Drive outings to the Nintendo DS for the first time, but what we want to know is something completely bogus. That’s right, I want your best entirely ficticious Sonic The Hedgehog “facts”! The best one wins… simples!
If you’re stuck for ideas, here’s an example: “The idea for the character of Knuckles the Echidna came about from one of Yuji Naka’s anecdotes, in which he claims to have defended himself against an army of Nintendo fanboys in a bar fight, using only an anteater “.
Ok, so my mind works in wonderful ways. Lucky for you, I’ve already got one. It’s very nice.
Anyway, the competition is open until the 26th of March 2010, so get yer thinking caps on; a crackers fact could bag yourself a lovely piece to add to your collection!
Check out Sonic Wrecks for full details and to enter!
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Sonic Classic Collection bringing Sonic’s legendary Mega Drive titles to a portable platform has just been released today in Europe for Nintendo DS and to mark the occasion SEGA Europe have issued a press release and a launch trailer showcasing the game in action.
LONDON (12th March, 2010) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® America, Inc., are pleased to confirm that Sonic Classic Collection™ is now in stores. For the first time ever, the original games from legendary gaming icon Sonic The Hedgehog™ – Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Sonic & Knuckles – will be playable on the Nintendo DS™!
Sonic Classic Collection allows fans both old and new to speed through the much loved zones of the four original Mega Drive adventures, in a bid to collect the chaos emeralds and save the world. Optimised to take full advantage of the Nintendo DS system, Sonic Classic Collection will feature a new save anywhere feature, a first in this original series, meaning that the games can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime!
For more information please visit For press assets please visit
Thanks to Sonic Wrecks owner and SEGA Europe Community Manager ArchangelUK for the heads up!
Press release at Sonic Wrecks
Launch trailer direct link at SEGA Europe’s YouTube Channel
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Under all the Project Needlemouse mania SEGA Europe have quietly updated the product page for upcoming portable retro-fest Sonic Classic Collection. The page now displays a 12th March 2010 release date. Continue reading SEGA Europe Reveals Sonic Classic Collection Release Date
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SEGA Europe and SEGA Australia have just revealed on their product page’s for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing that the game will be revealed on all 5 platforms PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS and PC Friday 26th February 2010. Continue reading SEGA Europe & Australia Reveal ASR Release Date
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Sega of America have also set up a product page for the game and list a release of Spring 2010 for the U.S./UPDATE END
SEGA Europe have officially unveiled Sonic Classic Collection for Nintendo DS, a game most in the community have known about since it’s appearance at the BBFC website we reported on. We also revealed the game was headed for Nintendo DS after it appeared at the OFLC website.
Martin-the fat ninja who works on the Sonic City Blognik with ArchangelUK has revealed a press release and screenshots for the game this afternoon. We have the press release and screens for you below –
LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (XX November, 2009) — SEGA Europe Ltd and SEGA of America, Inc. today announced that, for the first time ever, the original games from legendary gaming icon, Sonic The Hedgehog™ will be coming to the Nintendo DS™ system early 2010. Sonic Classic Collection™ gathers together the first four Sonic The Hedgehog adventures – Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Sonic & Knuckles – introducing some of the most influential Sonic titles to a whole new generation of gamers exclusively for the DS.
Sonic Classic Collection allows fans both old and new to speed through the much loved zones of the four original Mega Drive adventures, in a bid to collect the chaos emeralds and save the world. Optimised to take full advantage of the Nintendo DS system, Sonic Classic Collection will feature a new save anywhere feature, a first in this original series, meaning that the games can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime! Gamers will also be given the chance to expand their knowledge with a wealth of extras including video and collectable pictures that are sure to be fan favourites.
“The phenomenal successes of the original Sonic games are the pillar of today’s Sonic brand recognition” commented Gary Knight, European Marketing Director SEGA Europe. “Sonic Classic Collection for DS will allow a new audience to enjoy a timeless collection of games, whilst older Sonic fans can revel in the nostalgia of playing their favourite Sonic titles. It’s a perfect amalgamation of heritage and new generation entertainment”
Sonic Classic Collection for the Nintendo DS™ system will hit stores in March 2010.

Thanks to bolt7 at the SSMB for bringing the news to our attention.
SEGA Europe also have the press release at their website and a product page set up with the game’s box art.
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Above is a screenshot of a game coming to SAGE ’09 in 2 weeks, called Sonic Attitude by SFGHQer Endri Lauson. The game is a 2D sidescroller in full 3D. LOOK AT THE PRETTY. LOOK AT IT.
Endri originally designed Attitude for the Nintendo DS, but the recent screenshots that have been coming in have been for the PC version. Endri built the PC version from the ground up in his own custom software development kit:
One thing that I would like to note is that I redefined the engine for the PC version. The PC version will now feature a brand new engine entirely customized by me myself. I like to call it, “Attitude Engine”. It’s an entire SDK for developing Sonic games for PC. In fact, you can you it to develop other types games but Sonic games, but the main sources included are for Sonic in general. The main features in the engine I belive is SSAO and almost-with-no-pre-calculations-at-all Global Illumination.
To play the 2008 tech demo of Sonic Attitude, check out Endri’s website (translated from Portuguese) and follow the progress Endri makes on the game at the official thread at Sonic Fan Games HQ.
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The sequel to the rather-good-if-massmarket-preaching Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games has had its release date confirmed, thanks to a post on the official Sonic City Blognik sporting a snazzy advert. The Nintendo DS and Wii versions of the game will arrive on store shelves on the 16th October 2009.

In addition to this, the official website for the game has been updated, and box artwork have been released for both the Wii and Nintendo DS versions, both of which you can download in high quality from TSS’ Game Archive.
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Well, you’ve been waiting for this one folks!
SEGA have just announced the follow up to last year’s SEGA All-Star’s Tennis with their new title: SEGA All-Star’s Racing! Once again the huge line up of famous faces from SEGA’s past are pitted against each other on the race course for some high-octane action! Don’t expect to be confined to the ground though! It looks like anything goes in this racer, with the line up of vehicles including cars, planes and…bananas?
The game looks set to include the obvious multiplayer title, but with a few twists, as Gary Knight, European Marketing Manager at SEGA states: “The team have pushed the boundaries on what you would normally expect and created a different and unique party racing title whereby you really can’t take anything for granted!”
The game looks set for an early 2010 release, and will be heading to the Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, XBox 360, PC and Nintendo DS!
Be sure to head over to the Official Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Website to watch the trailer, read up on the game and see some nice flashy in-game screenshots!
So, the next question is, which characters will be making it into the game, and what will they be driving?
Personally, I’m hoping for Big the cat in the Froggy Mobile…
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Resident SSMB member ‘KIRBY‘ informed the forums earlier today with some exciting news regarding the release of Sonic Chronicles in Japan. Unlike Europe and America, Japan never saw a release of the game last September, a similar act as with Sonic Rivals 1 and 2’s Japanese no shows. While the majority of Japanese fans simply felt left in the dust, SEGA have finally uploaded a teaser site to the Internet advertising an eastern release for the Nintendo DS turn-based adventure.
Sonic Chronicles was met with mediocre reviews when released in Europe and America last year, with high criticism to the plot and sound track noted. The majority of fans however enjoyed the title, with Bioware’s extensive RPG experience clearly shining through. More information will be uploaded to the website April 10th, hopefully giving us a release date for Japanese fans to look forward to.
Source: SEGA Japan.
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You may have seen TSS Staff member Slingerland’s earlier article regarding GameTrailers nominating Sonic Chronicles in their Biggest Disapointment of 2008 category.
Well now, have made a list of their Top 10 Nintendo Platform Exclusive’s of 2008 and Sonic Chronicles has been given 4th place. Boom Blox made it to 3rd, Zack and Wiki 2nd and Professor Layton 1st. Sonic Chronicles managed to beat the likes of first-party Nintendo titles Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Bros Brawl. Wow! In’s top 50 games across all platforms Sonic Chronicles made it to a respectable 43rd place.
In their review gave Sonic Chronicles a great score of 8/10, the game was praised for it’s graphics and combat.
Do you think the game deserves such high respect? Discuss over at the SSMB topic.
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The wait is finally over. After some interesting Bioware ‘Insider’ videos and a great pre-release hands on at the ‘Summer of Sonic’ event earlier this summer, ‘Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood’ is now officially obtainable in Europe as of today!
American fans don’t fret, as the wait is nearly over for you too. You’ll be able to get yours hands on the game the 30th of this month and enjoy Sonic’s RPG adventures for yourselves.
We’re expecting stores to be packed with hungry RPG gaming Sonic fans, so shop at your own risk! For those still pessimistic about them game, don’t forget to look out for The Sonic Stadium’s very own review of the game coming soon on the main page.
Source: The Internet.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way. have put up a new trailer for Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood out this Friday on Nintendo DS in Europe and the 30th in the U.S. This trailer focuses on the various enemies found in the game and their levels of difficulty. The video also features some awesome new CGI footage of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy battling an whole army of soldiers from the Brotherhood. New enemy character Shade also makes an appearance in CGI form at the end of the trailer. The trailer claims she ‘will push you to the limit’. BRING IT ON SISTER!
You can find the new trailer here.
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SEGA Nerds recently updated their gaming blog earlier today with an interview between Nerds official staff member and fellow brit ‘Graham’ and the lead designer of ‘Sonic Chronicles and the Dark Brotherhood’, Miles Holmes.
Included in the post is a very intriguing 15 minute video between the two involving some more talk on the Nerds proudly named ‘Zoah’ race including Bioware’s original name for them, the discussion of a possible Chronicles sequel Bioware has spoken about with SEGA, some talk over the games sub plots along with varying interaction between characters, the absolute confirmation of eleven playable characters in total, minimum gameplay time being 20+ hours and much more.
You can find the video and source of the article at the Nerds website here. A fantastic interview with some both relieving and interesting new information for the fans. If you’re looking forward to this games release just as much as we are you can except to pick it up in stores at launch late next month!
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way. has named Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood the best DS game at E3. The Bioware-developed Sonic RPG beat out the Chrono Trigger remake, Rhythm Heaven, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, and Puzzle Quest Galactrix. GT stated that the stage demo was a deep, rich experience that really caught their attention at the show floor.
Watch Chronicles win the award.
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Radu… chop!
Hurrah! Who could possibly say no to a bunch of new videos from the latest build of ‘Sonic Chronicles and the Dark Brotherhood’ on the Nintendo DS? Not TSS, that’s for sure! The new videos are viewable at GameTrailers here.
The footage actually may look a little similar to something else to most of you, and that’s because they’re actually videos that were included on the official website when released some weeks back. The difference now? GameTrailers have gone through all the trouble of adding in some ‘banging toonz’ from the game that certainly do sound awesome, and not to mention Sonic like. Continue reading Game Trailers – More Sonic Chronicles footage!
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In the sixth paragraph of this review, you will find a sentence that will make you smile. It reads:
One thing that must be said about Sonic Chronicles‘ combat was that, at least in the demo, it was shockingly fun.
That is really all I needed to read in this preview, but for the sake of this blog entry, I shall summarize for you tl;dr types. WorthPlaying noted that the battle system, while simple for an RPG, is surprisingly “fast and furious”, because many of your attacks hinge on your speed stat, which is what Sonic is all about. Comparisons with a fabulous DS title, Elite Beat Agents, arose when WorthPlaying got their hands on the game’s POW system, which are special attacks that are executed with slides and taps of the stylus. All of these gameplay elements are topped off with respectable graphics, they mentioned.
The other part of this preview that stuck to me was that Bioware has apparently managed all the damn characters in the Sonic universe and actually put them to good use in the gameplay and story department.
If the above statement is true, then I am one happy man, because the only other use I had for all those characters was to shoot, stab, and hang all of them, but SOMEBODY BEAT ME TO IT. Stupid pre-pubescent wank with Windows Movie Maker and too much time on his ugly hands…
Anyway, here’s the full preview:
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OK, we dropped the ball a little bit. We didn’t pick up on the new screenshots released by the SEGA Press guys the other day (we may add them to this article later on though), but these are new-new screens, literally fresh from today’s E3 Experience. What you get here is a few shots of a volcano-esque fiery area where you most likely run into Knuckles and Shadow in. There are some screens of Chao being used in battle, and a few character’s special POW moves too.
Finally, you also get to see the GUN Commander in full cartoony form. Hopefully he won’t break down and cry when he sees Shadow or something. Dude’s a soldier man. Ain’t no time to get sappy now.
Hit the jump for the images, as there are a lot of them. Continue reading E3: 36 New Chronicles Screens
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Well guys its February 8th today, if you live in Europe and if you’ve been out in the shops today you will have noticed a certain DS game with a certain plumber and a certain hedgehog on the cover. Yes, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games for the Nintendo DS has been released today in Europe.
Like the Wii version the game pits Mario and Sonic characters against eachother in a string of Official Olympic events that use the consoles controls to their best. This time the touch screen is used in many creative ways as the Wii remote was.
The DS version also carries with it exclusive events and Dream Events, so even owners of the Wii version may want to check this out.
Sega Europe have released a new trailer that gives a run-down of what the game is about and what you can expect to see.
Stay tuned to Sonic News for updates on the games progress!
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SEGA have handed The Sonic Stadium several exclusive screenshots of the upcoming Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games… er, game on Nintendo DS. The title is scheduled for release on February 8th (that’s this Friday fact fans) and features many events found in the Wii version, only downsized and built for the touch screen portable. There will also be a few Nintendo DS specific events, including Cycling and Basketball.

Basketball involves touching balls on the touch screen and throwing them upwards to land in the moving basket nets in the top screen. Power up balls appear including ones that block opponent’s nets, lining up your own nets for combos and golden balls for triple points. Here we see Waluigi taking the top gong – we’re not entirely sure whether Rory was playing this game when the screengrabs were taken… Continue reading Mario & Sonic DS Exclusive Screens
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Nintendo Japan have opened a website for Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games DS version.
Aswell as new screenshots and character pages the site show’s how some of the control schemes work with the touch screen. There’s also a page for the events where some aren’t selectable right now and have a shaded screenshot.
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Not exactly pertaining to Sonic, but we all like to know just how well Naoto Ohshima is getting on since he separated himself from SEGA to form Artoon some years ago. Turns out the original character designer is teaming up with Mistwalker’s Hironobu Sakaguchi to create an action RPG for the Nintendo DS called Away.
Not a lot of details are known about the game, as it has just been revealed in the latest issue of Famitsu in Japan. What we do know is that it involves rescuing helpless villages from underground dungeons – with the environments changing every so often, forcing you to constantly adapt to your surroundings. Rescuing more people will expand the village and open up new events and secrets too, we’re told.
Sounds like an interesting concept, we’ll be keeping our eyes on this one.
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Nintendo Europe have released their Wii and DS release schedule for Early 08. Sonic Riders Zero Gravity and Sega Superstars Tennis(both formats) are down for a March 08 release. The March release of Sonic Riders Zero Gravity will mark 2 years since Sonic Riders was released in Europe March 06. Will the 2 year gap provide a great sequel? Only time will tell.
Here’s the full release list: Continue reading Sonic Riders: ZG and Sega Superstars Tennis dated
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Sega have revealed their European Winter release schedule. Among the list are popular upcoming titles such as NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, Sonic Rivals 2 and Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus.
Here is the full list –
December – The Golden Compass (PC, PSP)
December 7 – Sonic Rivals 2 (PSP)
January 11 – Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus (PS2, PC)
January 25 – Ghost Squad (Wii)
January 25 – NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Wii) Continue reading Sega’s Winter releases in Europe dated
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Online retailers are now displaying the European boxart to the DS version of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games which includes the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection logo and is rated 3+ by Pegi.
What these online features are is unknown but will most likely be the same as on the Wii version.
Stay tuned to Sonic News for more information as we get it.
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The title says it all: we finally have screens of the every mysterious Sonic and Mario crossover! What do you think? Continue reading Sonic and Mario screenshots
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Sega has been a rather unpredictable company as of late. A new NiGHTS game, a Sonic & Mario Sports game, various company acquisitions, and now this: a Sonic RPG from the makers of the critically acclaimed games Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire.
Sega has already teamed up with BioWare for an RPG based on the Alien movie franchise, so their choice of developer comes as no surprise.
The title is coming to Nintendo’s DS handheld, and is expected to arrive sometime in 2008. Continue reading Sonic RPG announced!
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Avast ye scurvy dogs!
Late this afternoon it was confirmed by both SEGA Europe and SEGA America, that development is now underway on a sequel to the Sonic Rush title, speculated a few weeks back on TSS. Sonic Rush Adventure is set to wash up on the shores in time for the Autumn this year.
Sonic will this time be pitted against a motley crew of Pirates, while fighting through 7 action-packed stages. Keeping in tradition of Sonic Rush, the game is pegged to “seemlessly Utilise” both of the DS screens once more. Not only that, but players will be able to assemble an Armada of ships to sail the seas, gathering rings, performing tricks and engaging in battles with other ships; all using the DS stylus control. Continue reading Sonic Rush Adventure Confirmed!
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A member of the Sonic Stadium Message Board has dug up a new trademark filed by SEGA on April 2nd 2007, for a product titled “Sonic Rush Adventure”. SEGA neither confirmed or denied such a project when we contacted them this morning.
Sonic Rush was revered as the best Sonic game of recent years when it was released on Nintendo DS in 2005, but it was largely ignored for its home console flop Shadow the Hedgehog instead. This trademark, using a similar name, suggests that a sequel is perhaps in the works. Considering the insane popularity of the DS handheld worldwide, that’s probably not a bad idea.
It is worth pointing out that many trademarks taken out by companies with the best intentions of releasing it as a product end up cancelled or the result of stillborn ideas. Judging by the nature of the title itself, SEGA could even be taking out a trademark to protect the ‘Sonic Rush’/’Sonic Adventure’ name from potential unauthorised games from other companies. So there is a chance that this could turn out to be nothing.
But hey, if it does… more wonderful 2.5D platforming may await us. Many thanks to super sleuth Keiji Dragon from SSMB for the tip. You can view the trademark for yourself here.
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SEGA Europe has treated those fans dedicated enough to have signed up to “SEGA City” with an interview with the producer of Sonic Rush, Akinori Nishiyama.
Nishiyama has been involved with SEGA for some time, starting off working on Phantasy Star IV and PSO and Puyo Pop for SONICTEAM, before directing all three Sonic Advance titles. It shows in Sonic Rush – a game that is very much in style to the GBA games, yet appears to break away from the troublesome level design formula that has dogged previous games. Continue reading Sonic Rush is a Liberation of the Mind!
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It’s that time folks, time for the Sonic promotions to start.
SEGA disappointed us by allowing ‘Sonic Gems Collection’ to go un-hyped to the average games consumer, a trip to stores in the UK revealed a somber launch for the classics compilation, and with a virtual shunning of the Gamecube in even the most specialist of games shops, it’s no wonder why. A search for Japanese sellers on eBay seemed to reveal little had been done to promote the game in Japan either.
Now all attention turns to ‘Sonic Rush’ for the DS. Sonics’ first DS outing should be one to commemorate, and Sega are employing a similar promotional tactic to those used on Sonic R, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Heroes, and Sonic Advance. Continue reading Sonic Rush promotions get underway
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